Andreas Eder
Mag. Dr. Andreas Eder
Institut für Nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung
Standort Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73133
- 2019 Senior Scientist/Universitätsassistent, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
- 2015 - 2018 Doktoratsstudium der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
- 2015 - 2023 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Industriewissenschaftliches Institut
- 2011 - 2014 Masterstudium Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Wien
- 2007 - 2011 Bakkalaureatsstudium Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Wien
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2023 - Industrial robots and employment change in manufacturing: A combination of index and production-theoretical decomposition analysis
Autoren: Eder, A; Koller W; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: NOeG 2023 - Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association
Jahr: 2023 - Effect of land fragmentation on techncial and scale efficiency of Austrian crop farms
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K
Veranstaltung: FORLand Seminar
Jahr: 2023 - Industrial robots and employment change in manufacturing: a combination of index and production-theoretical decomposition analysis
Autoren: Mahlberg, B; Eder, A; Koller, W
Veranstaltung: DEA 45: International conference on data envelopment analysis
Jahr: 2023 - Crop diversification, agricultural productivity and resilience to meteorological conditions
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K
Veranstaltung: NOeG 2023 - Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association
Jahr: 2023 - Environmental and economic trade-offs under land fragmentation and climatic conditions
Autoren: Klaus, S.; Lakes, T; Müller, D; Eder, A; Leonhardt, H.; Wesemeyer, M.
Veranstaltung: 63. GEWISOLA-Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.
Jahr: 2022 - Evaluating the relation between crop diversity and productivity of Austrian crop farms
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Eder, A
Veranstaltung: Joint Conference of the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists DAES and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists ÖGA - Societal changes and their implicationson agri-food systems and rural areas 2022
Jahr: 2022 - The contribution of industrial robots to labor productivity growth and economic convergence: A production frontier approach
Autoren: Eder, A; Koller, W; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Industry-mix effects at different levels of sectoral disaggregation: A decomposition of inter-country differences in energy costs
Autoren: Koller, W; Eder, A; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2022
Jahr: 2022 - The contribution of industrial robots to labor productivity growth and convergence: A production frontier approach
Autoren: Eder, A.; Koller, W.; Mahlberg, B.
Veranstaltung: 17th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Price Competitiveness in the European Monetary Union: A Decomposition of Inflation Differentials based on the Leontief Input-Output Price Model
Autoren: Eder, A; Koller, W; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Land use fragmentation and technical efficiency of Austrian crop farms
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K
Veranstaltung: Joint Conference of the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists DAES and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists ÖGA - Societal changes and their implicationson agri-food systems and rural areas 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Crop diversification and resilience of cereal crop farms to meteorolgical conditions - Evidence from Austria
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K; Leonhardt, H; Quddos, A
Veranstaltung: FORLand Seminar 2022
Jahr: 2021 - Bad tenants? Land rental and eco-efficiency
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: 16th EAAE Congress 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Environmental Efficiency Measurement When Producers Control Pollutants Under Heterogeneous Conditions: A Generalization of the Materials Balance Approach
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: Virtual North American Productivity Workshop 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Evaluating Productivity Growth of Austrian Crop Farms by Semiparametric Estimation
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Eder, A
Veranstaltung: Virtual North American Productivity Workshop 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Evaluating Productivity Growth of Austrian Crop Farms By Semiparametric Estimation
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Eder, A
Veranstaltung: International Conference of Agricultural Economists
Jahr: 2021 - Environmental efficiency measurement when producers control pollutants under heterogeneous conditions: a generalization of the materials balance approach
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: 31st European Conference on Operational Research
Jahr: 2021 - Environmental Efficiency Measurement When Producers Control Pollutants Under Heterogeneous Conditions: A Generalization of the Materials Balance Approach
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: International Conference of Agricultural Economists ICAE 2021
Jahr: 2020 - Environmental efficiency measurement when producers control pollutants under heterogeneous conditions
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: Vertiefendes Seminar der Methoden der Quantitativen Volkswirtschaftslehre der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (LV-Leiter: Univ.Prof.i.R. Dr. Mikulas Luptacik)
Jahr: 2020 - Rented land and managerial soil use efficiency of Austrian crop farmers
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K; Scheichel, E
Veranstaltung: IDHEAS Workshop - Data Envelopment Analysis
Jahr: 2020 - Environmental efficiency measurement when producers control pollutants under heterogeneous conditions: a material balance approach
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: FORLand Webinar
Jahr: 2020 - Investigating the relationship between technical efficient and eco-efficient farming
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K; Scheichel, E
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2020
Jahr: 2020 - Investigating the relationship between technical efficient and eco-efficient farming
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K; Scheichel, E
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2020
Jahr: 2019 - Price Competitiveness in the European Monetary Union: A Decomposition of Inflation Differentials based on the Leontief Input-Output Price Model for the period 2000 to 2014
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg, B; Koller, W
Veranstaltung: 3rd Winter Workshop for Austrian expatriates and Early Career Economists of the Austrian Economic Association in Vienna
Jahr: 2019 - Price Competitiveness in the European Monetary Union
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg, B; Koller, W
Veranstaltung: FIW-wiiw Seminars in International Economics
Jahr: 2019 - Price Competitiveness in the European Monetary Union: A Decomposition of Inflation Differentials based on the Leontief Input-Output Price Model for the period 2000 to 2014
Autoren: Eder, A; Koller, W; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: 27th International Input-Output Association Conference
Jahr: 2019 - Analysing Price Competitiveness in the European Single Market: A Decomposition of Inflation Differentials based on Leontief Input-Output Price models
Autoren: Eder, A; Koller, W; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association in Graz
Jahr: 2018 - Measuring and decomposing economies of diversification: an application to biogas-fuelled cogeneration plants in Austria
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Measuring and decomposing economies of diversification: an application to biogas-fuelled cogeneration plants in Austria
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2018
Jahr: 2017 - Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy plants: a case study of Austrian biogas plants
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: 15th International Association for Energy Economics European Conference IAEE 2017 - Heading Towards Sustainable Energy Systems: Evolution or Revolution?
Jahr: 2017 - Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy plants: a case study of Austrian biogas plants.
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg B
Veranstaltung: 5th International Association for Energy Economics European PhD Day
Jahr: 2017 - Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy plants: a case study of Austrian biogas plants
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy plants: a case study of Austrian biogas plants
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg B
Veranstaltung: 15th International Association for Energy Economics European Conference IAEE 2017 - Heading Towards Sustainable Energy Systems: Evolution or Revolution?
Jahr: 2017 - Measuring and decomposing economies of diversification: an application to biogas-fuelled cogeneration plants in Austria
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: 1st Winter Workshop for Austrian expatriates and Early Career Economists of the Austrian Economic Association
Jahr: 2016 - Size, Subsidies and Technical Efficiency of Austrian Biogas Plants
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: Summer School Applied Microeconomics
Jahr: 2016 - Size, Subsidies and Technical Efficiency of Austrian Biogas Plants
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association and the Slovak Economic Association
Jahr: 2015 - The impact of inheritances on the retirement behavior of older Europeans
Autoren: Eder, A
Veranstaltung: Annual meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Analyzing Efficiency of biogas plants in Austria using DEA
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: 14th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Analyzing Efficiency of biogas plants in Austria using DEA
Autoren: Eder, A; Mahlberg, B
Veranstaltung: International Conference of the German, Austrian and Swiss Operations Research Societies