Donna-Karen Tansil
Donna-Karen Tansil B.Sc.
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
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Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
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Jahr: 2022 - Social functions of urban open spaces and protected areas during COVID-19 pandemic from citizens' perspective - case study of Vienna metropolitan area, Austria [Znaczenie terenow zieleni i obszarow chronionych w okresie pandemii z perspektywy mieszkancow aglomeracji miejskich w Austrii - studium przypadku obszaru metropolitarnego Wiednia]
Autoren: Taczanowska K., Tansil D., Jiricka-Pürrer A.
Veranstaltung: Social functions of protected areas 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Green & healthy - age effects (in use and perception of urban green spaces) and their impact on personal health and well-being during COVID-19 pandemic
Autoren: Wilfer,J. Taczanowska,K., Tansil,D., Jiricka-Pürrer, A.
Veranstaltung: Urban Transitions 2022 - Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living
Jahr: 2022 - #stay at home or go outdoors? Social function of urban green spaces from the perspective of Viennese citizens
Autoren: Taczanowska K., Tansil D, Jiricka-Pürrer A.
Veranstaltung: EPICUR EPICamp V: Sustainable cities and regional transitions - Illuminating city-hinterland co-evolutionary relationships
Jahr: 2021 - Outdoor recreation in urban and sub-urban green areas of the City of Vienna - Inhabitants' perspective during COVID-19 pandemic
Autoren: Taczanowska, Tansil, Jiricka-Pürrer
Veranstaltung: 4th International Scientific Conference on Contemporary challenges in tourism and recreation
Jahr: 2021 - Erholung in der Natur während der COVID-19-Pandemie - Erkentnisse aus Wien und Wien-Umland
Autoren: Taczanowska, Tansil, Jiricka-Pürrer
Veranstaltung: Biosphärenpark Wienerwald Forschungsvormittag
Betreute Hochschulschriften
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Community Services
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