Florian Alexander Peloschek
Dipl.-Ing. Florian Alexander Peloschek Bakk.techn.
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
- 2009 Sponsion
- 2009 Projektmitarbeiter, Koordination und Leitung von Forschungskooperationen mit externen Partners, Projektentwicklung
- 2007 - 2009 Projektmitarbeiter, Assistenz der Leitung des "DEV-FORUM"
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2018 - Long-term community-based carbon-offsetting in Ethiopia: a step towards sustainability
Autoren: Birgit Habermann, Florian Peloschek, Yonas Worku, Georg Gratzer, Abrham Abiyu, Selamawit Damtew
Veranstaltung: 4.Tagung des Netzwerks Afrikaforschung in Österreich 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Municipal solid waste management in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: composting to prevent greenhouse gas emissions.
Autoren: Peloschek, F; Ramusch, R; Binner, E; Ramusch, M; Wegayehu, W; Schmitz, D;
Veranstaltung: 4.Tagung des Netzwerks Afrikaforschung in Österreich 2018
Jahr: 2017 - Innovation Platform for ICT development and stimulation for multi-stakeholder collaboration
Autoren: Peloschek, F
Veranstaltung: Workshop SCARA Project Kenya
Jahr: 2017 - Vermicomposting: a guide to build your own vermicomposting box
Autoren: Ramusch, Marion; Peloschek, Florian
Veranstaltung: Composting, Theory and Practice
Jahr: 2017 - Climate Change Mitigation - the role of Waste Management
Autoren: Peloschek, Florian
Veranstaltung: Too Good to Waste: Turning Waste into Resource and Sustanable Solid Waste Management
Jahr: 2017 - Reforestation - it’s contribute to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions through carbon offsetting activities in Ethiopia
Autoren: Florian Peloschek
Veranstaltung: Workshop Green-Re Project Ethiopia
Jahr: 2017 - Carbon offsetting as an opportunity for sustainable rural development in Nepal ‐ a participatory, community based approach
Autoren: Peloschek F., Katzensteiner K., Devkota M., Giri A., Bradley O., Pandey D.
Veranstaltung: Inception Workshop 'Carbon Offsetting as an Opportunity for Sustainable Rural Development in Nepal'
Jahr: 2017 - Hold the reins. Experiences and learned lessons from current carbon offset project in Nepal
Autoren: Peloschek, Florian
Veranstaltung: Progress in Gaurishankar Conservation Area 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Existing institutions, systems and approaches relevant to agricultural technology promotion and extension - a review of institutions in the country that are relevant to knowledge and agricultural technology transfer
Autoren: Birgit Habermann; Florian Peloschek
Veranstaltung: Improving Agricultural Extension Systems for Wider Adoption of Technologies - Annual Project Review and Planning Workshop
Jahr: 2014 - Sustaining transformation - Lessons learnt and linkages developed towards rural transformation
Autoren: Florian A. Peloschek
Veranstaltung: TRANSACT project closure conference
Jahr: 2014 - Scénarios des challenges pour une durabilité future des pêcheries du Burkina Faso (Scenarios of Challenges to Future Sustainability of Burkina Faso Fisheries)
Autoren: Sendzimir J., Magnusewski P., Peloschek F., Slezak G. & A.H. Melcher
Veranstaltung: Final SUSFISH Symposium. PÉCHE – EAU Sustainable Management of Water and Fish Resources in Burkina Faso
Jahr: 2014 - Partizipation im Klimadschungel: der Versuch einer sozial verträglichen CO2-Kompensation in Ambober, Äthiopien
Autoren: Habermann, B., Worku, Y., Teklu, H., Peloschek, F.
Veranstaltung: JAHRESTREFFEN ENTWICKLUNGSFORSCHUNG Entwicklung im Umbruch. Perspektiven österreichischer Entwicklungsforschung
Jahr: 2014 - 1- Gestion durable des écosystèmes aquatiques et ressources piscicoles en Europe et en Afrique de l’Ouest (Sustainable assessment of aquatic ecosystems and fish resources in Europe and West Africa)
Autoren: Melcher A.H., Peloschek F., Moog O., Ouéda A., Meulenbroek P., Stranzl S., Mano K., Koblinger T., Trauner D., Kabore I., OuédraogO R., Savadogo M. & J. Sendzimir
Veranstaltung: Final SUSFISH Symposium. PÉCHE – EAU Sustainable Management of Water and Fish Resources in Burkina Faso
Jahr: 2014 - Contribution of academia to mitigating climate change induced water vulnerabilities in East Afica
Autoren: Nampala, M.P; Peloschek, F.A; Senkosi, K.
Veranstaltung: 4th RUFORUM Biennial Conference 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems and fish resources in Burkina Faso, West Africa
Autoren: Melcher, AH, Peloschek, F, Moog, O, Oueda, A, Meulenbroek, P, Stranzl, S, Kommandan, M, Koblinger, T, Trauner, D, Kabore, I, Ouedraogo, R, Savadogo, M, Sendzimir, J
Veranstaltung: Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Experiences in working with partners in Africa at community level to ensure water security
Autoren: Florian A. Peloschek
Veranstaltung: 4th RUFORUM Biennial Conference 2014
Jahr: 2013 - Sustainable Management of Water and Fish Resources in Burkina Faso – Lessons Learned
Autoren: Melcher, AH, Peloschek, F, Sendzimir, J,
Veranstaltung: SUSFISH Workshop & West Africa Symposium 2013 - Current questions in sustainable water management and higher education in Burkina Faso
Jahr: 2013 - Activity Report 4.3 Document institutional learning and impact of TRANSACT with and across participating institutions
Autoren: Habermann, B. Peloschek, F. Teklu, H. Worku, Y. Merkuz, A.
Veranstaltung: 5th consortium meeting of TRANSACT project 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Activity Report 4.3 Document institutional learning and impact of TRANSACT with and across participating institutions
Autoren: Habermann, B. Teklu, H. Worku, Y. Peloschek, F. Merkuz, A.
Veranstaltung: 6th Consortium Meeting of TRANSACT Project 2013
Jahr: 2011 - Participatory Rural Video Centre - An Approach to Support Learning and Farmers' Innovation in Bangladesh
Autoren: Chowdhury, A.H., Aktor, R., Peloschek, F.A., Sarker, Md.A.
Veranstaltung: Tropentag 2011