Eugenio Diaz-Pines
Priv.Doz.Dr. Eugenio Diaz-Pines
Standort Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-91120
ORCID: 0000-0001-9935-106X, öffnet in neuem Fenster.
ResearcherId : AAE-9924-2019
AuthorId : 25925689000
- 2023 Habilitation im Fach Biogeochemie, BOKU
- 2022 Senior Scientist, Institut für Bodenforschung, BOKU Wien
- 2017 - 2022 Universitätsassistent, Institut für Bodenforschung, BOKU Wien
- 2011 - 2016 PostDoc am Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung – Atmosphärische Umweltforschung (IMK-IFU), Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Deutschland. Abteilung Biogeochemische Prozesse
- 2007 - 2011 Promotion in Forstwissenschaften mit Auszeichnung, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spanien
- 1999 - 2007 Diplom-Forstingenieur, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spanien
- Jahr: 2021 Auszeichnung: Manfred Schwanninger Preis
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2024 - Exploring nutrient recycling potential of struvite and zeolites in soil: insights on immediate carbon and nitrogen dynamics (Vortrag)
Autoren: Galamini, G; Ferretti, G; Rosinger, C; Huber, S; Mentler, A; Díaz-Pinés, E; Gorfer, M ; Keiblinger, KM
Veranstaltung: Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS 2024
Datum: 19.05.2024 - 21.05.2024 | Ort: Florence, Italien | Veranstalter:
International Union of Soil Science
Jahr: 2024 - Impacts of biochar on nitrous oxide emissions and ammonia volatilization in wheat and maize cropping systems. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hartmann, F; Spiegel, H; Kitzler, B; Díaz-Pinés, E; Hood-Nowotny, R
Veranstaltung: Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS 2024
Datum: 19.05.2024 - 21.05.2024 | Ort: Florence, Italien | Veranstalter:
International Union of Soil Science
Jahr: 2024 - Long-term crop residue management effects on the greenhouse gas fluxes: An Austrian case study (Poster)
Autoren: Esparza Robles, UR; Kitzler, B; Kager, T; Sanden, T; Spiegel, H; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS 2024
Datum: 19.05.2024 - 21.05.2024 | Ort: Florence, Italien | Veranstalter:
International Union of Soil Science
Jahr: 2024 - Sustainable Management of soil organic matter to mitigate trade-offs between C sequestration and N2O emissions (Vortrag)
Autoren: Diaz-Pines, E
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2024
Datum: 17.09.2024 - 17.09.2024 | Ort: Wien, Austria | Veranstalter:
Österreichische Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2023 - The SOMMIT Project: Sustainable Management of soil Organic Matter to Mitigate Trade-offs between C sequestration and nitrous oxide, methane and nitrate losses (Poster)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Keuper, F; Bastida, F; Bregaglio, S; Cayuela, ML; Di Bene, C; Ferchaud, F; Ferrara, R; Fiore, A; Léonard, J; Maenhout, P; Mihelič, R; O´Toole, A; Suhadolc, M; Syp, A; Testani, E; Valkama, E; Lagomarsino, A
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2023
Datum: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Ort: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Ort: Vienna | Ort: Vienna | Ort: Wien, AT | Ort: Austria Center Vienna | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Ort: Austria Center Wien | Ort: Wien | Veranstalter:
European Geosciences Union
Jahr: 2023 - Long-term management for carbon sequestration in European croplands and its legacy effect on greenhouse gas fluxes (Vortrag)
Autoren: Esparza-Robles, U; Díaz-Pinés, E; Lagomarsino, A
Veranstaltung: EJP SOIL Annual Science Days 2023
Datum: 12.06.2023 - 14.06.2023 | Ort: Riga, LATVIA
Jahr: 2023 - Effects of struvite and N-modified zeolites on nutrient cycling in sandy arable soil (Vortrag)
Autoren: Galamini, G; Ferretti, G; Rosinger, C; Huber, S; Medoro, V; Mentler, A; Diaz-Pines, E; Gorfer, M; Faccini, B; Coltorti, M; Keiblinger, K
Veranstaltung: 77. ALVA Jahrestagung 2023 - Innovativer Pflanzenschutz –neue Technologien zur Versorgungssicherung
Datum: 22.05.2023 - 23.05.2023 | Ort: Linz | Veranstalter:
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen (ALVA)
Jahr: 2023 - Assessing the potential tradeoff between soil carbon sequestration and N2O emissions (Vortrag)
Autoren: Porre, R; Martinez-García, L; Esparza-Robles, U, Díaz-Pinés, E; Lesschen, JP
Veranstaltung: 9th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases 2023
Datum: 21.06.2023 - 23.06.2023 | Ort: Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS
Jahr: 2023 - The legacy effect of long-term management on greenhouse-gas fluxes in European croplands (Poster)
Autoren: Esparza-Robles, UR; Diaz-Pinés, E; Lagomarsino, A
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2023
Datum: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Ort: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Ort: Vienna | Ort: Vienna | Ort: Wien, AT | Ort: Austria Center Vienna | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Ort: Austria Center Wien | Ort: Wien | Veranstalter:
European Geosciences Union
Jahr: 2022 - CArbon Sequestration in Austrian Soils – Selected results of the CASAS project (Vortrag)
Autoren: Spiegel, H; Baumgarten, A; Bohner, A; Jandl, R; Meyer, I; Sinabell, F; Huber, S; Birli, B; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Diaz-Pines, E; Sandén, T
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2022
Datum: 21.09.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - Agricultural management affects active carbon and nitrogen mineralisation potential in soils (Vortrag)
Autoren: Spiegel, H; Hendricks, S; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Kandeler, E; Diaz-Pines, E; Schnecker, J; Alber, O; Miloczki, J; Sandén, T
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
Datum: 23.05.2022 - 27.05.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - Undisturbed soil core incubations: Assessing trade-offs between C sequestration and greenhouse gas fluxes of long-term agricultural management in Europe (Vortrag)
Autoren: Esparza-Robles, U; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2022
Datum: 21.09.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - Leveraging Research Infrastructure Co-Location to Quantify Biogeochemical, Ecological and Social Constraints on Landscape-Scale Carbon Sequestration (Vortrag)
Autoren: Futter, M; Alam, SA; Baatz, R; Bäck, J; Díaz-Pinés, E; Dirnböck, T; Forsius, M; Gillespie, L; Laudon, H; Mirtl, M; Poppe, C; Schaub, M; Skiba, U; Veervecken, H; Weldon, J
Veranstaltung: 5th ICOS Science Conference 2022
Datum: 13.09.2022 - 15.09.2022 | Ort: Utrecht, Netherlands
Jahr: 2022 - EXtreme weather events and soil greenhouse gas fluxes in Austrian FORests. Evaluating the feedbacks under global change (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Goff, D; Gorfer, M; Kitzler B
Veranstaltung: 22. Österreichischer Klimatag 2022 - Pushing boundaries: Wissenschaft, Kunst, Klima
Datum: 20.04.2022 - 22.04.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Veranstalter:
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien & TU Wien | Veranstalter:
Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA)
Jahr: 2022 - Denitrification dominates grassland nitrous oxide emissions through drought and rewetting (Vortrag)
Autoren: Harris, E; Díaz-Pinés, E; Stoll, E; Schloter, M; Schulz, S; Duffner, D; Li, K; Moore, KL; Ingrisch, J; Reinthaler, D; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Glatzel, S; Bahn, M
Veranstaltung: 10th International Symposium on Isotopomers (ISI) and 12th Isotopes Conference 2022
Datum: 29.05.2022 - 03.06.2022 | Ort: Dübendorf, Switzerland
Jahr: 2022 - Response of methanotrophic bacteria to soil drying and rewetting in Austrian forests (Vortrag)
Autoren: Lopez-Montoya, I; Goff, D; Kitzler, B; Gorfer, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: 7th WABO Student Conference 2022 - Featuring future in forest and soil sciences
Datum: 16.05.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - EXtreme weather events and soil greenhouse gas fluxes in Austrian FORests. Evaluating the feedbacks under global change (Vortrag)
Autoren: Goff, D; Gorfer, M; Kitzler, B; Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: LTER-Austria Conference 2022
Datum: 10.11.2022 - 11.11.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - Understanding soil N2O emissions and production pathways in a changing climate by coupling automated chambers with isotope measurements (Vortrag)
Autoren: Stoll, E; Diaz-Pines, E; Reinthaler, D; Radolinski, J; Schloter, M; Schulz, S; Duffner, C; Tian, Y; Wanek, W; Pötsch, E; Glatzel, S; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Bahn, M; Harris, E.
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
Datum: 23.05.2022 - 27.05.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - Effect of crop residue management on soil greenhouse gas fluxes in an Austrian long-term experiment (Vortrag)
Autoren: Amangeldy, N; Esparza, U; Sandén, T; Spiegel, H; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Meijide, A; Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: 7th WABO Student Conference 2022 - Featuring future in forest and soil sciences
Datum: 16.05.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - Bodenkohlenstoffsequestrierung und die Sustainable Development Goals (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Esparza-Robles, U; Birli, B; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Spiegel, H
Veranstaltung: Carbon Sequestration in Austrian Soils CASAS Workshop 2022
Datum: 05.12.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - Carbon Sequestration in Austrian Soils (CASAS) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Spiegel, H; Bohner, A; Jandl, R; Foldal, C; Meyer, I; Sinabell, F; Huber, S; Diaz-Pines, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: Carbon Sequestration in Austrian Soils CASAS Workshop 2022
Datum: 05.12.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2022 - New insights into climate change-driven soil N2O production and emissions in managed montane grassland (Poster)
Autoren: Stoll, E; Díaz-Pinés, E; Reinthaler, D; Radolinski, J; Schloter, M; Schulz, S; Duffner, C; Tian, Y; Wanek, W; Pötsch, E; Glatzel, S; Zechmeister-Boltenster, S; Bahn, M; Harris, E
Veranstaltung: 10th International Symposium on Isotopomers (ISI) and 12th Isotopes Conference 2022
Datum: 29.05.2022 - 03.06.2022 | Ort: Dübendorf, Switzerland
Jahr: 2022 - Soil carbon dioxide fluxes from two Austrian forests under drying rewetting stress (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gonzalez, F; Goff, D; Kitzler, B; Knohl, A; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: 7th WABO Student Conference 2022 - Featuring future in forest and soil sciences
Datum: 16.05.2022 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2021 - Using online N2O isotopic measurements to understand grassland N2O emission processes in a changing climate (Vortrag)
Autoren: Stoll, E; Harris, E; Diaz-Pines, E; Reinthaler, D; Radolinski, J; Glatzel, S; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Pötsch, E; Bahn, M
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Datum: 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021 | Ort: Online
Jahr: 2021 - Management options, potential and limits for carbon sequestration in Austrian soils (Vortrag)
Autoren: Spiegel, H; Wawra, A; Miloczki, J; Sandén, T; Bohner, A; Jandl, R; Meyer, I; Huber, S; Díaz-Pinés, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: EUROSOIL 2021
Datum: 23.08.2021 - 27.08.2021 | Ort: Online | Ort: Geneva, Switzerland
Jahr: 2021 - Same Climate, Different Soil: Simulating Maize Yield and Water Use for Smallholder Systems with Different Soil Datasets in the Lowveld Region of Limpopo Province, South Africa (Vortrag)
Autoren: Owolabi, M; Nelson, W; Diaz-Pines, E; Ayisi, K; Rötter RP
Veranstaltung: Tropentag 2021 "Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future"
Datum: 15.09.2021 - 17.09.2021 | Ort: Hybrid Conference, Germany
Jahr: 2021 - Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions of a cropland in the pre-alpine region: A modelling approach (Vortrag)
Autoren: Vetter, R; Foldal, C; Jandl, R; Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: 6. DWB Student Conference 2021: Forest and Soil Science update
Datum: 17.05.2021 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2021 - Kohlenstoffspeicherung in Österreichischen Böden – Möglichkeiten, Grenzen, und Bewirtschaftungsstrategien (Poster)
Autoren: Spiegel, H; Jandl, R; Bohner, A; Meyer, I; Huber, S; Diaz- Pines, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021
Datum: 12.04.2021 - 13.04.2021 | Ort: Online | Ort: online | Veranstalter:
Climate Change Centre Austria | Veranstalter:
CCCA | Veranstalter:
Montanuniversität Leoben
Jahr: 2021 - Soil amendments with slow release fertilizer properties show distinct response in short-term incubations in a sandy arable soil (Vortrag)
Autoren: Galamini G, Ferretti G, Rosinger C, Huber S, Mentler A, Coltorti M, Gorfer M, Diaz-Pines E and Keiblinger KM
Veranstaltung: 18th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2021
Datum: 11.11.2021 - 12.11.2021 | Ort: Tulln an der Donau, Austria | Veranstalter:
SINA Stable Isotope Network Austria | Veranstalter:
Jahr: 2021 - Effects of soil temperature, soil moisture and topography on CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes from a temperate upland forest soil (Vortrag)
Autoren: Triches, N; Gillespie, L; Abalos, D; Finke, P; Diaz-Pines, E.
Veranstaltung: 6. DWB Student Conference 2021: Forest and Soil Science update
Datum: 17.05.2021 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2021 - Amplifying Signals and avoiding surprises: Potential synergies between ICOS and eLTER at the Water-Climate-Greenhouse Gas nexus (Vortrag)
Autoren: Futter, M; Alam, SA; Baatz, R; Bäck, J; Diaz-Pines, E; Dick, J; Forsius, M; Gaube, V; Jones, M; Nikolaidis, N; Poppe, C; Rankinen, K; Rowe, E; Schaub, M; Skiba, U; Vereecken, H; Dirnböck, T
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Datum: 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021 | Ort: Online
Jahr: 2020 - Doing Field and Lab Work in Corona Times – A Soil Microbiology Course Experience (virtual booth) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Diaz-Pines, E; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: 1st Annual EPICUR Forum. Workshop Experiential Learning & Experimental Teaching in Digital Settings
Datum: 09.12.2020 - 11.12.2020 | Ort: Online
Jahr: 2020 - Selected soil parameters to characterise soil organic matter and its decomposition – impacts of land use and agricultural soil management (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hendricks, S; Diaz-Pines, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Kandeler, E; Spiegel, H
Veranstaltung: 5. DWB Student Conference 2020: Sharing Forest & Soil Science online
Datum: 13.05.2020 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2020 - Biogeochemical effects of repeated soil drying-wetting cycles in a beech forest. A long-term manipulation study (Vortrag)
Autoren: Diaz-Pines, E
Veranstaltung: Institute Seminar. The French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands (FAAB). Be-Gurion University of the Negev
Datum: 02.12.2020 | Ort: Online
Jahr: 2020 - Impacts of climate change on forest restoration in Australia (Poster)
Autoren: Becirovic, A; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: 5. DWB Student Conference 2020: Sharing Forest & Soil Science online
Datum: 13.05.2020 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2019 - Long-Term Ecosystem Research Infrastructure for Carbon, Water and Nitrogen (LTER-CWN) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Bahn, M; Dirnböck, T; Englisch, M; Glatzel, S; Kitzler, B; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Datum: 30.09.2019 - 05.10.2019 | Ort: Curitiba, Brazil
Jahr: 2019 - Greenhouse Gas Measurements at different levels: soil-plant-manure application (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E
Veranstaltung: Training School on Measuring Greenhouse Gases in Agricultural Systems, LivAGE COST Action
Datum: 29.03.2019 | Ort: Lugo, Spain
Jahr: 2019 - Long-Term Ecosystem Research Infrastructure for Carbon, Water and Nitrogen (LTER-CWN) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Bahn, M; Dirnböck, T; Englisch, M; Gartner, K; Große Kathöfer, D; Kitzler, B; Kobler, J; Maier, A; Peterseil, J; Pröll, G; Wohner, C; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Glatzel, S
Veranstaltung: The international Long Term Ecological Research Network 2nd Open Science Meeting
Datum: 02.09.2019 - 06.09.2019 | Ort: Leipzig, Germany
Jahr: 2019 - Online measurements of nitrous oxide in the soil profile of a pre-alpine grassland subjected to extreme climatic manipulations. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Fahringer, A; Deltedesco, E; Keiblinger, K; Reinthaler, D; Herndl, M; Pötsch, E; Bahn, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: DASIM - Tracing denitrification
Datum: 12.03.2019 - 14.03.2019 | Ort: Gießen, Germany
Jahr: 2019 - Tree species shape the assembly of microbial decomposer communities during oak leaf and pine needle litter decomposition (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fernández-Alonso, MJ; Díaz-Pinés, E; Kitzler, B; Rubio A
Veranstaltung: 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting. Ecology: an integrative science in the Anthropocene
Datum: 04.02.2019 - 07.02.2019 | Ort: Barcelona, Spain
Jahr: 2019 - Effects of repeated drying-wetting cycles on the forest soil greenhouse gas emissions. A manipulation study (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Leitner, S; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Datum: 30.09.2019 - 05.10.2019 | Ort: Curitiba, Brazil
Jahr: 2018 - Understanding the effects of hydro-morphological restoration measures on nitrogen cycling in riverine landscapes (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pinto, R; Hein, T; Díaz-Pinés, E; Gerreiro Brito, A
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Datum: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Veranstalter:
European Geosciences Union
Jahr: 2018 - Interactive effects of warming, elevated CO2 and weather extremes on N2O and CH4 emissions in a managed grassland (Poster)
Autoren: Sophie Zechmeister Boltenstern, Evi Deltedesco, Eugenio Diaz-Pines, Alexandre Fahringer, Erich Pötsch, Markus Herndl, David Reinthaler, Michael Bahn, Katharina Keiblinger
Veranstaltung: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Datum: 23.04.2018 - 25.04.2018 | Ort: Salzburg, Austria
Jahr: 2018 - Influence of extreme weather events on greenhouse gas emissions from forest and grassland soils (Poster)
Autoren: Ecker, E; Díaz-Pinés, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Veranstaltung: 3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
Datum: 25.05.2018 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2018 - Online measurements of nitrous oxide and methane in the soil profile of apre-alpine grassland subject to extreme climatic manipulations (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Fahringer, A; Deltedesco, E; Keiblinger, K; Reinthaler, D; Herndl, M; Pötsch, E; Bahn, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Datum: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Veranstalter:
European Geosciences Union
Jahr: 2018 - Pulsed responses of soil-atmosphere CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes to extreme rewetting events (Vortrag)
Autoren: Leitner, S; Díaz-Pinés, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Datum: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Veranstalter:
European Geosciences Union
Jahr: 2018 - Broadleaved-coniferous Mediterranean ecotone forest: linking seasonal dynamics of soil metabolic activity with shifts in plant phenology and leaf functional traits (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fernández Alonso, MJ; Ortiz, C; Díaz-Pinés, E; Rubio, A
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Datum: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Veranstalter:
European Geosciences Union
Jahr: 2018 - The Rosalia Lehrforst and the LTER Soil Research Activities (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Leitner, S; Gasch, J; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Veranstaltung: LTER-Austria Konferenz 2018
Datum: 25.06.2018 - 26.06.2018 | Ort: Admont, Austria
Jahr: 2018 - Interactive effects of warming, elevated CO2 and weather extremes on N2O and CH4 emissions in a managed grassland (Vortrag)
Autoren: Diaz-Pines, E., Keiblinger, K., Fahringer, A., Pötsch, E.M., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Veranstaltung: International SusAlps Conference 2018
Datum: 18.09.2018 - 20.09.2018 | Ort: Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Jahr: 2017 - Time and Timing in Ecological Monitoring (Vortrag)
Autoren: Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Diaz-Pines E; Leitner S;
Veranstaltung: eLTER conference & LTER-Europe annual meeting
Datum: 28.11.2017 - 01.12.2017 | Ort: Malaga, Spain
Jahr: 2017 - Combined effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature levels on the N2O and CH4 fluxes in a managed alpine grassland during a simulated drought period (Poster)
Autoren: Fahringer A., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Keiblinger K., Diaz-Pines E., Deltedesco E.
Veranstaltung: 2. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2017
Datum: 24.05.2017 | Ort: Vienna, Austria
Jahr: 2013 - Effect of fire in Mediterranean shrub-land on soil nitrogen cycling and emissions of nitrous oxide (Poster)
Autoren: Karhu, K; Dannenmann, M; Kitzler, B; Díaz-Pinés, E; Tejedor, J; Ramirez, D; Parra, A; Resco, V; Moreno, J.M; Rubio, A; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Ambus, P
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2013
Datum: 07.04.2013 - 12.04.2013 | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Veranstalter:
European Geosciences Union
Jahr: 2013 - Standard Assessment of Mitigation Potential and Livelihood in Smallholder Systems (SAMPLES) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Rufino, M; Rosenstock, T; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Wollenberg, L
Veranstaltung: Agriculture and mitigation: Towards low emissions development. United Nations Climate Change Official Side Event
Datum: 01.06.2013 | Ort: Bonn, Germany
Jahr: 2011 - Landscape heterogeneity influences on carbon and nitrogen ecosystem balances (Vortrag)
Autoren: Díaz-Pinés, E; Butterbach-Bahl, K
Veranstaltung: COST ES0804 Meeting 2011 - Advancing the Integrated Monitoring of Trace Gas Exchange between Biosphere and Atmosphere ABBA
Datum: 01.05.2011 | Ort: Todi, Italy
Jahr: 2010 - Some like it hot: the burning of Mediterranean maquis and it’s effect on soil microbes (Poster)
Autoren: Kitzler, B., Guimaraes-Povoas, L., Dannenmann, M., Diaz-Pines, E., Karhu, K., Ambus, P., Tejedor, J., Parra de la Torre, A., Rubio, A., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Butterbach-Bahl, K.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2010
Datum: 02.05.2010 - 07.05.2010 | Ort: Vienna, Austria | Veranstalter:
European Geosciences Union