Andreas Paul Loibner
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Andreas Paul Loibner
Institut für Umweltbiotechnologie
Standort Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 20, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Tel: +43 1 47654-97470
- 2013 Leitung Fachbereich Geobiotechnologie und Umweltchemie
- 2010 - 2013 Leiter des Instituts für Umweltbiotechnologie
- 2005 - 2006 Gastwissenschaftler bei CSIRO (Adelaide/Australien)
- 2004 - 2010 Stellvertretender Leiter des Instituts für Umweltbiotechnologie
- 2003 Habilitation
- 1995 Promotion
- 1995 Stellvertretender Leiter der Abteilung Umweltbiotechnologie
- 1994 Universitätsassistent am Interuniversitären Forschungsinstitut für Agrarbiotechnologie (IFA-Tulln)
- 1990 Studienabschluß in Biotechnologie (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien)
- 1990 - 1993 Assistent und Projektverantwortlicher am Institut für Angewandte Mikrobiologie (BOKU)
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
(2020) Detailed investigations of high terpene concetrations in biogas laboratory trials
Autoren: Knoll L, Sumetzberger-Hasinger M, Nussbaumer M, Dalnodar D, Loibner A, Drosg B
Central European Biomass Conference 2020
(2016) Passiv-Sammler zur Quantifizierung freisetzbarer PAK in Böden
Autoren: Humel, S; Loibner, AP
Umweltanalytik-Forum 2016
Autoren: Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE; Humel, S; Edelmann, E; Kopp, D; Mayer, P
6th European Bioremediation Conference 2015
(2015) Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils - Achievements and New Challenges
Autoren: Andreas P. Loibner
(2015) Can aged spiked soils reflect bioaccessibility of native PAHs in historically contaminated soils?
Autoren: Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE; Edelmann, E; Humel, S; Kopp, D; Mayer, P
13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources AquaConSoil 2015
(2015) Aged spiked soils cannot resemble desorption and bioaccessibility of native PAHs in historically contaminated soils
Autoren: Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE; Edelmann, E; Humel, S; Kopp, D; Mayer, P
25th Annual Meeting SETAC Europe 2015
(2015) How Biodegradation of Contaminants Contributes to Maintain a Clean Environment
Autoren: Andreas P. Loibner
VI Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Artes Tecnología y Humanidades 2015
(2015) Aged spiked soils cannot resemble desorption and bioaccessibility of native PAHs in historically contaminated soils
Autoren: Loibner, AP; Brandstätter-Scherr, KE; Edelmann, E; Humel, S; Kopp, D; Mayer, P
25th Annual Meeting SETAC Europe 2015
Autoren: Bogolte, TB; Philipp, R; Loibner, AP
6th European Bioremediation Conference 2015
(2014) Methods and technologies for remediation of soil and groundwater at contaminated sites
Autoren: Lorber Karl, Sarc Renato, Scherr Kerstin, Loibner Andreas Paul
CRETE 2014 - 4th international Conference - Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management
(2013) Remediation of crude oil contaminated auifers at nitrate redcucing conditions
Autoren: C. Loderer, W. Fuchs, A. Loibner
Austria-China Workshop on Soil and Groundwater Redmediation
(2013) Extracellular Electron Shuttles in Tar Oil Biodegradation
Autoren: Scherr, K.E., De Schaetzen, A., Sumetzberger-Hasinger, M., Nahold, M. & Loibner, A.P.
AquaConSoil - 12th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management
(2013) Isomon - Isotope application for remediation, aftercare and monitoring of contaminated sites
Autoren: Watzinger, Andrea; Huber-Humer, M; Friesl-Hanl, Wolfgang; Puschenreiter, Markus; Scherr, Kerstin; Loibner, Andreas P., Reichenauer, Thomas
12th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2013
(2013) Enhanced Anaerobic Biodegradation of Tar Oil Pollutants Using Extracellular Electron Shuttles
Autoren: Scherr, K.E., de Schaetzen, A.; Zhang, X.; Loibner, A.; Nahold M.
2nd Battelle Bioremediation Symposium
(2013) A case study of a pump & treat system treating groundwater of a contaminated gas site by combining different physcial and chemcial cleaning steps
Autoren: C. Loderer, A. Loibner, W. Fuchs
China - Austria Workshop on Soil and Groundwater Redmeditation 2013
(2013) Extracellular Electron Carriers Support Anaerobic HET-PAH Oxidation using Poorly Soluble Tea
Autoren: Scherr, Kerstin E. ; Sumetzberger-Hasinger, Marion; Nahold, Manfred; Lundaa, Tserennyam; Lantschbauer, Wolfgang; Loibner, Andreas P.
7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management 2013 ICEEM07
(2013) Welcome to BOKU University & IFA Tulln - A scientific site for biotechnology research in all its facets
Autoren: C. Loderer, W. Fuchs, A.P. Loibner
Workshop Austria - China: Site Visit AIT Austrian Institute of Technology & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
(2013) IFA Tulln - A scientific site for soil and groundwater remediation
Autoren: C. Loderer, W. Fuchs, A. Loibner
China - Austria Workshop on Soil and Groundwater Redmeditation 2013
(2013) Current Challenges in Soil Bioremediation - How can Science Contribute to Recover Soil
Autoren: Loibner, Andreas P.; Sumetzberger-Hasinger, Marion; Lundaa, Tserennyam; Scherr, Kerstin E.;
Protection of Soil Functions – Challenges for the Future
(2012) Invited Oral Presentation of Poster: Use of Vegetable Oil to Enhance Bioaccessibility of Coal Tar Constituents for Soil Remediation
Autoren: Loibner, AP
Joint SSA and NZSSS Soil Science Conference 2012
(2012) Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil & Groundwater
Autoren: Loibner, AP
National Development and Innovation Committee of Mongolia 2012
(2012) Use of Vegetable Oil to Enhance Bioaccessibility of Coal Tar Constituents for Soil Remediation
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Hasinger, M; Loibner, AP
Joint SSA and NZSSS Soil Science Conference 2012
(2012) Toxikologische Tests zur Risikominimierung bei Altlastensanierungsverfahren
Autoren: Wruss, K.W. & Mann, O.; Lorber, K.E. & Bursch, W.; Schöberl, P.; Scherr, K.E. & Loibner, A.P.;
DepoTech 2012
(2012) Understanding Soil-pollutant Interactions as a Prerequisite for Successful Biodegradation of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants
Autoren: Loibner, AP
Invited keynote lecture 2012
(2012) Understanding soil-pollutant interactions as a prerequisite for successful biodegradation of hydrophobic organic contaminants
Autoren: Loibner, A.P. with Edelmann, E. and Scherr, K.E.
7th International Minisymposium on Removal of Contaminants from Wastewaters, Atmosphere, and Soils 2012
(2012) Altspeiseöl zur Verfügbarkeitssteigerung von Teerölkonta¬minanten in Industrieböden
Autoren: Scherr, K.E., Sumetzberger-Hasinger, M., Loibner, A.P.
DepoTech 2012
(2012) Sustainable Technology for Soil Remediation: Selected Topics in Engineered Microbiological Transformation of Crude and Tar Oil Contaminants
Autoren: Loibner, AP
Danube Region Business Forum 2012
(2012) Use of vegetable oil to enhance bioaccessibility of coal tar constituents for soil remediation
Autoren: Loibner, Andreas P.; Hasinger, Marion; Scherr, Kerstin E.
Soil Science. Joint SSA and NZSSS Soil Science Conference. Soil solutions for diverse landscapes.
(2012) Mobilisation of Polycyclic, Alkylated and Heterocyclic tar oil contaminants from industrial soils using lipid extraction
Autoren: Scherr, K.E., Hasinger, M., Loibner, A.P.
Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology in the Frame of the Knowledge-Based Bio&Green Economy 2012
(2011) Invited presentation: Soil Bioremediation, Potential and Constraints
Autoren: Loibner, AP
2nd Annual World Congress of Petro-Microbiology 2011
(2011) Invited opening address at ADSW & EC Conference
Autoren: Loibner, AP
International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011
(2011) Vegetable oil as in situ extractant to increase PAH Bioavailablility: Application in Microbial and Phytoremediation
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Hasinger, M; Lobner, AP
5th European Bioremediation Conference EBC 2011
Autoren: Eva Edelmann, Philipp Mayer, Leslie J. Janik and Andreas P. Loibner
5th European Bioremediation Conference EBC 2011
(2011) Nonlinearity Correction of Soil DRIFT Spectra using the 2518 cm-1 Carbonate Band as Internal Standard
Autoren: Jürgen Kattner, David Lilek, Eva Edelmann, Andreas Paul Loibner, Birgit Herbinger
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2011
(2011) Multivariate analysis of comprehensive GC2/MS derived contaminant profiles with respect to biodegradation performance
Autoren: Vasilieva, V; Janik, L; Loibner, AP
5th European Bioremediation Conference EBC 2011
(2011) Inivited to Panel Discission at the 5th European Bioremediation Conference: Bioremediation: Emerging Areas of Research
Autoren: Loibner, AP
5th European Bioremediation Conference EBC 2011
(2011) Mobilisation of PAHs in Saturated Sub-Surface Soil of a MGP Site by Addition of NaNO3
Autoren: Ausserbrunner, J; Vasilieva, V; Schöberl, P; Loibner, AP
5th European Bioremediation Conference EBC 2011
(2011) Relation between microbial community changes and hydrocarbon degradation under sulphate reducing and methanogenic conditions
Autoren: Lundaa, T; Scherr, KE; Holubar, P; Klose, V; Loibner, AP
5th European Bioremediation Conference EBC 2011
(2011) IFA-Tulln und Erber AG: Eine gemeinsame Erfolgsgeschichte in Food & Feed Safety
Autoren: Loibner, AP
Bilanzpräsentation Erber AG, Krems 2011
(2011) Relation between microbial community changes and hydrocarbon degradation under sulphate reducing and methanogenic conditions
Autoren: Tserennyam Lundaa, Kerstin E. Scherr, Viktoriya Vasilieva and Andreas P. Loibner
5th European Bioremediation Conference EBC 2011
(2010) Optimierung des PAK-Abbaues unter nitratreduzierenden Bedingungen
Autoren: Ausserbrunner, J; Schritter, J; Schöberl, P; Wruss, K; Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE
DepoTech 2010
(2010) In Situ Bioremediation of PCE-Contaminated Sites in Upper Austria: Applicability Study and A Priori Indicators for Successful Implementation
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Loibner, AP; Nahold, M
ConSoil 2010
(2010) Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC/MS) for monitoring heterocyclic and polycyclic aromatic compounds in industrial soils during biodegradation
Autoren: Vasilieva, V; Edelmann, E; Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE
14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition IBS 2010 - Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society
(2010) Förderung des anaeroben mikrobiologischen Abbaus von MKW in der gesättigten Bodenzone
Autoren: Todorovic, D; Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE
DepoTech 2010
(2010) Optimization of Anaeribic PAH Degradation under Nitrate Reducing Conditions in Pilot Scale Experiments
Autoren: Ausserbrunner, J; Schritter, J; Hasinger, M; Schöberl, P; Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE
14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition IBS 2010 - Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society
(2010) Toxikologische Untersuchungen zur Vorbereitung einer In-Situ-Sanierung
Autoren: Wruss, K; Mann, O; Marosits, T; Wolf, T; Ipser, A; Ausserbrunner, J; Loibner, AP; Schöberl, P.
DepoTech 2010
(2010) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons of a Fuel Oil Contaminated Aquifer
Autoren: Todorovic, D; Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE
14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition IBS 2010 - Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society
(2010) Canola Oil Supports Bioremediation of Availability-Limited, PAH-Contaminated Soils
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Hasinger, M; Loibner, AP
SETAC Asia, The 1st International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration and Management
(2010) The Use of Sugars and Biogenic Catalysts for the Bioremediation of PCE-Contaminated Sites: Success and Limitations
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Nahold, M; Loibner, AP
Seventh International Conference on the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds
(2010) Biologisch basiertes Verfahren zur Förderung des anaeroben Abbaus von MKW in der gesättigten Bodenzone: in situ Validierung
Autoren: Dragana Todorovic & Andreas P. Loibner
NUTZRAUM-Workshop bei der Salzburger Landesregierung 2010
(2010) Petroleum hydrocarbon degradation by different methanogenic consortia
Autoren: Lundaa, T; Hummelberger, S; Loibner, AP; Scherr, KE
14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition IBS 2010 - Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society
(2010) A novel two-step treatment for the in situ bioremediation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons
Autoren: Loibner, AP
14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition IBS 2010 - Biotechnology for the Sustainability of Human Society
(2009) Optimisation of microbial remediation for crude oil contaminations
Autoren: Loibner, AP
Technology Platform 2009
(2009) Bioremediation of contaminated sites - a transdisciplinary challenge.
Autoren: Loibner, AP
Invited presentation at the Technical University Graz 2009
(2009) Ökologische Risikobeurteilung - Ansätze zur Beschreibung von Auslösekriterien und Konzepte zum abgestuften Vorgehen (Tiered Approach)
Autoren: Loibner, AP
2. Workshop zur ökologischen Risikobeurteilung des Lebensministerium 2009
(2009) Selection of probiotic strains for combined competitive exclusion treatment in piglets
Autoren: Klose, V; Bayer, K; Bruckbeck, R; Sattler, VA; Loibner, AP; Mair, C; Schatzmayr, G
Joint Annual Meeting ADSA-CSAS-ASAS 2009
(2009) Antagonistic strains isolated from the porcine gastrointestinal tract
Autoren: Klose, V; Bayer, K; Bruckbeck, R; Loibner, AP; Schatzmayr, G
Joint Annual Meeting ADSA-CSAS-ASAS 2009
(2009) Selection of potential probiotic strains for competitive exclusion treatment in pork production
Autoren: Klose, V; Bayer, K; Schmuckenschlager, P; Bruckbeck, R; Henikl, S; Loibner, AP; Schatzmayr, G
11th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs 2009
(2009) Potential und Anwendungsgrenzen des mikrobiellen Abbaus chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe
Autoren: Loibner, AP
CKW Workshop 2009
(2008) Pure versus Complex Electron Donors: Dechlorination Efficiency and Field Implementation
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Grötz, J; Loibner, AP
6th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds 2008
(2008) Addition of Whey, Lactose and Humic Matter Effects Complete Removal of PCE: Transferring Lab-Scale Observations to in Situ Validation
Autoren: Scherr, Kerstin; Nahold, Manfred; Loibner, Andreas P.
4th European Bioremediation Conference 2008
Autoren: Sabine Henikl
3rd International Probiotic Conference IPC 2008 - Probiotics for the 3rd Millenium
(2008) InnoSan: Entwicklung eines biologischen in-situ LCKW Sanierungsverfahrens
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Nahold, M; Loibner, AP
DepoTech 2008
(2008) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation: Increasing Bioavailability by Addition of Canola Oil
Autoren: Scherr, Kerstin; Hasinger, Marion; Castaldini, Francesca; Loibner, Andreas P.
4th European Bioremediation Conference 2008
(2008) Pflanzenöl als Tool zur In-Situ Sanierung von PAK-kontaminierten Böden
Autoren: Wimmer B., K.Alef, C.Delgado, M.H.Gerzabek, M.Hasinger, A.P.Loibner, K.Putz, T.G.Reichenauer, G.Soja, A.Watzinger und B.M.Wilke
DepoTech 2008
(2008) Influence of natural sorbents on the toxicity of PAHs and Hetero-PAHs
Autoren: Wruss, K; Todorovic, D; Loibner, AP
DepoTech 2008
(2008) Strain selection for a safe multistrain feed additive for piglets
Autoren: Klose, V
International Probiotic Conference IPC 2008
(2008) DGGE Fingerprinting of the Total Bacterial and Bifidobacterial Gut Microflora in Response to Feeding with Probiotics and Prebiotics
Autoren: Wegl, G., Sattler, V.A., Plitzner, C., Nitsch, S., Loibner, A.P., Schatzmayr, G., Klose, V.
Gut Microbiome 6th Joint Symposium INRA – RRI 2008
(2008) Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbon degradation: Increasing bioavailability by addition of Canola Oil
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Hasinger, M; Castaldini, F; Loibner, AP
4th European Bioremediation Conference 2008
(2008) Contaminated Land Management - A Multi-Dimensional Task
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited presentation at the Dipartimento di Chimica Applicata e Scienza dei Materiali (DICASM), Alma Mater Studiorum 2008
(2008) Pure versus Complex Electron Donors: Dechlorination Efficiency and Field Implementation
Autoren: Scherr, Kerstin; Grötz, Jutta; Loibner, A.P.
6th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds 2008
(2008) Biologische Sanierungsverfahren - erfolgreiche Anwendung durch Steuerung mikrobieller Prozesse
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited presentation at the Netzwerk Umwelttechnik Meeting OÖ 2008
(2008) InnoSan: Entwicklung eines biologischen in-situ LCKW Sanierungsverfahrens
Autoren: Scherr, Kerstin, Nahold, Manfred, Loibner, Andreas P.
DepoTech 2008
(2008) Contaminated Land Management - from Field to Molecular Scale (Invited presentation)
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
UNIDO Workshop for developing a Contaminated Sites Toolkit 2008
(2008) Stammauswahl für probiotische Mehrstammprodukte und deren praktische Anwendung in der Tierernährung
Autoren: Klose Viviana
ALVA Jahrestagung 2008, Ernähren uns in Zukunft die Energiepflanzen?
(2008) Addition of Whey, Lactose and Humic Matter Effects Complete Removal of PCE: Transferring Lab-Scale Observations to in Situ Validation
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Nahold, M; Loibner, AP
4th European Bioremediation Conference 2008
(2007) Contaminated Land Management - a journey across scales
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited presentation at the Department of Environmental Geoscience
(2007) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on the Bioavailability of Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Sediments as Investigated with Bioassays
Autoren: Wruss, K; Todorovic, D; Loibner, AP
13th Scientific Symposium of APHAR 2007, Joint meeting with the Austrian Society of Toxicology ASTOX and the Hungarian Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology MFT
(2007) Long-Chain Normal Alkane Biodegradation and Ageing in Dissimilar Soils.
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Braun, R; Loibner, AP
9th International In Situ And On-Site Bioremediation Symposium 2007
(2007) Biologische Bodensanierung - Nachhaltigkeit durch Innovation
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Terra GmbH opening of the Soil Research Centre
(2007) Long-Chain Normal Alkane Biodegradation and Ageing in Dissimilar Soils.
Autoren: Scherr, Kerstin; Braun, Rudolf; Loibner, Andreas P.
9th International In Situ And On-Site Bioremediation Symposium 2007
(2007) Efficacy testing of probiotic strains with the cell line IPEC-J2
Autoren: Sabine Henikl, Viviana Klose, Petra Schmuckenschlager, Katharina Bayer, Verity Ann Sattler, Gerd Schatzmayr, Herbert Danner, Andreas P. Loibner
6. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2007
(2007) Nutzungsbezogene Bewertung von Altlasten und kontaminierten Standorten - Handlungsempfehlungen für die Ableitung standortspezifischer Sanierungsziele
Autoren: Reichenauer, T.G., Loibner, A.P., Strebl, F., Rachor, I., Wimmer, B., Friesl-Hanl, W., Gerzabek, M.H.
Bayerisch-Österreichisches Altlastensymposium 2007
(2007) Fraction-Specific Ecotoxicological Evaluation of a Paraffinic Crude Oil
Autoren: Kendler, R., Erlacher, E., Braun R., Loibner, A.P.
17th Annual Meeging on Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC Europe 2007
(2006) Biological detoxification of fumonisins by new bacterial isolates.
Autoren: Täubel, M., Moll, W.-D., Vekiru, E., Frank, A., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Schatzmayr, G.
Myco-Globe International Conference 2006
(2006) Liberation: Linking bioavailability and site-specific ecological risk assessment, a DSS based on the TRIAD approach
Autoren: Mesman, M., Rutgers, M., Dirven, L., Schouten, T., Loibner, A., Jensen, J.
SETAC Europe 16th Annual Meeting 2006
(2006) Evaluation of a multicomponent feed additive for the safe use in poultry production
Autoren: Klose, V., Mohnl, M., Plail, R., Schatzmayr, G., Loibner, A.P.
International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology EAVPT 2006
(2006) BIOVENTING - Ein kostengünstiges Verfahren zur biologischen Sanierung der ungesättigten Bodenzone
Autoren: Loibner A.P., Todorovic, D., Philipp, R., Aichberger, H.
ÖVA-Tagung 2006 - Alternative Technologien zur Altlastensanierung
(2006) Linking HOC Bioavailability with Soil Properties and Biomimetic Methods in Predicting the Fate of Pollutants in Remediation Applications
Autoren: Ehlers, G.A.C., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
International Workshop 2006
(2006) Biologische Entgiftung des Fusarium-Mykotoxins Fumonisin B1 durch neu isolierte Bakterienstämme
Autoren: Täubel, M., Moll, W-D., Vekiru, E., Frank, A., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Schatzmayr, G.
5. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2006
(2006) BIOVENTING - Ein kostengünstiges Verfahren zur biologischen Sanierung der ungesättigten Bodenzone
Autoren: Loibner A.P., Todorovic, D., Philipp, R., Aichberger, H.
ÖVA-Tagung 2006 - Alternative Technologien zur Altlastensanierung
(2006) Biologische Bodensanierung
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Veranstaltung zur Lehrerfortbildung
(2006) Sorption Behaviour of an N-Alkene in Soil and its Influence on Bioavailability for Remediation Application
Autoren: Ehlers, G.A.C., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2006
(2006) Biological detoxification of fumonisins by new bacterial isolates.
Autoren: Täubel, M., Moll, W.-D., Vekiru, E., Frank, A., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Schatzmayr, G.
Myco-Globe International Conference 2006
(2006) Influence of DOM on the Toxicity of Phenanthrene to the Luminiscent Bacteria Vibrio Fischeri
Autoren: Erlacher, E., Filipsson, M., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2006
(2006) EU promoted research towards zootechnical feed additives for the safe use in poultry production.
Autoren: Klose, V., Mohnl, M., Plail, R., Nitsch, S., Schatzmayr, G., Loibner, A.P.
Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting 2006
(2006) Biologische Entgiftung des Fusarium-Mykotoxins Fumonisin B1 durch neu isolierte Bakterienstämme.
Autoren: Täubel, M., Moll, W.-D., Vekiru, E., Frank, A., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Schatzmayr, G.
5. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2006
(2006) Innovative biologische Sanierungsverfahren
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited presentation at the Seminar „Innovative Umweltsanierungen - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Möglichkeiten der Umsetzung”. Veranstalter Dr. Putz ZT-KEG
(2006) Evaluation of a multicomponent feed additive for the safe use in poultry production
Autoren: Klose, V., Mohnl, M., Plail, R., Schatzmayr, G., Loibner, A.P.
International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology EAVPT 2006
(2005) Strategy for the development of a competitive exclusion product for poultry meeting the regulatory requirements for registration in the EU
Autoren: Klose, V., Mohnl, M., Plail, R., Schatzmayr, G., Loibner, A.P.
28th Poultry Science Symposium
(2005) Isolation and Characterization of Microorganisms for the Biological Inactivation of Fumonisins
Autoren: Moll, W.D., Täubel, M., Vekiru, E., Frank, A., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Schatzmayr, G.
12th European Congress on Biotechnology ECB 12 2005
(2005) Constraints to biodegradation of HOC in soil - does bioavailability really matter?
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
International Workshop Fate and Impact of Persistent Pollutants in Agroecosystems 2005, Organized by the IUNG, Wageningen University and Utah State University
(2005) Derivation of "Risk-Based Remediation Targets" for Contaminated Land - Scientific Criteria for Site Specific and Land Use Related Decisions
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Inivited presentation at Common Forum Meeting
(2005) Strategy for the development of a competitive exclusion product for poultry meeting the regulatory requirements for registration in the EU
Autoren: Klose, V., Mohnl, M., Plail, R., Schatzmayr, G., Van der Rest, M., and Loibner, A.P.
Euro-Maghrebin Symposium On Biological, Chemical Contaminants & Safety in Food
(2005) Influence of soil fractions on microbial degradation behaviour of mineral hydrocarbons.
Autoren: Scherr.K., Aichberger, H., Braun, R. and Loibner, A.P.
3rd European Bioremediation Conference 2005
(2005) Influence of probiotic strains on the reduction of intestinal pH
Autoren: Henikl, S.; Plail, R.; Klose, V.; Mohnl, M.; Schatzmayr, G.; Loibner, A.P.
3rd Probiotics and Prebiotics and New Foods Conference 2005
(2005) Isolation and Characterization of Microorganisms for the Biological Inactivation of Fumonisins
Autoren: Täubel, M., Moll, W.D., Vekiru, E., Frank, A., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Schatzmayr, G.
World Mycotoxin Forum 2005
(2005) Bioassays - Recommending a collateral monitoring for the assessment of petrol hydrocarbon contaminated sites
Autoren: Aichberger, K., Aichberger, H., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
International Conference on the Removal or Destruction of Highly Toxic Chemical and Biological Contaminantion 2005 - Decon Downunder
(2005) Environmental Biotechnology for the Eco-Efficient Decontamination of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Polluted Sites in the Newly Independent States (NIS). Invited Lecture.
Autoren: Scherr, Kerstin, Loibner, Andreas P., Aichberger, Hildegard;
Environmental Impact of oil Transportation (ENIMOT)
(2005) Preliminary assessment of sorption/desorption behaviour of an n-alkane in soil.
Autoren: Ehlers, G.A.C., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
3rd European Bioremediation Conference 2005
(2005) PAH uptake by plants from industrially contaminated soils
Autoren: Bogolte, B.T., Braun, R. and Loibner, A.P.
3rd European Bioremediation Conference 2005
(2004) Degradation of PAHs from Contaminated Soil using Combined Treatment including Ozonation and Biodegradation
Autoren: Todorovic, D., Soja, G, Stierschneider, M., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
(2004) Detoxification of relevant mycotoxins in animal feed: trichothecenes, zearalenone, ochratoxin A and aflatoxin B1.
Autoren: Täubel, M., Schatzmayr, D., Vekiru, E., Fuchs, E., Schatzmayr, G., Binder, E. M.
7th International Conference on Mycotoxins and Pathogenic Moulds in the Environment 2004
(2004) Degradation of PAH in contaminated soil: Combination of ozone oxidation and bioremediation
Autoren: Soja, G., Stierschneider, M., Sessitsch, A., Chlan, P., Todorovic,.D., Loibner, A.P.
1st European Conference on Oxidation and Reduction Technologies for Ex-Situ and On-Situ Treatment of Water, Air and Soil
(2004) Bioventing - An efficient in situ technolgy for remediating the Vadose zone
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by the University Bologna, European Summer School “Innovative Approaches to the Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites” at the Faculty of Engineering
(2004) Novel approach to deactivate ochratoxin A
Autoren: Schatzmayr, G., Heidler, D., Fuchs, E., Täubel, M., Loibner, A. P., Braun, R.,Binder, E. M.
11th International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2004
(2004) Enhanced Degradation of PAHs in Soil Using a Chemical-Biological Treatment Train
Autoren: Todorovic, D., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
14th Annual West Coast Conference on Soils, Sediments, and Water
(2004) Design and development of a remediation strategy for a former crude oil refinery site in Austria
Autoren: Aichberger H., Braun R., Loibner, A.P.
3rd International Seminar on In-Situ Remediation of contaminated Sites 2004
(2004) Novel approach to deactivate Ochratoxin A
Autoren: Schatzmayr, G., Heidler, D., Fuchs, E., Täubel, M., Loibner, A. P., Braun, R., Binder, E. M.
11th International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2004
(2004) Changes of the bioavailability of PAHs in soils measured by bioaccumulation and growths inhibition of plants
Autoren: Bogolte, B.T., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
(2004) Disagreement between toxicity reduction and chemical analysis during bioremediation of petrol hydrocarbon contaminated soil
Autoren: Aichberger, K., Aichberger, H., Todorovic, D., Hasinger, M., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
14th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe 2004 - Environmental Science Solution - A Pan-European Perspective
(2004) Vorstellung der ÖNORM S 2028
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Seminar 2004 - Biologische Behandlung kontaminierter Böden – Die neue ÖNORM 2028
Autoren: Aichberger, H., Braun, R., and Loibner, A.P.
Brownfield Asia 2004; International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Land: Focus on Asia
(2004) Reduction of exploration and remediation costs at petroleum hydrocarbon sites by application of preliminary tests for the Vadose zone.
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by Warsaw Agricultural University, Seminar “Geoenvironmental Engineering – Transfer of Knowledge and EU’s Directives to Newly Associated States“
Autoren: Aichberger, H., Braun, R., and Loibner, A.P.
Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
(2004) Mycotoxin detoxification and microorgansms in feeds
Autoren: Schatzmayr, G., Schatzmayr, D., Täubel, M., Nitsch, S., Loibner, A. P., Binder, E.M.
Joint ADSA, ASAS and PSA Meeting
(2004) Chancen und Grenzen biologischer Sanierungsverfahren
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Seminar 2004 - Biologische Behandlung kontaminierter Böden – Die neue ÖNORM 2028
(2004) Methoden zur Beurteilung der Beeinträchtigung von Würmern durch Rohölkontaminationen im Boden
Autoren: Erlacher, E., Aichberger, K., Donat, C., Fritz, J., Waitzbauer, W., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
Poster Presentation at the
(2003) Best available technologies for bioremediation of soil & groundwater contaminated with realcitrant organic compounds
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited for Panel Discussion at Second European Bioremediation Conference
(2003) Reduction of exploration - and remediation costs at petroleum hydrocarbon sites by the application of preliminary test methods for the Vadose zone
Autoren: Aichberger, H., Aichberger, K., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
Presentation at the
(2003) Combination of biological strategies for detoxifying mycotoxins in animal feed
Autoren: Schatzmayr, G., Heidler, D. Fuchs, E., Täubel, M., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Binder E.M.
1st Panamerican Symposium on Mycotoxins for Industry 2003
(2003) Hydrocarbon contamination of the vadose zone - preliminary testing to predict remediation performance
Autoren: Aichberger, H., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
Presentation at the Second European Bioremediation Conference
(2003) Biological deactivation of Fumonisins
Autoren: Täubel, M., Schatzmayr, G., Vekiru, E., Loibner, A.P., Binder, E.M., Braun, R.
2nd World Mycotoxin Forum 2003
(2003) Etablierung eines Verhaltenstests mit Dendrobaena Hortensis zur Bestimmung der Toxizität rohölkontaminierter Böden
Autoren: Erlacher, E., Aichberger, K., Donat, C., Fritz, J., Waitzbauer, W., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
8. SETAC-GLB Meeting 2003 - New blood in ecotoxicology
(2003) Novel strategy for deactivating Ochratoxin A in feed
Autoren: Schatzmayr, G., Fuchs, E., Heidler, Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Binder E.M.
2nd World Mycotoxin Forum 2003
(2003) Die Bodenmatrix - Einfluss der Zusammensetzung auf das Schadstoffverhalten
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Organische Substanz - Multidisziplinärer Ansatz zur Untersuchung und Bewertung von Abfällen und Böden 2003
(2003) Einfluss der organischen Bodensubstanz auf die Bioverfügbarkeit von organischen Schadstoffen
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Organische Substanz - Multidisziplinärer Ansatz zur Untersuchung und Bewertung von Abfällen und Böden 2003
(2003) Investigation of different yeast strains for the detoxification of Ochratoxin A
Autoren: Schatzmayr, G., Heidler D., Fuchs, E., Mohnl, M., Täubel. M., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Binder E.M.
Presentation at the 25th Mycotoxin Workshop
(2002) Current issues in contaminated land management
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Seminar on Ecology and Environmental Biotechnology. Invited by the Russian Culture Institute 2002
(2002) Effects of Ozonation on Biogegradation and Toxicity of PAHs in Soil
Autoren: Todorovic, D., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
ÖBG-Tagung 2002 - Angewandte Altlastenforschung
(2002) Evidence of Ochratoxin A - Detoxification of rumen fluid, intestinal fluid and soil samples as well as isolation of relevant microorganisms from these environments
Autoren: Schatzmayr, G., Heidler, D. Fuchs, E., Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Binder E.M.
24th Mycotoxin Workshop 2002
(2002) Biotechnology for the remediation of petrol-hydrocarbon contaminated soils
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by the Petroleum Research Centre, Tripoli, Libya. Workshop and Exhibition on Treatment and Remediation of Contaminated Soil & Groundwater with Petroleum Products
(2002) Bioremediation of Petrol-Hydrocarbons and PAHs - State of the Art and Perspectives
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Introductory Lecture for Session ‘Oil and Gasworks’, First ASEM Conference on Bioremediation
(2002) Bioassays for the Assessment of Environmental Hazards Posed by PAH-contaminated Sites
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
ÖBG-Tagung 2002 - Angewandte Altlastenforschung
(2002) Das Forschungsprojekt INTERLAND - Inovative Technologies for Remediation of LANDfills and Contaminated Soils
Autoren: Gerzabek, M.H., Reichenauer, T.G., Heiss-Ziegler, C., Wenzel, W.W., Loibner, A.
ÖBG-Tagung 2002 - Angewandte Altlastenforschung
(2002) Biotechnology for the Remediation of Petrol-Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils
Autoren: Loibner, A.P., Braun, R., Szolar, O.H.J.
Workshop and Exhibition on Treatment and Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater with Petroleum Products
(2001) Inoculum Production for Biodegradation of Ozone-Degraded High Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Autoren: Todorovic, D., Szolar, O.H.J., Rost, H., Braun, R., and Loibner, A.P.
CLARINET Final Conference 2001 - Sustainable Management of Contaminated Land
(2001) Chemical-Biological Treatment of PAH-Contaminated Soils: Inoculum Production and Biodegradation Experiments.
Autoren: Todorovic, D., Szolar, O.H.J., Rost, H., Braun, R., and Loibner, A.P.,
Internationaler BOKU-Kongress 2001 - Leben und Überleben - Konzepte für die Zukunft
(2001) Ecological Risk Assessment for Contaminated Sites in Europe - ECORISK Conclusions
Autoren: Crommentuijn, T., Bierkens, J., Herrchen, M., Jensen, J., Loibner, A.P., Schelwald, R., van Wensem, J., Rutgers, M., Weeks, J.
CLARINET Final Conference 2001 - Sustainable Management of Contaminated Land
(2001) Bioavailability Considerations in Ecological Risk Assessment
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by Center for Analytical Chemistry, IFA-Tulln
(2001) Contaminated Land Management
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Cardiff University, School of Engineering
(2000) Phytoremediatioon of PAH-contaminated soils - ecotoxicity monitoring using bioassays
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Conference 'Remade Lands 2000'
(2000) Bioventing, an effective and cost efficient in-situ remediation technique
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Reunión International de Biotechnología y Medio Ambiente
(2000) The Application of Bioassays for Site Specific Risk Assessment
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by NATO, Workshop on ‘The Utilization of Bioremediation to Reduce Soil Contamination: Problems and Solutions’
(2000) Ecotoxicity testing and its Integration in ecological risk assessment
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by UNIDO, Expert Group Meeting on ‘POPs and Pesticides Contamination: Remediation Technologies’
(1999) Sequential Supercritical Fluid Extraction for Predicting Biodegradation Rates and Ecotoxicological Impact of PAHs in Soil
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Conference 'n-situ and on-site Bioremediation
(1999) Bioventing – Grundlagen und Voruntersuchungen
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Workshop ‘Bioventing zur in-situ Sanierung von Mineralöl-kontaminierten Böden’
(1999) Bioventing – Applikation und Kosten
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Workshop ‘Bioventing zur in-situ Sanierung von Mineralöl-kontaminierten Böden’
(1999) Bioremediation of Mineral Oil Contaminated Soil.
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by UNIDO, ICS Workshop
(1997) On-line GC/MS Analytik zur Optimierung der biologischen In-situ Bodensanierung
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
ÖGBT-Jahrestagung 1997
(1997) Bioventing: Eine kostengünstige und umweltgerechte In-situ Sanierungstechnik
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by ÖKK, Status Workshop Altlastensanierung
(1997) On-line GC/MS Analytik zur Optmimierung der biologischen in-situ Bodensanierung
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
VÖLB und OEGBT-Jahrestagung 1997 - Perspektiven in der Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie
(1997) Basics for Biodegradation of Petrol Hydrocarbons
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Invited by UNIDO, ICS Training Course, 'Soil Environmental Assessment and Environmental Technologies'
(1997) Basics for biodegradaton of petrol hydrocarbons and feasibility studies of a TPH-contaminated site
Autoren: Loibner, A.P., Braun, R.
UNIDO-ICS Training Course 'Soil Environmental Assessment and Environmental Technologies'
(1997) BIOVENTING: Eine kostengünstige und umweltgerechte in-situ Sanierungstechnik
Autoren: Loibner, A.P., Braun, R.
Status-Workshop Altlastensanierung
(1996) Ökotoxikologische Begleituntersuchungen während des mikrobiellen Schadstoffabbaues im Boden
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
SFB-Tagung 'Reinigung kontaminierter Böden'
(1994) On-line glucose control of animal cell cultures in fluidized beds
Autoren: Loibner, A.P., Zach, N., Dobloff-Dier, O., Reiter, M., Bayer, K., Katinger, H.W.D.
12th ESACT-Meeting 1993. Animal Cell Technology: Products for today, Prospects for tomorrow
Integration von Bioassay-Daten in Risk Assessment Systeme
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Ecotoxicity Monitoring of Phytoremediation Processes.
Autoren: dela Cruz, M.A.T., Loibner, A.P., Szolar, O.H.J., Leyval, C., Joner, E., Braun R.
Technologies for Soil Remediation
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Mineralölkohlenwasserstoffe im Boden: Voraussetzung und Limiterungen für die biologische Sanierbarkeit (PP4)
Autoren: Todorovic, D., Aichberger, H., Loibner, A.P.
Current issues in environmental biotechnology
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Presentation of a Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment
Autoren: Loibner,A.P.
Effect of Canola Oil addition on the degradation behaviour of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in soil
Autoren: Hasinger, M; Castaldini, F; Loibner, AP
An Innovative, Biologically Based In-situ Remediation Procedure for Chrlorinated-solvent Contaminated Sites: First Steps of Establishment in Austria
Autoren: Scherr, Kerstin, Nahold, Manfred, Loibner, Andreas P.
Methodes to estimate the bioavailability of PAHS in soil
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Anaerobic biodegradation of organic pollutants in groundwater: a novel, low-cost in-situ bioremediation approach
Autoren: Todorovic, D; Scherr, KE; Loibner, AP
Sequentielle SFE und Bioassays zur Beurteilung der Bioverfügbarkeit von PAK im Boden
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Case study for a pump & treat system for groundwater remediation of a contaminated gas site
Autoren: C. Loderer, A. Loibner, W. Fuchs
Beurteilung Kohlenwasserstoffkontaminierter Böden und biologische Sanierbarkeit
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Remediation of PAH polluted soils by in-situ-injection of vegetable oil
Autoren: Soja, G., K. Alef, M. Gerzabek, C. Delgado, A.P. Loibner, K. Putz, T.G. Reichenauer, A. Watzinger, B.M. Wilke, B. Wimmer
An Innovative, Biologically Based In-situ Remediation Procedure for Chrlorinated-solvent Contaminated Sites: First Steps of Establishment in Austria
Autoren: Scherr, KE; Nahold, M; Loibner, AP
Studies on the bioavailability of PAHs in soil
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Polluted Soil
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
PAHs: Rapid estimation of their bioavailability in soil
Autoren: Loibner, A.P.
Anaerobic Biodegradation of organic pollutants in groundwater: a novel, low-cost in-situ bioremediation approach
Autoren: Todorovic, D., Scherr, K., and Loibner, A.P.
Neue Entwicklungen in der In-Situ Sanierung mineralölkontaminierter Standorte
Autoren: Aichberger, H., Aichberger, K., Todorovic, D., Wesner, W., Braun, R., Loibner, A.P.
Ecological risk assessment and the application of bioassays for contaminated soil
Autoren: Loiber, A.P.