Hajar Asadian
Hajar Asadian
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2019 - Opportunities in remote sensing of forests related to the arrival of the Sentinel-2 satellite
Autoren: Atzberger, C; Immitzer, M
Veranstaltung: ForMec - Forest Mechanics
Jahr: 2019 - Remote Sensing Landslide Detection in the Longnan Region and the European Alps
Autoren: Mayrhofer, P; Atzberger, C; Steger, S; Sonnenschein, R; Cuozzo, G; Schneiderbauer, S; Zebisch, M; Notarmicola, C
Veranstaltung: ESA-MOST China Dragon Cooperation: 2019 Dragon 4 Symposium
Jahr: 2019 - The potential benefit of dense multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data for tree species classification
Autoren: Immitzer, M., Böck, S., Neuwirth, M., Vuolo, F., Dioszegi, G., Atzberger, C.
Veranstaltung: Living Planet Symposium 2019
Jahr: 2019 - The added value of multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data for forest monitoring in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve
Autoren: Immitzer, M; Neuwirth, M; Böck, S; Vuolo, F; Brenner, H; Atzberger, C
Veranstaltung: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Jahr: 2019 - How much does multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data improve crop type classification?
Autoren: Vuolo, F.; Immitzer, M.; Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E.; Atzberger, C.
Veranstaltung: Living Planet Symposium 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Evaluating the Extended Spring Index over Europe using cloud computing
Autoren: Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E; Zurita-Milla, R; Klisch, A; Atzberger, C
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2019
Jahr: 2019 - High Spatial Resolution Land Products Derived From Reconstructed Landsat Reflectance in the Cloud
Autoren: Izquierdo-verdiguier, E; Moreno-Martinez, A; Camps-Valls, G; Maneta, M.P.; Robinson, N; Atzberger, C; Running, S.W.
Veranstaltung: Earth Observation phi-week
Jahr: 2018 - Research on the optimal thresholds for crop start and end of season retrieval from remotely sensed time series data based on ground observations
Autoren: Huang, X; Liu, J; Atzberger, C; Liu, Q
Veranstaltung: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS IEEE 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Multispectral Remote Sensing Images
Autoren: Lopez, J.; Santos, S.; Atzberger, C.; Torres, D.
Veranstaltung: IEEE 10th Latin-American Conference on Communications
Jahr: 2018 - Use of MODIS time series within NDMA's Drought Early Warning System (EWS)
Autoren: Atzberger, C.
Veranstaltung: FAO Predictive Livestock Early Warning Training and Stakeholders Workshop
Jahr: 2017 - Neue Entwicklungen in der landwirtschaftlichen Fernerkundung
Autoren: Atzberger, C.; Vuolo, F.
Veranstaltung: Symposium: Trends und Herausforderungen satellitengestützter Erdbeobachtung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2017 - Agricultural mapping: Monitoring soil and vegetation layers from space
Autoren: Atzberger, C.
Veranstaltung: Global Crop Protection 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Use of spatial context information during RTM inversion
Autoren: Atzberger, C.
Veranstaltung: Juhan Ross Legacy Symposium
Jahr: 2010 - Retrieval of vegetation biochemical using a radiative transfer model and hyperspectral data
Autoren: Darvishzadeh, R., Atzberger, C., Skidmore, A., Schlerf, M.
Veranstaltung: 7th ISPRS TC Symposium 2010 - 100 Years ISPRS
Jahr: 2010 - Estimating sub-pixel to regional winter crop areas using neural nets
Autoren: Atzberger, C.
Veranstaltung: 7th ISPRS TC Symposium 2010 - 100 Years ISPRS
Jahr: 2009 - Vegetation biophysical variable retrieval using object-based inversion of hyperspectral Chris/Proba data
Autoren: Atzberger, C., Richter, K.
Veranstaltung: ESA Hyperspectral workshop 2009
Jahr: 2008 - Mapping of vegetation biophysical variables using radiative transfer models - coping with the ill-posed inverse problem
Autoren: Atzberger, C.
Veranstaltung: RSPSoc 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Multi-angular reflectance properties of vegetation: Comparing model simulations with satellite data
Autoren: Schlerf, M., Verhoef, W., Hill, J., Buddenbaum, H., Atzberger, C., Skidmore, A.
Veranstaltung: ISPRS 2007