Nicole Borth
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Nicole Borth
Institut für Tierische Zelltechnologie und Systembiologie
Standort Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-79064, 79065
ORCID: 0000-0001-6324-9338
6701407357: AuthorId
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
(2024) Assessing the impact of evolutionary pressures on the performance of AAV vector production in HEK293 cells
Autoren: Virgolini, N; Smesnik, G; Rahimzadeh, M; Dürauer, A; Borth, N;
Advancing Manufacture of Cell and Gene Therapies VIII
(2023) Assessing the underlying cellular response of HEK293 cells to evolutionary pressures
Autoren: Smesnik, G; Virgolini, N; Dürauer, A; Borth, N;
30th Annual Congress of the European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy (ESGCT)
(2022) Using triplex-forming oligos (TFOs) to repress promoter activity in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Hussein, M; Papez, M; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Galosy, S; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB & Pichia & 11th International Conference on Fiber & Polymer Biotechnology IFPB 2022
(2022) Using triplex-forming oligos (TFOs) to repress promoter activity in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Hussein, M; Papez, M; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Galosy, S; Borth, N
14th Annual Meeting ÖGMBT 2022 - Life Sciences - now more than ever
(2022) Using triplex-forming oligos (TFOs) to repress promoter activity in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Hussein, M; Papez, M; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Galosy, S; Borth, N,
6th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe ASBE 2022
(2021) Reducing ammonia production in CHO cell culture
Autoren: Stor, J
ELIXIR Fluxomics training School
(2021) Production of biotherapeutics in the age of –omics
Autoren: Borth, N
ECB21 - European Biotechnology Congress
(2021) Tuning protein expression levels by synthetic 5’-UTR RNA structures to engineer recombinant protein expression in mammalian cell factories
Autoren: Eisenhut, P ;Mebrahtu, A; Moradi, M; Thalen, N; Klanert, G; Weinguny, M; Sandegren, A; Su, C; Hatton, D; Borth, N; Rockberg, J
Protein Expression in Animal Cells Conference
(2019) Genome wide target sites of triplex mediated lncRNA interactions as regulatory nodes for transcriptional regulation
Autoren: Dhiman, H; Hernandez Lopez, I; Borth, N
International Conference on Genomes and AI: From Packing to Regulation
(2019) Exquisite Phenotype control
Autoren: Borth, N
KTH Cellnova Minisymposium
(2019) Regulation of gene expression driven by endogenous and viral promoters in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells using Triplex-Forming Oligonucleotides (TFOs)
Autoren: Papeź, M; Hussein, M; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Nguyen Ngoc, L; Novak, N; Galosy, S; Borth, N
11th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2019 - Inside the World of Biomolecules
(2019) Triplex-Forming Oligos (TFOs) to repress promoter activity in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Hussein, M; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Nguyen Ngoc, L; Novak, N; Galosy, S; Borth, N
Synthetic Biology Engineering Evolution Design SEED 2019
(2019) Darwin and Lamarck unified: how to control phenotypes without changing the genome
Autoren: Borth, N
Recombinant Protein Production RPP10 2019
(2019) CHO genome news: variation, phenotypes and control
Autoren: Borth, N
BBSRC Meeting
(2019) Manipulating phenotypes by epigenetic mechanism
Autoren: Borth, N
Biochemical and Molecular Engineering ECI Conference,
(2019) Genome scale science for CHO: towards better understanding and control of phenotype in cell lines and subclones
Autoren: Borth, N
MBI Mammalian Cell Bioprocessing Course, University College London
(2019) Genome scale science for CHO: from chasing the high productivity miracle gene to exquisite control of phenotypes
Autoren: Borth, N
Bioprocess International Conference 2019 - Cell Line Development
(2019) Using Triplex-Forming Oligos (TFOs) to repress promoter activity in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Hussein, M; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Nguyen Ngoc, L; Novak, N; Galosy, S; Borth, N
11th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2019 - Inside the World of Biomolecules
(2019) Variability of biomass composition in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells
Autoren: Széliová, D; Ruckerbauer, D; Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Troyer, C; Schoeny, H; Christensen, H; Köllensperger, G; Hann, S;Lewis, N; Nielsen, L; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
14th Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells PEACE 2019
(2018) Determination of CHO biomass composition,
Autoren: Széliová, D; Ruckerbauer, D; Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Borth, N
5th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis COBRA 2018
(2018) A Cross-Species siRNA Screen in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Identifies Novel Engineering Targets
Autoren: Klanert, G; Borth, N
10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting & Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting 2018
(2018) Cultivation of CHO cells for biomass component quantification
Autoren: Knez, Š; Széliová, D; Ruckerbauer, D; Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting & Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting 2018
(2018) A CRISPR/Cas9 based engineering strategy for overexpression of multiple genes in CHO cells
Autoren: Eisenhut, P; Klanert, G; Weinguny, M; Baier, L; Jadhav, V; Ivansson, D; Borth, N
2nd ESACT Frontiers Retreat
(2018) Determination of maintenance energy in CHO cells
Autoren: Thiel, I; Stor, J; Széliová, D; Ruckerbauer, D; Hanscho, M; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting & Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting 2018
(2018) CRISPR-based epigenetic editing in CHO cells
Autoren: Marx, N; Borth, N
2nd ESACT Frontiers Retreat
(2018) A CRISPR/Cas9 based engineering strategy for overexpression of multiple genes in Chinese hamster ovary cells
Autoren: Eisenhut, P; Klanert, G; Weinguny, M; Baier, L; Jadhav, V; Ivansson, D; Borth, N
European Congress on Biotechnology ECB 2018
(2018) Assessment of genomic instability of diverse Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines upon long-term cultivation and subcloning
Autoren: Baumann, M; Vcelar, S; Jadhav, J; Auer, N; Borth, N
Bioprocss Summit Europe
(2018) Enforcing homogeneity in a complex and heterogeneous system “It always seems impossible until it is done”
Autoren: Borth, N
Workshop on Mammalian synthetic biology
(2018) Next Generation CHO
Autoren: Borth, N
Bioprocessing Summit Europe 2018
(2018) A siRNA screen reveals novel engineering targets in CHO cells that boost productivity
Autoren: Klanert, G; Borth, N
BioProcess International European Summit 2018
(2018) Genomic stability of CHO – karyotype variance of host cell lines, recombinant or selected cell pools and subclones
Autoren: Baumann, M; Vcelar, S; Jadhav, V; Auer, N; Borth, N
Cell Line Development and Engineering 2018
(2018) Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in response to changing environment in Chinese hamster ovary cell batch culture
Autoren: Dhiman, H; Hernandez Lopez, I; Klanert, G; Jadhav, V; Baumann, M; Auer, N; Esteve-Codina, A; Dabad, M; Gomez, J; Alioto, T;Heath, S; Borth, N
16th ECI Cell Culture Engineering 2018
(2018) Variation in karyotype and chromsome numbers in CHO cell lines and subclones
Autoren: Borth, N; Vcelar, S; Baumann, M; Jadhav, V; Melcher, M; Leisch, F
Cell Culture Engineering XVI
(2018) Identification of New Engineering Targets in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
Autoren: Klanert, G; Fernandez, D; Weinguny, M; Eisenhut, P; Bühler, E; Melcher, M; Titus, S; Diendorfer, A; Jadhav, V; Gludovacz, E; Xiao, S;Stern, B; Lal-Nag, M; Shiloach, J; Borth, N
18th European Congress On Biotechnology 2018
Autoren: Marx, N; Dhiman, H; Hernandez Lopez, I; Klanert, G; Borth, N
16th ECI Cell Culture Engineering 2018
(2018) Determination of CHO biomass composition
Autoren: Széliová, D; Ruckerbauer, D; Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Borth, N,
18th European Congress On Biotechnology 2018
Autoren: Rupp, O; MacDonald, M; Lee, S; Dhiman, H; Polson, S; Griep, S; Heffner, K; Hernandez Lopez, I; Brinkrolf, K; Jadhav, V; Samoudi, M; Hou, H; Kingham, B; Goesmann, A; Betenbaugh, M; Lewis, N; Borth, N; Lee, K
16th ECI Cell Culture Engineering 2018
(2018) A paired CRISPR/AsCpf1-mediated screen tackling long non-coding RNAs in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells
Autoren: Schmieder, V; Dhiman, H; Novak, N; Jadhav, V; Klanert, G; Baumann, M; Kildegaard, H; Borth, N
4th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe 2018
(2018) Identification of novel promoters and genetic control elements derived from Chinese hamster ovary cells
Autoren: Nguyen Ngoc,L; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Hernandez Lopez, I; Borth, N
18th European Congress On Biotechnology 2018
(2017) Generation on a Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Genome Deletion Library
Autoren: Schmieder, V; Jadhav, V; Kildegaard, H; Borth, N
9th International Conference on Recombinant Protein Production RPP9 2017
(2017) CRISPR-based targeted epigenetic editing in CHO cells
Autoren: Marx, N; Hernandez Lopez, I; Jadhav, V; Clarke, C; Borth, N
25th ESACT Meeting 2017
(2017) A CRISPR/Cas9 based engineering tool to activate expression of multiple genes individually or in any specific combination
Autoren: Eisenhut, P; Klanert, G; Weinguny, M; Ivansson, D; Borth, N
20th Biochemical and Molecular Engineering 2017
(2017) Sugar alcohols and ketoses to enhance viability and cell growth of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells in suspension cultures
Autoren: Hussein, M; Baumann, M; Galosy, S; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) Knock-Down of RAD21 Leads to Productivity Enhancement in Recombinant CHO Cells
Autoren: Weinguny, M; Klanert, G; Eisenhut, P; Fernandez, D; Diendorfer, A; Jadhav, V; Lal, M; Shiloach, J; Borth, N
13th PEACe conference
(2017) Determination of CHO Biomass Composition
Autoren: Széliová, D; Ruckerbauer, D; Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Borth, N
13th PEACe conference
(2017) Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in response to changing environment in Chinese hamster ovary cell batch culture
Autoren: Dhiman, H; Hernandez Lopez, I; Klanert, G; Jadhav, V; Baumann, M; Esteve, E; Dabad, M;Gomez, J; Auer, N; Heath, S; Rico, D; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) What did we learn from all that CHO genome sequence information?
Autoren: Borth, N
BioProcess International European Summit 2017
(2017) Describing and Controlling Metabolism in CHO cells by genome scale metabolic models and statistics
Autoren: Hanscho, M; Zanghellini, J; Melcher, M; Széliová, D; Galleguillos, S; Ruckerbauer, D; Borth, N
9th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2017 - Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Human Diseases
(2017) CHO in times of –omics
Autoren: Borth, N
13th Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells
(2017) A cross-species high-throughput siRNA screening for suspension CHO cell
Autoren: Klanert, G; Fernandez, D; Jadhav, V; Bühler, E; Lal, M; Shiloach, J; Borth, N
25th ESACT Meeting 2017
(2017) Determination of CHO Biomass Composition,
Autoren: Széliová, D; Ruckerbauer, D; Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) A CRISPR/Cas9 based pathway engineering tool to activate expression of multiple genes individually or in any specific combination
Autoren: Eisenhut, P; Klanert, G; Weinguny, M; Ivansson, D; Borth, N
20th Biochemical and Molecular Engineering 2017
(2017) Tightly spaced transcriptome and chromatin state analyses reveal epigenetic response to a changing environment in CHO cell batch culture
Autoren: Borth, N
9th International Conference on Recombinant Protein Production RPP9 2017
(2017) Using CRISPR/Cas9 for multiplexed activation of recombinant genes in CHO: a novel tool for cell engineering
Autoren: Eisenhut, P; Klanert, G; Weinguny, M; Jadhav, V; Ivansson, D; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) Knock-Down of RAD21 Leads to Productivity Enhancement in Recombinant CHO Cells,
Autoren: Weinguny, M; Klanert, G; Eisenhut, P; Fernandez, D; Diendorfer, A; Jadhav, V; Lal, M; Shiloach, J; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) Making a long story CHOrt: systematic reconstruction of a core metabolic model of CHO
Autoren: Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Ruckerbauer, D; Borth, N; Zanghellini, J
Data-driven Biotechnology - bench, bioreactor and bedside
(2017) CHOmine: a browsable resource for Chinese Hamster data
Autoren: Hanscho, M; Gerstl, MP; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N;
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) A novel siRNA aided method for CHO cell line selection
Autoren: Diendorfer, A; Jadhav, V; Wurz, Z; Doyle, F; Eveleth, E; Borth, N
25th ESACT Meeting 2017
(2017) Assessment of genomic rearrangements in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Baumann, M; Vcelar, S; Jadhav, V; Hernandez Lopez, I; Melcher, M; Borth, N
25th ESACT Meeting 2017
(2017) Generation of a Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Deletion Library
Autoren: Schmieder, V; Jadhav, V; Kildegaard, H; Borth, N
20th Biochemical and Molecular Engineering 2017
(2017) Identification of metabolic changes in CHO cells adapted to growth in glutamine- free media
Autoren: Ruckerbauer, D; Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M;Széliová, D; Zanghellini, J;Borth, N
Data-driven Biotechnology - bench, bioreactor and bedside
(2017) Phenotypic changes in CHO based on genes involved in energy metabolism
Autoren: Dhiman, H; Gerstl, M, Ruckerbauer, D; Hanscho, M; Himmelbauer, H; Clarke, C; Zanghellini, J; Borth, J
EMBO Conference 2017 - Chromatin and Epigenetics
(2017) CRISPR-based targeted epigenetic editing in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells
Autoren: Marx, N; Hernandez Lopez, I; Jadhav, V; Clarke, C; Andersen, M; Borth, N
13th PEACe conference
(2017) Identification of novel promoters and genetic control elements derived from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Nguyen Ngoc, L; Baumann, M; Hernandez Lopez, I; Dhiman, H; Borth, N
13th PEACe conference
Autoren: Jadhav, V; Maurya, P; Auer, N; Nöbauer, K; Hummel, K; Razzazi-Fazeli, E; Gerner, C; BorthN
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) Evaluation of an in silico designing pipeline to predict sgRNA pairs for the CRIPSR/Cpf1 genome editing system and its application in CHO cells
Autoren: Novak, N; Schmieder, V; Dhiman, H; Weinguny, M; Eisenhut, P; Klanert, G; Jadhav, V; Baumann, M; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) International Conference on Epigenetics and Bioengineering
Autoren: Borth, N
International Conference on Epigenetics and Bioengineering
(2017) Assessment of genomic rearrangements in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Baumann, M; Vcelar, S; Jadhav, V; Hernandez Lopez, I; Melcher, M; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) Making a long story CHOrt: systematic reconstruction of a core metabolic model of CHO
Autoren: Galleguillos, SN; Ruckerbauer, D; Hanscho, M; Borth, N; Zanghellini, J;
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) CRISPR-based targeted epigenetic editing in CHO cells
Autoren: Marx, N; Clarke, C; Andersen, M; Borth, N; Jadhav, V
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2017
(2017) CHOmine: A Browseable Resource for Chinese Hamster Data
Autoren: Hanscho, M; Gerstl, M; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
Data-driven Biotechnology - bench, bioreactor and bedside
(2016) Analysis of chromosomal rearrangements in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Baumann, M; Vcelar, S; Hernandez-Lopez, I; Jadhav, V; Melcher, M; Borth, N
European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB 2016
(2016) Genome-Scale Metabolic Reconstruction of CHO Cells: What’s in a Model?,
Autoren: Ruckerbauer, D; Hanscho, M; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
IBC's Cell Line Engineerin
(2016) Genome stability and what controls cell behaviour in CHO cells
Autoren: Borth, N
Mammalian Systems Biology Workshop
(2016) CHO Mitochondria : A Possible Target for Engineering?
Autoren: Dhiman, H; Gerstl, M; Himmelbauer, H; Borth, N
ECB17 - 17th European Biotechnology Congress
(2016) To clone or not to clone? - Wrong question. An investigation on genome heterogeneity and stability and on what controls cell behaviour
Autoren: Borth, N
Cell Culture Engineering, Engineering Conferences International
(2016) Systems biology: From improving expression to understanding genomic heterogeneity and stability
Autoren: Borth, N
Bioprocess International 2016
(2016) A community built, genome-scale reconstruction of CHO cell metabolism
Autoren: Ruckerbauer, D; Hanscho, M; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
ECB17 - 17th European Biotechnology Congress
(2016) CHOmine: A Browseable Resource for Chinese Hamster Data
Autoren: Gerstl, M; Hanscho, M; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
International Mammalian Systems Biotechnology Workshop
(2016) Assessment of genomic rearrangements in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Baumann, M; Vcelar, S; Hernandez Lopez, I; Melcher, M; Borth, N
ECB17 - 17th European Biotechnology Congress
(2015) Metabolic Profiling of CHO-K1 Cells Adapted to Glutamine-Free Media
Autoren: Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Zanghellini, J; Ruckerbauer, D; Borth, N
4th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis COBRA 2015
(2015) A Method to Stably Integrate Multiple Genetic Elements into Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Cell
Autoren: Vcelar, S; Baumann, M; Borth, N
ACIB Science Days 2015
(2015) Systems biology: From improving expression to understanding genomic heterogeneity and stability
Autoren: Borth, N
Bioprocess International 2015
(2015) A genome-scale metabolic network reconstruction for CHO cells identifies the biochemical capacity of protein production
Autoren: Hanscho, M; Lund, A; Ley, D; Mikael ; Baycin-Hinzal, D; Betenbaugh, M; Paglia, G; Mahmoud, A; Ruckerbauer, D; Borth, N; Zielinski, D; Bordbar, A; Nagarajan, H; Bernhard, P; Kok Siong, A; Kyriakopoulos, S; Larshmanan, M; Lee, D; Quek, L; Martinez, V; Orellana, C; Nielsen, L; Hefzi, H; Thomas, A; Gutierrezc, J; Huang, H; Lewis, N
ECI - Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XIX
(2015) Non-targeted workflow for metabolomic analysis of CHO cell fabrics
Autoren: Drexler, H., Hanscho, M., Borth, N., Koellensperger, G. and Hann, S.
11th ASAC-JunganalytikerInnenforum 2015
(2015) Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP): a New Method to Identify Large Scale Genomic Rearrangements in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Cells
Autoren: Vcelar, S; Hernandez Lopez, I; Melcher, M; Montero Bullon, J; Auer, N; Baumann, M; Leisch, F; Borth, N
24th ESACT 2015 - Cells, Culture, Patients, Products
(2015) Advancing Cell Line Development and Engineering Using the CHO genome
Autoren: Borth, N
Cell Line Development 2015
(2015) Understanding Genomic Stability of CHO Cells from Cytogenetics to Sequence Variation
Autoren: Jadhav, V
ACIB Science Days 2015
(2015) Utilization of Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange (RMCE) and alternate start codons to select for genomic “hot-spot” integration sites
Autoren: Baumann, M; Gludovacz, E; Borth, N
24th ESACT 2015 - Cells, Culture, Patients, Products
(2015) Epigenetic regulation in Chinese Hamster Ovary producer cell lines
Autoren: Hernandez Lopez, I; Fischer, C; Feichtinger, J; Jadhav, V; Friesz, V; Hackl, M; Thallinger, G; Bock, C; Borth, N
Recombinant Protein Production - RPP8 2015
(2015) Understanding Genomic Stability of CHO Cells from Cytogenetics to Sequence Variation
Autoren: Jadhav, V
IBC Life Sciences' 11th annual Cell Line Development & Engineering conference
(2015) Topological properties of the Metabolic Network of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
ACIB Science Days 2015
(2015) sxRNA aided CHO cell line development – project introduction
Autoren: Diendorfer, A; Borth, N
ACIB Science Days 2015
(2015) Epigenetic regulation in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell lines,
Autoren: Hernandez Lopez, I; Christoph, F; Feichtinger, J; Jadhav, V; Friesz, V; Hackl, M; Thallinger, G; Bock, C; Borth, N
24th ESACT 2015 - Cells, Culture, Patients, Products
(2015) Next generation genome scale information for production cell lines: impact of genome and epigenome on cell performance and epigenome on cell performance
Autoren: Borth, N
2nd Cell Culture & BioProcessing Forum
(2015) Generation of recombinant CHO cell lines with high transcription rates using Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange (RMCE) and alternate start codons
Autoren: Baumann, M; Gludovacz, E; Borth, N
ACIB Science Days 2015
(2015) Short- and long-term epigenetic changes in Chinese Hamster Ovary cell lines
Autoren: Borth, N
ECI - Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XIX
(2015) Exploiting genomic sequence information of CHO - The “CHO“ must go on
Autoren: Baumann, M
ACIB Science Days 2015
(2014) Redox regulation in ER and cytosol in response to increased oxidative protein folding and ER stress
Autoren: Delic, M; Borth, N; Landes, N; Maccani, A; Ernst, W; Puxbaum, V; Mattanovich, D; Gasser, B
CHOgenome Workshop 2014
(2014) How will the CHO genome project impact cell line and process development?
Autoren: Borth N.
Bioprocess International 2014
(2012) Engineering of CHO cellular phenotype.
Autoren: Borth N. Hackl M., Klanert G., Jadhav V., Grillari J.
JAACT International Meeting 2012
(2012) CHO-genomics.
Autoren: Borth N.
Biotechnology in Action, Dublin City University NICB and ETCS Joint Meeting 2012
(2012) The role of Dicer and Drosha controlled microRNA biogenesis in CHO cells.
Autoren: Hackl M., Jadhav V., Grillari J., Borth N.
13th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2012
(2012) The molecular regulation of miR-17-92 cluster enhancing cellular growth in CHO cells.
Autoren: Jadhav V., Hackl M., Hernandez-Bort J., Grillari J., Borth N.
13th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2012
(2012) Computational identification of miRNA gene loci and precursor miRNA sequences in CHO cell lines.
Autoren: Hackl M., Jadhav V., Jakobi T., Rupp O., Brinkrolf K., Goesmann A., Pühler A., Noll T., Borth N., Grillari J.
13th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2012
(2012) Using CHO genome sequence databases for miRNA engineering.
Autoren: Borth N., Hackl M., Vaibhav J., Grillari J.
13th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2012
(2012) Analysis of the secretome of CHO cells. Cell Culture Engineering XIII, Scottsdale, USA, April 2012
Autoren: Maurya P., Kumar N., Nöbauer K., Hummel K., Razzazi-Fazzeli E., Borth N. (2012) Analysis of the secretome of CHO cells. Cell Culture Engineering XIII, Scottsdale, USA, April 2012
13th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2012
(2011) Transcriptional profiling of optimized CHO host cell lines
Autoren: Eva Harreither, Matthias Hackl, Johannes Pichler, Vaibhav Jadhav, Juan A. Hernandez-Bort, Helga Höflmyer, Johannes Grillari and Nicole Borth
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2011) Profiling of microRNA transcription during batch cultivation of CHO-K1 cells.
Autoren: Hackl, M., Bort, JA., Jadhav, V., Harreither, E., Grillari, J., Borth, N.
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2011) A time course investigation of the transcriptional regulation in CHO-K1 suspension cell cultures.
Autoren: Hernández Bort J.A. , Hackl M., Höflmayer H., Stern B., Borth N.
Recombinant Protein Production 2011
(2011) A CHO cell line that grows without glutamine: transcriptomic and microRNA profiles during batch culture and effects on recombinant protein production.
Autoren: Borth
6th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production RPP6 2011
(2011) Generation of a draft Chinese Hamster Reference Genome.
Autoren: Borth
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2011) CHO miRNomics: small RNAs with big future in CHO cell line development
Autoren: Hackl Matthias, Jadhav Vaibhav, Hernandez-Bort Juan-Antonio, Borth Nicole, Grillari Johannes
Optimizing Cell Line Performance Summit 2011
(2011) Establishment of a large scale functional screening method for microRNAs in Chinese hamster ovary cells
Autoren: Hackl M., Jadhav V., Borth N., Grillari J.
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2011) Establishment of a large scale functional screening method for microRNAs in Chinese hamster ovary cells
Autoren: Hackl Matthias, Jadhav Vaibhav, Borth Nicole, Wieser Matthias, Harreither Eva, Grillari Johannes
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2011) Next-generation sequencing of the Chinese hamster ovary microRNA transcriptome: identification, annotation and profiling of miRNA as targets for cellular engineering.
Autoren: Hackl, M., Jakobi, T., Blom, J., Doppmeier, D., Brinkrolf, K., Szczepanowski, R., Bernhart, S., Höner zu Siederdissen, C., Bort, JA., Wieser, M., Kunert, R., Jeffs, S., Hofacker, I., Goesmann, A., Pühler, A., Borth, N, Grillari, J.
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2011) Dynamic transcriptome profiling of two different CHO-K1 phenotypes: Comparison of Glutamine-dependent versus Glutamine-free adapted cells.
Autoren: Bort, JA, Hackl, M., Höflmayer H., Jadhav V , Borth, N.
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2011) Quantitative and qualitative analysis of erythropoietin-Fc production in a high density and glutamine-free adapted CHO cell line.
Autoren: Kumar N., Taschwer M., Hackl M., Bort JA., Pabst M., Grass J., Kunert R., Altmann F., Borth, N.
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2011) CHO -omics: A New Era in Cell Line Development.
Autoren: Borth
IBC Cell Line Development 2011
(2011) Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell transcription profiling reveals the role of c-Myc and the mR-17-92 cluster in cellular physiology
Autoren: Jadhav Vaibhav, Hackl Matthias, Hernandez Juan, Grillari Johannes, Borth Nicole
40th Keystone Symposia 2011 - MicroRNAs and Non-Coding RNAs and Cancer joint with MicroRNAs and Human Disease
(2011) Dynamic transcriptome profiling of CHO-K1 suspension cells in batch cultures.
Autoren: Bort, JA, Hackl, M., Höflmayer H., Jadhav V., Borth, N.
22nd meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2011
(2010) Molecular Characteristics of Optimised CHO cell lines.
Autoren: Borth
Bioprocess International 2010
(2010) Micro RNAs - small RNAs with big future in Chinese Hamster Ovary cell culture technology
Autoren: Hackl M, Brinkrolf K, Szczepanowski R, Pühler A, Grillari J, Borth N
EAPB Science to Market Conference 2010
(2010) Characterization of microRNA and messengerRNA expression pattern of a CHO K1 cell line adapted to growth in glutamine free medium
Autoren: Hernandez-Bort, JA;Hackl, M; Höflmayer, H; Stern, B; Borth, N
12th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2010
(2010) Molecular Characteristics of CHO Host Cell Lines Optimised by Cell Sorter Assisted Directed Evolution.
Autoren: Borth N., Pichler J., Hernandez Bort J.A., Hackl M., Höflmayer H., Grillari J.
12th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2010
(2010) FACS-Assisted Directed Evolution to obtain a CHOK1 host cell line growing in glutamine free medium
Autoren: Hernandez-Bort, JA; Stern, B; Borth, N
Science to Market 2010 - Posttranslational Modifications of Proteins - Consequences and Therapeutic Use
(2010) Borth N. (2010) Cell Line Characterisation and Optimisation by Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting.
Autoren: Borth
Cell Line Development Workshop 2010
(2010) Molecular Characteristics of CHO Host Cell Lines Optimised by Cell Sorter Assisted Directed Evolution
Autoren: Borth N., Hernandez Bort J.A., Hackl M., Höflmayer H., Pichler J., Grillari J.
JAACT Meeting 2010
(2010) Deep Sequencing of CHO microRNAs as prerequisite for a novel approach to CHO cell engineering
Autoren: Hackl M., Brinkrolf K., SzczepanowskiR., , Pühler A., Borth N., Grillari J.
12th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2010
(2010) Profiling of microRNA and mRNA expression in CHO host cells with increased transient antibody productivity
Autoren: Hackl M., Pichler J., Höflmayer H., Hernandez-Bort J.A., Borth N.
12th Cell Culture Engineering Conference 2010
(2010) Optimisation of CHO host cell lines: properties of the perfect cell line?
Autoren: Borth
Cell Line Development 2010
(2010) FACS-Assisted Directed Evolution to obtain a CHO-K1 host cell line growing in glutamine free medium
Autoren: Hernandez-Bort, JA, Stern, B; Borth, N
Science to Market 2010 - Posttranslational Modifications of Proteins - Consequences and Therapeutic Use
(2009) FACS-Assisted Directed Evolution to obtain a CHOK1 host cell line growing in glutamine free medium
Autoren: Hernandez Bort J.A., Stern B., Borth N.
PEACe Conference 2009
(2009) Isolation of Chinese Hamster Ovary cell subclones with increased productivity by repeated cycles of transient transfection and fluorescence activated cell sorting
Autoren: Pichler J., Galosy S., Mott J.E., Borth N.
PEACe Conference 2009
(2009) A quick and simple method for extraction and measurement of intracellular nucleotide and nucleotide sugar contents of Chinese Hamster Ovary cell lines
Autoren: Hinterkörner G., Pabst M., Grass J., Altmann F., Borth N.
PEACe Conference 2009
(2009) Exo70, a subunit of the exocyt complex, is involved in pre-mRNA splicing
Autoren: Dellago H., Löscher M., Ajuh P., Ryder U., Kaisermayer C., Grillari R., Fortschegger K., Gross S., Borth N., Einsenhaber F., Lamond A.I., Grillari J.
1st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology ÖGMBT 2009
(2009) MicroRNAs as novel tools for CHO cell engineering: profiling of differential microRNA expression and first regulatory insights
Autoren: Hackl M., Müller D., Borth N., Grillari J.
21st Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2009
(2009) FACS-Assisted Directed Evolution to obtain a robust CHOK1 host cell line: a tribute to Darwin on his anniversary
Autoren: Hernandez Bort J.A., Stern B., Borth N
21st Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology ESACT 2009
(2009) MicroRNAs as novel tools for CHO cell engineering: profiling of differential microRNA expression and first regulatory insights
Autoren: Hackl M., Müller D., Borth N., Grillari J.
1st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology ÖGMBT 2009
(2008) A study on the temperature dependency and time course of the cold capture secretion assay.
Autoren: Pichler, J., Hesse, F., Wieser, M., Kunert, R., Galosy, S., Mott, J.E., Borth, N.
Cell Culture Engineering
(2008) Analysis of the cellular energy state during batch cultures of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells
Autoren: Borth Nicole
Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level 2008
(2008) Improvement of lactic acid production in yeast by cell sorting
Autoren: Minoska Valli, Michael Sauer, Paola Branduardi, Nicole Borth, Danilo Porro, and Diethard Mattanovich
4th International Conference on Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level 2008
(2008) Analysis of transient antibody expression in CHO cells.
Autoren: Pichler, J., Hesse, F., Galosy, S., Mott, J.E., Borth, N.
11th International Conference Cell Culture Engineering 2008
(2008) A study on the temperature dependency and time course of the cold capture secretion assay.
Autoren: Pichler, J., Hesse, F., Wieser, M., Kunert, R., Galosy, S., Mott, J.E., Borth, N.
11th International Conference Cell Culture Engineering 2008
(2008) Analysis of the cellular energy state during batch cultures of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
Autoren: Borth
Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level 2008
(2008) Improving protein production through a better understanding of cellular performance: the benefits of flow cytometry and cell sorting
Autoren: Borth N.
Bioprocess International 2008
(2008) Analysis of transient antibody expression in CHO cells.
Autoren: Pichler, J., Hesse, F., Galosy, S., Mott, J.E., Borth, N.
11th International Conference Cell Culture Engineering 2008
(2008) Improving Protein Production through a better understanding of cellular performance: the benefits of Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting
Autoren: Borth Nicole
Bioprocess International 2008
(2007) Analysis of transient Antibody Epxression in CHO cells.
Autoren: Pichler J., Hinterkörner G., Hesse F., Galosy S., Mott J.E., Borth N.
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development.
Autoren: Borth, N.; Hinterkörner, G.; Voglauer, R.; Hesse, F.; Matej, M.; Katinger, H.
2nd Singapore Biologics Manufacturing Conference SBMC 2007
(2007) Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development
Autoren: Nicole Borth
1st SBE's Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development 2007
(2007) Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development
Autoren: Borth, N.; Hinterkörner, G.; Voglauer, R.; Hesse, F.; Matej, M.; Katinger, H.
2nd Singapore Biologics Manufacturing Conference SBMC 2007
(2007) Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development
Autoren: Nicole Borth
2nd Singapore Biologics Manufacturing Conference SBMC 2007
(2007) Analysis of transient Antibody Epxression in CHO cells
Autoren: Pichler J., Hinterkörner G., Hesse F., Galosy S., Mott J.E., Borth N. 2007
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Characterisation of cell behaviour by flow cytometry.
Autoren: Borth N., Hinterkörner G., Hesse F., Ezzenje K., Matej M., Kunert R., Katinger H.,
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Characterisation of cell behaviour by flow cytometry.
Autoren: Borth N., Hinterkörner G., Hesse F., Ezzenje K., Matej M., Kunert R., Katinger H.
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Correlation between mitochondria-related fluorescent dyes and the energy metabolism in CHO cells
Autoren: Hinterkörner G., Pichler J., Hesse F., Kunert R., Katinger H., Borth N.
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Characterisation of cell behaviour by flow cytometry.
Autoren: Borth N., Hinterkörner G., Hesse F., Ezzenje K., Matej M., Kunert R., Katinger H.
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Correlation between mitochondria-related fluorescent dyes and the energy metabolism in CHO cells.
Autoren: Hinterkörner G., Pichler J., Hesse F., Kunert R., Katinger H., Borth N.
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Correlation between mitochondria-related fluorescent dyes and the energy metabolism in CHO cells
Autoren: Hinterkörner G., Pichler J., Hesse F., Kunert R., Katinger H., Borth N.
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development.
Autoren: Borth N., Hinterkörner G., Voglauer R., Hesse H., Matej M., Katinger H.
1st SBE's Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development 2007
(2007) Analysis of transient Antibod< Epxression in CHO cells.
Autoren: Pichler J., Hinterkörner G., Hesse F., Galosy S., Mott J.E., Borth N.
20th ESACT Meeting 2007
(2007) Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting in Cell Line Development
Autoren: Borth, N.; Hinterkörner, G.; Voglauer, R.; Hesse, F.; Matej, M.; Katinger, H.
Accelerating biopharmaceutical Production.
(2006) Use of flow cytometric cell sorting to obtain complex functional properties in biopharmaceutical production cell lines.
Autoren: Borth Nicole
BBB Seminars: The BioMedical and BioSciences Lecture Series, University of Bergen
(2006) Cell Line Development by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting
Autoren: Borth N., Brugger G., Hinterkörner G., Ernst W., Müller D., Hesse F., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Engineering Foundation Cell Culture Engineering X
(2006) Improvement of the Glycolytic metabolism im mammalian cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting
Autoren: Borth Nicole
Cell Line Development and Engineering 2006
(2006) Biphasic cultivation - A simple strategy to improve the space-time yield of CHO based bioprocesses without affecting product quality
Autoren: Müller, D.
Post Translational Modifications
(2006) Improvement of lactic acid production in yeast by cell sorting
Autoren: Minoska Valli, Michael Sauer, Paola Branduardi, Nicole Borth, Danilo Porro, and Diethard Mattanovich
Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT & ANGT - Life Science 2006
(2006) Improvement of the Energy Metabolism in Mammalian Cells by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting
Autoren: Borth N.
Cell Line Development and Engineering 2006
(2006) Improvement of lactic acid production in yeast by cell sorting
Autoren: Valli M., Sauer M., Branduardi P., Borth N., Porro D., Mattanovich D.
Life Sciences Austria Vienna Region: Life Science Circles: Industrielle Biotechnologie
(2005) From Gene to antibody: efficient screening by cell sorting.
Autoren: Ernst Böhm, Johannes Grillari, Martina Löschel, Stefan Gross, Regina Voglauer, Renate Kunert, Hermann Katinger, Nicole Borth
60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
(2005) Improvement of the glycolytic metabolism in mammalian cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting
Autoren: Gudrun Brugger, Dethardt Müller, Renate Kunert, Friedemann Hesse, Hermann Katinger, Nicole Borth
60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
(2005) FACS based isolation of high producing CHO cells with optimised process performance using a surface capture approach.
Autoren: Borth N.
Bioprocess International 2005
(2005) From gene to monoclonal antibody: efficient screening by cell sorting
Autoren: Borth N., Böhm E., Grillari J., Löscher M., Gross S., Voglauer R., Ferko B., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Animal Cell Technology meets Genomics
(2005) Sorting for high producers: Methods and application
Autoren: Ernst Böhm, Max Zeyda, Willibald Steinfellner, Regina Voglauer, Renate Kunert, Hermann Katinger, Nicole Borth
60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
(2005) High throughput methods for strain improvement - Flow Cytometry & FACS
Autoren: Maurer M., Gasser B., Benakovitsch K., Valli M., Borth N., Mattanovich D.
60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
(2005) Multiple flow cytometry analysis as a tool for the study of microbial fermentations
Autoren: Maurer M., Gasser B., Benakovitsch K., Borth N. Mattanovich D.
3rd International EFB Conference 2005 - Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level
(2005) Effect of pH, DO and Temperature on the Performance of CHO Cells in a Batch Process (Poster)
Autoren: Trummer, E., Hesse, F., Seidinger, S., Fauland, K., Schriebl, K., Lattenmayer, C., Borth, N., Kunert, R., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger, H., Müller, D.,
19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
(2005) Improvement of lactic acid production in yeast by cell sorting for high intracellular pH
Autoren: Valli M., Sauer M., Borth N., Branduardi P., Porro D., Mattanovich D.
60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
(2005) Improvement of the glycolytic metabolism in mammalian cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting
Autoren: Borth N., Brugger G., Müller D., Hesse D., Kunert R., Katinger H.
19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
(2005) Serum-free Sorting of High Producing Recombinant CHO Cells (oral presentation)
Autoren: Müller, D.; Borth, N.
3rd International EFB Conference 2005 - Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level
(2005) Intracellular pH distribution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell populations analyzed by flow cytometry
Autoren: Valli M., Sauer M., Branduardi P., Borth N., Porro D., Mattanovich D.
3rd International EFB Conference 2005 - Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level
(2004) Effect of increased levels of Protein Disulfide Isomerase and BiP/GRP78 on human antibody productivity in recombinant CHO cells
Autoren: Borth N, Mattanovich D., Kunert R, Katinger H.
Cell Culture Engineering IX, Engineering Foundation Conference
(2004) Effects of gene dosage, promoters and substrates on unfolded protein stress of recombinant Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Gasser B., Hohenblum H., Maurer M., Borth N., Mattanovich D.
EFB Section Meeting “Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi II”
(2004) Investigation of an important physiological parameter in yeast cells: the intracellular pH.
Autoren: Valli M., Borth N., Sauer M., Branduardi P., Porro D., Mattanovich D.
EFB Section Meeting “Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi II”
(2004) Comparison of protein profiles of different CHO cell lines
Autoren: Przewalla, C., Chang, M., Kunert, R., Hesse, F., Grillari, J., Borth, N., Katinger, H.
6th Siena meeting from genome to proteome 2004 - Biomarker discovery and proteome imaging
(2003) Efficient Selection of Antigen Specific Hybridomas by Cell Sorting using a Single Cell Secretion Assay
Autoren: Borth N., Böhm E., Grillari J., Voglauer R., Kunert R., Gross S., Ferko B., Katinger H.
18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
(2003) Effiziente Selektion von hochproduzierenden tierischen Zelllinien für die Produktion von biopharmazeutischen Produkten mit dem Zellsorter
Autoren: Borth N., Böhm E., Voglauer R., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Geselschaft für Flow Zytometrie
(2003) Control of Key Parameters in the Development of mammalian production clones
Autoren: Kunert R., Preis S., Steinfellner W., Assadian A., Borth N., Müller D., Katinger H.
18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
(2003) From gene to monoclonal antibody: efficient screening by cell sorting
Autoren: Borth, N., Böhm, E., Grillari, J., Löscher, M., Gross, S., Voglauer, R., Ferko, B., Kunert, R., Katinger, H.
18th ESACT Meeting 2003 - Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics
(2002) Screening for Additional Cell Properties: Selection of Subclones with Altered Production Kinetics or Improved Stability by Cell Sorting using an Affinity Matrix Secretion Assay
Autoren: Borth, N., Böhm, E., Voglauer, R., Steinfellner, W., Kunert, R., Katinger, H.
UEF Cell Culture Engineering Conference
(2002) Flow Cytometric methods for sorting of high producing bacterial, yeast and animal cells
Autoren: Borth N.
Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level 2002
(2002) Expression von Glykoproteinen in rekombinanten CHO-Zellen
Autoren: R. Kunert, D. Müller, N. Borth, R. Weik, H. Katinger
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zellkultur und European Tissue Culture Society: Neues aus der Zell- und Gewebekultur
(2002) Antibody secreting cell lines as model systems for affinity matrix secretion assay based cell sorting.
Autoren: Böhm, E., Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Grillari, J., Gross, S., Ferko, B., Katinger, H., Borth, N.
15th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium (HCS) Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cytometry (DGfZ)
(2002) Efficient selection of monoclonal, antigen-specific and high-producing hybridoma cell lines by flow cytometry and cell sorting: in a single cloning step ?
Autoren: Böhm, E., Borth, N., Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Ferko, B., Wiederkum, S., Stiegler, G., Hahn, R., Katinger, H.
ISAC 2002 XXI Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology
(2002) Efficient Selection of monoclonal, antigen-specific and high-producing Hybridoma Cell Lines in a Single Cloning Step by Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting.
Autoren: Böhm, E., Borth, N., Voglauer, R., Stiegler, G., Hahn, R., Ferko, B., Kunert, R., Katinger, H.
UEF Cell Culture Engineering Conference
(2001) Die Entwicklung klinischer Biopharmaka mittels nativer und rekombinanter Eukaryonten
Autoren: Kunert,R., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Borth,N., Katinger,H.
Hochschullehrer-Nachwuchstreffen der DECHEMA
(2001) Efficient and Rapid Clone Selection of Human-Antibody Producing Xenohybridomas by Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting According to Single Cell Specific Production Rate.
Autoren: Böhm, E., Borth, N., Voglauer, R., Wiederkum, S., Kunert, R., Katinger, H.
Human Antibodies and Hybridomas 2001
(2001) Efficient and Rapid Clone selection of Human-antibody producing Xenohybridomas by flow cytometry and cell sorting according to single cell specific production rate
Autoren: Borth N.
Human Antibodies and Hybridomas 2001
(2000) Maintenance of a high antibody expression level in CHO cells without selective and amplification pressure by cell sorting
Autoren: Böhm, E., Borth, N., Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Steinfellner, W., Katinger, H.
ISAC congress XX
(2000) Determination of liposome size distribution by flow cytometry (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Borth,N., Voglauer,R., Katinger,H.
ISAC congress XX
(2000) Analysis of oncogene expression and chromosomal stability of SV40 early region transfected (ISAC congress XX,
Autoren: Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Hohenwarter, O., Böhm, E., Borth, N., Katinger, H.
ISAC congress XX
CRISPR-based targeted epigenetic glyco-engineering in CHO cell
Autoren: Marx, N, Grünwald-Gruber, C; Dhiman, H; Nguyen Ngoc, L; Bydlinski, N; Hernandez Lopez, I; Klanert, G; Borth, N
Bioinformatic identification of CHO cold-shock genes and biological evidence of their cold-inducible promoters
Autoren: Nguyen Ngoc, L; Novak, N; Baumann, M; Borth, N
2000. Engineering of stress adapted protein expression systems in Escherichia coli by flow cytometry assisted library screening.
Autoren: Soriano, E., Borth, N., Mattanovich, D., Katinger, H.
Genetic determination of recombinant protein expression clones under serum free cultivation conditions
Autoren: Lattenmayer C., Löschel M., Borth N., Kunert R., Katinger H.
A tool for coordinated overexpression of multiple genes in CHO cells
Autoren: Eisenhut, P; Klanert, G; Weinguny, M; Baier, L; Ivansson, D; Borth, N
Using Triplex-Forming Oligos (TFOs) to repress promoter activity in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
Autoren: Hussein, M; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Nguyen Ngoc, L; Novak, N; Galosy, S; Borth, N
Subclonability Enhancement of CHO leads to an Improved Growth Phenotype
Autoren: Weinguny, M; Klanert, G; Eisenhut, P; Borth, N
Genome wide target sites of triplex mediated lncRNA interactions as regulatory nodes for transcriptional regulation
Autoren: Dhiman, H; Hernandez Lopez, I; Borth, N
Subclonability Enhancement of CHO leads to an Improved Growth Phenotype
Autoren: Weinguny, M; Klanert, G; Eisenhut, P; Borth, N
Identification of transgene integration sites, their structure and epigenetic status with Cas9-targeted nanopore sequencing in CHO Cells
Autoren: Marx, N; Leitner, K; Motheramgari, K; Borth, N
Understanding cellular limitations of HEK293, Characterization of genetic and epigenetic state
Autoren: Smesnik, G; Virgolini, N; Dürauer, A; Borth, N;
Evaluation of an lncRNA Deletion Screen in CHO cells
Autoren: Novak, N; Schmieder, V; Dhiman, H; Baumann, M; Klanert, G; Borth, N
Maintenance of a high antibody expression level in recombinant CHO cells without selective and amplification pressure by cell sorting.
Autoren: Borth, N., Böhm, E., Voglauer, R., Kunert, R., Steinfellner, W., Katinger, H.
Analysis of energy metabolism in recombinant CHO cells by flow cytometric methods
Autoren: Borth N., Brugger G., Müller D., Hesse F., Kunert R., Katinger H.
Optimisation of the protein expression level in Escherichia coli by Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting.
Autoren: Soriano, E., Mattanovich, D., Borth, N., Katinger, H.
An innovative pooled CRISPR/AsCpf1 screen tackling long non-coding RNAs in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells
Autoren: Novak, N; Schmieder, V;Dhiman, H; Baumann, M; Klanert, G; Borth, N
Tuning protein expression levels in mammalian cells by synthetic 5’-UTR RNA structure
Autoren: Eisenhut, P; Mebrahtu, A; Klanert, G; Weinguny, M; Borth, N; Rockberg, J
Simultaneous flow cytometric analysis of intracellular product, total protein and DNA in recombinant Escherichia coli.
Autoren: Soriano, E., Eywo, S., Borth, N., Mattanovich, D.
An Innovative CRISPR/AsCpf1 Screen in CHO Cells
Autoren: Novak, N; Schmieder, V; Dhiman, H; Baumann, M; Klanert, G; Borth, N
Establishment of recombinant CHO for industrial protein production
Autoren: R.Kunert, K.Strutzenberger, F.Steindl, G.Vecera, A.Zudjelovic, N.Borth, H.Katinger
Novel Promoters Derived From CHO via In Silico And In Vitro Analysis
Autoren: Nguyen Ngoc, L; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Marx, N; Jadranka, K; Borth, N
Regulation of gene expression driven by endogenous and viral promoters in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells using Triplex-Forming Oligonucleotides (TFOs)
Autoren: Papeź, M; Hussein, M; Baumann, M; Dhiman, H; Nguyen Ngoc, L; Novak, N; Galosy, S; Borth, N
Simultaneous analysis of intracellular product, total protein and DNA in recombinant Escherichia coli producing human superoxide dismutase.
Autoren: Soriano, E., Eywo, S., Mitterbauer, R., Katinger, H., Mattanovich, D., Borth, N.
Multiple flow cytometry analysis as a tool for the study of microbial fermentations
Autoren: Maurer M., Gasser B., Benakovitsch K., Borth N., Mattanovich D.
Variability of biomass composition in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells
Autoren: Széliová, D; Ruckerbauer, D; Galleguillos, S; Hanscho, M; Troyer, C; Schoeny, H; Christensen, H; Köllensperger, G; Hann, S;Lewis, N; Nielsen, L; Zanghellini, J; Borth, N
Control of key parameters in the development of mammalian production clones
Autoren: R. Kunert, S. Wolbank, D. Müller, R. Voglauer, N. Borth, H. Katinger
Development of a stress-responsive expression system for Escherichia coli.
Autoren: Eywo, S., Borth, N., Mattanovich, D.
CHO genome stability and heterogeneity
Autoren: Borth, N
Avoiding unstable transgene integration in Horizon CHO cell lines
Autoren: Dhiman, H; Campbell, M; Melcher, M; Smith, K; Borth, N