Hermann Katinger
em.o.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Hermann Katinger
Institut für Bioverfahrenstechnik
Standort Firma Polymun, Donaustraße 99, 3400 Klosterneuburg
Email hkating@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-79856
- 1982 ordentliche Professur
- 1977 Habilitation
- 1971 Promotion, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2010 - Humanization variants of an anti-idiotypic antibody
Autoren: Renate Kunert, Alexander Mader, Hermann Katinger
Veranstaltung: Human Antibodies and Hybridomas 2010
Jahr: 2009 - Approaches for humanization of an anti-idiotypic murine monoclonal antibody
Autoren: Alexander Mader, Hermann Katinger, Renate Kunert
Veranstaltung: 21st Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2009
Jahr: 2009 - The novel protein Nopsi elongates the life span of model organisms
Autoren: Schosserer M, Minois N, Linder A, Wilson I, Sekot G, Wurzenberger J, Katinger H, Grillari-Voglauer R, Grillari J.
Veranstaltung: 1st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology ÖGMBT 2009
Jahr: 2008 - The novel protein Nopsi and its impact on the life span of Drosophila melanogaster
Autoren: Schosserer, M; Minois, N; Linder, A; Sekot, G; Katinger, H; Grillari-Voglauer, R; Grillari, G
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT Life Science 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Influence of different genetic parameters and regulatory sequences on recombinant expression of a monoclonal antibody
Autoren: Renate Kunert, H. Reisinger, W. Steinfellner, B. Stern, H. Katinger
Veranstaltung: Human Antibodies and Hybridomas 2008
Jahr: 2007 - Establishment of continuously growing human adult stem cell lines for cell-based therapies
Autoren: Voglauer, R.; Stadler, G.; Gillich, A.; Karbiener, M.; Wieser, M.; Brunauer, R.; Lepperdinger, G.; Grillari, J.; Redl, H.; Katinger, H.; Peterbauer, A.; Wolbank, S.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Annual European Cell Line Development and Engineering 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Mapping of Malus domestica allergens by 2-D electrophoresis and IgE-reactivity
Autoren: A. Herndl, G. Marzban, D. Kolarich, R. Hahn, W. Hemmer, F. Maghuly, E. Stoyanova, H. Katinger, M. Laimer
Veranstaltung: 2nd International symposium on molecular allergology 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Development of a New Vaccine Against HIV: Virosomes Incorporating HIV proteins
Autoren: Quendler H, Wagner A, Stiegler G, Vorauer-Uhl K, Ferko B, Weissenhorn W, Hinz A, Katinger H
Veranstaltung: Europrise Meeting 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Role of miRNAs in Replicative Senescence of Endothelial Cells
Autoren: Fortschegger K., Wieser M., Schreiner C., Katinger H., Voglauer R., and Grillari J.
Veranstaltung: 32nd Congress of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies FEBS 2007 - Molecular Machines
Jahr: 2007 - Mapping of fruit allergens by two dimensional electrophoresis and immuno-detection
Autoren: Marzban, G., Herndl A. , Maghuly, F., Kolarich, D., Hemmer, W., Katinger, H., Laimer, M.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology ÖGBT 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Virosome, a new concept for vaccine development
Autoren: Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: HIV Symposium, Medical University of Vienna, General Hospital
Jahr: 2007 - Chasing the Substrate(s) of the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase SNEVPrp19/Pso4
Autoren: Dellago H., Raffetseder J., Pokar M., Kus B., Rotin D., Katinger H., Voglauer R., and Grillari J.
Veranstaltung: 12th Congress of the International Association of Biomedical Gerontology IABG 2007 - Molecular Mechanisms and Models of Aging
Jahr: 2007 - Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development
Autoren: Borth, N.; Hinterkörner, G.; Voglauer, R.; Hesse, F.; Matej, M.; Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Accelerating biopharmaceutical Production.
Jahr: 2007 - Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development.
Autoren: Borth, N.; Hinterkörner, G.; Voglauer, R.; Hesse, F.; Matej, M.; Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Singapore Biologics Manufacturing Conference SBMC 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Characterisation of cell behaviour by flow cytometry.
Autoren: Borth N., Hinterkörner G., Hesse F., Ezzenje K., Matej M., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: 20th ESACT Meeting 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Mapping of fruit allergens by two dimensional electrophoresis and immuno-detection
Autoren: Marzban, G., Herndl A. , Maghuly, F., Kolarich, D., Hemmer, W., Katinger, H., Laimer, M.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology ÖGBT 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Blom7 alpha is a novel protein interacting with RNA, the telomere and the replicative senescence-related proteins SNEV and Hic-5
Autoren: Schosserer, M; Lee, K; Löscher, M; Ajuh, P; Denegri, M; Lamond, AI; Katinger, H; Voglauer, R; Grillari, J
Veranstaltung: 12th Congress of the International Association of Biomedical Gerontology IABG 2007 - Molecular Mechanisms and Models of Aging
Jahr: 2007 - Prologed bioactivity of nanovesicular protein targeting by enhanced depot effect
Autoren: Strobach, S., Wagner, A., Kunert, R., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: Bioprocess International European Conference 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development
Autoren: Borth, N.; Hinterkörner, G.; Voglauer, R.; Hesse, F.; Matej, M.; Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Singapore Biologics Manufacturing Conference SBMC 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Cross-reactive allergens in tree pollen of Rosaceae
Autoren: E. Stoyanova, G. Marzban, A. Herndl, S. Jäger, W. Hemmer, H. Katinger, M. Laimer
Veranstaltung: 2nd International symposium on molecular allergology 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Transfection of serum-free CHO cells with chemically defined liposomes
Autoren: Reisinger Hannes, Vorauer-Uhl Karola, Steinfellner Willibald, Wagner Andreas, Katinger Hermann and Kunert Renate
Veranstaltung: Bioprocess International European Conference 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Immortalization and characterization of human amnion tissue derived stem cells
Autoren: Gillich Q, Karbiener M, Wolbank S, Stadler G, Redl H, Katinger H, Grillari J, Grillari R
Veranstaltung: Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für experimentelle und klinische Traumatologie 2007
Jahr: 2007 - From Study Design to Sample Preparation (Plant tissue)
Autoren: Gorji Marzban, Anita Herndl, Fatemeh Maghuly, Hermann Katinger, Margit Laimer
Veranstaltung: Austrian Proteomic Association (AuPA) Current Topics Course 2007
Jahr: 2006 - High level expression of a humanised Ab2/3H6 Fab in Pichia pastoris.
Autoren: Gach, J.,Maurer, M., Quendler, H., Gasser, B., Löschel, M., Mattanovich, D., Katinger, H., Kunert, R.
Veranstaltung: Recombinant Antibodies
Jahr: 2006 - Role of miRNAs in Replicative Senescence of Endothelial Cells
Autoren: Fortschegger, K.; Wieser, M.; KAtinger, H.; Voglauer, R.; Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: GEN-AU conference 2006 - Genomics for Health
Jahr: 2006 - Localisation and distribution of the major allergens in apple fruits and tissues.
Autoren: Marzban G., Herndl A., Stoyanova E., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Breiteneder H., Martinelli A., Zaccharini M.,Asero R., Kolarich D., Altmann F., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Veranstaltung: Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
Jahr: 2006 - In vitro and in vivo characterization of an antiidiotypic antibody variants directed against the HIV-neutralizing mAb 2F5
Autoren: Kunert, R., Gach, J., Preis, S., Löschel M., Weik, R., Ferko, B., Stiegler, G., Gasser, B., Mattanivich, D., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Human Antibodies and Hybridomas 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Biphasic cultivation - A simple strategy to improve the space-time yield of CHO based bioprocesses without affecting product quality
Autoren: Müller, D.
Veranstaltung: Post Translational Modifications
Jahr: 2006 - A high troughput screening to identify substrates for the ubiquitin ligase SNEV/Prp19
Autoren: Dellago, H.; Raffetseder, J.; Kus, B.; Rotin, D.; Katinger, H.; Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
Jahr: 2006 - SNEV is a multifunctional protein involved in aging
Autoren: Grillari, J.; Katinger, H.; Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: University of Tübingen
Jahr: 2006 - Biological variation versus common mechanisms of cellular senescence using HUVECs as model: a new application of proteomics
Autoren: Chang, M.W.; Voglauer, R.; Hirschmann, J.; Fortschegger, K.; Allmaier, G.; Strelec, H.; Katinger, H.; Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: European Conference on Aging ECONAG 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Early embryonic lethality of mice lacking SNEV (Prp19/Pso4/NMP200)
Autoren: Fortschegger, K.; Wagner, B.; Voglauer, R.; Katinger, H.; Sibilia, M.; Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Cell Line Development by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting
Autoren: Borth N., Brugger G., Hinterkörner G., Ernst W., Müller D., Hesse F., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Engineering Foundation Cell Culture Engineering X
Jahr: 2006 - Identification of endogenous RNA interacting with the novel protein Blom7a
Autoren: Schosserer, M; Löscher, M; Dausse, E; Toulme, JJ; von Pelchrzim, F; Schröder, R; Katinger, H; Grillari, J
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis for assessment of genetic variability in apricot cultivars.
Autoren: Maghuly F., Borroto Fernandez E. G., Leopold S., Pedryc A., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Veranstaltung: Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
Jahr: 2006 - Identification of BLOM7a, a putative RNA-binding protein, as potential coactivator for p21 and c-fos
Autoren: Lee, K.; Löscher, M.; Katinger, H.; Voglauer, R.; Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Molekulare Charakterisierung transgener Reben zur Induktion von Virusresistenz
Autoren: Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E., Schartl A., Katinger H. und Laimer M.
Veranstaltung: Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
Jahr: 2006 - Development of a New Vaccine Against HIV: Virosomes Incorporating HIV proteins
Autoren: Quendler H, Wagner A, Stiegler G, Vorauer-Uhl K, Ferko B, Weissenhorn W, Hinz A, Katinger H
Veranstaltung: AIDS Vaccine 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Cellular senescence and immortalization of renal proximal tubular epithelial cells
Autoren: Wieser, M.; Stadler, G.; Hofer, D.; Grillari, J.; Katinger, H.; Voglauer R.
Veranstaltung: European Conference on Aging ECONAG 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Detection of major allergens in Rubus sp.
Autoren: Marzban G., Mansfeld A. Herndl A., Maghuly F., Stoyanova E., Katinger H., Laimer M.
Veranstaltung: COST 863, EUROBERRY 2006
Jahr: 2006 - SNEV/Prp19/Pso4 is a multifunctional protein involved in the regulation of the replicative life span of human endothelial cells
Autoren: Grillari, J.; Chang, M.; Fortschegger, K.; Löscher, M.; Stadler, G.; Wieser, M.; Ajuh,P.; Lamond, A.; Katinger, H.; Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: European Conference on Aging ECONAG 2006
Jahr: 2006 - A high troughput screening to identify substrates for the ubiquitin ligase SNEV/Prp19 (Poster)
Autoren: Hanna Dellago, Johanna Raffetseder, Bart Kuss, Daniela Rotin, Hermann Katinger, Johannes Grillari
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Biotechnologische Anwendungen bei Obstgehölzen
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Leopold S., Khan M., Balla I and Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
Jahr: 2006 - Aids-Viren
Autoren: Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Das Immunsystem
Jahr: 2006 - Allergens in small fruits: an issue for risk assessment
Autoren: Laimer M., Marzban G., Mansfeld A., Herndl A., Hemmer W., Stoyanova E., and Katinger H.
Jahr: 2006 - Early embyronic lethality of mice lacking SNEV (Prp19/Pso4/NMP200)
Autoren: Fortschegger, K.; Wagner, B.; Voglauer, R.; Katinger, H.; Sibilia, M.; Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: European Conference on Aging ECONAG 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Characterization of novel proteins involved in replicative senescence
Autoren: Grillari J., Linder A., Siena E., Fortschegger K., Löscher M., Katinger H., and Voglauer R.
Veranstaltung: Forum für Geriatrie
Jahr: 2006 - Towards identification of RNA motifs bindnig to Blom7alpha using SELEX and their possible biological function
Autoren: Löscher, M.; Dausse, E.; Toulme, J.; Katinger, H.; Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Getting insights into the interaction between SNEVPrp19 and WRN
Autoren: Strauss, M.; Wieser, M.; Denegri, M.; Fortschegger, K.; Katinger, H.; Grillari, J., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Serum-free transfections of CHO-cells with defined Small Unilamellar Vesicles
Autoren: Reisinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Wagner, A., Katinger, H., Kunert, R.,
Veranstaltung: Cell Line Development and Engineering 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Screening of major allergens in strawberry and blueberry
Autoren: Marzban, G., Herndl, A., Mansfeld, A., Maghuly F., Stoyanova, E., Katinger, H. and Laimer, M.
Veranstaltung: COST 863, EUROBERRY 2006
Jahr: 2006 - The quest for SNEV‘s target: Purification and identification of differentially ubiquitinated proteins
Autoren: Pokar, M.; Voglauer, R.; Katinger, H.; Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Encapsulation efficiency of lipid nano-vesicles for recombinant human Erythropoietin as a model protein
Autoren: Strohbach,St., Wagner,A., Kunert,R., Katinger,H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: ILS 2006 Annual Meeting
Jahr: 2006 - Vaccinium cylindraceum: biotechnological approaches to breeding and propagation.
Autoren: Steniczka G., Popowich E., Hanzer V., Drumonde Neves J., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Veranstaltung: Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
Jahr: 2006 - Encapsulation efficiency of lipid nano-vesicles for recombinant human Erythropoietin as a model protein
Autoren: Strohbach,St., Wagner,A., Kunert,R., Katinger,H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: ILS 2006 Annual Meeting
Jahr: 2006 - Identification of apple allergens: a comparative proteomic approach
Autoren: Herndl A., G. Marzban, A. Mansfeld, E. Stoyanova, H. Katinger, M. Laimer da Chamara Machado
Veranstaltung: 4th Austrian Proteome Research Symposium 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Neue Regularien - Notwendigkeit und Chance für Innovationen
Autoren: Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Innoforum
Jahr: 2005 - GMP-Production of liposomes - a new industrial approach
Autoren: Wagner, A., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: W.Mejbaum-Katzenellebogen´s Molecular Biology Seminars 2005 - Amphiphiles and their aggregates in Basic and applied Science
Jahr: 2005 - The Iam Mission and Concept
Autoren: Katinger H.,
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Overexpression of SNEV extends the replicative lifespan of normal human endothelial cells in vitro.
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Chang, M., Wieser, W., Fortschegger, K., Baumann, K., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Telomeres & Telomerase 2005
Jahr: 2005 - GMP-Production of liposomes - a new industrial approach
Autoren: Wagner, A., Kirschbaum,K., Kreismayr, G., Platzgummer, M., Lhota, G., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 15th international Symposium on microencapsulation 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Transcription profile analysis of different recombinant CHO clones based on cross species microarray analysis (Poster)
Autoren: Trummer, E., Ernst, W., Müller, D, Schriebl, K., Lattenmayer, C., Kunert, R., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger, H., Hesse, F.
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - Phytosanitary improvement of Prunus persica by in vitro techniques.
Autoren: Laimer M., Hanzer V., Balla I., and Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: 5. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau 2005
Jahr: 2005 - From gene to monoclonal antibody: efficient screening by cell sorting
Autoren: Borth N., Böhm E., Grillari J., Löscher M., Gross S., Voglauer R., Ferko B., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Animal Cell Technology meets Genomics
Jahr: 2005 - Sorting for high producers: Methods and application
Autoren: Ernst Böhm, Max Zeyda, Willibald Steinfellner, Regina Voglauer, Renate Kunert, Hermann Katinger, Nicole Borth
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - How to produce a ton of monoclonal antibodies using mammalian cell hosts - concept and cost structure - thresholds for plant factories
Autoren: Katinger H.,
Veranstaltung: Conference on Plant-made Pharmaceuticals
Jahr: 2005 - Ectopic hTERT expression-Eternal youth for endothelial cells.
Autoren: Chang, M., Grillari, J., Mayrhofer, C., Fortschegger, K., Allmaier, G., Marzban, G., Katinger, H., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: Telomeres & Telomerase 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Protein free transfection of CHO host cells with and IgG-fusion protein – selection and characterisation of stable high producers
Autoren: Christine Lattenmayer, Martina Löschel, Evelyn Trummer, Karola Vorauer-Uhl, Hermann Katinger, Renate Kunert
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs) against HIV-1: Prophylaxis, Therapy, and Vaccine Design
Autoren: Katinger,K.
Veranstaltung: AIDS 2005 Der Deutsch/ Österreichische AIDS-Kongress DÖAK 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Development of transgenic temperate fruit trees and grapevines for virus resistance
Autoren: Laimer M., Maghuly F., Khan M.A., Leopold S., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: 17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Characterization of the novel protein Nopsi (WBSCR20A) (Poster)
Autoren: Siena, E., Lee, K., Löscher, M., Katinger, H., Voglauer, R., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Jahr: 2005 - Product quality aspects of glycoproteins in cell screening (Poster)
Autoren: Schriebl, K., Lasagna, A., Lattenmayer, C., Trummer, E., Weik, R., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 7th Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells PEACe 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Scientific aspects of processing decisions
Autoren: Katinger H.,
Veranstaltung: Animal Cell Technology Industrial Platform
Jahr: 2005 - Characterisation of CHO Subclones Showing Profound Changes in Performance when Propagated in Different Cultivation Systems (Poster)
Autoren: Trummer, E., Steinfellner, W., Kunert, R., Steindl, F., Hesse, F., Katinger, H., Müller, D.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Anti-idiotypic antibodies, an alternatve strategy against HIV-1
Autoren: Johannes Gach, Boris Ferko, Brigitte Gasser, Diethardt Mattanovich, Hermann Katinger, Renate Kunert
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - When cells get old: Identification and characterization of proteins involved in cellular aging (Poster)
Autoren: Grillari, J., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Art DECO: The art to find a needle in the haystack
Autoren: Chang, M., Hemetsberger, T., Marzban, G., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: 2nd International Symposium of the Austrian Proteomics Platform 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Changes of the "ubiquitinome" during cellular ageing (Poster)
Autoren: Pokar, M., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Jahr: 2005 - From Gene to antibody: efficient screening by cell sorting.
Autoren: Ernst Böhm, Johannes Grillari, Martina Löschel, Stefan Gross, Regina Voglauer, Renate Kunert, Hermann Katinger, Nicole Borth
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - In vitro sanitation of an old Croatian grapevine cultivar.
Autoren: Laimer M., Pejic I., Borroto-Fernandez E., Hanzer V., Fenino E. and Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: 5. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Product quality aspects of glycoproteins in cell screening (Poster)
Autoren: Schriebl, K., Lasagna, A., Lattenmayer, C., Trummer, E., Weik, R., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 7th Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells PEACe 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Anti-idiotypic antibodies an alternative strategy against HIV-1
Autoren: Gach, J., Ferko, B., Gasser, B., Mattanovich, D., Katinger, H., Kunert, R.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Liposomal CU/ZN-superoxide dismutase (SOD) for the epithelization of chronic skin ulcers (Poster)
Autoren: Budzanowski,A., Vcelar,B., Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Katinger,H., Wild,T.
Veranstaltung: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dermatopharmazie
Jahr: 2005 - Only the good “die“ young!?
Autoren: Wieser, M., Stadler, G., Katinger, H., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: Telomeres & Telomerase 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Overexpression of SNEV correlates with enhanced DNA damage repair capacity in human endothelial cells (Poster)
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Chang, M., Dampier, B., Wieser, M., Baumann, K., Hofer, D., Sterovsky, T., Schreiber, M., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - TB-Vaccines
Autoren: Katinger Hermann
Veranstaltung: TB-Vaccines Kongreß 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Improvement of the glycolytic metabolism in mammalian cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting
Autoren: Borth N., Brugger G., Müller D., Hesse D., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - Von der Gärungstechnik zur Biotechnologie - Identität, Highlights, Perspektiven, Bilanzen
Autoren: Katinger H.,
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Liposomale Cu/Zn-Superoxiddismutase (SOD) zur Epithelialisierung von chronischen Hautulzerationen
Autoren: T., Wild, A., Budzanowski, B., Vcelar, K., Vorauer, A., Wagner, H., Katinger
Veranstaltung: 9. Kongress der DGfW
Jahr: 2005 - Biotchechnology Potentials and Challenges
Autoren: Katinger H.,
Veranstaltung: Azoren 2005
Jahr: 2005 - A 30 kDa Protein from raspberry is cross-reactive to allergens from birch pollen and apple fruits
Autoren: Ma Y., Radauer Ch, Marzban G., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Veranstaltung: EAACI Conference 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Sustained telomerase activity is essential continuous growth of medullary thyroid carcinoma cell lines in vitro
Autoren: Stadler, G., Wieser, M., Katinger, H., Pfragner, R., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: 2005 meeting on Telomeres & Telomerase
Jahr: 2005 - Telomere attrition and ROS dynamica in renal tubular epithelial cells
Autoren: Wieser M, Stadler G, Hofer D, Katinger H, Grillari J, Grillari R
Veranstaltung: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Jahr: 2005 - A novel HIV vaccine based on virosome incorporating HIV proteins
Autoren: Quendler, H., Wagner, A., Stiegler, G., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Ferko, B., Hinz, A., Weissenhorn, W., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: AIDS Vaccine 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Aging and immortalization... tightly connected processes (Poster)
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Identification of BLOM7alpha, a putative RNA-binding protein, as androgen receptor and p21 coactivator (Poster)
Autoren: Lee, K., Löscher, M., Miehl, T., Ritter, G., Klocker, H., Katinger, H., Voglauer, R., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Jahr: 2005 - Improvement of the glycolytic metabolism in mammalian cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting
Autoren: Gudrun Brugger, Dethardt Müller, Renate Kunert, Friedemann Hesse, Hermann Katinger, Nicole Borth
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Implementation of an Automated Medium Feed Control System for Perfusion Based Fermentation Processes (Poster)
Autoren: Müller, D., Fauland, K., Seidinger, S., Mikler, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - In vitro collection and sanitation of valuable germplasm of temperate fruit trees
Autoren: Laimer M., Borroto E., Hanzer V., Balla I., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: 17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Analysis of genetic parameters in order to get more information on high producing recombinant CHO cell lines (Poster)
Autoren: Lattenmayer, C., Loeschel, M., Schriebl, K., Trummer, E., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Müller, D., Katinger, H., Kunert, R.
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - Telomerase activity of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma cell lines is not sufficient for maintenance of telomere length, which eventually results in a peroid of "crisis" (Poster)
Autoren: Stadler, G., Wieser, M., Katinger, H., Pfragner, R., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Experimental Design for in-vitro penetration study of liposomal superoxide dismutase (Poster)
Autoren: Braun, E., Wagner, A., Schriebl, K., Vasicek, K., Platzgrummer, M., Kirschbaum, K., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Development of a new vaccine against HIV: Virosomes incorporating HIV proteins
Autoren: Quendler,H., Wagner,A., Stiegler,G., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Ferko,B., Weissenhorn,W., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: AIDS 2005 Der Deutsch/ Österreichische AIDS-Kongress DÖAK 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Characterization of proteins involved in replicative senescence and immortalization
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Katinger, H., Grillari J.
Veranstaltung: Unknown
Jahr: 2005 - Intracellular H2O2 level declines with age in renal tubular epithelial cells (Poster)
Autoren: Wieser, M., Stadler, G., Grillari, J., Katinger, H., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Mammalian Production Processes - Stable Processes For Safe Products (oral presentation)
Autoren: Müller, D., Fauland, K., Fleischanderl, D., Kaisermayer, C., Seidinger, S., Trummer, E., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Does the novel protein Blom7 induce cell cycle arrest? (Poster)
Autoren: Miehl, T., Lee, K., Katinger, H., Grillari, J., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Jahr: 2005 - Effect of pH, DO and Temperature on the Performance of CHO Cells in a Batch Process (Poster)
Autoren: Trummer, E., Hesse, F., Seidinger, S., Fauland, K., Schriebl, K., Lattenmayer, C., Borth, N., Kunert, R., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger, H., Müller, D.,
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - GMP-production of liposomes - a new industrial approach
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: W.Mejbaum-Katzenellebogen´s Molecular Biology Seminars 2005 - Amphiphiles and their aggregates in Basic and applied Science
Jahr: 2005 - From Science to Technological Applications and Back, Poster
Autoren: Reinprecht B.,
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Novel allergens of raspberry are cross-reactive with homologues in birch pollen and apple fruits.
Autoren: Ma Y., Radauer C., Marzban G., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Katinger H., Laimer M., Mansfeld A.
Veranstaltung: 17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Overexpression of SNEV extends the replicative life-span of human endothelial cells in vitro (oral presentation)
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Chang, M., Wieser, M., Fortschegger, K., Baumann, K., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Product characterization of a recombinant glycoprotein by isoelectric focusing (Poster)
Autoren: Schriebl, K., Trummer, E., Lattenmayer, C., Müller, D., Hesse, F., Kunert, R., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - Effect of pH, DO and Temperature on the Performance of CHO Cells in a Batch Process (Poster)
Autoren: Trummer, E., Seidinger, S., Fauland, K., Schriebl, K., Lattenmayer, C., Hesse, F., Katinger, H., Müller, D.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Trends in der Ganzheitskosmetik
Autoren: Katinger H.,
Veranstaltung: Cidesko-Medikos Fachtagung
Jahr: 2005 - SOFTMIXER®, a New Scalable Mixing System for Protein-free Cultivation of Shear-Sensitive Cells on Microcarrier (Poster)
Autoren: Naschberger, S., Rütten, K., Müller, D., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis for assessment of genetic variability in apricot cultivars
Autoren: Maghuly F., Borroto E., Leopold S., Pedryc A., Katinger H., Laimer M.
Veranstaltung: 17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
Jahr: 2005 - hExo70, a subunit of the exocyst complex, links vesicle transport to pre-mRNA splicing
Autoren: Grillari, J., Löscher, M., Ajuh, P., Voglauer, R., Fortschegger, K., Eisenhaber, F., Lamond, A.I., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: RNA 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Protein biopharmaceuticals from mammalian cell technology: from gene ti the master cell bank
Autoren: Renate Kunert, Willibald Steinfellner, Martina Löschel, Dethardt Müller, Christine Lattenmayer, Sonja Preis, Johannes Gach, Susanne Wolbank, Regina Voglauer, Hermann Katinger
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Protein Free Transfection of CHO Host Cells with an IgG-Fusion Protein - Selection and Characterisation of Stable High Producers (Poster)
Autoren: Christine Lattenmayer, Martina Loeschel, Evelyn Trummer, Karola Vorauer-Uhl, Hermann Katinger, Renate Kunert
Veranstaltung: 7th Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells PEACe 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Efficacy of topically applied liposomal encapsulated superoxide dismutase in experimental scalds - a controlled animal study (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl, K., Wagner, A., Ferko, B., Fürnschlief, E., Weik,R., Vcelar, B., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Early embryonic lethality of knock-out mice lacking the essential pre-mRNA-splicing factor SNEV (Poster)
Autoren: Fortschegger, K., Wagner, B., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H., Sibilia, M., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Establishment of a continuously growing fibroblast cell line derived from a Williams-Beuren syndrome patient (Poster)
Autoren: Linder, A., Wieser, M., Katinger, H., Grillari, J., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Jahr: 2005 - Protein biopharmaceuticals from mammalian cell technology: from the gene to the master cell bank
Autoren: Kunert, R., Steinfellner, W., Löschel, M., Müller, D., Lattenmayer, C., Preis, S., Gach, J., Wolbank, S., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2004 - Protein expression profiling of human endothelial cells during in vitro aging: Does sex have an influence?
Autoren: Schiller, D., Chang, M., Voglauer, R., Kopec, A., Gruber, V., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Resistance breeding against PPV in Austria: State of the art.
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Maghuly F., Khan M. and Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: European Meeting 04 on Plum Pox Virus (PPV)
Jahr: 2004 - Protein expression profiling of human endothelial cells during in vitro aging: does sex have an influence?
Autoren: Chang M, Grillari R, Schiller D, Kopec A, Gruber V, Katinger H, Grillari J
Veranstaltung: 2. Österreichisches Proteomforschungssymposium 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Microsatellite analyses for the characterisation of Pannonian apricots.
Autoren: Maghuly F., da Câmara Machado A., Ruthner Sz., Pedryc A., Bisztray G., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Veranstaltung: 5th IVCHB Syposium 2004 - In vitro culture and horticultural breeding
Jahr: 2004 - Generation of CD4+ CTLs Ex Vivo
Autoren: Jursik, C., Prchal, M., Voglauer, R., Grillari, J., Hemetsberger, T., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 6th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Screening for protein-protein interaction partners of SKIP, a component of the human spliceosome
Autoren: Schörgenhumer, F., Loescher, M., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Generation and characterization of polyclonal antibodies against the novel protein Blom7
Autoren: Jakeli, S., Löscher, M., Zehentner, S., Ferko, B., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Protein expression profiling of human endothelial cells during in vitro aging: Does sex have an influence?
Autoren: Chang, M., Voglauer, R., Gruber, V., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: 6th Siena meeting from genome to proteome 2004 - Biomarker discovery and proteome imaging
Jahr: 2004 - Biotechnology of temperate fruit trees
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Leopold S., Khan M., Kirilla Z., Balla I. and Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: International Review Conference Biotechnology 2004
Jahr: 2004 - The U-box E3 Ligase SNEV interacts with the 7 subunit of the 20 S proteasome
Autoren: Löscher, M., Fortschegger, K., Voglauer, R., Schmid, J., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: EMBO/Harden conference: Ubiquitin and proteasome system in health and disease
Jahr: 2004 - Effect of class switches of anti-HIV neutralizing mAbs expressed in CHO cells as IgG3, IgG1, IgM and IgA
Autoren: Kunert,R., Wolbank,S., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Stiegler,G., Vcelar,B., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Cell Culture and Upstream Processing
Jahr: 2004 - hExo70, a subunit of the exocyst complex, links vesicular transport to pre-mRNA splicing
Autoren: Grillari, J., Löscher, M., Ajuh, P., Ritter, G., Eisenhaber, F., Lamond, A., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Characterization of endothelial cells overexpressing SNEV
Autoren: Baumann, K., ,Grillari, J., Wieser, M., Stadler, G., Fortschegger, K., Chang, M., Katinger, H., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Anti-idiotypic antibody, Ab2b-3H6, against the neutralizing anti-HIV-antibody mimics the conserved env-epitope ELDKWA
Autoren: Gach, J., Preis, S., Steinfellner, W., Löschel, M., Weik, R., Ferko, B., Stiegler, G., Katinger, H. and Kunert, R.
Veranstaltung: Human Antibodies and Hybridomas 2004
Jahr: 2004 - The novel protein Blom7 is a transcriptional co-activator
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Löscher, M., Dampier, B., Eisenhaber, F., Klocker, H., Lamond, A., Schreiber, M., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - SNEV, a multifaceted protein involved in regulation of cellular life span, is a splicing factor
Autoren: Grillari, J., Ajuh, P., Stadler, G., Löscher, M., Lamond, A.I., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: RNA 2004
Jahr: 2004 - The U-box E3 Ligase SNEV interacts with the 7 subunit of the 20 S proteasome
Autoren: Löscher, M., Fortschegger, K., Voglauer, R., Schmid, J., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Expression profiling of young, senescent and immortalized cell lines
Autoren: Edtmayer, M., Fortschegger, K., Voglauer, R., Wieser, M., Chang, M., Sommergruber, W., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - A novel HIV vaccine based on Virosomes incorporating HIV proteins (Poster)
Autoren: Quendler,H., Wagner,A., Stiegler,G., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Ferko,B., Weissenhorn,W., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: AIDS Vaccine 2004
Jahr: 2004 - A novel HIV vaccine based on Virosomes incorporating HIV proteins (Poster)
Autoren: Quendler,H., Wagner,A., Stiegler,G., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Ferko,B., Weissenhorn,W., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Molecular characterisation of Austrian PPV isolates
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., Myrta A., Boscia D. and Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: European Meeting 04 on Plum Pox Virus (PPV)
Jahr: 2004 - Comparison of protein profiles of different CHO cell lines
Autoren: Przewalla, C., Chang, M., Kunert, R., Hesse, F., Grillari, J., Borth, N., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 6th Siena meeting from genome to proteome 2004 - Biomarker discovery and proteome imaging
Jahr: 2004 - Effect of increased levels of Protein Disulfide Isomerase and BiP/GRP78 on human antibody productivity in recombinant CHO cells
Autoren: Borth N, Mattanovich D., Kunert R, Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Cell Culture Engineering IX, Engineering Foundation Conference
Jahr: 2004 - Early embryonic lethality of mice lacking SNEV (NMP200/Prp19/PSO4)
Autoren: Fortschegger, K., Sibilia, M., Wagner, B., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2003 - Establishment and characterization of human medullary thyroid carcinoma cell lines for immunotherapy
Autoren: Stadler, G., Voglauer, R., Wieser, M., Stift, A., Friedl, J., Bachleitner-Hoffmann, T., Niederle, B., Gnant, M., Katinger, H., Pfragner, R.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Comparison of young, senescent, and telomerase overexpressing endothelial cells
Autoren: Chang, M., Stadler, G., Voglauer, R., Marzban, G., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Amersham workshop on differential in-gel electrophoresis
Jahr: 2003 - Domain mapping of protein-protein interactions of SNEV and its binding partners
Autoren: Ritter, G., Löscher, M., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
Jahr: 2003 - Are telomerase overexpressing endothelial cells young? A proteomic approach using 2D-DIGE
Autoren: Chang, M., Mayrhofer, C., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Proteomic Forum
Jahr: 2003 - Characterisation of CHO subclones showing profound changes in performance when propagated in different cultivation systems
Autoren: Trummer, E., Müller, D., Steinfellner, W., Kunert, R., Steindl, F., Hesse, F., Katinger, H
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Softmix, a new scalable mixing system for the cultivation of sensitive cells on microcarrier under protein-free conditions
Autoren: Naschberger, S., Rütten, K., Müller, D., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Liposome formulations of recombinant proteins
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Asien European Symposium on Biorecognition in Downstream Processing 2003
Jahr: 2003 - Establishment and characterization of CD4+ Killer-T-cells (KTCs)
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Jursik, C., Prchal, M., Jungfer, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - From gene to monoclonal antibody: efficient screening by cell sorting
Autoren: Borth, N., Böhm, E., Grillari, J., Löscher, M., Gross, S., Voglauer, R., Ferko, B., Kunert, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Comparison of normal, senescent, and telomerase overexpressing endothelial cells by 2D- fluorescent –difference-in-gel-electrophoresis (DIGE)
Autoren: Chang, M., Stadler, G., Marzban, G., Grillari, J., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Proteomics: Present Perspectives & Future Challengers
Jahr: 2003 - Immortalisierung von humanen Zellen mit Telomerase – Schlüssel zur Unsterblichkeit?
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Grillari, J., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Mancare 2003, Urologisch-Andrologisches Fachsymposium
Jahr: 2003 - Efficient Selection of Antigen Specific Hybridomas by Cell Sorting using a Single Cell Secretion Assay
Autoren: Borth N., Böhm E., Grillari J., Voglauer R., Kunert R., Gross S., Ferko B., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Effiziente Selektion von hochproduzierenden tierischen Zelllinien für die Produktion von biopharmazeutischen Produkten mit dem Zellsorter
Autoren: Borth N., Böhm E., Voglauer R., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Geselschaft für Flow Zytometrie
Jahr: 2003 - Features of CD4+ Killer T Cells – A new instrument for cancer immunotherapy?
Autoren: Jursik, C., Prchal, M., Voglauer, R., Przewalla, C., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology, ÖGAI 2003
Jahr: 2003 - The cross flow injection technique-a novel, versatile liposome production procedure
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
Jahr: 2003 - SNEV and the proteasome
Autoren: Grillari, J., Löscher, M., Stadler, G., Fortschegger, K., Chang, M., Voglauer, R., Gross, S., Sterovsky, T., Grabherr, R.M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 43. Österreichischer Geriatriekongress mit internationaler Beteiligung 2003
Jahr: 2003 - Are telomerase overexpressing endothelial cells young? A proteomic approach using 2D-DIGE
Autoren: Chang, M., Grillari, J., Mayrhofer, C., Katinger, H., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: Thermo Electron Corporation and Amersham Biosciences Seminar Tour 2003
Jahr: 2003 - SNEV: a multifaceted protein involved in replicative senescence, splicing, and the ubiquitin system
Autoren: Grillari, J., Löscher, M., Chang, M., Fortschegger, K., Katinger, H., Voglauer, R.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
Jahr: 2003 - Expression profiling of young, senescent and immortalized cell lines
Autoren: Edtmayer, M., Fortschegger, K., Wieser, M., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
Jahr: 2003 - Establishment and characterization of CD4+ Killer-T-Cells (KTCS)
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Jursik, C., Prchal, M., Jungfer, H., Grillari, J., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Approaches for the determination of Killer T Cell Activity
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Jursik, C., Prchal, M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Establishment and characterization of human medullary thyroid carcinoma cell lines
Autoren: Stadler, G., Voglauer, R., Wieser, M., Katinger, H., Pfragner, R.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Approaches for the determination of Killer T Cell activity on different tumor cell lines
Autoren: Jursik, C., Voglauer, R., Prchal, M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: KIMT Symposium
Jahr: 2003 - Comparison of fluidized bed and fed-batch reactor cultures for production of anti-HIV antibody
Autoren: Hinterleitner, P., Unterluggauer, F., Landauer, K., Müller, D., Kunert, R., Blüml, G., Doblhoff-Dier, O., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2003 - Approaches for the determination of Killer T Cell activity on different tumor cell lines
Autoren: Jursik, C., Voglauer, R., Prchal, M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Days of Molecular Medicine 2003
Jahr: 2003 - A link between the ubiquitin mediated proteasomal degradation pathway and the splicing machinery
Autoren: Löscher, M., Wostry, M., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
Jahr: 2003 - Control of Key Parameters in the Development of mammalian production clones
Autoren: Kunert R., Preis S., Steinfellner W., Assadian A., Borth N., Müller D., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: 18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
Jahr: 2002 - Control of key parameters in the development of mammalian production clones
Autoren: R. Kunert, S. Wolbank, D. Müller, R. Voglauer, N. Borth, H. Katinger
Veranstaltung: Unknown
Jahr: 2002 - SNEV, a protein involved in replicative senescence and immortalization.
Autoren: Grillari, J., Voglauer, R., Fortschegger, K., Gross, S., Sterovsky, T., Grabherr, R.M., Löscher, M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Molekulare Biologie des Mammakarzinoms – vom Labor zur Klinik 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Confirmation of newly discovered protein-protein interactions, involving both: the splicing machinery and the ubiquitination system
Autoren: Löscher, M., Wostry, M., Grillari, J., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Biochemical Aspects of Health and Disease
Jahr: 2002 - Killer T Cells – A promising new tool for adoptive immunotherapy
Autoren: Jursik, C., Prchal, M., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Joint annual meeting of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Screening for Additional Cell Properties: Selection of Subclones with Altered Production Kinetics or Improved Stability by Cell Sorting using an Affinity Matrix Secretion Assay
Autoren: Borth, N., Böhm, E., Voglauer, R., Steinfellner, W., Kunert, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: UEF Cell Culture Engineering Conference
Jahr: 2002 - Etablierung von humanen Tumorzelllinien durch Expression der katalytischen Untereinheit von humaner Telomerase.
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Grillari, J., Sterovsky, T., Günsberg, P., Hieslmayer, S., Hemetsberger, T., Wieser, M., Katinger, H., Pfragner, R.
Veranstaltung: Workshop der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Zellkultur und der European Tissue Culture Society: Neues aus Zell- und Gewebekultur
Jahr: 2002 - Establishment of human cell lines expressing human Erythropoietin.
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Steinfellner, W., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Joint annual meeting of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Approaches for the determination of Killer T cell activity on different tumor cell lines
Autoren: Jursik, C., Voglauer, R., Prchal, M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Joint annual meeting of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Complementation of a pso4/prp19 mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by human SNEV
Autoren: Grillari, J., Stadler, G., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 1st International Conference on Ubiquitin, Ubiquitin-like Proteins, and Cancer 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Killer T cells: A promising new tool for adoptive immunotherapy
Autoren: Jursik, C., Voglauer, R., Grillari, J., Hemetsberger, T., Jungfer, H., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 5. International Conference on new trends in Immunosuppression
Jahr: 2002 - Produktions- und Analytikdesign liposomaler Formate
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Forum Analytik 2002
Jahr: 2002 - SNEV: A gene involved in pre mRNA processing and ubiquitin ligation is downregulated in senescent cells
Autoren: Grillari, J., Fortschegger, K., Gross, S., Grabherr, R.M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: First Conference on Functional Genomics of Aging
Jahr: 2002 - Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC): differences in protein profiles of young, quiescent and senescent cells.
Autoren: Chang, M., Marzban, G., Sterovsky, T., Hemetsberger, T., Grillari, J., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 13th Wiener Symposium on Experimental Gerontology 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Expression von Glykoproteinen in rekombinanten CHO-Zellen
Autoren: R. Kunert, D. Müller, N. Borth, R. Weik, H. Katinger
Veranstaltung: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zellkultur und European Tissue Culture Society: Neues aus der Zell- und Gewebekultur
Jahr: 2002 - Mouse/human anti-idiotypic antibodies and chimeric fusion proteins mimicking neutralizing HIV-antigens (Poster)
Autoren: Christine Lattenmayer, Renate Kunert, Sonja Preis, Gabriela Stiegler, Robert Weik, Boris Ferko, Hermann Katinger
Veranstaltung: 2nd International conference on Recombinant protein production 2002 - A comparative view on host physiology
Jahr: 2002 - Large scale production of lipid microspheres
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Dechema
Jahr: 2002 - Killer T Cells – A promising new tool for adoptive immunotherapy
Autoren: Jursik, C., Prchal, M., Voglauer, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 5th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression 2002
Jahr: 2002 - The novel protein Blom7: expression in different expressionsystems and purification.
Autoren: Zehentner,S., Grillari,J., Katinger,H.,
Veranstaltung: Joint annual meeting of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Antibody secreting cell lines as model systems for affinity matrix secretion assay based cell sorting.
Autoren: Böhm, E., Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Grillari, J., Gross, S., Ferko, B., Katinger, H., Borth, N.
Veranstaltung: 15th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium (HCS) Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cytometry (DGfZ)
Jahr: 2002 - SNEV: A novel protein involved in ubiquitination and RNA metabolism
Autoren: Löscher, M., Wostry, M., Katinger, H., Grillari, J.
Veranstaltung: 5th International workshop on Proteasomes
Jahr: 2002 - SNEV, a novel protein involved in replicative senescence and immortalization
Autoren: Grillari, J., Voglauer, R., Fortschegger, K., Löscher, M., Chang, M., Grabherr, R.M., Sterovsky, T., Gross, S., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: French-Austrian Aging Workshop
Jahr: 2002 - Establishment and characterization of a human fibroma cell line expressing hTERT
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Grillari, J., Sterovsky, T., Klug, H., Wieser, M., Günsberg, P., Hemetsberger, T., Hieslmayer, S., Katinger, H., Pfragner R.
Veranstaltung: ISAC 2002 XXI Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology
Jahr: 2002 - Efficient selection of monoclonal, antigen-specific and high-producing hybridoma cell lines by flow cytometry and cell sorting: in a single cloning step ?
Autoren: Böhm, E., Borth, N., Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Ferko, B., Wiederkum, S., Stiegler, G., Hahn, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: ISAC 2002 XXI Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology
Jahr: 2002 - SNEV: A gene involved in pre mRNA processing and ubiquitin ligation is downregulated in senescent cells
Autoren: Grillari, J., Fortschegger, K., Gross, S., Voglauer, R., Sterovsky, T., Grabherr, R.M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Second EuroConference on Normal Ageing, Longevity, and Age-related diseases
Jahr: 2002 - Liposomal therapeutics produced in a pilot scale: production, purification and stability aspects (Poster)
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 8th Liposome Research Days Conference 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Determination of differences in protein profiles of young, quiescent and senescent human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis
Autoren: Chang, M., Marzban, G., Sterovsky,T., Hemetsberger, T., Grillari, J., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 6th International Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Comparison of human fibroma cell lines established by transfection with hTERT and SV40largeT Antigen.
Autoren: Wieser, M., Voglauer, R., Sterovsky, T., Pfragner, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Joint annual meeting of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Effects of topically applied liposome encapsulated superoxide dismutase on experimental scalds (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 8th Liposome Research Days Conference 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Efficient Selection of monoclonal, antigen-specific and high-producing Hybridoma Cell Lines in a Single Cloning Step by Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting.
Autoren: Böhm, E., Borth, N., Voglauer, R., Stiegler, G., Hahn, R., Ferko, B., Kunert, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: UEF Cell Culture Engineering Conference
Jahr: 2001 - SNEV: A novel nuclear matrix protein involved in replicative senescence
Autoren: Grillari, J., ,Fortschegger, K., Voglauer, R., Gross, S., Sterovsky, T., Grabherr, R.M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Institut für Biomedizinische Alternsforschung, österr. Akademie der Wissenschaft
Jahr: 2001 - Generating biomolecular diversity using the baculovirus surface display system
Autoren: Töllner, L., Spenger, A., Ernst, W., Katinger, H., Grabherr, R.
Veranstaltung: Biotechnology 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Altering the surface properties of baculovirus AcMNPV by insertional mutagenesis of the envelope protein gp64
Autoren: Spenger, A., Grabherr, R., Töllner, L., Katinger, H., Ernst, W.
Veranstaltung: Biotechnology 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Comparison of fluidized bed and ultrasonic cell retention systems for high cell density mammalian cell culture
Autoren: Dürrschmid, M., Landauer, K., Simic, G., Klug, H., Müller, D., Keijzer, T., Trampler, F., Oudshoorn, A., Gröschl, M., Doblhoff-Dier, O.
Veranstaltung: 17th ESACT Meeting 2001. Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market
Jahr: 2001 - Efficient and Rapid Clone Selection of Human-Antibody Producing Xenohybridomas by Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting According to Single Cell Specific Production Rate.
Autoren: Böhm, E., Borth, N., Voglauer, R., Wiederkum, S., Kunert, R., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Human Antibodies and Hybridomas 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Continuous Perfusion versus Discontinous Fed-Batch (oral presentation)
Autoren: Müller, D., G. Simic, W. Steinfellner, R. Keijzer, R. Kunert, E. Benes, M. Gröschl, F. Trampler, O. Doblhoff-Dier and H. Katinger
Veranstaltung: 17th ESACT Meeting 2001. Animal Cell Technology: From Target to Market
Jahr: 2001 - Long term stability of rh-Cu/Zn-SOD-liposomes prepared by the cross flow injection technique in consideration of the ICH guidelines
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Lhota,G., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 16th Scientific Congress of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Society together with the 4th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Cloning, Expression and Purification of Blom4, a subunit of the exocyst complex
Autoren: Kaisermayer, C., Grillari, J., Gross, S., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: ÖGBT, ÖGGGT, ÖGMB Joint Meeting 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Search for a putative ligand of the apple PR-10 protein.
Autoren: Pühringer H., Mota, M., Zinöcker, I., Katinger, H. and Laimer, M.
Veranstaltung: 6th Int. Workshop on PR-Proteins
Jahr: 2001 - Age-related alteration in the protein expression profile of C57BL/6J mice pituitaries using proteomic tools
Autoren: Marzban, G., Flurkey, K., Grillari, J., Reisinger, E., Chang, M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Brain Aging, 2nd Neurobiology of Aging Conference
Jahr: 2001 - Die Entwicklung klinischer Biopharmaka mittels nativer und rekombinanter Eukaryonten
Autoren: Kunert,R., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Borth,N., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Hochschullehrer-Nachwuchstreffen der DECHEMA
Jahr: 2001 - Rh-SOD containing liposomes produced in a pilot scale according to european legislation (Annex 13)
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Kreismayr,G., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 16th Scientific Congress of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Society together with the 4th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Enhanced protein loading into liposomes by the multiple cross flow injection technique
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Kreismayr,G., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Fifth International Conference on Liposome Advances - Progress in Drug and Vaccine Delivery. 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Efficient and Rapid Clone selection of Human-antibody producing Xenohybridomas by flow cytometry and cell sorting according to single cell specific production rate
Autoren: Borth N.
Veranstaltung: Human Antibodies and Hybridomas 2001
Jahr: 2000 - Maintenance of a high antibody expression level in CHO cells without selective and amplification pressure by cell sorting
Autoren: Böhm, E., Borth, N., Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Steinfellner, W., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: ISAC congress XX
Jahr: 2000 - Establishment of recombinant CHO for industrial protein production
Autoren: R.Kunert, K.Strutzenberger, F.Steindl, G.Vecera, A.Zudjelovic, N.Borth, H.Katinger
Veranstaltung: Recombinant Protein Production with prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 2000 - A comparative view on host physiology
Jahr: 2000 - Recombinant expression and purification of a nuclear matrix protein
Autoren: Gross, S., Grillari, J., Grabherr, R. M., Dockal, M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Recombinant Protein Production with prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 2000 - A comparative view on host physiology
Jahr: 2000 - Subtractive hybridization of mRNA from early passage and senescent endothelial cells
Autoren: Grillari, J., Hohenwarter, O., Grabherr, R.M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, ÖGBT-Jahrestagung 2000
Jahr: 2000 - Substractive hybridization of mRNA from early passage and senescent endothelial cells
Autoren: Grillari J., Hohenwarter O., Grabherr R.M., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie
Jahr: 2000 - Screening for proteins interacting with a newly identified gene by using the yeast-two hybrid system
Autoren: Löscher M., Grillari J., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Recombinant Protein Production with prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 2000 - A comparative view on host physiology
Jahr: 2000 - Analysis of age-dependent protein expression in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells by two-dimensional electrophoresis
Autoren: Marzban, G., Hemetsberger, T., Grillari, J., Hohenwarter, O., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Biological Aging
Jahr: 2000 - Analysis of oncogene expression and chromosomal stability of SV40 early region transfected (ISAC congress XX,
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Hohenwarter, O., Böhm, E., Borth, N., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: ISAC congress XX
Jahr: 2000 - Determination of liposome size distribution by flow cytometry (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Borth,N., Voglauer,R., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: ISAC congress XX
Jahr: 1999 - Topische anti-oxidative Therapie mit Superoxiddismutase (SOD) bei Verbrennungen
Autoren: Fürnschlief,E., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Vcelar,B., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 1.Bregenzer Symposium Freie Radikale
Jahr: 1999 - Continuous perfused fluidised bed technology
Autoren: Müller,D., Unterluggauer,F., Kreismayr,G., Klima,G., Schmatz,C., Wiederkum,S., Preis,S., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Assadian,A., Doblhoff-Dier,O., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 16th ESACT-Meeting 1999. Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products
Jahr: 1999 - Isolation of differentially expressed genes from early passage and senescent endothelial cells
Autoren: Grillari, J., Hohenwarter, O., Grabherr, R.M., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on Experimental Gerontology 1999
Jahr: 1999 - Analysis of genomic DNA and RNA-Transcripts of a heterohybridoma simultanously expressing IgG3 and IgG1 with identical specificity.
Autoren: Kunert, R., S. Wolbank, A. Hüser and H. Katinger
Veranstaltung: 16th ESACT-Meeting 1999. Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products
Jahr: 1999 - Influence of topical applied human superoxide dismutase on thermal injured tissue (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Fürnschlief,E., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Liposome Advances: Progress for drug delivery research
Jahr: 1999 - Stable recombinant expression and functional identity of the antio HIV-1 monoclonal antibody 2F5 after IgG3/IgG1 subclass switch in CHO-cells
Autoren: Kunert, R., W. Steinfellner, A. Assadian and H. Katinger
Veranstaltung: 16th ESACT-Meeting 1999. Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products
Jahr: 1999 - Non-invasive adaptive control of the feed rate for hich cell density CHO cultures according to the pO2 profile
Autoren: Müller, D., Doblhoff-Dier, O., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 16th ESACT-Meeting 1999. Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products
Jahr: 1998 - Screening for differentially expressed mRNAs from young and senescent endothelial cells
Autoren: Grillari, J., Hohenwarter, O., Fortschegger, K., Grabherr, R. M., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Fourth International Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging
Jahr: 1998 - Screening for differentially expressed mRNAs from young and senescent endothelial cells
Autoren: Grillari, J. Hohenwarter, O. Marzban, G. Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 4th International symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of ageing 1998
Jahr: 1998 - Subtractive Hybridization of mRNA from young and senescent endothelial cells
Autoren: Grillari, J., Hohenwarter, O., Fortschegger, K., Grabherr, R. M., Katinger H.
Veranstaltung: Genetics of Aging
Jahr: 1997 - Analysis of mytogenic activity of proteins after separation by gel electrophoresis
Autoren: Marzban, G. Hohenwarter, O. Jisa, E. Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 15th ESACT-Meeting 1997. New developments and new applications in animal cell technology
Jahr: 1996 - Process development for the large scale production of clinical grade human monoclonal antibody using a Cytopilot fluidised bed reactor
Autoren: Klima, G., Kreismayr, G., Müller, D., Schmatz, C., Wiederkum, S., Steinfellner, W., Assadian, A., Lhota, G., Blüml, G., Doblhoff-Dier, O., Katinger, H.,
Veranstaltung: 14th ESACT-Meeting 1996. Animal Cell Technology: From Vaccines to Genetic Medicine
Jahr: 1996 - Scale-up optimisation based on the development of a perfusion rate control for CHO cells using a Cytopilot Mini fluidised bed reactor
Autoren: Müller, D., Kreismayr, G., Klima, G., Assadian, A., Schmatz, C., Wiederkum, S., Steinfellner, W., Blüml, G., Doblhoff-Dier, O., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 14th ESACT-Meeting 1996. Animal Cell Technology: From Vaccines to Genetic Medicine
Jahr: 1994 - On-line glucose control of animal cell cultures in fluidized beds
Autoren: Loibner, A.P., Zach, N., Dobloff-Dier, O., Reiter, M., Bayer, K., Katinger, H.W.D.
Veranstaltung: 12th ESACT-Meeting 1993. Animal Cell Technology: Products for today, Prospects for tomorrow
Jahr: 1992 - Development of somatic embryos of Prunus autumno rosa
Autoren: da Câmara Machado, A., Puschmann, M., Hanzer, V., Weiss, H., Regner, F., Steinkellner, H., Seifert, G. J., Kanzler, P., Katinger, H., Laimer da Câmara Machado, M..
Veranstaltung: Cost 87 meeting: regeneration from suspension culture
Simultaneous analysis of intracellular product, total protein and DNA in recombinant Escherichia coli producing human superoxide dismutase.
Autoren: Soriano, E., Eywo, S., Mitterbauer, R., Katinger, H., Mattanovich, D., Borth, N.
Impact of high expression levels on recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli.
Autoren: Mattanovich, D., Kramer, W., Weik, R., Elmecker, G., Lüttich, C., Bayer, K., Katinger, H.
Development of a Baculovirus Particle Display System.
Autoren: Ernst, W., Spenger, A., Töllner, L., Katinger, H., Grabherr, R.
2000. Engineering of stress adapted protein expression systems in Escherichia coli by flow cytometry assisted library screening.
Autoren: Soriano, E., Borth, N., Mattanovich, D., Katinger, H.
Molekularbiologische Arbeiten zur Züchtung Plum Pox Virus-resistenter Steinobstsorten.
Autoren: Mattanovich, D., Laimer da Câmara Machado, M., Regner, F., da Câmara Machado, A., Himmler, G., Hanzer, V., Kalthoff, B., Steinkellner, H., Katinger, H.
2000. Production of recombinant human trypsinogen in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris - A comparison of expression systems.
Autoren: Hohenblum, H., Naschberger, S., Katinger, H., Mattanovich, D.
The baculovirus surface display: a useful tool for epitope mapping.
Autoren: Töllner, L., Spenger; A., Ernst, W., Katinger, H., Grabherr, R.
Modification of the native coat protein gp64 of Autographa californica NPV.
Autoren: Spenger; A., Ernst, W., Töllner, L., Katinger, H., Grabherr, R.
Baculovirus surface display.
Autoren: Grabherr, R, Ernst, W., Töllner, L., Spenger; A., Wegner, D., Katinger, H.
Optimisation of the protein expression level in Escherichia coli by Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting.
Autoren: Soriano, E., Mattanovich, D., Borth, N., Katinger, H.
Coat protein-mediated protection against plum pox virus.
Autoren: da Câmara Machado, A., Regner, F., Steinkellner, H., Mattanovich, D., Hanzer, V., Weiß, H., Laimer da Câmara Machado, M., Katinger, H.
Expanding Baculovirus Surface Display: Modification of the Native Coat Protein gp64 of Autographa california NPV.
Autoren: Ernst, W., Spenger, A., Töllner, L., Katinger, H., Grabherr, R.
Transformation of fruit tree material with the plum pox virus coat protein gene.
Autoren: Mattanovich, D., Laimer da Camara Machado, M., Hanzer, V., Himmler, G., Regner, F., Katinger, H.