Diplomarbeit / Masterarbeit
Elucidation of β-Lactam Conjugates and a β-Lactam Receptor Protein for their Application in Lateral Flow Devices for the Detection of Antibiotic Residues
Koenig, Eva Esther. Elucidation of β-Lactam Conjugates and a β-Lactam Receptor Protein for their Application in Lateral Flow Devices for the Detection of Antibiotic Residues [Internet] [Master / Diploma Thesis]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2012. Available from: http://permalink.obvsg.at/bok/AC10485034
BOKU Beteiligte
Sabine Baumgartner
ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Sabine Baumgartner
Rudolf Krska
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.techn. Rudolf Krska