Bernhard Wolfslehner
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard Wolfslehner
Institut für Wald-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik
Standort Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73216
- 2010 Leiter des Regionalbüros EFICEEC des Europäischen Forstinstituts (EFI) für Mittel-Osteuropa
- 2007 Promotion zum "Doktor der Bodenkultur"
- 2001 Sponsion zum Diplomingenieur der Forstwirtschaft
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
(2020) European Forest Policy Post-2020: a new EFI report
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
European Forest Policy Post-2020
(2020) Europäische Waldpolitik nach 2020
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Österreichischer Walddialog
(2019) NOBEL - Novel business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services
Autoren: Vacik, H; Abildtrup, J; Borges, J; Dorfstetter, Y; Eggers, J; Garcia, J; Gobakken, T; Kindu, M; Knoke, T; Lexer, MJ; Pülzl, H; Sandström, P; Stenger-Letheux, A; Wolfslehner, B;
ForestValue Research Programme, Kick-Off Seminar
(2019) Scientific considerations on the coordination of forest-related policies and the role of stakeholders
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
The coherence between the forest-related policies in the EU – The role of the EU Forest Strategy
(2019) On the implementation of the EU Forest Strategy
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
NAT Commission external seminar on Implementation of the EU forest strategy
(2018) The regulatory frame for the use of forest resources in Europe – status quo and outlook
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
PulPaper Conference 2018
(2018) Neue Waldprodukte als innovative Einkommensmöglichkeiten
Autoren: Weiss, G; Huber, P; Vacik, H; Ludvig, A; Zivojinovic, I; Wolfslehner, B.
(2018) Using Q-method to reveal urban forestry perspectives toward climate change adaptation
Autoren: Živojinović, I; Wolfslehner, B; Tomićević-Dubljević, J
HUMBOLDT-KOLLEG 2018 „Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Connecting Research, Education, Policy and Practice“
(2018) Sustainability indicators for forestry and wood products
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Linser S.
Intnernational workshop - MEASURING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE BIOECONOMY: Where do we stand/What gaps/What next?
(2018) Indicators for ToSIA BenchValue
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Huber, P.
Bench Value Stakeholder Conference
(2018) A sustainable forest-based bioeconomy – how can it work?
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development/3-GREEN 2018
(2018) Challenges for Natural Resource Management in South-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Donau Konferenz "Ownership und Leadership im Donauraum"
(2018) Climate change governance in selected European countries: Forestry and nature conservation perspective
Autoren: Nedeljković, J; Stanišić, M; Nonić, D; Avdibegović, M; Živojinović, I; Pezdevšek Malovrh, S; Wolfslehner, B
HUMBOLDT-KOLLEG 2018 „Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Connecting Research, Education, Policy and Practice“
(2018) Forests and climate change: the challenges for science-policy transfer
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
HUMBOLDT-KOLLEG 2018 „Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Connecting Research, Education, Policy and Practice“
Autoren: Huber, P; Wolfslehner, B
Professional training in sustainable forest management in Austria, Slovenia and Croatia: Experiences, lessons learnt and looking ahead
(2017) Subsets of pan-European Indicators for SFM to address specific policy issues
Autoren: Wolfslehner, B; Linser, S
2nd Meeting of the Expert Group on Implementation of the Updated pan-European Indicators for SFM
(2017) Innovations for Sustainable Forest Management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
IPROMO 2017 Summer School: Sustainable mountain development - 10 years of IPROMO courses. Environmental and economic issues to enhance mountain sustainability
(2017) Comparing the potential of Non-Wood Forest Products across case studies in Europe
Autoren: Vacik, H; Huber P; Kurttila M; Hujala T; Wolfslehner B; la Sánchez-González M; Pasalodos-Tato M; de Miguel S; Bonet J.A; Marques M; Borges JG; Enescu MC; Dinca L
Conference on Non-Timber Forest Products and Bioeconomy
(2017) 25 years of C&I for SFM - Did they make a difference?
Autoren: Linser, S; Robertson, G; Laclau, P; Prins, K; Wolfslehner, B; Gritten, D; Rasi, R; Johnson, S; Bridge, S; Payn, T; Asmar, F; Jafari, M; Ries, H; Guadalupe, V; Nassah, V
IUFRO 125 Anniversary Congress, 19.09.2017, Freiburg/Germany Session 138 D9 - The potential contribution of forest related indicators to global issues
(2017) Innovative pathways to marketing forest ecosystem services
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
9th IBL Wintere Forest School. Forestry challenges towards ongoing environmental changes, public expectations and economic and legal conditions.
(2017) Impacts of biomass use in forest areas in Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
6th Meeting of the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Sustainable Forest Management and Workshop on balancing bioenergy production and sustainable forest management in Mountains Areas
(2016) Nexus of research, policy support & funding in the forestry sector
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
PLATFORM Annual Event 2016: The bigger picture: ERA-NETs for Inclusiveness and Innovation
(2016) Analysis of the potential of NWFPs for forest owners – a case study comparison
Autoren: Huber, P; Kurttila, M; Hujala, T; Wolfslehner,B; Sánchez-González, M; Pasalodos-Tato, M; de Miguel, S; Bonet, JA; Marques, M; Borges, JG; Vacik, H
Wild Forest Products in Europe
(2016) What is SFM? How to measure it? Criteria and indicators, lessons learned
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFI Young Leadership Programe 2016
(2016) Integrating C&I into decision making in inter-sectoral policy decision-making and planning
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
COFO 23 World Forest Week
(2016) Needs and innovation in monitoring resilient bioeconomy development: A new EFI study
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Linser S., Pülzl H., Bastrup-Birk A., Camia A., Marchetti M.
Think Forest Event: Building an innovative and resilient forest bioeconomy
(2016) The development of the pan-European Indicators for SFM and and their further conditioning towards emerging policy needs
Autoren: Linser, S; Wolfslehner, B; Puelzl, H
1st International Forest Policy Meeting
(2016) EU bioeconomy - a forest bioeconomy?
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development-GREEN/2 2016
(2016) Managing for NWFPs - an assessent on the forest holding level
Autoren: Huber, P; Kurttila, M; Hujala, T; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H
Wild Forest Products in Europe
(2015) Trade-offs of future forest ecosystem service supply in Europe under selected land use scenarios
Autoren: Huber, P; Wolfslehner, B; Lindner, M; Verkerk, PJ
(2015) Policy frameworks affecting European Mountain Ranges
Autoren: Aggestam, F., Sarvašová, Z., Wolfslehner, B.
Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015
(2015) Towards 2020 - the role of mountain forests for the Pan-European Goals and Targets for European forests
Autoren: Wolfslehner, B., Linser S.
Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015
(2015) A multi-method approach in assessing the potential of non-wood forest products for small-scale forest owners
Autoren: Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H
(2015) SFM Criteria and indicators, lessons learnt
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy 2015 - Innovative Methods and Solutions for the Agriculture and Forest Sectors
(2015) Ecosystem Services in Mountain Forests - comparing stakeholder perceptions in European Case Studies
Autoren: Huber, P; Wolfslehner, B; Pardos, M; Zlatanov, T; Hlasny, T; Wilhelmsson, E; Klopcic, M; Cordonnier, T; Lexer, MJ;
Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015
(2015) The genesis of the pan- European criteria and indicators and their further development towards emerging policy needs
Autoren: Linser S., Wolfslehner B., Pülzl H.
(2015) Measure to Manage: developing an indicator framework for quantifying ES/NC
Autoren: Tuomasjukka D., Tegegne Y. T., Wolfslehner B.
(2015) Wie sensitiv reagieren WaldbewirtschafterInnen auf klimabedingte Änderungen in ökologischen Prozessen?
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R; Aggestam, F; Blennow, K; Wolfslehner; B
16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
(2014) Estimation of the value of non-timber forest products and services in Austria.
Autoren: Vacik, H; Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Ruprecht, H
Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research. XXIV IUFRO World Congress
(2014) What is sustainable forest management? How to measure it? Criteria and indicators, lessons learned
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFI Young Leadership Programme for the Russian Forest Sector
(2014) How can research and innovation in the forestry sector boost growth and employment in rural areas?
Autoren: Wolfslehner, B.
Congress of European Farmers 2014
(2014) Key issues and approaches in mountain forest research in Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Lexer M.J., Sarvasova Z.
MountFor PhD Day
(2014) SFM Criteria &Indicators implementation: Synthesis and Lessons Learnt
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Copa-Cogeca working group on Forestry and Cork
(2014) NWFP value chain analysis - Case Studies Austria
Autoren: Vacik, H., Wolfslehner, B., Huber, P. und Weiss, G.
COST-Action FP1203 European Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) Network 2nd Workshop and 3rd Management Committee Meeting
(2014) Natural Resource Management - the European dimension
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Pülzl H. , Aggestam F.
Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development
(2014) A framework of a comprehensive uncertainty analysis of the Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology in the context of environmental decision making
Autoren: Toth W., Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process 2014
(2014) Implementation of the pan-European Criteria & Indicators for SFM
Autoren: Linser, S; Wolfslehner, B.
Standing Forestry Committtee ad hoc Working Group on Sustainable Forest Management Criteria
(2013) The role of computerized tools supporting problem structuring in participatory forest planning
Autoren: Hujala T., Khadka C., Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
FORSYS 2013 - Decision support systems for Sustainable Forest Management
(2013) Implementing Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: Outlook for further research
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Pan-European Forum on Implementing criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in Europe 2013
(2013) Multifunctional management of mountain forests in Europe - the role of ecosystem services
Autoren: Wolfslehner B. Lexer M.J.
9th SISEF National Congress “Multifunzionalità degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunità per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo”
(2013) Volante pathways and trade-off analysis
Autoren: Lindner M., Wolfslehner B., Verkerk H.
Volante Stakeholder Workshop
(2013) Implementing criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in Europe: Synthesis and Lessons Learnt
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Pan-European Forum on Implementing criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in Europe 2013
(2013) Smart use of small-diameter hardwood - A forestry-wood chain sustainability impact assessment in Austria
Autoren: Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Lexer, MJ
COST Conference | COST - FTP Young Researchers´ Forum 2013 at the FTP-c8 Conference
(2013) Volante Trade-off Analysis
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Transitions in Landscape and Land Use. VOLANTE and University of the Aegean Ph.D. Summer School. Open Seminar
(2013) Smart use of small-diameter hardwood - A forestry-wood chain sustainability impact assessment in Austria
Autoren: Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Lexer, MJ
4th CASEE Conference 2013 - Food and Biomass Production - Basis for a Sustainable Rural Development
(2012) Screening collaborative planning methods for supporting programme-based planning in natural resource management
Autoren: Vacik H., Khadka C., Hujala T., Kurttila M., Haara A., Wolfslehner B., Pykalainen J., Honkakoski P., Tikkanen J.
(2012) Spotlights on forest issues in Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFI Annual Conference 2012
(2012) Forest owners’ organizations in selected Eastern European countries
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.,Sarvašová Z., Guduric I., Weiss G.
EFI project presentations 2012
(2012) Awareness of urban forest managers about climate change adaptation issues in Belgrade
Autoren: Gudurić, I., Wolfslehner, B., Tomićević, J.
International Conference On Land Conservation Landcon 1209 2012 - Sustainable Land Management And Climate Changes
(2012) Integrating small non-industrial private forest ownership (sNIPF) in novel logistic concepts
Autoren: Opferkuch M., Becker G., Huber P., Wolfslehner B.
IUFRO Conference Division 5 2012 - Forest Products 2012
(2012) Addressing climate change adaptation in urban forests of Belgrade
Autoren: Gudurić, I., Wolfslehner, B., Tomićević, J.
IUFRO Conference Forest for cities, forests for people 2012 - Perspectives on urban forest governance
(2012) Einfluss des Klimas auf den Waldbau
Autoren: Seidl, R., Wolfslehner, B., Hochbichler, E.
Seminar der Landwirtschaftskammer Steiermark 2012
(2012) Forest owners’ organizations in selected Eastern European countries
Autoren: Ma Q., Wolfslehner, B.,Sarvašová, Z.
FAO Workshop “Supporting non-state forestry in South East Europe”
(2011) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC - Forest research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Science Afternoon, Institute of Silviculture, 2011BOKU
(2011) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFICEEC Info-Meeting 2011
(2011) International Forest Research in Eastern Europe - emerging issues
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
International Conference on Environmental Diplomacy and Security 2011
(2011) Indicator development in Sustainability Impact Assessment: balancing theory and practice
Autoren: Pülzl H., Prokofieva I., Berg S., Rametsteiner E., Aggestam F., Wolfslehner B.
Österreichischer Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2011
(2011) Forest ecosystem services in the scientific literature - a review
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFI CEEC Seminar on Ecosystem Services 2011
(2011) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe.
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFICEEC Info-Meeting 2011 - Forest Research Institute Silava
(2011) ToSIA as a communication platform for stakeholder interaction and decision support
Autoren: Vötter D., Valinger E., Berg S., Edwards D., Kolström M., Wolfslehner B., Suominen T., Lindner M.
6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2011
(2011) Modelling climate change effects in urban and peri-urban forest areas of the City of Vienna.
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Pötzelsberger E., Pertritsch R. (2011):
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2011
(2010) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFICEEC Info-Meeting 2010 - Forest Faculty, Mendel University
(2010) Multi-criteria decision support in sustainability impact assessment of forestry wood chains
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Rammer W., Lexer M.J.
Workshop on Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Forest Management
(2010) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFICEEC Info-Meeting 2010 - Zvolen
(2010) Potential climate change effects in urban and peri-urban forests - Analysis and implications
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Pötzelsberger E., Pertritsch R., Hasenauer H..
13th European Forum on Urban Forestry 2010 - Urban People Meet Urban Forests
(2010) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Kick-Off-Meeting of the ICA Regional Network for Central and South Eastern Europe CASEE 2010
(2010) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B..
EFICEEC Info-Meeting 2010 - University Stefan Cel Mare
(2010) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Weiss G., Kraxner F.
EFICEEC Opening Ceremony and Partner Meeting 2010
(2010) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFICEEC Info-Meeting 2010 - Tartu
(2010) EFICEEC - Regionalbüro des Europäischen Forstinstituts für Zentral-Osteuropa
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
6. Waldforum des Österreichischen Walddialogs 2010
(2010) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFICEEC Info-Meeting 2010 - Czech University of Life Sciences
(2010) EFORWOOD - Analysis of Forest-Wood Chains in Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFICEEC Opening Ceremony and Partner Meeting 2010
(2010) Prospects on collaborative forest & water research in the Central and Eastern European region
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
TAIEX Workshop on Floods prevention in mountain forests, DG Enlargement
(2010) The role of forest biodiversity in research, advocacy, and capacity building in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Geburek T.
Forest Biodiversity 2010 - Genetic Aspects in a European Context
(2010) The EFI Regional Office EFICEEC as a hub for research, networking, information provision, and advocacy in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
EFICEEC Info-Meeting 2010 - IBL Forest Research Institute
(2010) Problem structuring in sustainable forest management – learnings for decision support systems
Autoren: Hujala T., Khadka C., Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Workshop on Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Forest Management
(2010) ToSIA – A Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment of changes in Forest-Wood-Chains
Autoren: Suominen T., Lindner M., Werhahn-Mees W., Vötter D., Prokofieva I., Wolfslehner B., Aggestam F., Roubalova M., Kneblik P.
Workshop on Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Forest Management
(2009) Assessing the Sustainability Impacts of the Setting Aside of Forest Areas in a Regional Forest-Wood Chain (FWC) in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) using ToSIA and a Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) Method
Autoren: Kurth C., Wolfslehner B., Lindner M., Suominen T., Lexer M.J.
Shape your sustainabilty tools - and let your tools shape you 2009
(2009) Die Bedeutung nachhaltiger Entwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Hak Linz, Semesterabschlußveranstaltung 2009
(2009) Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) of a regional forest-wood chain in EFORWOOD
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Rammer, W., Lexer M.J.
FTP-Conference 2009 - From Research to Business
(2009) Mapping indicator models: from intuitive problem structuring to quantified decision making in sustainable forest management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
23rd European Conference on Operational Research 2009
(2009) Forstliche Indikatoren - Einsatz im Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Wissenschaftlicher Begleitkreis des Projekts "Strategisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement" der Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg 2009
(2009) Sustainability Assessment of Wood Products: A Comparison of the Methods Ecological Footprint, MIPS and the Sustainability Impact Assessment Approach of Eforwood
Autoren: Messner A., Wolfslehner B., Burger E., Hinterberger F., Lexer M.J.
Shape your sustainabilty tools - and let your tools shape you 2009
(2009) Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) of a Scandinavian forest-wood chain in EFORWOOD
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Rammer, W., Lexer M.J.
FTP-Conference 2009 - From Research to Business
(2009) EFORWOOD-Analysis of Forest-Wood Chains in Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Rammer W., Lexer M.J.
Science Lunch am Institut für Waldbau 2009
(2009) Implementing a Participatory Multi-Criteria Evaluation Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment of Forest-Wood Chains
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Rammer W., Lexer M.J.
Shape your sustainabilty tools - and let your tools shape you 2009
(2009) Concepts for a Common Implementation of Cost-Benefit Analysis and Multi-Criteria Analysis in Sustainability Impact Assessment
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Prokofieva I., Lexer M.J., Carlsen, K., Thorsen B.J.
Shape your sustainabilty tools - and let your tools shape you 2009
(2009) Potenziale von Nichtholzprodukten und Dienstleistungen im Rahmen nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Huber P., Vacik H.
Vorträge zu Ökosystem-Dienstleistungen am Lebensministerium Wien 2009
(2009) Key criteria for the sustainable provision of Non-Timber Forest Products and Services: a comparative SWOTCH analysis for Austria and Nepal
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
13th World Forestry Congress FAO 2009
(2009) Potenziale von Nichtholzprodukten und Dienstleistungen im Rahmen nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
5. Waldforum des Österreichischen Walddialogs 2009
(2008) Supporting Sustainable Forest Management in Community Forest User Groups in Nepal - a case study from Makawanpur and Chitwan
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H., Uprety H.D., Wolfslehner B.
BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
(2008) A cognitive mapping approach to estimate current and future functionality of Non-Timber Forest Products and Services
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Forest Adaptation 2008 - Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies, and Practices
(2008) Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in sustainability impact assessment of Forestry Wood Chains. Concepts and implementation.
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Rammer W., Lexer M.J.
International Conference Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes 2008
(2008) Potenziale von Nichtholzprodukten und Dienstleistungen im Rahmen nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
20. Arbeitssitzung des Fachausschusses für Betriebswirtschaft des Österreichischen Forstvereins 2008
(2008) Value-based analysis of trade-offs in rockfall protection forest management. A case study from the Eastern Alps.
Autoren: Rammer W., Wolfslehner B., Brauner M., Lexer M.J.
BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
(2007) The use of indicator models for the evaluation of sustainable forest management in a multi-criteria analysis framework
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Öffentliches Rigorosum, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
(2006) Application of a Spatial Decision Support System for Regeneration Planning in Water Protection Forests
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer M.J., Wolfslehner B.
Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
(2006) Nachhaltige Nutzung und Gewinnung forstlicher Produkte - Fabrik der Zukunft
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Vom Nutzen der Waldbäume - Nachwachsende Rohstoffe abseits des Gewohnten 2006
(2006) Multi-Criteria Analyse in EFORWOOD
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Lexer. M.J.
Offenes Seminar
(2006) Multi-Criteria Analysis: Evaluation of management strategies considering multiple interests
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
Dynamic Data EU25+ Conference
(2006) Application of a Spatial Decision Support System for Regeneration Planning in Water Protection Forests
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer M.J., Wolfslehner B.
Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
(2005) Carbon sequestration in the context of Pan-European Operational Level Guidelines for SFM.
Autoren: Lexer M.J., Wolfslehner B.
CarboEurope - Management of forest ecosystems and its impacts on the GHG budget 2005
(2005) Integrating the DPSIR - approach and the Analytic Network Process for the assessment of forest management strategies
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B., Seidl, R., Lexer M.J.
IUFRO Conference Sustainable Forestry in Theory & Practice 2005 - Recent Advances In Inventory & Monitoring, Statistics & Modelling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science
(2005) Potentials and Limitations of Multi-Criteria Analysis Methods in Assessing Sustainable Forest Management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
IUFRO Conference Sustainable Forestry in Theory & Practice 2005 - Recent Advances In Inventory & Monitoring, Statistics & Modelling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science
(2005) Potentials and Limitations of Multi-Criteria Analysis Methods in Assessing Sustainable Forest Management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
IUFRO Conference Sustainable Forestry in Theory & Practice 2005 - Recent Advances In Inventory & Monitoring, Statistics & Modelling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science
(2004) A Pressure-State-Response framework for multi-criteria analysis of sustainable forest management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B, Vacik H.
IUFRO conference 2004 - WP 4.04.10
(2004) Focused in Expansion: from the Pan-European scope of sustainable forestry to the management level
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
(2003) A system analysis approach for assessing sustainable forest management at FMU level
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Lexer J.M., Würz A., Hochbichler E., Klumpp R., Spörk J.
12th World Forestry Congress 2003 - forest´s source of life
(2003) L2 - Assessing Sustainable Forest Management at FMU Level.
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Würz A., Spörk J., Hochbichler E., Lexer M.J., Klumpp R.
International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
(2003) Waldbauliche Chancen und Probleme in Österreich - die Umsetzung mit COCOON (COurse Content Online)
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
Vortrag im Rahmen der Abschlussveranstaltung zum Förderprogramm
(2003) Der Ökosystemare Ansatz des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt - Aspekte des Schutzes und der nachhaltigen Nutzung der biologischen Vielfalt am Beispiel des österreichischen Waldes.
Autoren: Lexer W., Wolfslehner B.
Präsentation im Rahmen des Workshops
(2003) Implementing and evaluating the PEOLG - first experiences from Austria - contribution to the 4th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forest in Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Würz A., Spörk J., Lexer M.J., Hochbichler E., Klumpp R.
4th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe MCPFE 2003
(2003) Relevanz der paneuropäischen Richtlinien für eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung in Österreich
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
Tagung des Fachsenats für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft
(2003) Umsetzung und Relevanz der paneuropäischen Richtlinien für nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft in Österreich
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Vortrag im Rahmen des Diplomandenseminars am Institut für Waldbau
(2003) Use of hypermedia tools and techniques in teaching natural resource management
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
ICT in higher forestry education in Europe. Proceedings of the SILVA European Conferences
(2003) Integrating network analysis to a framework for assessing sustainable forest management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Lexer M.J.
International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
(2002) Umsetzung und Relevanz der paneuropäischen Richtlinien für nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft in Österreich
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
14. Arbeitssitzung des Fachausschusses für Betriebswirtschaft des Österreichischen Forstvereins 2002
Forest sustainability indicators in the new light of a bioeconomy
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Linser S., Pülzl H., Bastrup-Birk A., Camia A., Marchetti M.
Mid-term evaluation of Oslo Goals and Targets
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Linser S.
EFICEEC - Towards prosperous forest research in Central-Eastern Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B.
ARANGE - Multifunctional management of mountain forests for the provision of ecosystem services
Autoren: Wolfslehner, B; Maroschek, M; Lexer, MJ
Indicators - a task for citizen's science?
Autoren: Pülzl H., Wolfslehner B.
The potential of Wild Forest Products - a Multi Criteria Analysis across six European case studies
Autoren: Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B; Sánchez-González, M; Pasalodos-Tato, M; de Miguel, S; Bonet, J.-A; Marques, M; Borges, J. G; Dinca, L; Enescu, CM; Vacik, H
Superior processing of small diameter hardwood
Autoren: Huber H., Pleschberger H., Wolfslehner B., Teischinger A., Hansmann Chr.
Monitoring and reporting at pan-European level of the achievements of the “Goals for European Forests” and “European 2020 Targets”
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Linser S.
Case study Austria
Autoren: Huber, P; Wolfslehner, B
Meeting the Goals for European Forests and European 2020 Targets for Forests. Report on the Mid-term Evaluation of the Goals & Targets.
Autoren: Linser, S; Wolfslehner, B.
CSR-Styria: Good Practice Examples: commerzialisation, trade, marketing, SMEs, innovation support
Autoren: Ludvig, A; Weiss, G; Huber, P; Vacik, H, Zivojinovic, I, Wolfslehner, B