Katharina Keiblinger
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Katharina Keiblinger
Institut für Bodenforschung
Standort Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Email katharina.keiblinger@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-91141
ORCID: 0000-0003-4668-3866
14626182000: AuthorId
J-1930-2016: ResearcherId
- 2015 - 2015 Gastwissenschaftler, University of British Columbia, Canada
- 2011 - 2017 Universitätsassistent, Institut für Bodenforschung, BOKU Wien
- 2008 - 2011 Doktorarbeit an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; Abschluss mit Auszeichnung
- 2002 - 2008 Studium der technischen Chemie an der Technischen Universität Wien, Diplomprüfung mit Auszeichnung
- 2019 AGRANA Förderungspreis für Wissenschaft und Forscuhng
- 2017 ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) Mobility grant
- 2015 FEMS Research Grant
- 2013 Best Paper Award of the jubilee fund of the city of Vienna for the BOKU
- 2013 Klaus Fischer Innovation-Grant for Technology and Environment 2012
- 2013 Walter Kubiena Research Prize of the Austrian Society of Soil Science (ÖBG)
- 2012 Exchange Grant of the European Science Foundation “Linking soil microbial community structure and function with respiration of a soil warming field experiment”
- 2012 ÖGMBT Dissertationspreis, gesponsert von der Firma BIOMIN
- 2011 FEMS Young Scientist Meeting Grant
- 2011 Prof. Anton Kurir Stiftungspreis
- 2010 DOC-fFORTE Stipendium
- 2010 Exchange Grant of the European Science Foundation “Linking respiration and nutrient dynamics with proteome data of litter decomposition exposed to climatic stress“
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
(2024) Das Humuskontinuum und seine Funktion für die Bodengesundheit
Autoren: Keiblinger, K; Bodner, G
Humustage der Ökoregion Kaindorf
(2024) Multi-Kingdom Dynamics of Soil Communities Associated with the Rhizosphere of Rubus Niveus: A Key Invasive Species in the Galapagos Islands
Autoren: Riviere, S; Trevisan, F; Tiziani, R; Keiblinger, K; Gerzabek, M H; Jäger, H; Chaves, J A; Zehetner, F; Mimmo, T; Borruso, L
Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS 2024
(2024) Exploring nutrient recycling potential of struvite and zeolites in soil: insights on immediate carbon and nitrogen dynamics
Autoren: Galamini, G; Ferretti, G; Rosinger, C; Huber, S; Mentler, A; Díaz-Pinés, E; Gorfer, M ; Keiblinger, KM
Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS 2024
(2024) Soil Health in the Mediterranean: The Role of Intercropping for Aggregation and Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Enhancement
Autoren: Reichmann, M; Blanc, L; Lampurlanés, J; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Plaza-Bonilla, D;
LANDSCAPE 2024 Agroecosystems in Transformation: Visions, Technologies and Actors
(2024) Nod, nod, who’s there? Diversity and function of nodule associated bacteria in legumes Rooted in Symbiosis: Exploring Bacterial Dynamics in legume nodules
Autoren: Straub, C; Gratz, C; Schneider, M; Keiblinger, K; Petersen, J;
Microbe-Assistet Crop Production Opportunities, Challenges & Needs 2024
(2024) Exploring metabolic profiles and plant-microbe associations of winter wheat under different water regimes in conventional and alternative cropping systems.
Autoren: Jäggle, J; Kost, E; Kundel, D; Pulido Barrios, H; Sims, JW; Feola Conz, R; Keiblinger, K; Mäder, P; Krause, H-M; Six, J; Mayer, J; Hartmann, M;
Microbe-Assistet Crop Production Opportunities, Challenges & Needs 2024
(2024) Regenerative Agriculture for Soil Health and Environmental Conservation
Autoren: Keiblinger, K; Maftukhah, R; Ngadisih; Hood, R; Kral, R; Murtiningrum; Weinrich, F; Rosinger, C; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bieber, M; Bernardini, L; Schneider, M; Wieser, S; Mentler, A; Bodner G;
6th Summer Course: Adaptive Technology for Sustainable Agroindustrial Sector in a Response to Climate Change 2024
(2024) Soil structure and health
Autoren: Keiblinger, K
3rd National Workshop PestNu 2024
(2024) The effect of crop diversification and season on microbial carbon use efficiency across a European gradient
Autoren: Schroeder, J; König, A; Bölscher, T; Poeplau, C; Meurer, K; Toleikienė, M; Hanegraaf, M; Meisner, A; Hakl, J; Keiblinger, K; Chabbi, A; Suhadolc, M; Inselsbacher, E; Knicker, H; Hermann, AM
EJP Soil Annual Science Days 2024
(2024) Cover crop diversification alters microbial life-death cycle and enhances carbon sequestration in agricultural soil
Autoren: König, A; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Herrmann, A; Inselsbacher, E;
European Geoscience Union EGU General Assembly 2024
(2024) Effects of different crop management options on SOC stocks and deriving emission factors – the CarboSeq approach based on European LTEs
Autoren: Panagea, I; B; Di Bene, C; Makoschitz, L; Götzinger, S; Sandén, T; Spiegel, H; Alonso-Ayuso, M; Martinez-Garcia, L; Álvaro-Fuentes, J; Suhadolc, M; Ocvirk K; Kay, S; Ruysschaert, G;
EJP Soil Annual Science Days 2024
(2024) Das Humuskontinuum und seine Funktion für die Bodengesundheit
Autoren: Keiblinger, K
Humus+ Tage 2024
(2024) Cover crop diversification can alter microbial life-death cycle and enhance carbon sequestration in agricultural soil
Autoren: König, A; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S, Herrmann, A; Inselsbacher, E
EJP Soil Annual Science Days 2024
(2024) Local soil amendments for improving soil health and crop yield in degraded post-mining soils
Autoren: Keiblinger, K; Maftukhah, R; Mentler, A; Ngadisih; Hood, R; Kral, R; Murtiningrum; Bodner, G;
19th ASEA-UNINET Plenary Meeting 2024
(2024) Cover crops affect pool specific SOC in cropland - A meta-analysis
Autoren: Fohrafellner, J; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Keiblinger, K; Spiegel, H; Murugan, R; Valkama, E;
EJP Soil Annual Science Days 2024
(2023) Hochauflösende Dynamik des verfügbaren Stickstoffs in einem Grasland-Ökosystem in einem multifaktoriellen Klimamanipulationsexperiment
Autoren: Inselsbacher, E; Deltedesco, E; Gorfer, M; Pötsch, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Keiblinger, K
77. ALVA-Jahrestagung 2023
(2023) Boden beleben: Die Natur der Landwirtschaft verstehen
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Huber, S; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Wieser, S; Bruhns, N; Mentler, A; Wellinger, L; Weinrich, F; T; Keiblinger, K
Bodenbiologie Tag des Vereins Boden.Leben
(2023) Towards a functional understanding of soil biology in the EU Soil Health Law and beyond
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K;
Virtueller Workshop on the EU Soil Health Law
(2023) Die Mikrobiologie gesunder Böden.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Huber, S; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Wieser, S; Bruhns, N; Mentler, A; Wellinger, L; Weinrich, F; T; Keiblinger, K
Bodenrundreise 2023
(2023) Einfluss von Pflanzendiversität auf mikrobielle Energieverteilung und organische Kohlenstoffspeicherung in landwirtschaftlichen Böden - EnergyLink
Autoren: Inselsbacher, E; König, A; Keiblinger, K; Murugan, R; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Z
77. ALVA-Jahrestagung 2023
(2023) Towards nature: On-farm assessment of soil health regeneration in innovative farming systems
Autoren: Keiblinger, K; Rosinger, R; Huber, S; Mentler, A; Sae-Tun, O; Bieber, M; Bernardini, L; Weinrich, F; Bruhn, N; Wieser, S; Wellinger, L; Bodner, G
Seminar Series Sustainable Agroecosystems - ETH
(2023) Mikrobielle Diversität im Boden. Lebende Agrarökosystem verstehen.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Huber, S; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Wieser, S; Bruhns, N; Mentler, A; Wellinger, L; Weinrich, F; T; Keiblinger, K
Webinar des Vereins Boden.Leben
(2023) Boden und Humusaufbau. Praxis-Talks Netzwerk Leitbetriebe Pflanzenbau.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Huber, S; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Wieser, S; Bruhn, N; Mentler, A; Wellinger, L; Weinrich, F; T; Keiblinger, K
Seminarreihe des Netzwerks Leitbetriebe Pflanzenbau, Deutschland
(2023) Das Bodenmikrobiom managen
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Bodner, G; Keibilnger, K
Agroplanta Informationsveranstaltung
(2023) Trade-offs between crop yields and heavy metal concentrations of agriculutral crops in post-tin mining soils amended with local organic amendments
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Mentler, A; Ngadisih, N; Murtiningrum, M; Kral, R; Hood-Nowotny, R; Gartner, M; Keiblinger, KM;
8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
(2023) Humusbiologie. Zustände und Kreisläufe.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Huber, S; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Wieser, S; Bruhn, N; Mentler, A; Wellinger, L; Weinrich, F; T; Keiblinger, K
Symposium: Humus im Kreislauf Erde-Wasser-Luft
(2023) Einfluss erhöhter Diversität der Deckfrucht auf die mikrobielle Kohlenstoffsequestrierung in landwirtschaftlichen Böden in Europa
Autoren: Inselsbacher, E; König, A; Murugan, R; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
77. ALVA-Jahrestagung 2023
(2023) Cover crops and liming effects to soil organic matter and it's dissolved and mineral associated carbon forms in bulk and rhizosphere soil
Autoren: Maksimovic, N; Bodner G; Mentler A; Rosinger, C; Kulhanek, M; Keiblinger, K;
8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
(2023) Shifts in the soil bacterial community and the soil nitrogen cycle through copper-based fungicide application
Autoren: Schneider, M; Keiblinger, KM; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Deltedesco, E; Jöchlinger, L; Paumann, M; Soja, G; Mentler, A; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Wenzel, W; Zehetner, F
8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
(2023) Humusaufbau: Potentiale und Limitierungen in Ackerböden
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Bodner, G
Bewässerungsfachtag von LFI, LFS Obersiebenbrunn, NGV, LK NÖ 2023
(2023) Effect of land use change on the nutrient status and microbiology of a young volcanic soil in Galápagos
Autoren: Orepić, D; Zehetner, F; Gerzabek, MH; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K;
8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
(2023) Mikrorespiration: Eine Feldmethode zur Messung der mikrobiellen Aktivität in Ackerböden
Autoren: Weinrich, F; Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K;
Feldtag Humusbewegung
(2023) Drought impact on plant-microbe interactions in different agricultural management systems
Autoren: Jäggle, J; Hartmann, M; Keiblinger, K
8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
(2023) Microrespiration: A field method for measuring microbial activity in arable soil
Autoren: Weinrich, F; Keiblinger, K; Rosinger, C; Kandeler, E; Bodner, G;
8th WABO Student Conference 2023 - Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
(2023) Potentials and challenges of regenerative farming systems for climate change adaptation in crop production.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Huber, S; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Wieser, S; Bruhns, N; Mentler, A; Weninger, T; Keiblinger, K
World Soybean Research Conference 11
(2023) Blickwinkel auf das Agrarökosystem: Vom mikrobiellen Leben zur landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsfunktion
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Huber, S; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Wieser, S; Bruhn, N; Mentler, A; Wellinger, L; Weinrich, F; T; Keiblinger, K
Mikrobiom-Tagung Aufbauende Landwirtschaft
(2023) Boden.Pioniere - Ergebnisse und Ideen.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Huber, S; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Wieser, S; Bruhns, N; Mentler, A; Wellinger, L; Weinrich, F; T; Keiblinger, K
Treffen des Bio-Ackerbauarbeitskreises Wels
(2023) Boden.Pioniere – Potenziale für Bodengesundheit und Humusaufbau landwirtschaftlicher Pionierbetriebe
Autoren: Keiblinger, K; Rosinger, R; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Scharf, B; Bodner, G;
Schlägler Biogespräche
(2023) Neue Humustheorie und on-farm Speicherpotentiale – Humusaufbau und Bewertung
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
Resiliente Anbausysteme - Boden gut machen
(2023) The effect of different tillage intensities and cover cropping systems on microbial-mediated soil organic carbon sequestration
Autoren: Hartmann, M; Rosinger, C; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
(2022) Carbon farming – Landwirtschaft für den KlimaschutzTeil I: Humusaufbau-Potenzialeinnovativer Ackerbaubetriebe in Österreich
Autoren: Keiblinger K, Rosinger C, Mentler A, Huber S, Sae-Tun O, Luger D, Bernardini L, Bieber M, Scharf B, Bodner G
Joint Research Meeting - Research Centre Laimburg
(2022) The link between soil and plant diversity under different soil tillage intensities
Autoren: Hartmann M, Rosinger C, Bodner G, Keiblinger K
7th WABO Student Conference 2022 - Featuring future in forest and soil sciences
(2022) Lachgas und N2-Emissionen intensiv bewirtschafteter Weiden in den australischen Subtropen
Autoren: Friedl J, Keiblinger KM, Scheer C, Rowlings D
8. Umweltökologisches Symposium 2022 - Klimaschutz und Klimawandelanpassung
(2022) Was können wir von Pionierlandwirten über Bodenfruchtbarkeits-Potenziale lernen ?
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
EIT Food Grow Workshop 2022
(2022) Klimafitte Landwirtschaft und Carbon Farming
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Luger, D; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Erde & Saat Wintertagung 2022
(2022) Boden.Pioniere: Optimierung des Bodenwasserhaushalts durch Humusaufbau
Autoren: Bodner G, Keiblinger K, Sae-Tun O, Winkler S und Weninger T
8. Umweltökologisches Symposium 2022 - Klimaschutz und Klimawandelanpassung
(2022) Surface water, groundwater, and soil pollution: sustainable water resources management and novel reactive materials for advanced remediation processes.
Autoren: Filip J, OCarroll D, Keiblinger KM
Goldschmidt Conference 2022
(2022) Carbon farming effects on physical soil properties
Autoren: Bodner G, Keiblinger K, Winkler S, Weninger T
International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
(2022) Humusaufbau und dessen Bedeutung für die praktische Landwirtschaft
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Webinarreihe N2Landwirtschaft
(2022) Suitability of microbial and organic matter indicators for on-farm health monitoring
Autoren: Keiblinger K, Huber S, Benett A, Fohrafellner J, Dohnke K, Mentler M, Bieber M, Bernardini L, Bodner G
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2022 - Microbes as Important Drivers of Soil Processes
(2022) Study to Determine Levels of Cadmium in Cocoa Soil in Kulon Progo – Indonesia– Indonesia
Autoren: Jovantheo, I; Ngadisih; Murtiningrum; Keiblinger, KM; Mentler, A; Maftukhah, R; Setyawan, C
International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
(2022) Humus: Schutz des Klimas und der Biodiversität
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Umwelt Management Austria Fachdialog
(2022) Sustainable management of post-tin mining soils – Evaluation of local soil amendments on crop yield and drought resistance
Autoren: Maftukhah R, Kral RM, Mentler A, Ngadisih, Murtiningrum, Keiblinger KM, Gartner M, Hood-Nowotny R
International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
(2022) Sustainable management of post-tin mining soils - soil amendment effects on heavy metals concentrations in agricultural crops
Autoren: Maftukhah R, Mentler A, Ngadisih, Murtiningrum, Hood-Nowotny R, Gartner M, Kral RM, Keiblinger KM
International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
(2022) Boden.Pioniere: Humusaufbau-Potenziale innovativer Ackerbaubetriebe in Österreich
Autoren: Keiblinger K, Rosinger C, Huber S, Luger D und Bodner G
8. Umweltökologisches Symposium 2022 - Klimaschutz und Klimawandelanpassung
(2022) Auswirkungen und Zusammenhänge von Klimawandel, Bodenbiologie und Humus
Autoren: Keiblinger K, Rosinger C, Mentler A, Huber S, Sae-Tun O, Luger D, Bernardini L, Bieber M, Scharf B, Bodner G
Oberösterreichischer Umweltkongress 2022 - erdreich oder bodenlos? Tiefgehende Einsichten zum Bodenschutz
(2022) Humusaufbau: Neue Sichtweisen und landwirtschaftliche Potenziale zur Verbesserung einer Bodenökosystemeigenschaft
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Luger, D; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Generalversammlung des Vereins Boden.Leben 2022
(2022) Soil resource, microbial biomass and enzymatic stoichiometry affect the C sequestration potential in arable soils – evidence from a multiple site on-farm approach
Autoren: Huber S, Rosinger C, Sae-Tun O, Bodner G, Keiblinger KM
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2022 - Microbes as Important Drivers of Soil Processes
(2022) Correlation between soil characteristics and cadmium content in the aboveground of cocoa crops in Sungailiat District of Bangka Island – Indonesia
Autoren: Leomahendrasta, RF; Ngadisih; Prasetyatama, YD; Murtiningrum; Keiblinger, KM; Mentler, A; Maftukhah, R; Setyawan, C
International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
(2022) Böden für eine Klimawandel angepasste Landwirtschaft
Autoren: Keiblinger K, Rosinger C, Sae-Tun O, Huber S, Bernardini L, Scharf B, Bodner G
Agrar- und Forstwissenschaftliche Konferenz 2022 - Kreislaufwirtschaft: Bedarf – Strategien – Vernetzung
(2022) Development of physical-biological filters for groundwater remediation of tetrachloroethene and naphthalene
Autoren: Leitner, S; Ugochukwu Ukwamedua, T; Soja, G; Keiblinger, K; Sobanski, F; Fernández, C; Stumpp, C; Watzinger, A
Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting JESIUM 2022
(2022) Lebendiger Boden – biologische Prozesse und Optimierungspotentiale in Agrarökosystemen
Autoren: Keiblinger K., Rosinger C., Mentler A., Huber S., Sae-Tun O., Luger D., Bernardini L., Bieber M., Scharf B., Deltedesco E., Haas F., Bodner G.
Fachberatertagung Ökologischer Weinbau 2022
(2022) Development of physical-biological filters for groundwater remediation of tetrachloroethene and naphthalene
Autoren: Leitner, S; Sobanski, F; Fernández, C; Riebl, F; Ukwamedua, T; Soja, G; Keiblinger, K; Brunetti, G; Stumpp, C; Watzinger, A
Goldschmidt 2022
(2022) Carbon Farming: Chance, Risiken und Möglichkeiten von Humusaufbau in Ackerböden
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Fachveranstaltung und Feldtag der LK Bruck an der Leitha 2022
(2022) Humusaufbau: Chancen und Risiken der Klimapolitik für den Ackerbau
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Arbeitskreis Unternehmensfürhung der LK Niederösterreich/Bruck an der Leitha
(2022) Field-based evidence of soil organic carbon accumulation mechanism under different tillage intensities
Autoren: Sae-Tun O, Bodner G, Rosinger C, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Mentler A, Keiblinger KM
7th WABO Student Conference 2022 - Featuring future in forest and soil sciences
(2022) Correlation between soil characteristics and cadmium content in aboveground of cocoa farming in Nglangeran village, Gunung Kidul – Indonesia
Autoren: Ilham Bintang P., Ngadisih; Murtiningrum; Keiblinger, KM; Mentler, A; Maftukhah, R; Setyawan, C
International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
(2022) Boden und Humusausbau im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimawandel
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Tagung des Arbeitskreises Unternehmensführung der LK Niederösterreich/Hollabrunn
(2022) Boden und Humusausbau.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Tagung des Arbeitskreises Unternehmensführung der LK Niederösterreich/Korneuburg
(2022) Sustainable management of post-tin mining soils - soil amendment effects on heavy metal concentrations in agricultural crops
Autoren: Maftukhah R, Mentler A, Ngadisih, Murtiningrum, Hood-Nowotny R, Gartner M, Kral R, Keiblinger KM
Goldschmidt Conference 2022
(2022) On-farm soil health monitoring – Evaluation of microbial and organic matter indicators
Autoren: Bernardini L, Huber S, Bennett A, Fohrafellner J, Dohnke K, Mentler A, Bodner G, Keiblinger K
International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
(2022) On-farm research on innovative pioneer farms in North-Eastern Austria: microbial indicators affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration
Autoren: Huber, S; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft ÖBG 2022
(2022) Soil resource, microbial biomass and enzymatic stoichiometry affect the C sequestration potential in arable soils – evidence from a multiple site on-farm approach
Autoren: Huber, S; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2022 - Microbes as Important Drivers of Soil Processes
(2022) Cover crops and liming effects to soil organic matter and it's dissolved and mineral associate carbon forms in bulk and rhizosphere soil
Autoren: Maksimovic N, Rosinger C, Bodner G, Mentler A, Kulhanek M, Keiblinger K
7th WABO Student Conference 2022 - Featuring future in forest and soil sciences
(2022) Soil resource, microbial biomass and enzymatic stoichiometry affect the C sequestration potential in arable soils – evidence from a multiple site on-farm approach
Autoren: Huber, S; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
(2022) Indicators from EUF extracts to monitor soil organic matter.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Bernardini, L; Eigner, H; Geyer, S; Horn, D; Keiblinger, K
78th IIRB Congress 2022
(2021) Soil microbial abundance and activity as affected by soil weathering on the Galápagos Islands
Autoren: Socianu S, Phillips, Schmidt G, Rechberger M, Száková J, Keiblinger KM, Gerzabek MH, Zehetner F
3rd DBG K Workshop 2021 - Resilience and resistance of soil ecosystems and soil biota in a changing environment
(2021) Soil amendments with slow release fertilizer properties show distinct response in short-term incubations in a sandy arable soil
Autoren: Galamini G, Ferretti G, Rosinger C, Huber S, Mentler A, Coltorti M, Gorfer M, Diaz-Pines E and Keiblinger KM
18th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2021
(2021) Humusaufbau: Chancen und Grenzen
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, Ch; Keiblinger, K
Studientag Beratung: Humusaufbau und Humus-Zertifikatshandel - Chancen und Grenzen für die Landwirtschaft?
(2021) Soil Health Trainings: Working with Multiple Stakeholders for Knowledge Sharing
Autoren: Kral, RM; Mentler, A; Bodner, G; Maftukhah, R; Murtiningrum, T; Ngadisih, N; Keiblinger, KM
(2021) Soil.Pioneers. Soil health potentials in future-oriented farming systems:
Autoren: Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K; Rosinger, C
8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2021
(2021) Carbon farmin effects on physical soil - an on-farm survey
Autoren: Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K; Winkler, S; Weninger, T
1st joint congress on "Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal"
(2021) Soil Amendments Improve Crop Yields and Drought Tolerance on Ex-tin Mining Area.
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Kral, RM; Mentler, A; Ngadisih, N; Murtiningrum, M; Keiblinger, KM; Gartner, M; Hood-Nowotny, R
Tropentag 2021
(2021) Einfluss der Bodenbearbeitungsintensität auf Bodenkohlenstoff-Fraktionen und Aggregatstabilität
Autoren: Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K; Tsae-Tun, O; Kotschanderle, A; Euteneuer, P; Mentler, A
75. ALVA-Jahrestagung 2021
(2021) Ergosterol extraction to quantify the fungal biomass in two different soils - a method comparison
Autoren: Sae-Tun O, Maftukhah R, Hobel A, Kopdecky E, Noller C, Remlinger VI, Meyer-Laker V, Sørensen ACT, Sustic , Socianu SI, Bernardini LG, Mentler A, Keiblinger KM
ALVA-Jahrestagung 2021 - Landwirtschaft in der Zukunft – alles digital
(2021) Cd behavior in volcanic soils of different age on the Galápagos Islands
Autoren: Maria V. Rechberger, Daniela Roberti, Avion A.-L. Phillips, Tamara Dinter, I Nyoman Candra, Katharina M. Keiblinger, Ellen Kandeler, Franz Zehetner, Martin H. Gerzabek
(2021) Galapagos beneath the surface (Movie, in English, 22.5 minutes)
Autoren: Chen, P.-H., Dinter, T., Gerzabek, M.H., Keiblinger, K., Postl, S., Puck, C., Rechberger, M., Schmidt, G., Socianu, S., Strahlhofer, M., Zehetner, F.
(2021) Development of a physical-biological filter for groundwater remediation
Autoren: Ugochukwu Ukwamedua, T; Leitner, S; Soja, G; Keiblinger, K; Sobanski, F; Fernández, C; Stumpp, C; Watzinger, A
18th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2021
(2021) Impact of agriculture on soil microbial biomass, function and community composition in the Galapagos Islands
Autoren: Keiblinger KM, Borrusio L, Deltedesco E, Gerzabek MH, Gorfer M, Jäger H Mimmo T, Zehetner F
3rd DBG K Workshop 2021 - Resilience and resistance of soil ecosystems and soil biota in a changing environment
(2021) Humusaufbau: Neue Sichtweisen und landwirtschaftliche Potenziale zur Verbesserung einer Bodenökosystemeigenschaft
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Luger, D; Bernardini, L; Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
7. Webinar-Reihe „Aufbauende Landwirtschaft“
(2021) Pflanzenkohle im Weinbau – diesseits und jenseits der Kupfer-Problematik
Autoren: Soja, G; Sladjana Mlinkov, S; von Chamier, Schneider, J.M; Ameur, D; Zehetner, F; Keiblinger, K; Rosner, F; Faber, F; Dersch, G;
Humustage Kaindorf
(2021) Agricultural soil properties of the Galápagos archipelago - age, climate and land use effects
Autoren: Gerzabek, M.H., Keiblinger, K., Bajraktarevic, A., Dinter, T., Mentler, A., Rechberger, M., Strahlhofer, M., Zehetner, F.
(2021) Humusaufbau. Einige Gedanken und Ideen zum derzeitigen Stand des Boden.Pioniere-Projekts
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Luger, D; Bernardini, L; Bieber; M; Keiblinger, K
Arbeitstreffen der Humusbewegung
(2021) Isotopic composition and nitrogen uptake in different soil amendment application on the ex-tin mining area
Autoren: Maftukhah R, Keiblinger KM, Mentler A, Ngadisih N, Murtiningrum M, Kral RM, Gartner M, Hood-Nowothny R
18th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2021
(2021) Soil biodiversity and it’s link to human health – an overlooked ecosystem service
Autoren: Katharina M. Keiblinger, Martin Grassberger, Winfried E.H. Blum
(2021) Neue Humustheorie als Leitfaden für innovatives Bodenmanagement?
Autoren: Keiblinger K
Seminar Innovatives Bodenmanagement
(2021) Monitoring soil health: IndiSOC - Methods for assessing influences on formation of soil organic carbon
Autoren: Bodner, G; Bernardini, L; Eigner, H; Geyer, S; Sehr, EM; Keiblinger, K
FFoQSI Annual Assembly 2021
(2020) Doing Field and Lab Work in Corona Times – A Soil Microbiology Course Experience (virtual booth)
Autoren: Diaz-Pines, E; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
1st Annual EPICUR Forum. Workshop Experiential Learning & Experimental Teaching in Digital Settings
(2020) Evaluation of the use of zeolite amendments on radiocaesium selectivity in Japanese and European soils
Autoren: Dengra i Grau, FX; Eguchi, T; Smolders, E; Gruber, R; Toloza, A; Heiling, M; Jabbarimalayeri, H; Tarjan, S; Mauring, A; Mentler, A; Hobel, A; Rampazzo, N; Keiblinger, K; Lee Zhi Yi, A; Shinano, T; Bruun Hansen, HC; Gerzabek, MH; Dercon, G
Master- and PhD seminar, Institute of Soil Research, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
(2020) Humusaufbau: Von der Theorie zum Management im Ackerbau
Autoren: Bodner, G; Schnecker, J; Keiblinger, K
Generalversammlung des Vereins Boden.Leben 2020
(2020) Humusaufbau: Die Bedeutung der Bodenbiologie
Autoren: Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
Stammtisch der Humusbewegung
(2020) Properties of agricultural soils of the Galapagos archipelago – impact of age and climate and comparison to pristine forest soils
Autoren: Gerzabek, MH; Bajraktarevic, A; Dinter, T; Keiblinger, K; Mentler, A; Rechberger, M; Strahlhofer, M; Zehetner, F
Master- and PhD seminar, Institute of Soil Research, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
(2019) Sustainable agriculture for reduced pesticide residues in food, water and soil – a case study conducted at the Indonesian Dieng plateau (invited key-note talk)
Autoren: Keiblinger, KM; Sanchez Vaca, SA; Mentler, A; Gartner, M; Gschaider, A; van der Poel, J; Ngadisih; Kral, RM
The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural Biosystems Engineering 2019
(2019) Bestimmung von Strukturkohlehydraten: Aminozucker und Muraminsäure als Biomarker von Boden Tot - und Biomasse
Autoren: Keiblinger, K; Kral, R; Rechberger, M; Vaca, S; Euteneuer, P; Kopecky, E; Neugschwandtner, R; Mentler, A
74. ALVA Jahrestagung 2019 - Weinbau und Klima
(2019) Potential of Ex-tin Mined Area for Agricultural Production in BangkaIsland, Indonesia
Autoren: Maftukhah, R.; Ngadisih; Murtiningrum; Keiblinger, K.M.; Kral, R.M.; Mentler, A.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) Soil amendments for re-cultivation of formerly mined land on Bangka island, Indonesia
Autoren: Keiblinger KM, Maftukhah R, Ngadisih N, Murtiningrum M, Kral RM, Mentler A
Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo del' uomo: le geosienze tra passato e futuro
(2019) Production potential in central Mozambique: soil analysis and mineralogy
Autoren: Mentler A, Ottner F, Wriessnig K, Keiblinger KM, Kral RM
Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo del' uomo: le geosienze tra passato e futuro
(2019) Einfluss des Klimawandels auf Stickstoffflüsse im Grünlandökosystem
Autoren: Deltedesco E, Keiblinger K.M, Naynar M, Piepho H-P, Gorfer M, Pötsch E.M, Zechmeister-Boltenstern
Alpenländisches Expertenforum - Klimawandel im Alpenraum – Auswirkungen auf das Ökosystem Grünland und dessen Bewirtschaftung
(2019) Charcoal for Rehabilitating Soil after Tin Mining on Bangka Island, Indonesia (invited talk)
Autoren: Kral, R; Maftukhah, R; Ngadisih; Murtiningrum; Mentler, A; Keiblinger, K
Big Biochar Day N°3
(2019) Sorption of 3,4 Dimethylpyralzole phosphate (DMPP) in Soils amended with different chabazite zeolites
Autoren: Ferretti G, Keiblinger KM, Faccini B, Galamini G, Mentler A, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Coltorti M
Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo del' uomo: le geosienze tra passato e futuro
(2019) Pesticide residues in intensive agricultural soils are higher than inagroforestry systems – a case study on the Indonesian Dieng plateau
Autoren: Vaca Sanchez, SA; Mentler, A; Gartner, M; Gschaider, A; van der Poel, J; Kral, RM; Ngadisih; Keiblinger, KM
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) On the ground or in the ground? Co-learning of farmers and scientists about soil
Autoren: Mentler A, Keiblinger KM, Maftukhah R, Ngadisih N, Murtiningrum M, Kral RM
Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo del' uomo: le geosienze tra passato e futuro
(2019) Underestimated Soils of Marara, Mozambique
Autoren: Mentler, A; Kral, RM; Ottner, F; Wriessnig, K; Homann-Kee Tui, S; Keiblinger, KM
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) Impressionen zum „Making of“ des Galápagos Filmes - Galápagos beneath the earth
Autoren: Gerzabek, MH, Chen, PH, Dinter, T, Keiblinger, K, Postl, S, Puck, C, Rechberger, M, Schmidt, G, Socianu, S, Strahlhofer, M, Zehetner, F
Bodenkinotag - Österreichische Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft
(2019) Soil and the human intestine microbiome
Autoren: Keiblinger KM, Blum WEH, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) Microbiological assessment of lime application to agriculutural soils
Autoren: Deltedesco E, Zehetner F, Unterfrauner H, Keiblinger KM
Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo del' uomo: le geosienze tra passato e futuro
(2019) Wie reagiert die Bodenmikrobiologie im Grünland auf den Klimawandel?
Autoren: Deltedesco E, Keiblinger K, Piepho H-P, Antonielli L, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Pötsch E.M, Gorfer M
Alpenländisches Expertenforum - Klimawandel im Alpenraum – Auswirkungen auf das Ökosystem Grünland und dessen Bewirtschaftung
(2019) Effects of natural and NH4-charged zeolite amendments and their contribution with 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on soil gross ammonification and nitrification rates
Autoren: Ferretti G, Galamini G, Deltedesco E, Gorfer M, Faccini B, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Coltorti M, Keiblinger KM
Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo del' uomo: le geosienze tra passato e futuro
(2019) Agriculture changes soils organic matter stocks and microbial activities in soils of the Galápagos Islands
Autoren: Gerzabek, MH; Bajraktarevic, A; Keiblinger, K; Mentler, A; Rechberger, M; Zehetner, F
8th International Symposium on Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms
(2019) Soil and human health
Autoren: Blum W, Keiblinger KM, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society Switzerland and the German Soil Science Society
(2019) From Mining to Agriculture: Citizen Science for Soil Re-cultivation on Bangka Island, Indonesia
Autoren: Kral, R.M.; Mentler, A.; Postl, S.; Maftukhah, R.; Ngadisih; Murtiningrum; Keiblinger, K.M.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) Effects of natural and NH4-charged zeolite amendments and theircombination with 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on soil grossammonification and nitrification rates
Autoren: Ferretti G, Galamini G, Deltedesco E, Gorfer M, Faccini B, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Coltorti M, Keiblinger KM
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) Online measurements of nitrous oxide in the soil profile of a pre-alpine grassland subjected to extreme climatic manipulations.
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Fahringer, A; Deltedesco, E; Keiblinger, K; Reinthaler, D; Herndl, M; Pötsch, E; Bahn, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
DASIM - Tracing denitrification
(2019) Loss of DNA to surface-reactive matrix compounds during extraction – the need for comprehensive process controls in molecular diagnostics of water samples
Autoren: Linke R, Zeki S, Mayer RE, Keiblinger KM, Mach RL, Derx J, Sommer R, Reischer GH, Farnleitner AH
20th Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology (HRWM)
(2018) Pflanzenkohle, Kompost und Kupfer in Weingartenböden – ein glückliches Dreiecksverhältnis?
Autoren: Gerhard Soja, Franz Rosner, Florian Faber, Karin Mandl, Georg Dersch, Bernhard Wimmer, Katharina Keiblinger, Franz Zehetner
10. Klosterneuburger Hefetagung 2019
(2018) Responses of soil microbial communities in a managed grassland to climate change scenarios - Increases in temperature and atmospheric CO2 can induce shifts in soil microbial communities
Autoren: Evi Deltedesco, Katharina Keiblinger, Livio Antonielli, Markus Gorfer, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern
Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Conference 2018
(2018) Climate change scenarios can induce shifts in soil microbial communities in a managed grassland
Autoren: Evi Deltedesco, Katharina Keiblinger, Livio Antonielli, Markus Gorfer, Erich Pötsch, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern
48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
(2018) Linking denitrification losses to functional N-genes in Australia
Autoren: Evi Deltedesco, Johannes Friedl, David W. Rowlings, Markus Gorfer, Clemens Scheer, Katharina Keiblinger, Peter R. Grace, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern
3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
(2018) Influence of different thinning on soil microbial biomass, enzyme activities and organic matter dynamics in Fagus sylvatica plantation.
Autoren: Federico Romeo, Katharina Keiblinger, Axel Mentler, Carmelo Mallamaci, Adele Muscolo
48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
(2018) Online measurements of nitrous oxide and methane in the soil profile of apre-alpine grassland subject to extreme climatic manipulations
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Fahringer, A; Deltedesco, E; Keiblinger, K; Reinthaler, D; Herndl, M; Pötsch, E; Bahn, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2018) Increases in temperature and atmospheric CO2 can induce shifts in soil microbial communities
Autoren: Evi Deltedesco, Markus Gorfer, Livio Antonielli, Katharina Keiblinger, Erich M. Pötsch, Markus Herndl, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2018
(2018) Sorption of nitrification inhibitor 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) in soils amended with natural zeolites and biochar
Autoren: Giacomo Ferretti, Zehetner Franz, Faccini Barbara, Dario Di Giuseppe, Zechmeister-Boltenstern Sophie, Coltorti Massimo, Mentler Axel, Keiblinger Katharina
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2018) Soil fertility and soil quality parameters on the different inhabited Galápagos Islands: natural variations and impacts of agricultural land use
Autoren: Zehetner, F; Gerzabek, MH; Keiblinger, KM; Bajraktarevic, A; Dinter, T; Strahlhofer, M; Troya, A; Vera, E
21st World Congress of Soil Science WCSS 2018
(2018) Interactive effects of warming, elevated CO2 and weather extremes on N2O and CH4 emissions in a managed grassland
Autoren: Diaz-Pines, E., Keiblinger, K., Fahringer, A., Pötsch, E.M., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
International SusAlps Conference 2018
(2018) Cu application disrupts the bacterial community structure and the soil N cycle
Autoren: Katharina M. Keiblinger, Markus Gorfer, Evi Deltedesco, Martin Schneider, Melanie Paumann, Harald Berger, Lisa Jöchlinger, Axel Mentler, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Gerhard Soja, Franz Zehetner
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2018
(2018) Topsoil mircobial characteristics in relation to soil age and climate gradients on the Galapagos Islands
Autoren: Socianu, S.I., Keiblinger, K., Zehetner, F., Gerzabek, M.
3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
(2018) Organic small scale rice production systems in Java, Indonesia – Comparison of soil management practices
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Ngadisih, A; Murtiningrum, T; Mentler, A; Keiblinger, K; Probst, L; Melcher, A; Zehetner, F; Kral, R
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2018) Investigating the influence of land-use change on soil microbial parameters in adjacent natural forests and agricultural fields on the Galapagos islands
Autoren: Bajraktarevic, A., Keiblinger, K., Mentler, A., Gerzabek, M.H., Zehetner, F.
3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
(2018) Non target effects of Cu hydroxide application on soil bacterial community structure and nitrogen cycling
Autoren: Katharina M. Keiblinger, Markus Gorfer, Evi Deltedesco, Martin Schneider, Melanie Paumann, Harald Berger, Lisa Jöchlinger, Axel Mentler, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Gerhard Soja, Franz Zehetner
Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Conference 2018
(2018) Nitrogen addition to temperate forests lead to changes in soil microbial community structure and function
Autoren: Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Stefan J. Forstner, Stefanie Müller, Viktoria Wechselberger, Martin H. Gerzabek, Wolfgang Wanek, Patrick Schleppi, Per Gundersen, Kathrin Riedel, Katharina M. Keiblinger
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2018
(2018) Short-term effect of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP on N-turnover and denitrification losses from two agricultural soils in subtropical Australia
Autoren: Johannes Friedl, Clemens Scheer, Evi Deltedesco, Markus Gorfer, David W Rowlings, Peter R Grace, Katharina Keiblinger
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2018) Soil and the human microbiome
Autoren: Winfried E.H. Blum, Katharina M. Keiblinger, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern
21st World Congress of Soil Science WCSS 2018
(2018) Interactive effects of warming, elevated CO2 and weather extremes on N2O and CH4 emissions in a managed grassland
Autoren: Sophie Zechmeister Boltenstern, Evi Deltedesco, Eugenio Diaz-Pines, Alexandre Fahringer, Erich Pötsch, Markus Herndl, David Reinthaler, Michael Bahn, Katharina Keiblinger
19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2018) Integrated Agro-forestry Systems to Reduce the Risks for Soil Erosion and Land-sliding in Serayu Watershed - Indonesia
Autoren: Ngadisih, A; Suryatmojo, H; Nugroho, P; Sutyaningtyas, M; Novindasari, A; Keiblinger, K; Mentler, A; Kral, R
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2017) Vertical Changes in Soil Carbon Storage after Two Decades of N Addition in Two Temperate Forests
Autoren: Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Forstner, SJ; Gundersen, P; Schleppi, P; Hagedorn, F; Wechselberger, V; Müller, S; Keiblinger, KM; Wanek, W; Gerzabek, M
BIOGEOMON 2017 9th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior
(2017) Effects of interactive global changes on soil N-fluxes in managed grassland
Autoren: Deltedesco E., Gerding M., Naynar M., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Gorfer M., Bahn M., Pötsch EM, Herndl M, Keiblinger KM
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2017
(2017) Temperature sensitivity of enzymes in the soil along a forest temperature gradient
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Forstner, S; Maljanen, M; Sandén, H
The ForHot 2017 Workshop - Joint Ecosystem Assessment on the Effects of Natural Soil Warming on Subarctic Grasslands and Forests
(2017) Investigation of microbiological parameters of soils from the Galapagos islands
Autoren: Bajraktarevic, A; Keiblinger, K; Mentler, A; Gerzabek, MH; Zehetner, F
2. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2017
(2017) Risk assessment for greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), nutrient-, water resource-, soil management and their socio economic impact on rice production systems in South East Asia in a changing world
Autoren: Wang, S.-L., N. Asih, R.-R. Chang, B.B. Ghaley, A.M. Hama, K. Keiblinger, L. Probst, F. Zehetner, R. Kral, J. Schomakers, and A. Mentler
Austria - Taiwan Joint Seminar 2017 – Interdisciplinary Research in Climate Change – Next Steps
(2017) Comparison of Soil Parameters between Conventional Rice Production Systems (CRPS) and Systems of Rice Intensification (SRI), Adapted to Small-scale Farms in Java, Indonesia
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Ngadisih; Murtiningrum; Mentler, A; Ghaley, BB; Hama, AM; Keiblinger, K; Probst, L; Zehetner, F; Kral, R
Orgatrop 2017. International Conference on Organic Agriculture in the Tropics
(2017) Interactive global change effects on soil nitrous oxide fluxes in managed grassland
Autoren: Gerding M., Keiblinger K., Deltedesco E., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
2. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2017
(2017) Opening Pandora's box Unmasking the Need for a Continuous Sample Processing Control for PCR Based Fecal Marker Analysis
Autoren: R. Linke, S. Zeki, R. Mayer, K. Keiblinger, R.L. Mach, R. Sommer, G. Reischer, A.H. Farnleitner
UNC Water Microbiology Conference
(2017) Vertical changes in soil carbon storage after two decades of N addition in two temperate forests
Autoren: Forstner, S; Wechselberger, V; Müller, S; Keiblinger, KM; Wanek, W; Schleppi, P; Hagedorn, F; Gundersen, P; Gerzabek, MH; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S;
(2017) Short-term effects of natural and NH4+-enriched chabazite zeolite amendments to soil microbial biomass
Autoren: Ferretti G., Keiblinger KM., Di Giuseppe D., Faccini B., Colombani N., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Coltorti M., Mastrocicco M.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2017
(2017) Combined effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature levels on the N2O and CH4 fluxes in a managed alpine grassland during a simulated drought period
Autoren: Fahringer A., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Keiblinger K., Diaz-Pines E., Deltedesco E.
2. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2017
(2016) Vertical patterns of eco-enzyme activities in two temperate forest soils after 20 years of nitrogen additions
Autoren: Forstner SJ, Kloss S, Keiblinger K, Tatzber M, Wanek W, Schleppi P, Hagedorn F, Gundersen P, Gerzabek MH, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology & Applications 2016
(2016) Eco-toxicological assessment of Cu-based fungicides: effects on the soil microbiome
Autoren: Deltedesco, E.; Dober, M.; Gorfer, M.; Schneider, M.; Jöchlinger, L.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Soja, G.; Zehetner, F.; Keiblinger, K.
Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel- Veterinär- und Agrarwesen
(2016) Soil microbial toxicity assessment of a copper-based fungicide in two contrasting soil
Autoren: Dober, M.; Deltedesco, E.; Jöchlinger, L.; Schneider, M.; Gorfer, M.; Bruckner, A.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Soja, G.; Zehetner, F.; Keiblinger, K.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2016
(2016) Copper-based fungicide application limits nitrogen fixing root nodules of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in two contrasting soils
Autoren: Schneider, M.; Dober, M.; Jöchlinger, L.; Keiblinger, K.; Mentler, A.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Bruckner A.; Golestani Fard, A.; Wenzel, WW.; Soja, G.; Zehetner, F.
Central and South Eastern Europe Conference
(2016) Response of soil microbial communities to droughts and heavy rainfall events
Autoren: Saronjic N, Leitner S, Keiblinger K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Zimmermann M
16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology 2016
(2016) Copper accumulation in vineyard soils as consequence of fungicide applications: biochar as rescue?
Autoren: Soja, G., F. Zehetner, K. Keiblinger, F. Rosner, F. Faber, G. Dersch, and V. Fristák
ICHMET 2016 - 18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment
(2016) Vertical patterns of eco-enzyme activities in two temperate forest soils after 20 years of nitrogen additions
Autoren: Forstner SJ, Kloss S, Keiblinger K, Tatzber M, Wanek W, Schleppi P, Hagedorn F, Gundersen P, Gerzabek MH, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
SOMmic International Workshop on Microbial Contribution and Impact on Soil Organic Matter, Structure and Genesis
(2016) Metaproteogenomics reveals the soil microbial communities active in nutrient cycling processes under different tree species
Autoren: Keiblinger KM, Masse J, Zühlke D, Riedel K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Prescott C, Grayston S
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2016
(2016) Effects of interactive global changes on N-fluxes in a managed grasslan
Autoren: Deltedesco E., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Gerding M., Bahn M., Gorfer M., Herndl M., Keiblinger K.
Faceing the future – food production and ecosystems
(2016) Tree species effects on soil microbial communities
Autoren: Masse J, Keiblinger K, Zühlke D, Riedel K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Prescott CE, Grayston SJ
16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology 2016
(2016) Soil microbial toxicity assessment of a copper-based fungicide in two contrasting soils
Autoren: Dober M, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Zehetner F, Keiblinger K
1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
(2016) Biochar and compost as a mitigation strategy for Cu enriched soil - examination of the soil microbiology
Autoren: Ameur D, Keiblinger K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
(2016) Interactive effects of warming, elevated CO2 and weather extremes on nitrogen gas fluxes in a managed grassland
Autoren: Deltedesco E, Gorfer M, Keiblinger K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
(2016) Short-term diffusive soil fluxes of mineral and organic N during severe dry-wet events
Autoren: Leitner, S; Minixhofer, P; Inselsbacher, E; Keiblinger, KM; Zimmermann, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
1. Rosalia Workshop 2016
(2016) Boden als „Bioreaktor“ und seine Aufgaben für die Wasserwirtschaft
Autoren: Keiblinger K
Der Wert des Bodens in der Wasserwirtschaft
(2016) Responses of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and rhizobia to copper-based fungicide application in two contrasting soils.
Autoren: Schneider, M.; Dober, M.; Jöchlinger, L.; Keiblinger, K.; Soja, G.; Mentler, A.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Bruckner A.; Golestani Fard, A.; Wenzel, WW.; Zehetner, F.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2016
(2016) Response of soil microbial communities to droughts and heavy rainfall events
Autoren: Saronjic N, Leitner S, Keiblinger K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Zimmermann M
1. Rosalia Workshop 2016
(2016) Effects of long-term nitrogen deposition on soil microbial community structure
Autoren: Stecher S, Forstner S, Keiblinger K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
(2016) Biochar and compost for mitigation of elevated copper concentrations in vineyard soils
Autoren: Soja, G., F. Rosner, F. Faber, K. Keiblinger, F. Zehetner, G. Dersch, A. Dell'antonio, and V. Fristak
(2016) Ermittlung der Folgen von Kupferfungizid-Applikation auf Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.), Rhizobien und Bodenökologie in zwei unterschiedlichen Böden
Autoren: Schneider, M.; Keiblinger, K.; Dober, M.; Jöchlinger, L.; Soja, G.; Mentler, A.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Deltedesco, E.; Gorfer, M.; Berger, H.; Golestani Fard, A.; Wenzel, WW.; Zehetner, F.
Nationale Kupfer Taskforce
(2016) Ein ökotoxikologischer Ansatz zur Ermittlung der Folgen von Kupferfungizid-Applikation auf Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) und Rhizobien in zwei unterschiedlichen Böden.
Autoren: Schneider, M.; Dober, M.; Jöchlinger, L.; Keiblinger, K.; Mentler, A.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Golestani Fard, A.; Wenzel, WW.; Soja, G.; Zehetner, F.
Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel- Veterinär- und Agrarwesen
(2016) Pitfalls in DNA-based dianostics in environmental water samples - tools for validation and optimisation of filtration/extraction procedures
Autoren: Linke R, Zeki S, Mayer RE, Keiblinger KM, Mach RL, Reischer GH, Farnleitner AH
35. Jahrestagung der ÖGHMP Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin 2016
(2015) Ecotoxicological assessment of Copper based fungicides on soil microbial properties.
Autoren: Dober, M.; Schneider, M.; Jöchlinger L., Wenzel WW., Soja G., Keiblinger K., Zehetner F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
ÖBG Jahrestagung 2015 - boden.raum.planung
(2015) Immobilization of historically and freshly applied copper in vineyard soils using compost and biochar-based amendments
Autoren: Deinhofer E., Johnen S., Keiblinger K.M., Wenzel W.W., Zehetner F., Gerzabek M.H., Rosner F., Dersch G., Dellantonio A., Wimmer B., Pardeller G., Soja G.
German Soil Science Society
(2015) How do soil microbial communities react on drought and heavy rainfall events?
Autoren: Nermina, Saronjic; Sonja, Leitner; Katharina, Keiblinger; Sophie, Zechmeister-Boltenstern; Michael, Zimmermann
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
(2015) Efficacy of biochar and compost on remediation of copper contamination in vineyard soils - effects on soil microbiology.
Autoren: Keiblinger K., Jöchlinger L., Johnen S., Deinhofer E., Pardeller G., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Wimmer B., Wenzel W., Zehetner F., Soja G.
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2015
(2015) Vertical patterns of ecoenzyme activities in forest soils after 20 years of simulated nitrogen deposition
Autoren: Forstner S.J., Kloss S., Keiblinger K.M., Schleppi P., Hagedorn F., Gundersen P., Wanek W., Gerzabek M.H., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
(2015) Rosalia Lehrforst
Autoren: Michael ,Zimmermann; Sonja, Leitner; Nermina, Saronjic; Katharina, Keiblinger; Christian, Holtermann; Sophie, Zechmeister-Boltenstern; Josef, Gasch
LTER-Europe conference & workshops 2015
(2015) Remediation potential of biochar and compost on Cu contaminated vineyard soils – a soil microbial survey.
Autoren: Jöchlinger, L.; Keiblinger, K.; Johnen, S.; Deinhofer, E.; Pardeller, G.; Wimmer, B.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Wenzel, W.; Zehetner, F.; Soja, G.
ÖBG Jahrestagung 2015 - boden.raum.planung
(2015) How do soil microbial communities react on droughts and heavy rainfall events?
Autoren: Nermina, Saronjic; Sonja, Leitner; Katharina, Keiblinger; Sophie, Zechmeister-Boltenstern; Michael, Zimmermann
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2015
(2015) Highly variable functional response of microbial communities to experimental temperature disturbances
Autoren: Wanek W., Mooshammer M., Hofhansl F., Frank A.H., Leitner S., Schnecker J., Wild B., Watzka M., Keiblinger K.M., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Richter A.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
(2015) Effects of long-term N deposition on C-stocks, decomposition and SOM chemistry in two temperate forest soils
Autoren: Forstner SJ, Baumert VL, Aubertin ML, Kloss S, Kandeler E., Wanek W, Tatzber M, Keiblinger KM, Schleppi P, Hagedorn F, Gundersen P, Gerzabek MH, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
ÖBG Jahrestagung 2015 - boden.raum.planung
(2015) Design and Application of a genetically modified E.coli strain for assessment of DNA extraction and recovery effciencies in Bacteroidetes based microbial source tracking studies.
Autoren: Zeki S, Mayer RE, Keiblinger KM, Schuster N1, Kiesenhofer D, Mach-Aigner A, Mach RL, Reischer GH, Farnleitner AH
18th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology. 2015
(2015) Long-term effects of chronic N deposition on soil organic matter quality in two temperate forests
Autoren: Kloss S., Wanek W., Schnecker J., Forstner S.J., Tatzber M., Keiblinger K.M., Schleppi P., Hagedorn F., Gundersen P., Gerzabek M.H., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
(2015) Effects of long-term N deposition on soil organic matter turnover in different soil organic matter fractions in a temperate forest soil
Autoren: Aubertin ML, Kloss S, Forstner SJ, Baumert VL, Mentler A, Wanek W, Keiblinger KM, , Schleppi P, Hagedorn F, Gundersen P, Gerzabek MH, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
Annual meeting of the German soil science society
(2015) Metaproteomics of soil and leaf litter – Potentials and Challenges
Autoren: Keiblinger KM, Schneider T, Wilhartitz I., Fuchs S., Riedel K., and Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
Canadian Soil Science Society Annual meeting
(2015) How does long-term nitrogen input influence stoichiometric relationships between soil microbes and their resources?
Autoren: Forstner SJ., Kloss S., Keiblinger KM., Schleppi P., Hagedorn F., Gundersen P.,Wanek W., Gerzabek MH., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2015
(2015) How do soil microbial communities react on droughts and heavy rainfall events?
Autoren: Saronjic, N; Leitner, S; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Zimmermann, M
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
(2015) Immobilisation of copper in vineyard soils with organic amendments based on compost and biochar
Autoren: Soja G., Zehetner F., Johnen S., Keiblinger K., Wimmer B. Pardeller G., Rosner F., Faber F.
ALVA Jahrestagung 2015 - Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion
(2015) Impact of Nitrogen on Soil Carbon Storage in Temperate Forest Soils
Autoren: Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Forstner S, Aubertin M, Baumert VL, Gerzabek MH, Gundersen P, Keiblinger KM, Kloss S, Schleppi P, Wanek W, Wechselberger V
2nd Annual meeting ClimMani 2009
(2015) Effects of long-term N deposition on C-stocks, decomposition and SOM chemistry in two temperate forest soils
Autoren: Forstner SJ, Baumert VL, Aubertin ML, Kloss S, Kandeler E., Wanek W, Tatzber M, Keiblinger KM, Schleppi P, Hagedorn F, Gundersen P, Gerzabek MH, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S
5th International Symposium on Soil Organic matter SOM 2015
(2015) Changes in microbial community structure and function in response to long-term N addition as revealed by soil metaproteomics
Autoren: Keiblinger KM, Forstner SJ, Kloss S, Fuchs S, Riedel K, Gerzabek MH, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
7th Annual Argonne National Soil Metagenomics Meeting
(2014) Does decade-long nitrogen fertilization alter soil organic matter in temperate forests?
Autoren: Forstner S.J., Kloss S., Wechselberger V., Keiblinger K.M., Schleppi P., Hagedorn F., Gundersen P., Wanek W., Gerzabek M., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
(2014) Soil Protein Extractions – Comparative Evaluations of pooling strategy for Metaproteome analysis
Autoren: Dong L., Keiblinger K.M., Fuchs S., Wegner U., Hentschker C., Becher D., Riedel K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
(2014) Examination of the effect of application of limestone and quicklime on selected soils – a study regarding key parameters of soil physics
Autoren: Bauer L.-M., Deltedesco E., Unterfrauner H., Peticzka R., Keiblinger K.M. Zehetner F.
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
(2014) Impact of repeated dry-wet cycles on soil CO2 efflux and extracellular enzyme activities in a beech forest
Autoren: Leitner, S; Zimmermann, M; Holtermann, C; Keiblinger, K; Saronjic, N; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
Autoren: Leitner, S; Zimmermann, M; Kobler, J; Holtermann, C; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
1st ClimMani COST action workshop 2014
(2014) Impact of droughts and heavy rainfall events on soil microbial communities in a beech forest
Autoren: Saronjic. N; Leitner, S; Keiblinger, K; Zechmesiter-Boltenstern, S; Zimmermann, M
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
(2014) Microbial life on dead leaves - a metaproteomics approach to unravel the major microbial players in litter decomposition;
Autoren: Keiblinger K.M., Schneider T., Riedel K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
44th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2014
(2014) Effects of quicklime and limestone application on soil microbiology
Autoren: Deltedesco E., Bauer L.-M., Unterfrauner H., Peticzka R., Zehetner F., Keiblinger K.M.
ALVA Jahrestagung 2014, Angewandte Forschung - gibt es neue Wege?
(2014) Impact of droughts and heavy rainfall on soil microbial communities in a beech forest
Autoren: Saronjic N., Leitner S., Keiblinger K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Zimmermann M.
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
(2014) Effects of quicklime and limestone application on physical soil properties
Autoren: Bauer L.-M., Deltedesco E., Unterfrauner H., Peticzka R., Keiblinger K.M., Zehetner F.
ALVA Jahrestagung 2014, Angewandte Forschung - gibt es neue Wege?
(2014) mpact of Nitrogen Fertilization on Soil Organic Matter in Forest Soils (INFOSOM)
Autoren: Forstner S.J., Tatzber M., Keiblinger K.M., Schleppi P., Hagedorn F., Gundersen P., Wanek W., Gerzabek M. Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2014
(2014) Comparative evaluation of pooling strategy in soil metaproteomics
Autoren: Dong L., Keiblinger K. M., Fuchs S., Wegner U., Hentschker C, Becher D., Riedel K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2014
(2014) Microbiological assessment of lime application to agricultural soils
Autoren: Deltedesco E., Bauer L.-M., Unterfrauner H., Peticzka R., Zehetner F., Keiblinger K.M.
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
(2014) Microbiological assessment of the application of quicklime and limestone as a measure to stabilize the structure of compaction-prone soils
Autoren: Deltedesco E., Bauer L.-M., Unterfrauner H., Peticzka R., Zehetner F., Keiblinger K.M.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2014
(2014) Copper stabilisation in vineyard soils using compost and biochar: effects on copper mobility and microbiology
Autoren: Deinhofer E., Johnen S., Keiblinger K., Zehetner F., Wenzel W.
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
(2014) Impact of repeated dry-wet cycles on soil CO2 efflux and extracellular enzyme activities in a beech forest
Autoren: Leitner, S; Zimmermann, M; Holtermann, C; Keiblinger, K; Saronjic, N; Zechmeister-Boltenster, S
Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
(2013) The effect of resource stoichiometry on microbial diversity and function in decomposing leaf litter
Autoren: Keiblinger Katharina M.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft ÖBG 2013
(2013) Metaproteomics of decomposing leaf litter.
Autoren: Keiblinger , K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Invited Lecture for the Workshop “Metaproteomics of the Soil - The Challenges and Possibilities” at the DOE JGI User meeting
(2012) Comparing greenhouse gas fluxes CO2, CH4 and N2O on a pure beech transect on the basis of two different treatments.
Autoren: Kranzinger L., Leitner S., Zimmermann M., Keiblinger K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
ÖBG Soil Science for the future
(2012) Temperature perturbations and their effects on the microbial community involved in decomposition of beech litter with different resource stoichiometries.
Autoren: Keiblinger K.M., Leitner S., Schneider T., Riedel K. and Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
CLIMMANI 2012 - Extreme weather conditions and consequences for terrestrial ecosystems
(2012) The soil metaproteome of two different soil samples – a comparison of protein extraction protocols.
Autoren: Keiblinger K.M., Wilhartitz I., Schneider T., Eberl L., Riedel K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME 2012
(2012) Keiblinger K.M., Schneider T., Leitner S., Hämmerle I., Riedel Metaproteome analysis of the microbial community during leaf litter decomposition - the impact of stoichiometry and temperature perturbations
Autoren: Keiblinger K.M., Schneider T., Leitner S., Hämmerle I., Riedel K. Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2012
(2012) Impact of extreme weather events on soil microbial community composition and emissions of climate-relevant gases
Autoren: Leitner S., Keiblinger K.M., Zimmermann M. and Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
CLIMMANI 2012 - Extreme weather conditions and consequences for terrestrial ecosystems
(2012) The effect of resource stoichiometry on microbial diversity and function in decomposing leaf litter
Autoren: Keiblinger K.M.
4th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2012
(2012) Leaf litter decomposition of four different deciduous tree species - resource chemistry, stoichiometry and microbial community
Autoren: Keiblinger K.M., Leitner S., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
(2012) Proteins in soil and adsorption characteristics of proteins to soil-biochar combinations
Autoren: Keiblinger K.M., Mentler A., Sandor B., Seyrl K., Cip M., Zehetner F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
ÖBG Conference 2012 - Soil Science for the Future
(2012) Metaproteomics of leaf litter decomposition
Autoren: Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Keiblinger K., Schneider T., Riedel K.
4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
(2012) Leaf litter decomposition of four different deciduous tree species - resource chemistry, stoichiometry and microbial community composition
Autoren: Leitner S., Keiblinger K.M., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2012
(2011) Comparison of extraction protocols to analyze the soil metaproteome of two different soil types
Autoren: Keiblinger, KM., Wilhartitz, IC., Schneider, T., Roschitzki, B., Schmid, E., Eberl., L., Riedel, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2011
(2011) Soil metaproteomics - a comparison of extraction protocols
Autoren: Keiblinger, K.M., Wilhartitz., I.C., Schneider, T., Eberl, L., Riedel, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2011
(2011) Who is who in litter decomposition: Metaproteomics reveals major microbial players and their biogeochemical functions
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Gerrits, B., Sterflinger-Gleixner, K., Schmid, E., Eberl, L., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Riedel, K.
96th Annual Meeting ESA 2011 - Earth Stewardship: Preserving and enhancing the earth's life-support systems
(2011) Organic Nitrogen Cycling during Organic Matter Decomposition
Autoren: Mooshammer, M., Wanek, W., Frank, AH., Hofhansl, F., Keiblinger, KM., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Richter, A.
Goldschmidt 2011
(2011) Fungal succession at early stages of beech litter decay
Autoren: Moll, S., Keiblinger, KM., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Bandian, D., Richter, A., Strauss, J., Gorfer, M.
15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
(2011) Microbial element-use efficiencies drive the stoichiometry of mineralization processes
Autoren: Mooshammer M., Wanek W., Schnecker J., Wild B., Hämmerle I., Keiblinger K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Richter A.
27th New Phytologist Symposium 2011 - Stoichiometric flexibility in terrestrial ecosystems under global change
(2011) Metaproteomics: Linking Microbial Diversity to Ecosystem Functioning
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Schmid, E., Sterflinger, K., Zechmeister, S., Eberl, L., Riedel, K.
Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology & Applications 2011
(2011) Who is who in litter decomposition? Metaproteomics reveals major microbial players and their functions related to biogeochemistry and climate
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Schmid, E., Sterflinger, K., Zechmeister, S., Eberl, L., and Riedel, K.
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2011
(2011) Early beech litter decomposition responds to N form and concentration.
Autoren: Brandstätter, C., Keiblinger, KM., Wanek, W., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2011
(2011) How to assess soil ecosystem services by metaproteomics
Autoren: Keiblinger, KM., Wilhartitz, I., Schneider, T., Eberl, L., Riedel, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
(2011) 13C-isotope pool dilution to investigate glucan depolymerization in decomposing beech litter
Autoren: Leitner, S., Wanek, W., Wild, B., Haemmerle, I., Keiblinger, KM., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Richter, A.
11th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2011
(2010) Linking beech litter stoichiometry to microbial decomposer community structure and function
Autoren: Keiblinger, K.M., Schneider, T., Hämmerle, I., Richter, A., Riedel, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME 2010
(2010) Metaproteomics to investigate the impact of sampling-site biogeochemistry on structure and functionality of leaf-litter degrading microbial communities
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Gerrits, B., Schmid, E., Eberl, L., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S. and Riedel, K.
International Workshop on Environmental Proteomics
(2010) Exploring nitrogen cycling processes during terrestrial litter decomposition using isotope pool dilution assays.
Autoren: Mooshammer, M., Wanek, W., Blöchl, A., Hanreich, A., Schnecker, J, Hämmerle, I., Keiblinger, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Richter, A.
10th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2010
(2010) Metaproteomics to investigate the impact of sampling-site biogeochemistry on structure and functionality of leaf-litter degrading microbial communities
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Gerrits, B., Schmid, E., Eberl, L., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Riedel, K.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2010
(2010) Metaproteomics to investigate the impact of leaf-litter biogeochemistry on structure and functionality of litter-decomposing communities
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Gerrits, B., Schmid, E., Eberl, L., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Riedel, K.
13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME 2010
(2010) Decomposition of beech litter - it's biogeochemistry and stoichiometry
Autoren: Keiblinger, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
MicDif Science Day 2010
(2010) Stoichiometry and climatic stress drive respiration and nutrient dynamics of beech litter decomposition
Autoren: Keiblinger, K.M., Hämmerle, I., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2010
(2010) Effects of climatic stress and stoichiometry on litter decomposition
Autoren: Keiblinger, K.M., Hämmerle, I., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
12th Austrian Soil Society Conference 2010
(2009) Influence of Sampling-Site Biogeochemistry on Structure and Functionality of Leaf-Litter Degrading Microbial Communities Investigated by Metaproteomics
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Gerrits, B., Eberl, L., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Riedel, K.
68th Annual Assembly of the Swiss Society for Microbiology 2009
(2009) Metaproteomics of beech litter decomposition
Autoren: Keiblinger K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
MicDif Science Day 2009
(2009) The time course of unsterilized beech litter decomposition - the E1 pre-experiment
Autoren: Brandstätter, C., Keiblinger, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
MicDif Science Day 2009
(2009) Respiration dynamics and stoichiometric response to temperature extremes
Autoren: Keiblinger, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
MicDif Science Day 2009
On-farm regeneration of microbiology for healthy agricultural soil
Autoren: Huber, S; Rosinger, C; Bieber, M; Scharf, B; Sae-Tun, O; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K;
Copper fungicide-induced shifts in the soil microbial community and the nitrogen cycle
Autoren: Schneider, M; Keiblinger, KM; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Deltedesco, E; Jöchlinger, L; Paumann, M; Soja, G; Mentler, A; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Wenzel, W; Zehetner, F
Trade-offs between nitrogen fixation and heavy metal(loid)s accumulation in a cassava-legume intercropping system on post-tin mining soils amended with local organic amendments
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Mentler, A; Ngadisih, N; Murtiningrum, M; Kral, R; Gartner, M; Hood-Nowotny, R; Keiblinger, K
Effects of struvite and N-modified zeolites on nutrient cycling in sandy arable soil
Autoren: Galamini, G; Ferretti, G; Rosinger, C; Huber, S; Medoro, V; Mentler, A; Diaz-Pines, E; Gorfer, M; Faccini, B; Coltorti, M; Keiblinger, K
Cover crops affecting pool specific SOC sequestration in european cropland – A meta-analysis
Autoren: Fohrafellner F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Keiblinger K., Spiegel H., Murugan R., Valkama E
Education (SDG4) is Key for Sustainable Agriculture to Achieve SDG 2 (Zero Hunger): Insights from the Indonesian Dieng Plateau
Autoren: Vaca, S A; Keiblinger, K; Mentler, A; Gartner, M; Gschaider, A; van der Poel, J; Ngadisih; Kral, R
Effects of Different Agricultural Management Practices on Soil Quality Pa-rameters
Autoren: Wellinger, L; Bieber, M; Bruhn, N; Manniche, M; Mentler, A; Prohaska I; Rosinger, C; Som-Ard, J; Weinrich, F; Wieser, S; Keiblinger K
Cover crop and liming effects on microbial driven soil organic matter formation
Autoren: Bruhn, N; Keiblinger, K; Rosinger, C; Bodner, G
Improved prediction of soil organic carbon sequestration potentials in Austrian arable soils as simulated by multi-model ensembles
Autoren: Bernardini, LG; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Bodner G
The potential of pioneer management systems to improve soil organic carbon
Autoren: Steiner P., Keiblinger K.
Agroforestry systems have lower pesticide residues than intensively managed soils - A case study at the Dieng Plateau in Central Java Indonesia
Autoren: Vaca Sanchez SA, Mentler A, Gartner M, Gschaider A, van der Poel J, Kral RM, Ngadisih, Keiblinger KM
Conducting microcosm experiments to select suitable combinations of biochar and pollutant-degrading microbial consortia
Autoren: Fernández Balado, C; Leitner, S; Ukwamedua, T; Keiblinger, K; Watzinger, A
Cover Crops Affecting Pool Specific Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Cropland–A Meta-Analysis
Autoren: Fohrafellner, J; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Murugan, R; Keiblinger, K; Spiegel, H; Valkama, E
On-farm evaluation of microbial physiology and carbon-use efficiency on innovative pioneer farming systems
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Forer, V; Sandén, H; Bodner, G; Bernardini, LG; Bieber, M; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Mentler, A; Keiblinger, K;
Bodenstruktur und Humusstabilität – Analytische Potenziale von Ultraschall-Fraktionierung und simultaner Thermoanalyse
Autoren: Wieser, S; Keiblinger, K; Hood-Nowotny, R; Mayer, H; Mentler, A; Rosinger, C; Wriessnig, K; Bodner, G
Microrespiration: A field method for measuring microbial activity in arable soils
Autoren: Weinrich, F; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Bodner, G
Was ist eigentlich Humus? Erste Gedanken, warum Humussteigerung vielleicht keine sinnvolle Zielgröße für eine auf Bodengesundheit orientierte Landwirtschaft ist.
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
On farm-Evaluierung von mikrobiellem Wachstum und Kohlenstoffnutzungseffizienz in Böden unterschiedlicher Ackerbausysteme
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Forer, V; Sandèn, H; Mentler, A; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
Cd Adsorption Isotherms and Toxicity in a Volcanic Soil Chronosequence
Autoren: Phillips, A; Gerzabek, MH; Kandeler, E; Zehetner, F; Keiblinger, K; Rechberger, M
Neue Humustheorie und on-farm Speicherpotentiale – Humusaufbau und Bewertung
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Bodner, G
On farm-Evaluierung von mikrobiellem Wachstum und Kohlenstoffnutzungseffizienz in unterschiedlichen Ackerbausystemen
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Forer, V; Sanden, H; Mentler, A; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
The impact of management on soil-borne biodiversity in Austrian agriculture
Autoren: Gorfer, M; Bodner, G; Huber, S; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Berger, H; Freudhofmaier, M; Bandian, D; Ringwald, T; Sessitsch A
Cover Crops Affecting Pool Specific Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Cropland – A Meta-Analysis
Autoren: Fohrafellner, J; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Murugan, R; Keiblinger, K; Spiegel, H; Vlakama, E
Hotspots of aggregated soil and their organic fixation agents at different soil tillage intensities
Autoren: Kotschanderle A, Mentler A, Euteneuer P, Keiblinger K, Bodner G
Microbial Communities for Humus Formation in Agricultural Soil
Autoren: Huber S, Keiblinger K, Dunst G, Strauss J, Gorfer M
HuLK zu Besuch in Schulen - Vermittlung von Bodenwissen durch experimentelles Lernen
Autoren: Huber, S; Bieber, M; Hromatka, A; Keiblinger, K; Bodner, G
Boden(gesundheits)indikatoren zur Evaluierung landwirtschaftlicher Bewirtschaftung – ein Vergleich von Feld- und Labormethoden
Autoren: Bernardini L, Huber S, Bennett A, Fohrafellner J, Dohnke K, Manuel J, Kopecky E, Hobel A, Mentler A, Bodner G und Keiblinger K
Microbial Decomposers and their Role in Forest C-Sequestration
Autoren: Keiblinger, KM; Forstner, SJ; Masse, J; Riedel, K; Grayston, S; Prescott, C; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Boden.Pioniere: Humusaufbau in der Praxis
Autoren: Keiblinger K, Rosinger C, Mentler A, Huber S, Sae-Tun O, Luger D, Bernardini L, Bieber M, Scharf B, Bodner G
Conservation tillage practices facilitate soil organic carbon sequestration and aggregate stability via fungal abundance and necromass
Autoren: Sae-Tun O, Bodner G, Rosinger R, Weninger T, Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S, Mentler A, Keiblinger K
Estimating the effects of different crop management options on SOC stocks and deriving emission factors – the CarboSeq approach based on European long-term field experiments
Autoren: Panagea, I;Blanchy, G; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Diacono, M; Di Bene, C; Makoschitz, L; Sandén, T; Spiegel, H; Alonso-Ayuso, M; Martinez-Garcia, L; Álvaro-Fuentes, J; Suhadolc, M; Kay, S; Viaud, V; Quataert, P; Seidel, F; Don, A; Ruysschaert, G
Ökotoxikologischer Topfversuch mit Luzerne, Bodenmikroflora, Mikro- und Mesofauna auf ein Kupferfungizid
Autoren: Schneider, M.; Keiblinger, K.; Dober, M.; Jöchlinger, L.; Ziegler, J.; Platzer, M.; Soja, G.; Mentler, A.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Bruckner, A.; Deltedesco, E.; Gorfer, M.; Golestani Fard, A.; Wenzel, WW.; Zehetner, F.
Hyperspektrale Spektroradiometrie zur Erhebung von Bodenkohlenstoff und landwirtschaftlichem Management
Autoren: Bieber, M; Vuolo, F; Keiblinger, K; Bodner, G
Humusaufbau: Am Anfang steht die lebendige Biologie
Autoren: Bodner, G; Rosinger, C; Mentler, A; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bernardini, L, Bieber, M; Keiblinger, K
Der Einfluss von nachhaltiger Landbewirtschaftung auf Bodenkohlenstoffdynamiken
Autoren: Huber S, Rosinger C, Bernardini LG, Sae-Tun O, Keiblinger KM und Bodner G
Boden.Pioniere. Erste Ergebnisse zur Untersuchung von Humussteigerungspotenzialen auf Pionierbetrieben
Autoren: Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K, Lugar, D; Mentler, A; Sae-Tun, O, Steiner, P; Scharf, B; Weninger, T; Winkler, S; Bernardini, L
Linking soil microbial carbon sequestration to cover crop diversification in agricultural soil systems across Europe
Autoren: König, A; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Herrmann, A; Inselsbacher, E
On-farm research on innovative pioneer farms in North-Eastern Austria: microbial indicators affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration
Autoren: Huber, S; Rosinger, C; Sae-Tun, O; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
What could Charles Darwin not see? Exploring the belowground biodiversity of the Galápagos Islands
Autoren: Riviere, S; Ugur Yavuz, S; van Bezooijen, A; Pasolli, E; Dasser, M; Martini, V; Tauber, E; Cesco, S; Keiblinger, K; Gerzabek M
Linking soil microbial carbon sequestration to cover crop diversification in agricultural soil systems across Europe
Autoren: König, A; Rosinger, C; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Herrmann, A; Inselsbacher E
Topsoil microbiological characteristics in relation to soil age and climate gradients on the Galápagos islands
Autoren: Socianu, S.I.; Keiblinger, K.; Szakov, J.; Gerzabek, M.H.; Zehetner, F.
Learning Together: Farmers Train for Soil Health, Researchers for Facilitating Transitions
Autoren: Kral, R; Mentler, A; Homann-Kee Tui, S; Sixpence, C; Keiblinger, K
To pool or not to pool: How sample pooling impacts metaproteomic analyses of soil samples.
Autoren: Keiblinger K.M., Dong L., Fuchs S., Wegner U., Hentschker C., Becher D., Riedel K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
Improved prediction of soil organic carbon sequestration potentials in Austrian arable soils as simulated by multi-model ensembles
Autoren: Bernardini, L; Keiblinger, K; Rosinger, C; Bodner, G
On-farm evaluation of microbial physiology and carbon-use efficiency on innovative pioneer farming systems
Autoren: Rosinger, C; Sanden, H; Forer, V; Mentler, A; Bodner, G; Keiblinger, K
Der Einfluss von nachhaltiger Landbewirtschaftung auf Bodenkohlenstoffdynamiken
Autoren: Huber, S.; Rosinger, C.; Bernardini, L.; Sae-Tun, O.; Keiblinger, K.; Bodner, G.
Development of physical-biological filter for groundwater remediation. Removal of groundwater organic contaminants (PCE and naphthalene) by adsorption and biodegradation technology
Autoren: Ukwamedua, T; Leitner, S; Soja, G; Keiblinger, K; Brunetti, G; Stumpp, C; Watzinger, A
Post-tin-mining agricultural soil regeneration using local organic amendments improve nitrogen fixation in legume-cassava cropping system on Bangka Island, Indonesia
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Keiblinger, KM; Mentler, A; Ngadisih, N; Murtiningrum , M; Gartner, M; Kral, RM; Hood-Nowotny, R
A Partnership for a Common Goal: how Farmers and Scientists Work towards Re-cultivating Soils on Bangka Island, Indonesia
Autoren: Mentler, A; Kral, R; Maftukhah, R; Ngadisih; Murtiningrum; Keiblinger, K
Development of physical-biological filters for groundwater remediation of tetrachlorethen and naphthalene
Autoren: Leitner, S; Sobanski, F; Fernández, C; Riebl, F; Ugochokuwu Ukwamedua, T; Soja, G; Keiblinger, K; Brunetti, G; Stumpp, C; Watzinger, A