Harald Vacik
ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Harald Vacik
Institute of Silviculture
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Email harald.vacik@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-91312
ORCID: 0000-0002-5668-6967
14063892500: AuthorId
B-1185-2009: ResearcherId
- 2018 Research activities and visists at the Faculty of Forest and Wood Sciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS)
- 2017 Coordinator of International Masterstudy program Msc European Forestry - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2017 - 2017 Research and Teaching visit at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu
- 2016 - 2016 Teaching at Kyrgyz National Agricultural University (Kyrgyzstan)
- 2014 Coordinator of Masterstudy program Forest Sciences - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2005 Habilitation in Silviculture, Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2005 - 2005 Teaching at the Georg-August Universität Göttingen (Germany) in the course of a Sokrates/Erasmus-mobility scholarship
- 2005 - 2005 teaching at the an der Methodius University in Skopje (Macedonia) in the course of the scholarship for "Supports to the Higher Education at the SS.Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje"
- 2002 Quality Systems Manager ISO 9001/2000, Quality Austria
- 2001 Master of Advanced Studies in Geographical Information Science and Systems MAS(GIS), University of Salzburg
- 1999 achievement of academical degree "Doktor der Bodenkultur"
- 1999 Master of Advanced Studies in Geographical Information Science (GIS), ZGIS, University of Salzburg
- 1996 Assistant Professor, Institute of Silviculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna
- 1994 Diploma, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna
- 1993 - 1994 Research assistant, Institute of Silviculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna
- Year: 2010 Awards: Stiftung 120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur – Analyse von Generhaltungswäldern der Eibe (Taxus baccata L.) in Österreich
- Year: 2001 Awards: Besondere Leistungsprämie für das Engagement und die Durchführung der Lehre am Institut für Waldbau und für die Entwicklung und Betreuung des multimedialen Lern- und Informationssystems COCOON
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Assessing Wildfire Vulnerability in the absence of empirical data: the REVEAL Project
Autoren: Papathoma-Köhle, M; Echtler, P; Fuchs, S; Schlögl, M; Müller, M; Vacik, H.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Year: 2024 - Effect of climate change on lightning induced forest fires in Austria
Autoren: Laimighofer, J; Silva Andrade, M; Echtler, P; Fuchs, S; Müller, M; Papathoma-Köhle, M; Vacik, H; Formayer, H
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Year: 2024 - spotFIRE: a citizen science app to support the prevention of forest fires
Autoren: Hoang, T; Müller, M; Milewski, A; Hummer, P; Tran, QB; Heigl, F; Vacik, H
Event: 5th European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Navigating Climate Change: Exploring Plenter Forest Potential in Styria, Austria
Autoren: Leiter, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Year: 2024 - Can Social Media Revolutionize Forest Ecosystem Service Marketing? Unlocking Potential through Networks and Influencers!
Autoren: Nazari, M; Bilot, N; Ramsauer, J; Vacik, H
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Year: 2024 - Utilising spatially explicit site information for mapping tree species suitability: The role of digitally mapped soil data
Autoren: Kessler, M; Vacik, H; Lexer MJ
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Year: 2024 - Mapping Multiple Soil Properties Using Artificial Neural Networks: Creating Coherent Soil Datasets
Autoren: Huber, T; Fromm, R; Englisch, M; Gadermaier, J; Katzensteiner, K; Keßler, D; Vacik, H; Klebinder, K
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Year: 2024 - Leveraging citizen science for enhanced forest fire management in tropical and subtropical forestry
Autoren: Hoang, TT; Müller, M; Tran, QB; Heigl, F; Vacik, H
Event: Tropentag 2024
Year: 2024 - Waldbrandforschung in Österreich
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, M, Andrade, M, Neumann, M; Koller, M
Event: Lange Nacht Der Forschung 2024
Year: 2024 - An integrated fire danger assessment system for mountain forests with high resolution vegetation data
Autoren: Müller, M; Silva Andrade, M; Neumann, M; Kaiser, G; Immitzer, M; Atzberger, C; Formayer, H; Rieder, H; Hollaus, M; Kraxner, F; Krasovskiy, A; Corning, S; Bauerhansl, C; Karel, S; Schadauer, T; Vacik, H
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress
Year: 2024 - Unterstützung bei der Waldbrand-Dokumentation in Österreich
Autoren: Müller, MM; Hoang, T; Kaiser, G; Vacik, H
Event: ECSA/ACSC 2024
Year: 2024 - Altitudinal distribution of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) in the Styrian Alps as facilitator of silvicultural stability and resilience strategies
Autoren: Köck, R; Kessler, M; Vacik, H; Lexer, M J; Dorfstetter, Y; Lick, H; Englisch, M; Keßler, D; Starlinger, F; Schaufler, J; Hotter, M; Klosterhuber, R
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Year: 2024 - Engaging citizen science in gathering data related to forest fire risk in mountain regions: A case study in Central Vietnam
Autoren: Hoang, TT; Müller, M; Silva Andrade, M; Hummer, P; Heigl, F; Vacik, H
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Year: 2023 - Using Citizen Science Approaches to Reduce Fire Risk in Mountainous Regions
Autoren: Hoang, TT; Vacik, H
Event: The 2023 Austrian Citizen Science Conference
Year: 2023 - Waldbrandprognose als Werkzeug der Organisation und Einsatzvorbereitung
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: ÖBFV-Führungsseminar 2023 „Spannungsfeld Feuerwehreinsatz“, Niederösterreichischer Landesfeuerwehrverband
Year: 2023 - Waldbrände in Österreich: Aktuelle und zukünftige Herausforderungen
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H
Event: ExtremA 2023: Aktueller Wissensstand zu Extremereignissen alpiner Naturgefahren in Österreich - Ein Update
Year: 2023 - Sub-Regional Euro-Alpine Wildland Fire Network of the the Global Wildland Fire Network
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, Governance Principles: Towards and International Framework
Year: 2023 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Informationsveranstaltung für eine Norwegische Delegation bei der Landwirtschaftskammer
Year: 2023 - Dynamic forest site classification for supporting adaptive forest management under climate change
Autoren: Roland Köck 1, Harald Vacik1 , Manfred J. Lexer1, Michael Kessler1, Yasmin Dorfstetter1 , Michael Englisch 3, David Keßler3, Franz Starlinger3, Judith Schaufler3, Klaus Klebinder3 , Ralf Klosterhuber5 , Gerfried Winkler4 , Marcus Wilhelmy2, Michael Grabner1 , Herbert Formayer1, Klaus Katzensteiner1 , Josef Gadermaier1, Heinz Lick
Event: XVI Congreso Mexicano de Recursos Forestales
Year: 2023 - Prävention und Bewusstseinsbildung als Beitrag zu einem integierten Waldbrandmanagement
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Jahreshauptversammlung WVB Leoben
Year: 2023 - Improving an integrated fire danger assessment with high resolution vegetation parameters
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM; Silva Andrade, M; Immitzer, M; Dioszegi, G; Atzberger, C; Hollaus, M; Schlaffer, S; Zotta, RM
Event: 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, Governance Principles: Towards and International Framework
Year: 2023 - Modelling Potential Plenter Forest Area - Assessing the potential plenter forest area of Styria, Austria
Autoren: Leiter, M; Pucher, C; Kessler, M; Hönigsberger, F; Lexer, M; Vacik, H; Hasenauer, H
Event: Sustainable Legacy: Education, Research, and Perspectives in Forestry and Urban Greenery - 75th anniversary of the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Forestry
Year: 2023 - State of knowledge, future challenges and options for an integrated fire management in the European Alps
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM; Vila Vilardell, L; Hoang, T; Mayer, C; Mayr, S; Carrega, P; Duche, Y; Lahaye, S; Böttcher, F; Maier, H; Schunk, C; Zimmermann, L; Ascoli, D; Cotterchio, A; Fiorucci, P; Gottero, F; Pirone, S; Rizzolo, R; Vacchiano, G; Valese, E; Kolsek, M; Kosicek, B; Papez, J; Conedera, M; Ghiringhelli, A; Pezzati, B; Ryser D
Event: 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, Governance Principles: Towards and International Framework
Year: 2023 - Projekt FORSITE II - Erarbeitung der ökologischen Grundlagen für eine dynamische Waldtypisierung in Oberösterreich, Niederösterreich und im Burgenland
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Informationsveranstaltung zur Dynamischen Waldtypisierung
Year: 2023 - Erarbeitung der ökologischen Grundlagen für eine Dynamische Waldtypisierung in Oberösterreich, Niederösterreich und im Burgenland - Projekt FORSITE II
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Fach- und Jahrestagung Forstverein Oberösterreich und Salzburg
Year: 2023 - Waldbrandmanagement im Gebirgswald
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Jahreshaupttagung Forstverein Niederösterreich und Wien
Year: 2022 - NOBEL - Novel business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services Project results from Joint Call 2017 in Session II “Forest management from various perspectives”
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Final Conference ForestValue 2022
Year: 2022 - Empfehlungen für die Waldbewirtschaftung: vom aktuellen Bestand zum „klimafitten Wald“
Autoren: Lexer, MJ; Köck, R; Oberklammer, I; Vacik, H
Event: Fachtagung Wald im Klimawandel 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - neues Instrument für die Baumartenwahl
Year: 2022 - Comparative assessment of natural regeneration across natural forest reserves in Austria
Autoren: Hardalau, DG; Starcevic, A; Manousidis, D; Huber, J; Zorci, J; Schara, A; Steiner, H; Ruprecht, H; Frank, G; Vacik, H
Event: 7th Nationalparks Austria Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2022
Year: 2022 - Remote sensing for improved forest fire danger estimation in the Alpine region
Autoren: Zotta, RM; Schlaffer, S; Hollaus, M; Dostalova, A; Vacik, H; Müller, MM; Atzberger, C; Immitzer, M; Dioszegi, G; Dorigo, WA
Event: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022
Year: 2022 - Integriertes System zu Abschätzung der Waldbrandgefahr - waldbrand.at
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM
Event: CONFIRM Abschluss-Workshop
Year: 2022 - Current forest fire research activities in Austria
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM; Neumann, M
Event: Science Afternoon, Institute of Silviculture
Year: 2022 - Waldbrandrisiko: Präventionsmaßnahmen als Beitrag zu einem integrierten Waldbrandmanagement
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Waldbrandeinsatz aus Sicht der Praxis 2022
Year: 2022 - Modelling tree species suitability for Styria, Austria
Autoren: Kessler, M; Lexer MJ; Englisch, M; Vacik, H
Event: FORESTS ́ FUTURE 2022: Consequences of Bark Beetle Calamity in Central Europe
Year: 2022 - Wie entsteht ein Waldbrand? Das Feuerdreieck - The Fire Triangle
Autoren: Vacik, Harald; Müller, Mortimer; Neumann, Mathias; Koller, Markus
Event: Das Wiener Forschungsfest 2022
Year: 2022 - A Socioeconomic Model to Improve Fire Ignition Danger Assessment in an Alpine Environment
Autoren: Silva Andrade, M; Müller, M M; Vacik, H
Event: Third International Confrence on Fire Bahavior and Risk
Year: 2022 - Baumarteneignung im Klimawandel
Autoren: Kessler, M; Vacik, H; Tran Thanh, S; Lexer, MJ
Event: Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022
Year: 2022 - Monitoring, Prävention und Bewusstseinsbildung als Beitrag zu einem integrierten Waldbrandmanagement
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Waldbrände– Trockenheit im Wald Prävention, Risikoeinschätzung – Was entwickelt sich danach?
Year: 2022 - Waldbrände in den Alpen - Stand des Wissens, zukünftige Herausforderungen und Optionen für ein integriertes Waldbrandmanagement
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Waldbrandgefahr - Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Alpenkonvention Klimawandel im Bergwald
Year: 2022 - Fernerkundung für verbesserte Waldbrandgefahreneinschätzung in Österreich
Autoren: Zotta, R;Schlaffer, St; Dorigo, W; Hollaus, M; Vacik, H, Müller, M; Atzberger, C; Immitzer, M; Dioszegi, G; Dorigo, W
Event: 22. Klimatag 2022
Year: 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - FORSITE - der rote Faden durch das Projekt
Autoren: Vacik, H; Dorfstetter, Y; Lexer, MJ; Katzensteiner, K; Formayer, H; Grabner, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K; Klosterhuber, R; Winkler, G; Wilhelmy, M; Proske, H; Poltnik, W; Podesser, A
Event: Fachtagung Wald im Klimawandel 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - neues Instrument für die Baumartenwahl
Year: 2022 - Handling a complex agenda: a review and assessment of methods to analyse SDG entity interactions
Autoren: Horvath, S; Muhr, M; Kirchner, M; Toth, W; Germann, V; Hundscheid, L; Vacik, H; Scherz, M; Kreiner, H; Fehr, F; Borgwardt, F; Gühnemann, A; Becsi, B; Schneeberger, A; Gratzer, G;
Event: Werte im Wandel. Bildung, Diversität, Nachhaltigkeit. Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2022
Year: 2022 - Waldbrand-Simulator - Ausbreitung von Bränden, Rolle von Wind und Vegetation und Waldbrandbekämpfung
Autoren: Vacik, Harald; Müller, Mortimer; Neumann, Mathias; Koller, Markus
Event: Das Wiener Forschungsfest 2022
Year: 2022 - Waldbrandforschung in Österreich
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H; Silva Andrade, M; Neumann, M
Event: Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022
Year: 2022 - Forest fires and integrated fire danger assessment in Austria
Autoren: Vacik, H.
Year: 2021 - Role of forest management in innovations supporting forest ecosystem services
Autoren: Vacik, H; Muys, B
Event: Incentives for Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe: connecting science, practice and policy, SINCERE – NOBEL Final Conference
Year: 2021 - Introducing SINCERE and NOBEL
Autoren: Winkel, G; Vacik, H
Event: Incentives for Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe: connecting science, practice and policy, SINCERE – NOBEL Final Conference
Year: 2021 - Pathways for the challenges and opportunities for multiple forest ecosystem services provision
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Aligning multiple demands: Policy approaches for forest ecosystem services in Europe - SINCERE-NOBEL-Science-Policy Forum
Year: 2021 - Tools and methods in supporting forest management for multiple ecosystem services
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Bioecosys - Forest ecosystem management decision making methods: an integrated bioeconomic approach to sustainability
Year: 2021 - Perception on sustainability and utilization of wood forest products in the Czech Republic: a preliminary analysis of a national survey on the bioeconomy
Autoren: Purwestri, R; Hájek, M; Palátová, P; Hochmalová, M; Vacik, H
Event: 6th CSEAR France and 25th EMAN Conference - Accounting for sustainable development in the anthropocene
Year: 2021 - Effective strategic decisions: bark beetle disturbances and implications in planning forest management
Autoren: Tahri, M; Kašpar, J; Vacik, H; Marušák, R
Event: FORESTS´ FUTURE 2021 - Consequences of Bark Beetle Calamity for the Future of Forestry in Central Europe
Year: 2021 - ALS based forest information for forest fire danger modelling
Autoren: Hollaus, M; Schlaffer, S; Müller, M.M; Vacik, H; Pfeifer N; Dorigo W
Event: SilviLaser 2021
Year: 2021 - Non-wood forest products and ecosystems services: options for diversifying European bioeconomy
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: International Forest Bioeconomy Foresight Symposium
Year: 2020 - Predict potential risk of bark beetle disturbance applying Bayesian Belief Networks
Autoren: Tahri, M; Kašpar, J; Vacik, H; Marušák, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - Exploring drought stress relevant gene variants of Abies alba in the Alpine Region
Autoren: Feichter, J; Heinze, B; Neophytou, C; Vacik, H
Event: 5. DWB Student Conference 2020 - Sharing Forest and Soil Science
Year: 2020 - CONFIRM – Copernicus Data for Novel High-Resolution Wildfire Danger Services in Mountain Regions
Autoren: Zotta, RM; Atzberger, C; Degenhart, J; Hollaus, M; Immitzer, M; Krajnz, H; Lick, H; Müller, MM; Oblasser, H; Schaffhauser, A; Schlaffer, S; Vacik, H; Dorigo, W
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - Identifying successful mechanisms for the implementation of payment for ecosystem services in forest management
Autoren: Nazari, M; Pülzl, H; Vacik, H
Event: Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe 2020
Year: 2020 - Waldbrände in Österreich: Erkenntnisse, Herausforderungen, Unterstützung bei der Dokumentation
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H
Event: 42. Führungsseminar des ÖBFV
Year: 2019 - Portfolio optimization of forest enterprise as a part of multifunctional management
Autoren: Kaspar, J; Marusak, R; Vacik, H; Kurttila, M
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - Quality assurance of MSc in European forestry
Autoren: Möttönen, M; Vacik, H; Spiecker, H; Fourier, M; Vega Garcia, C; Curtu, L; Tokola, F
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Vacik, H; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Grabner. M; Wilhelmy, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K;Proske, H; Poltnig, W; Winkler, G; Klosterhuber, R; Podesser, A
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - Analysis of lightning induced forest fires as contribution to an Integrated Fire Danger assessment System (IFDS) for Austria.
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H; Formayer, H
Event: 4th Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences 2019
Year: 2019 - Waldtypisierung Steiermark – FORSITE - Erarbeitung der ökologischen Grundlagen für eine dynamische Waldtypisierung
Autoren: Vacik, H; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K; Klosterhuber, R; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Lexer, MJ; Kessler, M; Dorfstetter, Y; Wilhelmy, M; Winkler G;
Event: Österreichische Forsttagung 2019 - Wälder im Klimastress -Strategien für die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft
Year: 2019 - Towards an integrated forest fire danger assessment system for the Alpine region
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H; Vila Vilardell, L
Event: 7th International Wildland Fire Conference WILDFIRE 2019
Year: 2019 - Integrated Fire Management for Mount Kenya Forest and National Park to mitigate negative effects of Climate Change
Autoren: Nyongesa, KW; Poletti, C; Gergo, D; Ngugi, J; Birech, R; Warira, G; Gitonga,K; Korir, M; Opande, E; Digo C; Vacik H;
Event: R20 Austrian World Summit Breakout Session - Forest Responses to Climate Change: Why African Forests Matter
Year: 2019 - Novel business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services
Autoren: Vacik, H; Stenger-Letheux, A; Knoke, T; Lämås, T; Gobakken, T; Garcia-Gonzalo, J; Borges, J
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - RESTORE – monitoring forest restoration to enhance the capacity of rural communities in Burkina Faso to adapt to climate change
Autoren: Vacik, H; Huber, P; Steinbach, L; Henneböhle, I; Lindau, A; Ouedraogo, M; Yago, L; Oubida, R; Zerbo, C; Traore, A; Vinceti, B;
Event: R20 Austrian World Summit Breakout Session - Forest Responses to Climate Change: Why African Forests Matter
Year: 2019 - Do we have sufficient data and information for a knowledge based adaptation of forest management to climate change?
Autoren: Cudlín, P; Vacik, H; La Porta, N; Lysak, F; Marek, M
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - Auswirkungen von Waldbränden auf die Schutzfunktionalität alpiner Wälder
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM; Degenhart, J; Sass, O
Event: Abschluss-Symposium ExtremA 2018, Aktueller Wissensstand zu Extremereignissen alpiner Naturgefahren in Österreich
Year: 2019 - Waldbrände in Österreich: Erkenntnisse, Forschungsarbeiten und Unterstützung bei der Dokumentation
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM
Event: ÖBFV Führungsseminar 2019
Year: 2019 - State of knowledge and future challenges of wildfires in the European Alps
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM; Vila Vilardell, L
Event: 7th International Wildland Fire Conference WILDFIRE 2019
Year: 2019 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Yasmin Dorfstetter, Harald Vacik, Michael Englisch, Klaus Klebinder, Ralf Klosterhuber, Gerfried Winkler, Walter Poltnig, Marcus Wilhelmy, Michael Grabner, Alexander Podesser, Herbert Formayer, Klaus Katzensteiner, Herwig Proske
Event: Adapting forests to climate change
Year: 2019 - NOBEL - Novel business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services
Autoren: Vacik, H; Abildtrup, J; Borges, J; Dorfstetter, Y; Eggers, J; Garcia, J; Gobakken, T; Kindu, M; Knoke, T; Lexer, MJ; Pülzl, H; Sandström, P; Stenger-Letheux, A; Wolfslehner, B;
Event: ForestValue Research Programme, Kick-Off Seminar
Year: 2019 - Bark beetle risk management in the framework of strategic planning
Autoren: Kaspar, J; Marusak, R; Thari, M; Vacik, H
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2018 - Waldbrände in Österreich: Erkenntnisse, waldbauliche Maßnahmen und Workshop-Synthese
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM
Event: Brandenberger Fachgespräch 2018: Waldbrände in Österreich - Erfahrungen, Einsatzoptimierungen, Herausforderungen, Strategieentwicklung
Year: 2018 - Neue Waldprodukte als innovative Einkommensmöglichkeiten
Autoren: Weiss, G; Huber, P; Vacik, H; Ludvig, A; Zivojinovic, I; Wolfslehner, B.
Event: Nichtholzprodukte-Symposium
Year: 2018 - Waldbrände in Österreich: Erkenntnisse, Dokumentation und Ausblick
Autoren: Vacik, H; Müller, MM
Event: 12. Sitzung des Sachgebietes 5.3 - Waldbrandbekämpfung und Flugdienst des Österreichischen Bundesfeuerwehrverbands
Year: 2018 - Analysis of the characteristics of lightning induced forest fires support fire hazard modelling in Austria
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - ForAdapt: Supporting collaborative decision making for managing wildlife and ecosystem services in transboundary protected areas of Europe
Autoren: Mattsson, B; Vacik, H; Arih, H; Santi, S
Event: The 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology
Year: 2018 - Waldbrände in Österreich: Entstehung, Charakteristika und waldbauliche Vorbeugemaßnahmen
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H
Event: Seminar: Feuer im Wald - Waldbrandvermeidung und -bekämpfung
Year: 2017 - Supporting forest landowners in providing ecosystem services and non-wood forest products
Autoren: Vacik H
Event: Research seminar at University of Eastern Finland
Year: 2017 - Are We Doing the Right Things in the Right Way? Relevance of the Forest Inventory Data for Deciding Silvicultural Operations in the Terai Community Forest of Nepal
Autoren: Baral Gauli, S; Vacik, H; Khanal Chhetri, B.B;
Event: First National Silviculture Workshop
Year: 2017 - A Fagetum in the natural forest reserve Luxensteinwand - a rare element in the Waldviertel region
Autoren: Vacik, H; Steininger, B; Steiner, H; Frank. G
Event: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Year: 2017 - Comparing the potential of Non-Wood Forest Products across case studies in Europe
Autoren: Vacik, H; Huber P; Kurttila M; Hujala T; Wolfslehner B; la Sánchez-González M; Pasalodos-Tato M; de Miguel S; Bonet J.A; Marques M; Borges JG; Enescu MC; Dinca L
Event: Conference on Non-Timber Forest Products and Bioeconomy
Year: 2017 - Es brennt der Wald und keinen kümmert's? - Citizen Science in der Waldbrandforschung
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H
Event: Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2017 - Expanding Horizons
Year: 2017 - Protected forest areas - lessons learned from long-term research
Autoren: Vacik, H; Frank G
Event: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Year: 2017 - Waldbrandforschung an der BOKU
Autoren: Müller, MM; Vacik, H
Event: Österreichische Forstschutzreferententagung 2017
Year: 2017 - Naturalness and conservation status of forest habitats in the Hohe Tauern National Park Salzburg (Austria)
Autoren: Klosterhuber, R.; Vacik, H
Event: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Year: 2017 - Der Mensch und das Feuer - Mount Kenia Nationalpark
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: KEF Roundtable
Year: 2017 - Die Rolle der Incomings für die Internationalisierung der Hochschulen - Welche Chancen und Erfahrungen gibt es?
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: OeAD | Erasmus+ Hochschultagung 2017 - Qualitätsaspekte internationaler Mobilität
Year: 2017 - Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es zur Vorbeugung von Waldbränden?
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Seminar Risiko Waldbrand - Ossiacher Messe für Wald, Holz und Energie 2017
Year: 2017 - Decision support and knowledge transfer for improved understanding about management of protected areas across borders in Europe
Autoren: Vacik, H; Mattsson, B
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Another brick in the Great Green Wall? Criteria and Indicators to monitor Forest and Landscape Restoration in Burkina Faso
Autoren: Huber, P; Vacik, H; Ouedraogo, M; Vinceti, B
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - The potential of Wild Forest Products - a Multi Criteria Analysis across six European case studies
Autoren: Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B; Sánchez-González, M; Pasalodos-Tato, M; de Miguel, S; Bonet, J.-A; Marques, M; Borges, J. G; Dinca, L; Enescu, CM; Vacik, H
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Effect of Harvesting Practice on Forest Stand Condition: A case from Terai Community Forest of Nepal
Autoren: Baral, S; Vacik, H; Rayamajhi, S; Khanal Chetteri, B.B
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Long term monitoring of natural regeneration in natural forest reserves in Austria
Autoren: Vacik, H; Steiner, H; Frank, G; Ruprecht H
Event: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Year: 2016 - Analysis of the co ‐ production of NWFPs and ecosystem services in European countries
Autoren: Huber, P; Vacik; H
Event: Wild Forest Products in Europe
Event: International Symposium - Forest and Sustainable Development
Year: 2016 - A comprehensive uncertainty analysis of the Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology in the context of Environmental Decision Making
Autoren: Toth, W; Vacik, H
Event: 84th Meeting of the European Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding 2016
Year: 2016 - Analysis of the potential of NWFPs for forest owners – a case study comparison
Autoren: Huber, P; Kurttila, M; Hujala, T; Wolfslehner,B; Sánchez-González, M; Pasalodos-Tato, M; de Miguel, S; Bonet, JA; Marques, M; Borges, JG; Vacik, H
Event: Wild Forest Products in Europe
Year: 2016 - A Multi-method Approach to assess the Potential of NWFPs for Small-scale Forest Owners
Autoren: Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H
Event: COST FP1203 4th Workshop and 5th Management Committee Meeting
Year: 2016 - Challenges in the design of Forest Management Decision Support Systems addressing sustainability and societal demands
Autoren: Vacik H; Borges J; Kašpar, J;
Event: ICDSST 2016 EWG-DSS 2016 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology - The use of DSS in forest resources management and policy analysis
Year: 2016 - Accounting for non-wood forest products and services in Austria findings on national and forest holding levels
Autoren: Huber, P; Toscani, P; Vacik, H; Sekot, W
Event: International IUFRO Symposium 2016 - Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting
Year: 2016 - Managing for NWFPs - an assessent on the forest holding level
Autoren: Huber, P; Kurttila, M; Hujala, T; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H
Event: Wild Forest Products in Europe
Year: 2016 - Wildfire Research and Management Supports Local Communities in Mt. Kenya
Autoren: Kevin Wafula Nyongesa, Rhoda Birech, John Ngugi Kigomo, Claudio Poletti, Harald Vacik
Event: Tropentag 2016 - Solidarity in a competing world, fair use of resources
Year: 2015 - Decision Support Toolkit for adaptive management of forest ecosystem services across borders in Europe
Autoren: Mattsson, B J; Vacik H
Event: Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015
Year: 2015 - Provisioning Services - from wood to non-wood forest products
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: The multiple values of European mountain forests: which perspectives in a green economy? - A Round Table promoted in the framework of EXPO 2015 - Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life
Year: 2015 - Success factors for supporting collaborative planning and decision making in forest management
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: COST ACTION - ORCHESTRA Orchestrating forest policy making: Involvement of scientists and stakeholders in political processes
Year: 2015 - Successes and Challenges from Formation to Implementation of Eleven Broad-Extent Conservation Programs
Autoren: Mattsson, B.J.; Beever, E.; Germino, M.; Post Van Der Burg, M.; Bradford, J.; Brunson, M.; Vacik, H.
Event: International Association for Landscape Ecology’s 2015 World Congress
Year: 2015 - Evaluating participatory techniques to develop climate change adaption plan for action: Nepal case study
Autoren: Khadka, C; Upadhyaya, A; Uprety H D; Aryal, K; Cudlin, P; Vacik H
Event: Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015
Year: 2015 - A multi-method approach in assessing the potential of non-wood forest products for small-scale forest owners
Autoren: Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H
Year: 2015 - Successes and Challenges from Formation to Implementation of Eleven Broad-Extent Conservation Programs
Autoren: Mattsson, B.J.; Beever, E.; Germino, M.; Post Van Der Burg, M.; Bradford, J.; Brunson, M.; Vacik, H.
Event: International Congress for Conservation Biology
Year: 2015 - Decision support toolkit FOR ADAPTive management of forest ecosystem services across borders in Europe
Autoren: Mattsson, B.J.; Vacik, H.
Event: 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources SSAFR 2015
Year: 2015 - A Bayesian Belief Network approach to assess the potential of non-wood forest products for small-scale forest owners
Autoren: Vacik, H; Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B;
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Research and Education in Forest Science at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Autoren: Vacik H
Event: Supporting capacity building in Forest Education, Research and Training in Central Asia
Year: 2015 - Response of Pioneer Mangrove Tree Species of the Sundarbans to Increased Salinity
Autoren: Rahman, Md M; Vacik H
Event: AGU Chapman conference - The Width of the Tropics: Climate Variations and Their Impacts
Year: 2015 - The UNISDR Sub-Regional Euro-Alpine Network: Network Activities 2011-2015 – Progress Report
Autoren: Vacik, H; Goldammer, J
Event: 6th International Wildland Fire Conference - Fire of the Past, Fire of the Future
Year: 2015 - Overview about Forest Management Decision Support Systems in Austria and introduction to the AFM Toolbox
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Decision Support Systems for Forest Purposes
Year: 2015 - Opportunities and Challenges for Managing Forests & Wildlife across Borders of Europe's Protected Areas
Autoren: Mattsson, B.J.; Vacik, H.; Arih, A.; Santi, S.
Event: EUROPARC Conference 2015: Protected Areas in a Changing World
Year: 2014 - ELENA - Untersuchung der Naturverjüngung in naturnahen Bergwäldern (Fichten-Naturwaldreservate / Vaccinio Piceetea) -Teil2
Autoren: Ruprecht, H; Vacik, H
Event: forst austria alpina 2014
Year: 2014 - NWFP value chain analysis - Case Studies Austria
Autoren: Vacik, H., Wolfslehner, B., Huber, P. und Weiss, G.
Event: COST-Action FP1203 European Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) Network 2nd Workshop and 3rd Management Committee Meeting
Year: 2014 - Impact of climate change on the nipa palm of Sundarbans
Autoren: Rahman, M; Vacik, H
Event: XXIV IUFRO World Congress 2014 - Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research
Year: 2014 - Estimation of the value of non-timber forest products and services in Austria.
Autoren: Vacik, H; Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Ruprecht, H
Event: Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research. XXIV IUFRO World Congress
Year: 2014 - Waldbauliche Analyse des Eiben-Generhaltungswaldes in Bad Bleiberg, Kärnten
Autoren: Vacik H., Ruprecht H., Dhar A., Oitzinger G., Raschka M., Aigner B., Klumpp R.
Event: Präsentation von geförderten Projekten der Stiftung "120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur" 2014
Year: 2014 - A framework of a comprehensive uncertainty analysis of the Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology in the context of environmental decision making
Autoren: Toth W., Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Event: International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process 2014
Year: 2014 - ELENA - Untersuchung der Naturverjüngung in naturnahen Bergwäldern (Fichten-Naturwaldreservate / Vaccinio Piceetea) -Teil1
Autoren: Ruprecht, H; Vacik, H
Event: forst austria alpina 2014
Year: 2014 - Community of practice of forest management decision support systems and lessons learned for development and application
Autoren: Vacik, H; Garcia-Gonzalo, J; Gordon, S
Event: XXIV IUFRO World Congress 2014 - Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research
Year: 2014 - DSS in forest management actual tendencies in development and results of implementation in Austria
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Seminar - DSS Tools Implementation into Forest Management Practice
Year: 2014 - Beiträge der Waldbauforschung für eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Vacik, H
Event: Workshop – Waldbewirtschaftung im Natura 2000-Gebiet
Year: 2013 - Past, current and future drivers for the development of Decision Support Systems in forest management
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer M.J.
Event: FORSYS 2013 - Decision support systems for Sustainable Forest Management
Year: 2013 - The role of computerized tools supporting problem structuring in participatory forest planning
Autoren: Hujala T., Khadka C., Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Event: FORSYS 2013 - Decision support systems for Sustainable Forest Management
Year: 2013 - A web-based tool box approach to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Rammer W., Schauflinger C., Vacik H., Lexer M.J.
Event: FORSYS 2013 - Decision support systems for Sustainable Forest Management
Year: 2013 - Potentialities and Uses of Semantic Technologies related to Forest Decision Support Systems
Autoren: Rosset C., Marques A., Rasinmäki J., Vacik H., Gordon S., Nobre S., Falcão A., Weber D., Granitzer M.
Event: FORSYS 2013 - Decision support systems for Sustainable Forest Management
Year: 2013 - Monitoring rare tree species as tool for Biodiversity management: the Taxus baccata case study.
Autoren: Klumpp, R Th; Ruprecht, H; Vacik, H
Event: Planned Forestry For The Desired Future Of Our Forests.
Year: 2013 - Potential of Semantic Web Technologies to support Knowledge Transfer in Forest Management
Autoren: Radl, A; Vacik, H
Event: KOED 2013, International Conference of Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Year: 2013 - A semantic webportal approach to support decision making in forest management
Autoren: Radl A., Lexer M.J., Vacik H.
Event: FORSYS 2013 - Decision support systems for Sustainable Forest Management
Year: 2013 - Long term monitoring of natural regeneration in natural forest reserves in Austria - results from the ELENA project
Autoren: Ruprecht, H; Steiner, H; Frank, G; Vacik, H
Event: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Year: 2012 - Development of a daily fire danger sytem
Autoren: Arpaci, A; Grimma,LN;Formayer,H;Leidinger, D; Beck, A; Gruber,C; Müller,M; Albers,J; Vacik,H;
Event: 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC 2012
Year: 2012 - Suitability of different Fire Weather Indices for alpine conditions: an extensive evaluation with high resolution data
Autoren: Cane D., Arpaci A., Conedera M., Barbarino S., Vacik H., Valese E., Pezzatti G.B.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Year: 2012 - Principles of Sustainable Forest Management for poverty reduction, saving the environment, reducing natural hazards and increasing livelihood opportunities
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Mid-term expert meeting of the PAMIR project Linking Knowledge to Policy and Action 2012 - Gap analysis on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Environmental Protection and Poverty Alleviation
Year: 2012 - Fire risk and interactions with other natural hazards under the impact of climate change in Austria
Autoren: Arpaci,A; Vacik,H; Sass,O; Sailer,R;
Event: 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC 2012
Year: 2012 - The FIRIA project: Towards assessing future wildfire hazard in Austria
Autoren: Sass O; Vacik H; Arpaci A; Malowerschnig B; Formayer H; Sailer R;
Event: 13. Österreichischer Klimatag 2012 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2012 - Monitoring natural regeneration of Silver Fir (Abies Alba Mill.) in the Hochpustertal, Southtyrol, Italy
Autoren: Feichter S., Vacik H.
Event: 14th International Fir Symposium 2012
Year: 2012 - Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Forest Management
Autoren: Vacik, H.
Event: GIScience Colloquium 2012
Year: 2012 - The role of knowledge management in developing and applying decision support systems
Autoren: Vacik H.
Year: 2012 - A Bayesian Belief Network approach to assess the impacts of disturbance agents under conditions of climate change
Autoren: Radl A., Lexer M.J., Vacik H.
Event: Tackling climate change 2012 - The contribution of forest scientific knowledge
Year: 2012 - Screening collaborative planning methods for supporting programme-based planning in natural resource management
Autoren: Vacik H., Khadka C., Hujala T., Kurttila M., Haara A., Wolfslehner B., Pykalainen J., Honkakoski P., Tikkanen J.
Year: 2012 - Potential of Silver Fir (Abies Alba Mill.) in the Eisacktal, Southtyrol, Italy
Autoren: Oberegger P., Vacik H.
Event: 14th International Fir Symposium 2012
Year: 2011 - Developing Criteria and Indicators for Evaluating Sustainable Forest Management in the Walnut-Fruit Forests in Kyrgyzstan
Autoren: Jalilova, G., Khadka, C.,Vacik, H.
Event: 21st International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making 2011
Year: 2011 - Potential Fire Intensities in the Alpine Region based on characteristic fuels in Austria and Italy
Autoren: Arpaci A., Valese E., Vacik H.
Event: 5th International Wildland Fire Conference Wildfire 2011
Year: 2011 - Utilizing multiple criteria and decision analysis for sustainable forest management: a case study in Kyrgyzstan
Autoren: Jalilova, G., Khadka, C.,Vacik, H.
Event: 11th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process ISAHP 2011
Year: 2011 - Analysis of lightning induced forest fires in Austria
Autoren: Müller M., Formayer H., Diendorfer G., Arpaci A., Gossow H., Vacik H.
Event: 5th International Wildland Fire Conference Wildfire 2011
Year: 2011 - Evaluating sustainable community-based forest management: a reflection on Nepal’s experiences with the analytic hierarchy process
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H.
Event: 11th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process ISAHP 2011
Year: 2011 - The FIRIA project: Towards assessing future wildfire hazard in Austria
Autoren: Sass O., Vacik H., Sailer R.
Event: 2nd Managing Alpine Future 2011 - Inspire and drive sustainable mountain regions
Year: 2011 - Methods of comparing fire danger indices.
Autoren: Eastaugh CS, Arpaci A and Vacik H
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Year: 2011 - Developing Criteria and Indicators for Evaluating Sustainable Forest Management in the Walnut-Fruit Forests in Kyrgyzstan
Autoren: Jalilova, G., Khadka, C., Vacik, H.
Event: MCDM Pre-Conference 2011
Year: 2011 - Utilizing Multiple Criteria Analysis (MCA) to Support Community Forest Management: A Case Study of Nepal
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H.
Event: 21st International Conference of Multiple Criteria Decision Making 2011
Year: 2011 - An approach for the evaluation of fire weather indices in the Alpine Space: preliminary results
Autoren: Cane D., Arpaci A., Barbarino S., Vacik H., Valese E., Rizzolo R.
Event: 5th International Wildland Fire Conference Wildfire 2011
Year: 2011 - Forest Fire Research and Management Options in Austria: Lessons Learned from the AFFRI and the ALP-FFIRS Networks
Autoren: Vacik H., Gossow H.
Event: 2nd Managing Alpine Future 2011 - Inspire and drive sustainable mountain regions
Year: 2011 - ALP FFIRS - Alpine Forest Fire Warning System
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Mid-Term Conference MANFRED 2011
Year: 2011 - Wildfires in the Alpine region: first results from the ALP FFIRS project
Autoren: Valese E., Conedera M., Vacik H., Japelj A., Beck A., Cocca G., Cvenkel H., Di Narda N., Ghiringhelli A., Lemessi A., Mangiavillano A., Pelfini F., Pelosini R., Ryser D., Wastl C.
Event: 5th International Wildland Fire Conference Wildfire 2011
Year: 2011 - Improving forest governance through collaborative planning approaches in Community Forestry Management: a reflection on Nepal's experiences
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H.
Event: IUFRO 3.08 Symposium Peer-to-Peer learning among land owners 2011
Year: 2011 - Utilizing Multiple Criteria Analysis (MCA) to Support Community Forest Management
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H.
Event: MCDM Pre-Conference 2011
Year: 2011 - A vision for walnut fruit forests’ management in Kyrgyzstan
Autoren: Jalilova, G. Vacik, H.
Event: 1st International Conference on the sustainability in Kyrgyzstan’s walnut fruit forests 2011 - state, conservation and management
Year: 2010 - ClimChAlp - a webbased decision support system to explore adaptation options for silviculture in secondary Norway spruce forests in Austria
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer M.J., Rammer W., Seidl R., Hochbichler E., Strauss M., Schachinger C.
Event: Workshop on Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Forest Management
Year: 2010 - Problem structuring in sustainable forest management – learnings for decision support systems
Autoren: Hujala T., Khadka C., Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Event: Workshop on Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Forest Management
Year: 2010 - Community Based Forest Enterprise : Factors affecting pro-poor initiative
Autoren: Thapa Mager S.K., Vacik H.
Event: Student Conference in Conservation Science
Year: 2010 - Role of Community Based Forest Enterprise in Poverty Reduction
Autoren: Thapa Magar S. K., Vacik H.
Event: 23rd IFURO World Congress 2010 - Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment
Year: 2010 - Interpretation of fire weather indices as means for the definitionof fire danger levels for different eco-regions in Austria
Autoren: Arpaci A., Beck A., Formayer H., Vacik H.
Event: 6th International Conference on Forest Fire Research 2010
Year: 2010 - The Alpine Forest Fire Warning System (ALP FFIRS) project
Autoren: Valese, E., Beck A., Comini B., Conedera M., Cvenkel H., Di Narda N., Ghiringhelli A., Japelj A., Lemessi A., Mangiavillano A., Pelfini F. , Pelosini R., Ryser D., Vacik H., Wastl C.
Event: 6th International Conference on Forest Fire Research 2010
Year: 2010 - Diversity of non-timber products of the Sal (Shorea robusta C.F. Gaertn) forests of Bangladesh
Autoren: Rahman, M.M., Vacik, H.
Event: 23rd IFURO World Congress 2010 - Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment
Year: 2010 - Report on activities in the regional Euro-Alpine Network
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Joint Meetings of the UNISDR Wildland Fire Advisory Group (WFAG), the Fire Aviation Working Group (FAWG), International Liaison Committee (ILC) for the 5th International Wildland Fire Conference and Fire Management Actions Alliance (FMAA) 2010
Year: 2010 - Analysis of lightning induced forest fires in Austria
Autoren: Müller, MM; Diendorfer, G; Arpaci, A; Gossow, H; Formayer, H; Vacik, H
Event: ALP FFIRS 3rd General Meeting
Year: 2010 - Developing novel fuel models for the eastern Alps to simulate fuel dynamics in an ecosystem model
Autoren: Arpaci A., Lexer M.J.,Seidl R.,Vacik H.
Event: 6th International Conference on Forest Fire Research 2010
Year: 2010 - Wissensmanagement unterstützt nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Kooperationsveranstaltung der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien mit der Landesverteidigungsakademie Wien 2010
Year: 2010 - Report on activities in the regional Euro-Alpine Network
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Joint Meetings of the UNISDR Wildland Fire Advisory Group (WFAG), the Fire Aviation Working Group (FAWG), International Liaison Committee (ILC) for the 5th International Wildland Fire Conference and Fire Management Actions Alliance (FMAA) 2010
Year: 2010 - Aufbereitung der Datengrundlagen für die Beschreibung des Waldbrandverhaltens für Kiefernwälder in Österreich
Autoren: Arpaci A., Mattiuzzi M., Cai D., Lexer M.J., Gossow H., Vacik H.
Event: AGIT 2010
Year: 2010 - Blended learning approaches in forestry
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Transfer of Innovative Learning Techniques over Forestry Education - Final Meeting
Year: 2009 - Mapping indicator models: from intuitive problem structuring to quantified decision making in sustainable forest management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Event: 23rd European Conference on Operational Research 2009
Year: 2009 - Does Commuinity Forestry Contribute to Poverty Reduction? An Evidence from Nepal
Autoren: Baral, Sony Sekot, Walter Vacik, Harald
Event: Tropentag, International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development 2009 - Biophysical and socio-economic frame conditions for the sustainable management of natural resources
Year: 2009 - Economic contribution of community forestry to the poor households: Myth or reality (A case study from Nepal)
Autoren: Baral, Sony; Gauli, Kalyan; Vacik, Harald; Sekot, Walter
Event: 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management ISSRM 2009 - Meet old and new worlds in Research, Planning and Management
Year: 2009 - Beitrag der Waldbauforschung zu einer nachhaltigen Nutzung und Erhaltung der Biodiversität
Autoren: Raphael Klumpp, Roland Koeck, Herwig Ruprecht, Harald Vacik
Event: Satoyama-Symposium 2009 - BOKU Naturschutz- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Year: 2009 - A forest fire hazard based on the estimation of tourist hot spot activities in Austria
Autoren: Arndt N., Arpaci A., Gossow H., Ruiz Rodrigo P., Vacik H.
Event: 7th International EARSeL Workshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Potenziale von Nichtholzprodukten und Dienstleistungen im Rahmen nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Huber P., Vacik H.
Event: Vorträge zu Ökosystem-Dienstleistungen am Lebensministerium Wien 2009
Year: 2009 - Verjüngungssituation der Weisstanne (Abies alba Mill.) im Gebite Hochpustertal / Südtirol
Autoren: Feichter S., Vacik H.
Event: 12th International Silver fir Symposium 2009
Year: 2009 - Potenziale von Nichtholzprodukten und Dienstleistungen im Rahmen nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Event: 5. Waldforum des Österreichischen Walddialogs 2009
Year: 2009 - Strukturvielfalt von Eibenbeständen (Taxus baccata L) in Österreich
Autoren: Vacik H., Klumpp
Event: Eibentagung 2009
Year: 2009 - Key criteria for the sustainable provision of Non-Timber Forest Products and Services: a comparative SWOTCH analysis for Austria and Nepal
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Event: 13th World Forestry Congress FAO 2009
Year: 2009 - Classivicaion of site and stand characteristics based on remote sensing data for the development of Fuel models within a 3D Gap forest stand model
Autoren: Arpaci A., Arndt N., Lexer M.J., Matiuzzi M., Müller M., Vacik H.
Event: 7th International EARSeL Workshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Strukturvielfalt von Eibenbeständen (Taxus baccata L) in Österreich
Autoren: Vacik, H., Klumpp, R.
Event: 12th international Taxus baccata Symposium 2009
Year: 2009 - Waldbauliche Charakterisierung von Vorkommen der Weißtanne (Abies alba L.) in Südtirol
Autoren: de Jel S., Vacik H.
Event: 12th International Silver fir Symposium 2009
Year: 2008 - On the structures and genetics of an Austrian relict population of English yew (Taxus baccata L.)
Autoren: Dhar A., Ruprecht H., Klumpp R., Vacik H.
Event: 9th Student Conference for Conservation Science 2008
Year: 2008 - Applying Adaptive collaborative management for social learning: A case study of community forestry in Nepal
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H.
Event: International Conference on Knowledge Management I-Know 2008
Year: 2008 - A cognitive mapping approach to estimate current and future functionality of Non-Timber Forest Products and Services
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Event: Forest Adaptation 2008 - Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies, and Practices
Year: 2008 - The Population Genetic Consequences for Conservation of an Endangered Taxus baccata L. population in Austria
Autoren: Dhar A., Ruprecht H., Klumpp R., Vacik H.
Event: IUFRO Conference on Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes 2008
Year: 2008 - Supporting Sustainable Forest Management in Community Forest User Groups in Nepal - a case study from Makawanpur and Chitwan
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H., Uprety H.D., Wolfslehner B.
Event: BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
Year: 2008 - Genetics and Population structure on an English yew gene conservation forest at foothills of the Eastern Alpine Mountains
Autoren: Klumpp R., Dhar A., Aigner B., Ruprecht H., Vacik H.
Event: 22nd Annual meeting, Society for Conservation Biology 2008
Year: 2008 - The Population Genetic Consequences for Conservation of an Endangered Taxus baccata L. population in Austria
Autoren: Dhar A., Ruprecht H., Klumpp R., Vacik H.
Event: IUFRO Conference on Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes 2008
Year: 2008 - An Analysis of Structural Diversity of Generative and Vegetative Trees using Neighbourhood-Based Variables
Autoren: Rahman, M.M., Frank G., Ruprecht H., Vacik H.
Event: BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
Year: 2008 - Potenziale von Nichtholzprodukten und Dienstleistungen im Rahmen nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
Event: 20. Arbeitssitzung des Fachausschusses für Betriebswirtschaft des Österreichischen Forstvereins 2008
Year: 2007 - Totholz bringt Leben in den Wald
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Weiterbildungsveranstaltung Nationalparkverwaltung Lobau
Year: 2007 - Criteria and Indicators for Community based sustainable forest management - Case study from Nawalpur Saraswati (Basamadi) Community Forest User Group, Makawanpur District, Nepal
Autoren: Chiranjewee K., Kandel P., Vacik H.
Event: EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology
Year: 2007 - Comparison of structural diversity of English yew (Taxus baccataL.) populations
Autoren: Ruprecht H., Dhar A., Klumpp R., Vacik H.
Event: EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology
Year: 2007 - Ecological condition and conservation status of Taxus baccata L. in an Austrian gene conservation forest
Autoren: Dhar A., Ruprecht H., Klumpp R., Vacik H.
Event: 21st Annual meeting Society for Conservation Biology 2007
Year: 2007 - The Contribution of Mountain Forestry to Environmental Improvement – Developing Networks for Research and Teaching
Autoren: Vacik H., Pitterle A., Leber D., Kühmaier M., Bach C.
Event: EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology
Year: 2007 - Einführung in den multikriteriellen Ansatz – Auswahl von Bewirtschaftungsalternativen unter Mehrfachzielsetzung
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Fortbildung Wald und Landschaft, Planungsgrundlagen für den multifunktionalen Forstbetrieb
Year: 2007 - Exploring stand management and harvesting scenarios in mountain forests with the spatial decision support system CONES
Autoren: Vacik H., Salvenmoser J., Lexer M.J.
Event: EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology
Year: 2007 - Population structure, vitality and genetics of Taxus baccata l. at "Stiwoll" valley in Austria
Autoren: Dhar A., Ruprecht H., Klumpp R., Vacik H.
Event: EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology
Year: 2007 - Neighbourhood analysis of Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.f) in near natural and coppiced Sal forests at Madhupur, Bangladesh.
Autoren: Rahman, M.M., Nishat, A., Rahman, G.M.M., Ruprecht H., Vacik H.
Event: 2nd International Nearest Neighbors workshop 2007
Year: 2007 - Tools and approaches for multi-objective management of mountain forests in a changing climate
Autoren: Lexer M.J., Seidl R., Rammer W., Brauner M., Vacik H.
Event: EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology
Year: 2007 - Deadwood of three oak dominated forest associations in a Natural Forest Reserve in Austria
Autoren: Rahman M.M., Frank G., Ruprecht H., Vacik H.
Event: 8th Student Conference for Conservation Science 2007
Year: 2007 - Spatial diversity of Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.f) in pure and mixed Sal forest areas at Madhupur, Bangladesh.
Autoren: Rahman, M.M., Nishat, A.,, Rahman, G.M.M., Ruprecht H., Vacik H.,
Event: International Conference 2007 - Monitoring the effectiveness of Nature Conservation
Year: 2006 - A Social Learning Approach with Decision Support Systems
Autoren: Vacik H. Lexer M.J.
Event: forest Xchange 2006 - New approaches in Knowledge Management
Year: 2006 - Application of a Spatial Decision Support System for Regeneration Planning in Water Protection Forests
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer M.J., Wolfslehner B.
Event: Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
Year: 2006 - Application of a Spatial Decision Support System for Regeneration Planning in Water Protection Forests
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer M.J., Wolfslehner B.
Event: Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
Year: 2006 - A Decision Support Tool for selecting Harvesting Systems in the Protection Forests
Autoren: Fleck, W., Vacik, H.
Event: Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
Year: 2006 - Decision Support Systems - Instrumente einer wissensbasierten Entscheidungsfindung
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Berufungsvorträge zur Professur Waldökosystemmanagement am Institut für Waldbau, Universität füßr Bodenkultur, Wien
Year: 2006 - Population viability risk management (PVRM) for in-situ management of a Taxus baccata L. population in Austria
Autoren: Dhar, A. Ruprecht, H. Vacik, H.
Event: 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology - Diversity for Europe 2006
Year: 2006 - A Social Learning Approach with Decision Support Systems
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer M.J.
Event: forest Xchange 2006 - New approaches in Knowledge Management
Year: 2005 - Anforderungen an die Entwicklung und Anwendung von Decision Support Systems
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Vortrag im Rahmen des ENFORCHANGE Workshops
Year: 2005 - Das Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem DSD v 1.1. und dessen Anwendung in der forstlichen Beratung bei Waldumbau
Autoren: Vacik H., Sanglhuber W.
Event: Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Forsteinrichtung 2005
Year: 2005 - Wissensmanagement im Prozess der waldbaulichen Planung und Entscheidungsfindung
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Habilitationskolloquium 2005
Year: 2005 - Information and Knowledge Management in Support of Sustainable Forestry: A Review
Autoren: Rauscher H.M., Schmoldt D.L., Vacik H.
Event: IUFRO Conference Sustainable Forestry in Theory & Practice 2005 - Recent Advances In Inventory & Monitoring, Statistics & Modelling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science
Year: 2005 - Das Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem DSD v 1.1. und dessen Anwendung in der forstlichen Beratung bei Waldumbau
Autoren: Vacik H., Sanglhuber W.
Event: Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Forsteinrichtung 2005
Year: 2005 - Methoden und Instrumente zur waldbaulichen Planung und Entscheidungsfindung
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Sokrates Mobiltätsstipendiums
Year: 2005 - Development and application of Decision Support Systems for silvicultural Planning and Decision making
Autoren: Vacik H.
Event: International Workshop 2005 - Success and Failure of Decision Support Systems for Integrated Water Resource Management
Year: 2005 - Integrating the DPSIR - approach and the Analytic Network Process for the assessment of forest management strategies
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B., Seidl, R., Lexer M.J.
Event: IUFRO Conference Sustainable Forestry in Theory & Practice 2005 - Recent Advances In Inventory & Monitoring, Statistics & Modelling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science
Year: 2004 - Application of the Spatial Decision Support System CONES for regeneration planning in mountain forests
Autoren: Vacik, H., Lexer, J.M., Palmetzhofer, D.; Stampfer, K., Limbeck-Lilienau, B.
Event: A Joint Conference of IUFRO 3.06 Forest Operations under Mountainous Conditions and the 12th International Mountain Logging Conference “Improving the Bottom Line”
Year: 2004 - Population Viability Risk Management (PVRM) applied to in-situ management of Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst in North-eastern Ethiopia
Autoren: Abiyu A., Vacik H.
Event: The symposium on the rehabilitation of dryland forests in Ethiopia: ecology and management
Year: 2004 - A Pressure-State-Response framework for multi-criteria analysis of sustainable forest management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B, Vacik H.
Event: IUFRO conference 2004 - WP 4.04.10
Year: 2004 - Application of the Spatial Decision Support System CONES for regeneration planning in mountain forests.
Autoren: Vacik, H., Lexer, M. J., Palmetzhofer, D., Stampfer, K., Limbeck-Lilienau, B.
Event: International Symposium Cable Yarding Suitable for Sustainable Forest Management 2004
Year: 2004 - Anwendung der Entscheidungshilfe CONES zur Planung von Verjüngungseingriffen im Gebirgswald
Autoren: Vacik, H., Lexer, M.J., Palmetzhofer, D., Stampfer, K., Limbeck-Linienau, B.
Event: Angewandte Geoinformatik AGIT 2004
Year: 2004 - Totholz bringt Leben in den Wald
Autoren: Vacik Harald
Event: Science meets public 2004
Year: 2004 - Waldbauliche Empfehlungen für die Waldstandortstypen
Autoren: Vacik Harald, Ruprecht Herwig
Event: Workshop :nab Interrag IIIb, Vorstellung der Waldstandortstypenkarte Wipptal
Year: 2004 - Analyse der Überlebensfähigkeit eines Eibenbestandes
Autoren: Oitzinger, G., Vacik, H. und Frank, G.
Event: 10. internationale Eibentagung der Eibenfreunde 2003
Year: 2004 - Anwendung der Entscheidungshilfe CONES zur Planung von Verjüngungseingriffen im Gebirgswald
Autoren: Vacik, H., Lexer, M.J., Palmetzhofer, D., Stampfer, K., Limbeck-Linienau, B.
Event: Angewandte Geoinformatik AGIT 2004
Year: 2003 - CONES - A computer based decision support tool to explore stand management options in steep terrain
Autoren: Limbeck-Lilienau B., Lexer M.J., Stampfer K., Vacik H., Palmetzhofer D., Hagauer D., Hochbichler E., Dürrstein H., Spörk J.
Event: International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
Year: 2003 - Waldbauliche Chancen und Probleme in Österreich - die Umsetzung mit COCOON (COurse Content Online)
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
Event: Vortrag im Rahmen der Abschlussveranstaltung zum Förderprogramm
Year: 2003 - Integrating network analysis to a framework for assessing sustainable forest management
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Lexer M.J.
Event: International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
Year: 2003 - L2 - Assessing Sustainable Forest Management at FMU Level.
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Würz A., Spörk J., Hochbichler E., Lexer M.J., Klumpp R.
Event: International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
Year: 2003 - Implementing and evaluating the PEOLG - first experiences from Austria - contribution to the 4th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forest in Europe
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Würz A., Spörk J., Lexer M.J., Hochbichler E., Klumpp R.
Event: 4th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe MCPFE 2003
Year: 2003 - Die waldbauliche Auszeige als Erfolgsfaktor - Bestandesüberführung durch Strukturdurchforstung - Auszeige steuert Stabilität und Wertentwicklung. Posterbeitrag
Autoren: Vacik, H., Spörk, J.
Event: Austrofoma 2003
Year: 2003 - Umsetzung und Relevanz der paneuropäischen Richtlinien für nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft in Österreich
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H.
Event: Vortrag im Rahmen des Diplomandenseminars am Institut für Waldbau
Year: 2003 - Use of hypermedia tools and techniques in teaching natural resource management
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
Event: ICT in higher forestry education in Europe. Proceedings of the SILVA European Conferences
Year: 2003 - Combining multiple criteria techniques and optimisation for longterm multi-objective forest management planning under climate change
Autoren: Lexer M.J., Fürstenau C., Jäger D., Lasch P., Vacik H., Briceno E., Lindner M., Badeck F., Suckow F.
Event: International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
Year: 2003 - Improving forestry extension services for small-scale private landowners in southern Austria with a computer-based decision support tool
Autoren: Palmetzhofer D., Lexer M.J., Vacik H., Oitzinger G.
Event: International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
Year: 2003 - DSD - a computer based decision support tool for the evaluation of silvicultural treatment alternatives for secondary Scots pine forests
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer J.M., Palmetzhofer D., Oitzinger G.
Event: The Question of Conversion of Coniferous Forests 2003
Year: 2003 - CONES - Entscheidungshilfe für Nutzungsseingriffe in Gebirgswaldbeständen
Autoren: Vacik H., Palmetzhofer D., Lexer J.M., Stampfer K., Limbeck-Lilienau B.
Event: 18. European User Conference & 10. Deutschprachige Anwenderkonferenz
Year: 2003 - Combining multiple criteria techniques and optimisation for longterm multi-objective forest management planning under climate change
Autoren: Lexer, M.J., Fürstenau, C., Jäger, D., Lasch, P., Vacik, H., Briceno, E., Lindner, M., and Badeck, F.-W.
Event: International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
Year: 2003 - Relevanz der paneuropäischen Richtlinien für eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung in Österreich
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
Event: Tagung des Fachsenats für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft
Year: 2003 - A system analysis approach for assessing sustainable forest management at FMU level
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Lexer J.M., Würz A., Hochbichler E., Klumpp R., Spörk J.
Event: 12th World Forestry Congress 2003 - forest´s source of life
Year: 2002 - Umsetzung und Relevanz der paneuropäischen Richtlinien für nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft in Österreich
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B.
Event: 14. Arbeitssitzung des Fachausschusses für Betriebswirtschaft des Österreichischen Forstvereins 2002
Year: 2002 - Multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Holzernte.
Autoren: Limbeck-Lilienau, B., Lexer, M.J., Stampfer, K., Vacik, H., Hochbichler, E., Hagauer, D., Dürrstein, H., Spörk, J.
Event: Forsttechnische Forschung an der Universität für Bodenkultur - Rückblick und Perspektiven 2002
CBT and CBL in forest education in Austria.
Autoren: Vacik, H.
A computer based decision support tool for timber harvest planning under multiple objectives in steep terrain.
Autoren: Lexer, M.J., Stampfer, K., Vacik, H., Hochbichler, E., Limbeck, B., Hagauer, D., Dürrstein H., Spörk, J.
Spatial decision support systems in silvicultural planning.
Autoren: Vacik, H., Lexer, M. J.
Leben mit Totholz.
Autoren: Vacik, H.
CONES - A computer supported multiple criteria decision support tool for timber harvest planning in steep terrain.
Autoren: Dürrstein, H., Stampfer, K., Lexer, J.M., Vacik, H., Hochbichler, E., Spörk, J.
Anforderungen an ein multimediales Lern- und Informationssystem am Beispiel des Projektes am Beispiel des Projektes "Österreichs Waldökosysteme - Probleme, Bewirtschaftung und Perspektiven".
Autoren: Vacik, H.
Biotopholz - Anreicherung und praktische Umsetzung.
Autoren: Vacik, H.