Rupert Wimmer
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rupert Wimmer
Institut für Holztechnologie und Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
Standort Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 24, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Tel: +43 1 47654-89156
ORCID: 0000-0002-7023-6209
B-3642-2012: ResearcherId
- 2023 - 2023 Gastforscher an der University of South Australia
- 2019 - 2019 Gastprofessor an der Universität Göttingen, Deutschland
- 2018 - 2019 Internationaler Experte und Gruppenleiter an der Czech University of Life Science Prague
- 2018 Universitäsprofessor für Naturstofftechnologie
- 2013 - 2016 Ausserordentlicher Professor für bio-basierte Materialien an der Mendel Universität, Brünn, Tschechische Republik
- 2012 - 2018 Leiter der Sustainable Biomaterials Group am Institut für Naturstofftechnik, IFA-Tulln
- 2009 - 2011 Professur und Leiter der Abteilung "Holztechnologie und Holzwerkstoffe" an der Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Deutschland
- 2003 - 2005 Forschungsleiter bei der Funder Industrie GesmbH.
- 2003 - 2008 Professor für Naturfaserwerkstoffe
- 2002 - 2012 Key Researcher Wood K plus
- 1998 - 2001 APART Stipendium der Akademie der Wissenschaften
- 1997 Habilitation in Holzwissenschaften
- 1993 - 1994 Schrödinger-Stipendium, Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., USA
- 2019 Nominierung Rudolf Sallinger S&B Innovation Award;
- 2018 Nominierung Rudolf Sallinger S&B Innovation Award
- 2010 Deutschen Studienpreises für Holzwerkstoffforschung (als betreuender Professor)
- 2005 Ernennung zum „Fellow” der International Academy of Wood Science
- 2004 Josef-Umdasch Forschungspreis
- 1998 Anschaffungspreis der Wiener Wirtschaftskammer
- 1995 Preis der Stiftung 120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Autoren: Benjamin Kromoser , Sara Reichenbach , Roman Myna , Raphaela Hellmayr , Bernhard Reinholz , Rupert Wimmer
WCTE - World Conference on Timber Engineering
(2023) Mycelium-based biocomposites from recycled wood: influence of fungal species on properties of biocomposites
Autoren: Hýsek, Š; Daňková, M; Jozífek, M; Němec, M; Wimmer, R
32th International Conference on Wood Science and Technology - ICWST 2023
(2023) Additive manufacturing of fully recyclable walls solely made from renewables – a possible quantum leap in sustainable building construction
Autoren: Kromoser, B; Reinholz, B; Myna, R; Reichenbach, S; Liebner, F.; Wimmer, R
IASS Annual Symposium 2023 - Integration of Design and Fabrication
(2023) 3DP Biowall - Circular economy in wood construction through additive manufacturing of fully recyclable walls
Autoren: Kromoser, B; Reichenbach, S; Myna, R; Hellmayr, R; Reinholz, B; Wimmer, R
World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023)
(2023) The Effect of Surface Treatment on Triboelectric Activation of Wood by Brushing
Autoren: Leiter, LM; Wimmer, R..
66th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology
(2022) Dancing Wood Fibers - Engage Children in Wood Science with Triboelectricity
Autoren: Leiter, LM; Wimmer, R
65th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology 2022
(2022) Developing a Continuous Measurement Setup for Electrostatic Surface Charges, Implemented in Woodworking Processes
Autoren: Leiter, LM; Myna, R; Wimmer, R
65th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology 2022
(2021) Heizwertzuwachs und Trockensubstanzverlust durch Lufttrocknung von gelagertem Rundholz
Autoren: Außerwöger, S., Stelzer, M., Vospernik, S., Wimmer, R.
6. Studentische Departmentkolloquium
(2021) Improving polymerized lignin properties using green plasticizers.
Autoren: Jimenez Bartolome, M; Bischof, S; Pellis, A; Konnerth, J; Wimmer, R; Weber, H; Schwaiger, N; Guebitz, G.M.; Nyanhongo, G. S.
International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries.
(2020) Triboelectric Activation of Wood Surfaces by Mechanical Friction
Autoren: Leiter, L; Hellmayr, R; Myna, R; Frömel-Frybort, S; Wimmer, R
63rd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology
(2020) New Bio-Based Sandwich Panel with High Impact-Resistance, following Cradle-to-Cradle Design
Autoren: Hellmayr, R; Deutz, M; Myna, R; Wimmer, R
SWST International Convention 2020
(2019) Triboelectrical charging of wood: a neglected wood property with potential applications
Autoren: Myna, R., Frybort, St., Hellmayr, R., Liebner, F.W., Wimmer, R.
62nd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology
(2019) Structure-Related Vapor Sorption Phenomena in Wood
Autoren: Hellmayr, R; Wimmer R.
Society of Wood Science and Technology, International Convention
(2017) Alternative raw materials for bio-based composites
Autoren: Klimek, P., Wimmer, R.
International Conference "Wood science and engineering in the third millenium"
(2015) 3D Printing and Wood
Autoren: Wimmer, R; Steyrer, B; Wöss, J; Koddenberg, T; Mundigler, N
International Conference "Wood Science and Engineering in the Third Millennium" - ICWSE 2015
(2015) Processability of wood plastic composites on single-screw extruder
Autoren: Riegler, M; Sykacek, E; Wimmer, R
(2013) From Waste to Value - Composite Materials form Industrial Process Wastes
Autoren: Wimmer, R; Hintenberger, J; Mundigler, N
1st International Conference on Resource Efficiency in Interorganizational Networks ResEff 2013
(2012) Particle boards from hot-water extracted softwoods and hardwood.
Autoren: Blumentritt, M., Wimmer, R., Liebner, F.
IUFRO Conference 2012
Autoren: Riegler, M., Spangl, B., Weigl M., Kuncinger, T., Wimmer, R., Young, T.M., Müller, U.
2nd Biennial International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Biobased Products Industries PTF BPI 2012
(2012) Influence of hardwood on the vertical density profile and fracture energy of particleboards
Autoren: Riegler, M., Weigl, M., Harm, M., Rathke, J., Müller, Ul., Wimmer, R.
5th Conference of Hardwood Research and Utilization in Europe 2012 - Hardwood Science and Technology
(2011) Particle boards made from hardwoods – what is the significance?
Autoren: Wimmer, R., Weigl, M., Schöneberg, S.
International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing 2011
(2010) Macro- and micromechanical properties of red oak wood after selective removal of hemicelluloses.
Autoren: Konnerth Johannes, Eiser Martina, Jäger Andreas, Wimmer Rupert
Society of Wood Science and Technology, 53rd International Convention, Innovative Wood products are the Future.
(2008) Dynamic mechanical and thermal properties of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/wood flour films.
Autoren: Gregorova A., Wimmer R., Hrabalova M., Koller M., Braunegg G.
24th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society 2008
(2008) Effect of surface treatment and preparation method on the properties of polylactic acid/wood flour films
Autoren: Hrabalova M., Wimmer R., Gregorova A., Mundigler N.
24th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society 2008
(2008) Effect of Preparation Methods of Cellulose-reinforced Poly(lactic acid) Films on Dynamic-Mechanical Properties.
Autoren: Gregorova A., Hrabalova M., Wimmer R.
235th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting 2008
(2008) Effect of softwood-flour loading and annealing on dynamic-mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid) composite films
Autoren: Hrabalova M., Gregorova A., Wimmer R.
Characterisation and application of cell wall macromolecules COST Action E50 2008 - Cell wall macromolecules and reaction wood
(2008) Dynamic mechanical and thermal properties of silane-treated softwood PHB films
Autoren: Gregorova A., Wimmer R., Hrabalova M., Koller M., Braunegg G.
Characterisation and application of cell wall macromolecules COST Action E50 2008 - Cell wall macromolecules and reaction wood
(2007) NIR Spectroscopy, a Process and Quality Control Tool applied in Manufacture of Natural Fibre Comnposites
Autoren: Kandelbauer, Andreas; Dolezel-Horwath, Elisabeth; Wuzella, Günter; Wimmer, Rupert
13th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy ICNIRS 2007
(2007) Shigometry - Measurement of electrical resistance/conductivity on cool water extracts of wood particles - a smart tool for decay detection.
Autoren: Leder, S., Weigl, M., Grabner, M. & Wimmer, R.
14th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2007
(2007) Forest Products Education and Training in Austria: Changes and Challenges
Autoren: Teischinger, A., Wimmer, R.
All Division 5 Conference IUFRO 2007 - Forest Products and Environment: A Productive Symbiosis
(2007) Climate signals in the European isotope network ISONET.
Autoren: Treydte K, Grabner M, Weigl M, Wimmer R, et al.
Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology, TRACE
(2007) A multi-parameter approach to characterize wood quality for particle boards
Autoren: Wimmer, R., Weigl, M.
All Division 5 Conference IUFRO 2007 - Forest Products and Environment: A Productive Symbiosis
(2006) Dendroklimatologie – Klimainformationen in der Holzstruktur.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
9. Österreichischer Klimatag 2006 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2006) Holzqualität als Zielgröße in der Forstwirtschaft - Einfluss von Selektion und waldbaulicher Behandlung.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
„Wald – Wirtschaft und Genetik“ Seminar
(2006) Strong evidence for wood characteristics affecting pulp and handsheet properties
Autoren: Wimmer, R., Downes, G.M., Evans, R.
Novel technologies in pulp and paper industry
(2006) Circumferential variability of parameters that indicate compression wood formation in larch trees.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Dogu, D., Wimmer, R., Sykacek, E., Evans, R., Downes, G.
2nd workshop of CEMARE Cost E50 2006
(2005) Reconstructing forest activities in prehistoric Hallstatt, Austria.
Autoren: Klein, A., Grabner, M., Geihofer, D., Reschreiter, H., Barth, F.E., Wimmer, R.,
EuroDendro 2005
(2005) Studying radial and axial variation of stable isotopes within a single oak tree.
Autoren: Weigl, M., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Helle, G., Schleser, G.,
EuroDendro 2005
(2005) The European Isotope Network ISONET: First Results.
Autoren: Treydte, K., Schleser, G.H., Esper, J., Andreu, L., Bednarz, T., Berninger, J., Böttger, T., D’Allessandro, C.D., Ethien, N., Filot, M., Frank, D., Grabner, M., Gutierrez, E., Haupt, M., Helle, G., Jungner, H., Kalela-Brundin, M., Leuenberger, M., Loader, N., Masson-Delmotte, V., Pazdur, A., Planells, O., Pukiene, R., Reynolds, C., Rinne, K., Saurer, M., Soninen, E., Stieveneard, M., Switsur, R., Szczepanek, M., Todaro, L., Waterhouse, J., Weigl, M., Wimmer, R.,
TRACE, Tree Rings in Archeology, Climatology and Ecology
(2005) First dendrochronological results from the Bronze Age salt mine at Hallstatt, Austria.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Klein, A., Geihofer, D., Reschreiter, H., Barth, F.E., Sormaz, T., Wimmer, R.,
EuroDendro 2005
(2005) Wood biological aspects of compression wood in larch.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Gierlinger B., Sykacek, E., Wimmer, R.
1st workshop of CEMARE Cost E50 2005
(2005) New master chronologies from historical and archaeological timber in Eastern Austria.
Autoren: Geihofer, D., Grabner, M., Gelhart, J., Wimmer, R., Fuchsberger, H.,
EuroDendro 2005
(2005) Hydraulic vulnerability of Norway spruce trunkwood assessed by the hydraulic and the acoustic method.
Autoren: Rosner, S., Klein, A., Wimmer, R.
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) The tracheogram method – linkage between wood formation and wood quality.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.,
2nd European Hardwood Conference 2005 - Hardwood Research and Utilisation in Europe - New Challenges
(2005) Axial variation of the appearance of compression wood.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
1st workshop of CEMARE Cost E50 2005
(2005) Online-detection of colour as an innovative control parameter in wood drying
Autoren: Pöckl, J., Grabner, M., Teischinger, A., Wimmer, R.
2nd Internation Workshop on Spectral Imaging 2005
(2005) Hydraulic vulnerability of Norway spruce trunkwood assessed by the hydraulic and the acoustic method.
Autoren: Rosner, S., Klein, A., Wimmer, R.
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Predicting thickness swell of hardboards by UV-Vis and NIR spectroscopy
Autoren: Hutter, T., Dolezel, E., Wimmer, R.
14th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood 2005
(2004) Weathering behaviour of spruce wood treated with melamine formaldehyde resins
Autoren: Hansmann, C., Wimmer, R., Gindl, W.
2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
(2004) Infrared Spectroscopy and Cluster Analysis – Tools for the Differentiation of Wood
Autoren: Schwanninger, M., Rodrigues, J.C., Gierlinger, N., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Gindl, M., Gindl, W., Hinterstoisser, B.
9th CAC-2004 The Ninth Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry Conference
(2004) Comparison of earlywood width, latewood width and total ring-width measurements in oak.
Autoren: Weigl, M., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.,
EuroDendro 2004
(2004) Tree-ring width variability in the Austrian Alps and ist relation with climate.
Autoren: Leal, S., Melvin T.M., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Briffa, K.R.
EuroDendro 2004
(2004) Properties of natural-fibre reinforced mats and composites
Autoren: Wimmer, R., Bätge, T.
2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
(2004) Wood growth and quality traits influencing hydraulic and mechanic properties of young Norway spruce clones.
Autoren: Rosner, S., Wimmer, R.
International Symposium on Wood Sciences 2004
(2004) How heartwood extractives in larch influence densitometric analysis.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.,
EuroDendro 2004
(2003) Characterization of thermally treated beech wood by UV-VIS microspectrophotometry, FT-MIR and FT-NIR spectroscopy
Autoren: Schwanninger, M., Gierlinger, N., Hanger, H., Hansmann, C., Hinterstoisser, B., Wimmer, R.
12th ISWPC, International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry 2003
(2003) Reconstructing the history of log-floating in the Reichraminger Hintergebirge, Austria.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Weichenberger, J.
EuroDendro 2003
(2003) Melamine modification of acetylated Spruce wood
Autoren: Hansmann, C., Gindl, W., Zargar-Yaghubi, F., Wimmer, R.
The 1st european conference on wood modification
(2003) Estimation of extractives, lignin and natural durability of larch heartwood (Larix spp.) by FT-NIR spectroscopy
Autoren: Gierlinger, N., Schwanninger, M., Wimmer, R., Hinterstoisser, B., Jacques, D., Pâques, L.E.
12th ISWPC, International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry 2003
(2003) Wood anatomical, chemical and physico-mechanical properties of various larch (Larix sp.) provenances, grown at different sites in Europe
Autoren: Wimmer, R., Gierlinger, N., Grabner, M., Pâques, L.E., Jacques, D., Schwanninger, M.
IUFRO ¿ All Division 5 Conference, Forest Products Research Providing For Sustainable Choiches
(2003) Effect of precipitation on ring-width and vessel anatomy of young Eucalyptus globulus Labil. grown in Portugal.
Autoren: Leal, S., Pereira, H., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
EuroDendro 2003
(2003) Growth rate and extractive content of old larch trees from natural stands compared to young plantation trees.
Autoren: Gierlinger, N. Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
EuroDendro 2003
(2002) Improving the mechanical properties of wood by impregnation with a water soluble melamine-formaldehyde resin
Autoren: Gindl, W., Zargar-Yaghubi, F., Hansmann, C., Gupta, H. S., Wimmer, R.
6th Pacific Rim Bio-Based Composites Symposium & Workshop on The Chemical Modification of Cellulosics 2002
Additive manufacturing of fully recyclable walls made of a renewable recondary-resource composite
Autoren: Kromoser, B; Myna, R; Reichenbach, S; Wimmer, R; Hellmayr, R
Influence of felling time on the natural durability of Norway spruce (Picea Abies LL.) Karst.).
Autoren: Hirmke, M., Messner, K., Fellner, J., Teischinger, A., Wimmer, R.
Spurenelementanalyse in Jahresringen von Fichtenklonen für dendrochemische Untersuchungen mittels LA-ICPMS
Autoren: Stadlbauer, C., Prohaska, T., Stingeder, G., Hoffmann, E., Wimmer, R.
Genetic parameters for spiral-grain angle in two 19-year-old clonal trials with Picea abies.
Autoren: Hannrup, B., Grabner, M., Karlsson, B., Müller U., Rosner, S., Wilhelmsson, L., Wimmer, R.
Intra-tree variability of anatomical characters in spruce.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Genetic Parameters of wood properties in Picea abies.
Autoren: Hannrup, B., Cahalan, C.M., Chantre, G., Grabner, M., Karlsson, B., Lebayon, I., Müller, U., Pereira, H., Rodrigues, J.C., Rosner, S., Rozenberg, P., Wilhelmsson, L., Wimmer, R.
Xylem anatomy, a biological indicator in SO2 polluted forests.
Autoren: Wimmer, R., Grabner, M., Halbwachs, G.
A 1000-year Silver fir (Abies alba [Miller]) chronology for East Austria.
Autoren: Liebert, S., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Dendroclimatological potential of Black pine (Pinus nigra ssp austriaca) in the pannonic region of Austria.
Autoren: Strumia, G., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.