Damiano Baldan
Dr. Damiano Baldan
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2021 - Impacts of climate change on Freshwater Pearl Mussel habitats, substrate, and potential dispersal
Autoren: Baldan, D; Kiesel, J; Hauer, C; Jaehnig, SC; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Effects of drying and re-wetting on hyporheic organic matter and nutrient retention in sediment perfusion cores cores
Autoren: Pucher, M; Palmia, B; Bartoli, M; Baldan, D; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: ASLO 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Setting life stage-specific conservation priorities for the Freshwater Pearl Mussel with a multi-scale, integrative modelling framework
Autoren: Baldan, D; Piniewski, M; Funk, A; Gumpinger, C; Floedl, P; Hoefler, S; Hauer, C; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 6th IAHR Europe Congress 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Country-wide statistical modeling of flow-ecology relations in Polish rivers
Autoren: Keller, A; Piniewski, D; Chattopadhyay, S; Baldan, D
Veranstaltung: 4th International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers WLRC 2021
Jahr: 2021 - The role of connectivity in river floodplain restoration
Autoren: Hein, T; Baldan, D; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Hohensinner, S; Recinos, S; Tschikof, M; Weigelhofer G
Veranstaltung: i-CONN Seminar Series
Jahr: 2021 - Impacts of regionalization strategy on the fish community structure in Polish rivers
Autoren: Chattopadhyay, S; Baldan, D; Prus, P; Keller, A; Piniewski, M
Veranstaltung: 4th International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers WLRC 2021
Jahr: 2020 - Dynamic models in the AIST catchment to assess effectiveness of NSWRMs in mitigating sand accumulation
Autoren: Baldan, D; Feldbacher, E; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: FRAMWAT final online conference
Jahr: 2020 - Assessing impacts of climate change on habitat quality and connectivity for the endangered Freshwater Pearl Mussel
Autoren: Baldan, D; Kiesel, J; Jaehnig, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Connectivity conversations II
Jahr: 2019 - Impact of a reconstructed floodplain on river sediment conditions
Autoren: Baldan, D; Weigelhofer, G; Feldbacher, E; Floedl, P; Pitzl, B; Hauer, C; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 6th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water Conference
Jahr: 2019 - Assessing the potential impact of natural small water retention measures on in-stream siltation risk and habitat conditions with an integrated modeling cascade
Autoren: Damiano Baldan, Mikolaj Piniewski, Clemens Gumpinger, Sarah Höfler, Peter Flödl, Bano Mehdi, Christoph Hauer, Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: International SWAT Conference 2019
Jahr: 2019 - An ecohydrological modelling cascade to assess the factors responsible for the catchment scale distribution of Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera
Autoren: Baldan, D; Funk, A; Hauer, C; Piniewsky, M; Mehdi, B; Gumpinger, C; Höfer, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: The International Society for Ecological Modeling Global Conference 2019