Brady Mattsson
Assoc. Prof. Priv.Doz.Dr. Brady Mattsson
Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-83213
Research Focus
Brady Mattsson develops and tests modeling approaches to answer questions in ecology and to inform sustainable management and conservation of wildlife. A main focus of his research is on migratory species, especially birds. He examines drivers of population dynamics and flows of associated ecosystem services within and between flyways. He also develops tools using collaborative decision analysis and tests their abillity to inform conservation and natural resource management.
- 2024 Associate Professor, Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management. Conducting research and courses on topics related to wildlife ecology and natural resource management, including decision analysis, population modeling, transboundary conservation, stakeholder engagement, mountain ecosystems, and invasive species. (BOKU University)
- 2021 - 2024 Assistant Professor, Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management. Conducting research and courses on topics related to wildlife ecology and natural resource management, including decision analysis, population modeling, transboundary conservation, stakeholder engagement, mountain ecosystems, and invasive species. (BOKU University)
- 2017 - 2020 University Assistant, Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management. Conducting research and courses on topics related to wildlife ecology and natural resource management, including decision analysis, population modeling, transboundary conservation, stakeholder engagement, mountain ecosystems, and invasive species. (BOKU University)
- 2015 - 2017 International Incoming Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, "Decision support toolkit FOR ADAPTive management of forest ecosystem services across borders in the face of climate change and economic scarcity in Europe (ForAdapt)", Institute of Silviculture (BOKU University)
- 2013 - 2015 Independent Contractor: 1) "Climate Adaptation Decision Support in San Francisco Bay", San Francisco Bay Joint Venture; 2) "Decision Support for Restoration of Ship Island, Gulf of Mexico" , U.S. Geological Survey
- 2011 - 2012 Research Ecologist,Western Ecological Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Sacramento California USA
- 2009 - 2011 Postdoctoral Research Ecologist, "Modeling Large-Scale Population Processes to Enhance Management Program Effectiveness: A Case Study of Habitat, Harvest and Climate Impacts on Northern Pintail Demography in North America", Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Laurel Maryland USA
- 2006 - 2009 Postdoctoral Research Associate, "Development of a Streamside Bird Monitoring Protocol for the Eastern Rivers and Mountains Network Vital Signs Monitoring Program of the National Park Service", University of Georgia, Athens Georgia USA
- 2001 - 2006 Doktorand, abgeschlossene Dissertation: "Louisiana Waterthrush ecology and riparian conservation in the Georgia Piedmont", School of Forestry & Natural Resources (University of Georgia)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - DECIDE – Entscheidungsfindung für klimaangepassten, präventiven Forstschutz
Autoren: Mattsson, B; Netherer, S; Knufinke, J
Event: Projektbeiratstreffen zu den Projekten aus dem Waldfonds-Call "Klimaorientierter Forstschutz und Schaddiagnostik" und dem Projekt "PHENIPS plus" 2024
Year: 2023 - Importance of biases associated with ground counts of nestlings in an arboreal nester, the red kite (Milvus milvus)
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Sollmann, R
Event: EURING 2023: Analytical Meeting & Workshop
Year: 2023 - DECIDE – Entscheidungsfindung für klimaangepassten, präventiven Forstschutz
Autoren: Mattsson, Brady; Netherer, Sigrid; Nopp-Mayr, Ursula; Hollaus, Markus; Knufinke, Jörg Fabian
Event: Projektbeiratstreffen zu den Projekten aus dem Waldfonds-Call "Klimaorientierter Forstschutz und Schaddiagnostik" und dem Projekt "PHENIPS plus" 2023
Year: 2023 - Habitat and population dynamics affecting ecosystem service flows
Autoren: Windt, J; Mattsson, B
Event: Y2B2 2023
Year: 2023 - Enhancing monitoring and transboundary collaboration for conserving migratory species under global change: The priority case of the red kite
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Mateo-Tomas, P; Aebischer, A; Rosner, S; Kunz, F; Scholl, EM; Akesson, S; De Rosa, D; Orr-Ewing, D; de la Bodega, D; Ferrer, M; Gelpke, C; Katzenberger, J; Maciorowski, G; Mammen, U; Kolbe, M; Millon, A; Mionnet, A; de la Puente, J; Raab, R; Vyhnal, S; Ceccolini, G; Godino, A; Crespo-Luengo, G; Sanchez-Agudo, JA; Martinez, J; Iglesias-Lebrija, JJ; Gines, E; Cortes, M; Dean, JI; Calmaestra, RG; Dostal, M; Steinborn, E; Vinuela, J
Event: 14th European Ornithologists' Union Congress
Year: 2023 - DECIDE for prophylactic forest protection adapted to a changing climate
Autoren: Netherer, S; Knufinke, F; Griesberger, P; Kunz, F; Mattsson, B; Nopp-Mayr, U
Event: Entomologentagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie 2023
Year: 2023 - Developing and testing an interdisciplinary model of wildlife-based conflicts across a mountain range
Autoren: Mattsson BJ
Event: BOKU meets CSH
Year: 2023 - Of fur and feather through space and time: selected topics
Autoren: Mattsson, B; Amon, M; Griesberger, P; Hatlauf, J; Knufinke, F; Kunz, F; Nöbauer, S; Schöll, E; Windt, J
Event: Data Science: Spatiotemporal Analysis
Year: 2022 - Linking landscape-scale conservation to regional and continental outcomes for a migratory species
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Devries, JH; Dubovsky, JA; Semmens, D; Thogmartin, WE; Derbridge, JJ; Lopez-Hoffman, L
Event: 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology 2022
Year: 2022 - Developing a decision-analytic tool to mitigate wildlife-based conflicts
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Kunz, F; Hackländer, K; Griesberger, P
Event: International Statistical Ecology Conference 2022
Year: 2022 - Linking landscape-scale conservation to regional and continental outcomes for a migratory species
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Devries, JH; Dubovsky, JA; Semmens, D; Thogmartin, WE; Derbridge, JJ; Lopez-Hoffman, L
Event: US Geological Service Ecosystems Headquarters Staff Meeting
Year: 2022 - Flügelschlag - Die Vielfalt der Vögel / Wingspan - The diversity of birds
Autoren: Mattsson, Brady; Knufinke, Jörg Fabian
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2022
Year: 2022 - Model-based innovations to inform sustainable management and conservation of wildlife populations
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ
Event: Online Colloquium at the Center for Development Research University of Bonn
Year: 2021 - Model-based innovations to inform sustainable management and conservation of wildlife populations
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ
Event: Tulane University Seminar Series
Year: 2021 - Quantifying the contribution of habitats and pathways to a spatially structured population facing environmental change
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Sample, C; Bieri, JA; Allen, B; Dementieva, Y; Carson, A; Higgins, C; Piatt, S; Qiu, S; Stafford, S; Semmens, DJ; Diffendorfer, JE; Thogmartin, WE
Event: 50th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2021
Year: 2021 - Evaluating collaborative decision analysis for managing wildlife-based conflict across an international boundary
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ
Event: Decision Analysis Seminar Series at University of Bonn
Year: 2021 - Linking landscape-scale conservation to regional and continental outcomes for a migratory species
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Devries, JH; Dubovsky, JA; Semmens, D; Thogmartin, WE; Derbridge, JJ; Lopez-Hoffman, L
Event: The Wildlife Society’s 28th Annual Conference
Year: 2020 - Using the spatial subsidies framework for conservation of transboundary ecosystem services from migratory species
Autoren: Derbridge, J; Lopez-Hoffman, L; Diffendorfer, J; Haefele, MA; Semmens, D; Mattsson, B; Thogmartin, W; Bagstad, K; Lien, AM; Huang, TK
Event: 5th Biennial North American Congress for Conservation Biology
Year: 2020 - Ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: spatial subsidies of the northern pintail
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Bagstad, K; Semmens, D; Diffendorfer, JE; Dubovsky, J; Thogmartin, W; Wiederholt, R; Loomis, J; Goldstein, J; Bieri, J; Sample, C; Lopez-Hoffman, L
Event: 5th Biennial North American Congress for Conservation Biology
Year: 2020 - Patterns of ecosystem services generated by migratory monarch butterflies across scales and countries in North America
Autoren: Diffendorfer, J; Semmens, D; Bagstad, K; Wiederholt, R; Oberhauser, K; Ries, L; Semmens, B; Goldstein, J, Loomis, J; Thogmartin, W; Mattsson, B; Lopez-Hoffman, L
Event: 5th Biennial North American Congress for Conservation Biology
Year: 2020 - Willingness to pay for transborder conservation of migratory Species in Canada, the United States, and Mexico
Autoren: Haefele, M; Loomis, J; Merideth, R; Lien, A; Semmens, D; Dubovsky, J; Wiederholt, R; Thogmartin, W; Huang, TK; McCracken, G; Medellin, R; Diffendorfer, J; Bagstad, K; Mattsson, B; Lopez-Hoffman, L
Event: 5th Biennial North American Congress for Conservation Biology
Year: 2020 - The option space of future alien species impacts: an expert based assessment
Autoren: Lenzner, B; Mattsson, B; Dullinger, S, Essl, F
Event: 14th Annual Meeting of the Specialist Group Macroecology of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland GfÖ 2020
Year: 2020 - Closing the loop: markets and payments as a mechanism for affecting cross-jurisdictional conservation of migratory species
Autoren: Semmens, D; Lopez-Hoffman, L; Wiederholt, R; Thogmartin, W; Semmens, B; Sample, C; Russell, A; Ries, L; Oberhauser, K; Medellin, RA; McCracken, G; Mattsson, B; Loomis, J; Goldstein, J; Dubovsky, J; Bieri, J; Bagstad, K; Diffendorfer, J
Event: 5th Biennial North American Congress for Conservation Biology
Year: 2019 - Multiple benefits from a migratory bird species: Where they originate and how it matters to management
Autoren: Semmens, DJ; Bagstad, KJ; Diffendorfer, JE; Mattsson, BJ; Dubovsky, J; Thogmartin, WE; Wiederholt, R; Loomis, J; Bieri, JA; Sample, C; Goldstein, J; López-Hoffman, L.
Event: American Ornithological Society (137th Stated Meeting)
Year: 2019 - Collaborative decision analysis
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ
Event: Workshop on Biodiversity in the Food Sector (SMEs)
Year: 2019 - Ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: spatial subsidies of the northern pintail
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Bagstad, KJ; Semmens, DJ; Diffendorfer, JE; Dubovsky, J; Thogmartin, WE; Wiederholt, R; Loomis, J; Goldstein, J; Bieri, JA; Sample, C; López-Hoffman, L.
Event: American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference
Year: 2019 - Quantifying ecosystem services and spatial subsidies from migratory monarch butterflies across multiple scales and countries in North America
Autoren: Diffendorfer, JE; Semmens, DJ; Bagstad, KJ; Wiederholt, R; Oberhauser, K; Ries, L; Semmens, B; Goldstein, J; Thogmartin, W; Mattsson, BJ; Lopez-Hoffman, L
Event: American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference
Year: 2018 - ForAdapt: Supporting collaborative decision making for managing wildlife and ecosystem services in transboundary protected areas of Europe
Autoren: Mattsson, B; Vacik, H; Arih, H; Santi, S
Event: The 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology
Year: 2018 - Unraveling environmental drivers of population dynamics in a migratory species at multiple scales: a case study of red kites in Europe
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Schöll E
Event: Red Kite Symposium
Year: 2018 - Ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: spatial subsidies of the northern pintail
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Bagstad, KJ; Semmens, DJ; Diffendorfer, JE; Dubovsky, J; Thogmartin, WE; Wiederholt, R; Loomis, J; Goldstein, J; Bieri, JA; Sample, C; López-Hoffman, L.
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Gaps in quantitative decision support to inform adaptive management and learning: a review of forest management cases
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Irauschek, F; Yousefpour, R
Event: 18th The International Boreal Forest Research Association IBFRA Conference 2018 - - Cool Forests at Risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate
Year: 2018 - What does the science say? The diversity of methods to synthesize knowledge
Autoren: Dicks, Lynn; Pierre Failler; Johanna Ferretti; Neal Haddaway; Monica Hernandez; Barbara Livoreil; Brady Mattsson; Nicola Randall; Romina Rodela; Heli Saarikoski; Luis Santamaria; Emiliya Velizarova; Heidi Wittmer; Juliette Young
Event: The 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology
Year: 2018 - Vom Puzzleteil zum großen Ganzen - Lokale Rotmilanforschung (Milvus milvus) ermöglicht überregionale Populationsanalysen
Autoren: Schöll, EM; Mattsson, BJ
Event: 9. Internationales Symposium Populationsökologie von Greifvogel- und Eulenarten
Year: 2017 - Decision support and knowledge transfer for improved understanding about management of protected areas across borders in Europe
Autoren: Vacik, H; Mattsson, B
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2015 - Opportunities and Challenges for Managing Forests & Wildlife across Borders of Europe's Protected Areas
Autoren: Mattsson, B.J.; Vacik, H.; Arih, A.; Santi, S.
Event: EUROPARC Conference 2015: Protected Areas in a Changing World
Year: 2015 - Successes and Challenges from Formation to Implementation of Eleven Broad-Extent Conservation Programs
Autoren: Mattsson, B.J.; Beever, E.; Germino, M.; Post Van Der Burg, M.; Bradford, J.; Brunson, M.; Vacik, H.
Event: International Congress for Conservation Biology
Year: 2015 - Decision support toolkit FOR ADAPTive management of forest ecosystem services across borders in Europe
Autoren: Mattsson, B.J.; Vacik, H.
Event: 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources SSAFR 2015
Year: 2015 - Successes and Challenges from Formation to Implementation of Eleven Broad-Extent Conservation Programs
Autoren: Mattsson, B.J.; Beever, E.; Germino, M.; Post Van Der Burg, M.; Bradford, J.; Brunson, M.; Vacik, H.
Event: International Association for Landscape Ecology’s 2015 World Congress
Year: 2015 - Decision Support Toolkit for adaptive management of forest ecosystem services across borders in Europe
Autoren: Mattsson, B J; Vacik H
Event: Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015