Heidemarie Hellmer
Dipl.-Ing. Heidemarie Hellmer
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2011 - Fusarium sulphureum delta-tri101 mutants overproduce the toxic metabolite FS-4
Autoren: Wiesenberger, G., Shams, M., Mitterbauer, R., Hellmer, H., Berthiller, F., Hametner, C., Adam, G.
Event: 26th Fungal Genetics Conference 2011
Year: 2010 - Isolation and characterization of the mycotoxin FS-4 from Fusarium Sulphureum ΔTR1101 mutants
Autoren: M. Shams, R. Mitterbauer, H. Hellmer, F. Berthiller, C. Hametner, G. Wiesenberger, G. Adam
Event: 11th European Fusarium Seminar 2010 - Fusarium: Mycotoxins, Taxonomy, Pathogenicity and Host Resistance
Year: 2009 - Isolation, purification and characterization of the mycotoxin FS-4 and trichothecene pathway intermediates from Fusarium sulphureum
Autoren: M. Shams, A. Bucsich, R. Mitterbauer, H. Hellmer, G. Wiesenberger, F. Berthiller, C. Hametner, G. Adam
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2008 - Bildung von Intermediaten der Trichothecene-Biosynthese in Gendisruptionsmutanten von F. sulphureum
Autoren: Shams, M., Mitterbauer, R., Helmer, H., Wiesenberger, G., Berthiller, F., Adam, G., (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien)
Event: 12. MOLD Meeting 2008 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine - Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Lebensmittelkette
Year: 2008 - Bildung von Intermediaten der Trichothecene-Biosynthese in Gendisruptionsmutanten von F. sulphureum
Autoren: Shams, M., Mitterbauer, R., Helmer, H., Wiesenberger, G., Berthiller, F., Adam G., (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien)
Event: 12. MOLD Meeting 2008 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine - Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Lebensmittelkette
Year: 2006 - Development of new tools for Fusarium graminearum: Cre/lox mediated marker excision and bar-coded insertion mutants
Autoren: Mitterbauer, R., Cziferszky, A., Wiesenberger, G., Gueldener, U., Brunner, K., Hellmer, H., Mach, R., Adam, G., 2006
Event: 8th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 2006
Year: 2006 - Marker rescue via the Cre/lox system in Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Mitterbauer, R., Czifersky, A., Wiesenberger, G., Güldener, U., Brunner, K., hellmer, H., Mach, R.L., Adam, G.
Event: Mycoglobe International Conference 2006 - Advances in genomics, biodiversity and rapid systems for detection of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins