Climate-Growth response of Norway spruce provenances in the Alpine Region – recommendations for alternative seed sources under climate change
Kapeller S. Climate-Growth response of Norway spruce provenances in the Alpine Region – recommendations for alternative seed sources under climate change [Internet]. Austria: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2021. Available from: http://permalink.obvsg.at/bok/AC16424353
BOKU Beteiligte
Manfred Josef Lexer
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Manfred Josef Lexer
Thomas Geburek
Univ.Prof. DDr. Thomas Geburek
Berater(in) 1
Milan Lstiburek
Prof. Ing. Milan Lstiburek MSc. Ph.D.
Peter Spathelf
Prof. Dr. Peter Spathelf