PUBLIZIERTER Beitrag für wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung
Tree rings as a tool for reconstructing historic droughts in northeastern Austria
Karanitsch-Ackerl S, Grabner M, Holawe F, Laaha G. Tree rings as a tool for reconstructing historic droughts in northeastern Austria. In: Vizina A, Laaha G , editors. HYPER Droughts: Hydrological Precipitation Evaporation Runoff Droughts - Book of Abstracts of the 6th EGU Leonardo Conference, 13-14 Nov 2014, Prague, Czech Republic . 2014.
BOKU Autor*innen
Gregor Laaha
Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Gregor Laaha
Michael Grabner
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Michael Grabner
Sandra Karanitsch-Ackerl
Mag. Sandra Karanitsch-Ackerl