Karola Vorauer-Uhl
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Karola Vorauer-Uhl
Institut für Bioverfahrenstechnik
Standort Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Email karola.vorauer-uhl@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-79850
- 2002 Habilitation für Biopharmazeutische Technologie
- 1993 Promotion zum Dr. für Lebensmittel und Biotechnologie
- 1988 Sponsion zum Dipl.-Ing für Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2024 - In-vitro protein synthesis versus E. coli expression - a comparison using the acetate transporter SatP
Autoren: Yao, Y; Vorauer-Uhl, K; Schuster, B; Mattanovich, D
Veranstaltung: 16th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2024
Jahr: 2024 - In-vitro protein synthesis versus E. coli expression - a comparison using the acetate transporter SatP
Autoren: Yao, Y; Vorauer-Uhl, K; Schuster, B; Mattanovich, D
Veranstaltung: European Congress on Biotechnology 2024
Jahr: 2019 - Covalent conjugation of non-functionalized, tag-free native-like HIV-1 envelope trimersonto the surface of peptide-loaded liposomes
Autoren: Suleiman, E; Lehner, E; Mayer, J; Damm, D; Kohlhauser, B; Katholnig, A; Batzoni, M; Temchura, V; Wagner, A; Überla, K; Vorauer-Uhl, K
Veranstaltung: Liposome Research Days 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Electrostatically driven encapsulation of non-conformational peptide epitopes into functionalized liposomes
Autoren: Suleiman, E; Batzoni, M; Damm, D; Kohlhauser, B; Temchura, V; Wagner, A; Überla, K; Karola Vorauer-Uhl, K
Veranstaltung: 6th International Symposium on Phospholipids in Pharmaceutical Research
Jahr: 2017 - Rationale for using HDLs as drug delivery vehicles
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K; Wallner, J; Lhota, G
Veranstaltung: BIT´s 7th Symposium of Drug Delivery System – 2017
Jahr: 2016 - Measuring Membrane/Protein Binding Interactions Using Bio-Layer Interferometry,
Autoren: Wallner, J; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Veranstaltung: CTLS 2016 - Core Technologies for Life Science
Jahr: 2016 - Enhanced analytical platform for advanced process control of CHO cell culture processes
Autoren: Sissolak, B.; Kandra, K. ; Mayer, M. ; Berghammer, G.; Pino-Grace, P. ; Sommeregger, W.; Luchner, M.; Stosch, M.von; Vorauer-Uhl, K..;Striedner, G.
Veranstaltung: 1st ESACT Frontiers Retreat
Jahr: 2016 - QbD - Workshop: Implementing a QbD/PAT platform for Advanced Process and Model Predictive Control into Mammalian Cell Culture Bioprocesses
Autoren: Sissolak, B.; Kandra, K.; Mayer, M.; Berghammer, G.; Pino-Grace, P.; Sommeregger, W.; Luchner, M.; Stosch, M.von;Vorauer-Uhl, K; Striedner, G.
Veranstaltung: European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences ESBES 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Implementing a QbD/PAT platform for Advanced Process and Model Predictive Control into Mammalian Cell Culture Bioprocesses
Autoren: Sissolak, B.; Kandra, K.; Mayer, M.; Berghammer, G.; Pino-Grace, P.; Sommeregger, W.; Luchner, M.; Stosch, M.von;Vorauer-Uhl, K; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences ESBES 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Liposome-Protein Binding Assays based on Bio-Layer Interferometry
Autoren: Wallner, J; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Veranstaltung: Drug Discovery Chemistry Conference
Jahr: 2015 - Liposome-Protein Binding Assays, Protein Analysis & Characterization
Autoren: Wallner, J; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Veranstaltung: Fall Workshop
Jahr: 2015 - Liposome-Protein Binding Assays, Protein Analysis & Characterization
Autoren: Wallner, J; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Veranstaltung: Spring Workshop
Jahr: 2015 - Application of Bio-Layer Interferometry for the analysis of protein/liposome interactions
Autoren: Wallner, J; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D; Mader, A; Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 9. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium
Jahr: 2015 - Application of Bio-Layer Interferometry for the analysis of protein/liposome interactions
Autoren: Wallner, J; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D; Mader, A; Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: BIOMATSEN, International Congress on Biomaterials & Biosensors
Jahr: 2014 - Interaction analysis of rh-Erythropoetin and rh-Erythropoetin fragments including cytokine receptors and artificial membrane systems
Autoren: Wallner, J; K; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D; Vorauer-Uhl, K;
Veranstaltung: Seminar PALL/Fortebio: Label-Free Real-Time Measurements: In the analysis of biomolecular interactions, Southeast Europe,
Jahr: 2014 - Anwendung des Lognormalmodells in der Biolayer - Interferometrie
Autoren: Wallner, J; Kühleitner, M; Brunner, N; Lhota, G; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Veranstaltung: Department Seminar
Jahr: 2014 - Application of the log-normal model for long term high affinity antibody/antigen interactions using Bio-Layer Interferometry
Autoren: Wallner, J; Kühleitner, M; Brunner, N; Lhota, G; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Veranstaltung: Department Seminar
Jahr: 2013 - Interaktions Analysen von rh-Erythropoetin und rh-Erythropoetin Fragmenten mit Zytokinrezeptoren und artifiziellen Membransystemen
Autoren: Wallner, J; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Veranstaltung: Seminar PALL/Fortebio 2013 - Labelfreie Echtzeit-Analyse biomolekularer Interaktionen
Jahr: 2013 - Receptor and liposome binding mechanism of rh-Epo and rh-Epo derived Peptides
Autoren: Wallner, J; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Veranstaltung: Neurobiological seminar 2013
Jahr: 2013 - BLI – a promising technique to establish liposome-protein-interaction studies
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl, K; Wallner, J; Lhota, G; Jeschek, D;
Veranstaltung: Pall-ForteBio User Meeting Zentraleuropa
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl Karola
Veranstaltung: ILS Liposome Advances 2011
Jahr: 2011 - The cherry on the cake: Expression of sialylated human Erythropoietin in plants
Autoren: Jez, J., Castilho, A., Stadlmann, J., Grass, J., Antes, B., Vorauer-Uhl. K., Strasser, R., Altmann, F., Steinkellner, H.
Veranstaltung: 21st International Symposium on Glycoconjugates GLYCO 21, 2011
Jahr: 2009 - Critical aspects in method development for liposomal formulations
Autoren: Prof. Dr. Karola Vorauer-Uhl
Veranstaltung: International Meeting Liposome Society, Liposome Advances 2009 - Progress in Drug and Vaccine Delivery
Jahr: 2007 - Prologed bioactivity of nanovesicular protein targeting by enhanced depot effect
Autoren: Strobach, S., Wagner, A., Kunert, R., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: Bioprocess International European Conference 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Development of a New Vaccine Against HIV: Virosomes Incorporating HIV proteins
Autoren: Quendler H, Wagner A, Stiegler G, Vorauer-Uhl K, Ferko B, Weissenhorn W, Hinz A, Katinger H
Veranstaltung: Europrise Meeting 2007
Jahr: 2007 - HIV virosomes - Liposomes as vehicles for vaccine delivery
Autoren: Quendler H, Wagner A, Stiegler G, Vorauer-Uhl K, Ferko B, Weissenhorn W, Hinz A, Katinger H
Veranstaltung: Europrise Meeting 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Aspects in Quality Control
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl Karola
Veranstaltung: Recombinant Pharmaprotein and Advances in Production Technology, Part I 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Transfection of serum-free CHO cells with chemically defined liposomes
Autoren: Reisinger Hannes, Vorauer-Uhl Karola, Steinfellner Willibald, Wagner Andreas, Katinger Hermann and Kunert Renate
Veranstaltung: Bioprocess International European Conference 2007
Jahr: 2006 - Biphasic cultivation - A simple strategy to improve the space-time yield of CHO based bioprocesses without affecting product quality
Autoren: Müller, D.
Veranstaltung: Post Translational Modifications
Jahr: 2006 - Liposomal therapeutics and vaccines:Formulation and Production issues
Autoren: Wagner,A., Quendler,H., Hinz,A., Stiegler,G., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Ferko,B., Weissenhorn,W., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: ILS 2006 Annual Meeting
Jahr: 2006 - Development of a New Vaccine Against HIV: Virosomes Incorporating HIV proteins
Autoren: Quendler H, Wagner A, Stiegler G, Vorauer-Uhl K, Ferko B, Weissenhorn W, Hinz A, Katinger H
Veranstaltung: AIDS Vaccine 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Encapsulation efficiency of lipid nano-vesicles for recombinant human Erythropoietin as a model protein
Autoren: Strohbach,St., Wagner,A., Kunert,R., Katinger,H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: ILS 2006 Annual Meeting
Jahr: 2006 - Serum-free transfections of CHO-cells with defined Small Unilamellar Vesicles
Autoren: Reisinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Wagner, A., Katinger, H., Kunert, R.,
Veranstaltung: Cell Line Development and Engineering 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Encapsulation efficiency of lipid nano-vesicles for recombinant human Erythropoietin as a model protein
Autoren: Strohbach,St., Wagner,A., Kunert,R., Katinger,H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: ILS 2006 Annual Meeting
Jahr: 2005 - Analysis of genetic parameters in order to get more information on high producing recombinant CHO cell lines (Poster)
Autoren: Lattenmayer, C., Loeschel, M., Schriebl, K., Trummer, E., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Müller, D., Katinger, H., Kunert, R.
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - Effect of pH, DO and Temperature on the Performance of CHO Cells in a Batch Process (Poster)
Autoren: Trummer, E., Hesse, F., Seidinger, S., Fauland, K., Schriebl, K., Lattenmayer, C., Borth, N., Kunert, R., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger, H., Müller, D.,
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - Protein Free Transfection of CHO Host Cells with an IgG-Fusion Protein - Selection and Characterisation of Stable High Producers (Poster)
Autoren: Christine Lattenmayer, Martina Loeschel, Evelyn Trummer, Karola Vorauer-Uhl, Hermann Katinger, Renate Kunert
Veranstaltung: 7th Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells PEACe 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Experimental Design for in-vitro penetration study of liposomal superoxide dismutase (Poster)
Autoren: Braun, E., Wagner, A., Schriebl, K., Vasicek, K., Platzgrummer, M., Kirschbaum, K., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Protein free transfection of CHO host cells with and IgG-fusion protein – selection and characterisation of stable high producers
Autoren: Christine Lattenmayer, Martina Löschel, Evelyn Trummer, Karola Vorauer-Uhl, Hermann Katinger, Renate Kunert
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Monitoring of glycoprotein quality by differential isoelectric focusing (Poster)
Autoren: Schriebl, K., Lasagna, A., Weik, R., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - GMP-Production of liposomes - a new industrial approach
Autoren: Wagner, A., Kirschbaum,K., Kreismayr, G., Platzgummer, M., Lhota, G., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 15th international Symposium on microencapsulation 2005
Jahr: 2005 - GMP-production of liposomes - a new industrial approach
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: W.Mejbaum-Katzenellebogen´s Molecular Biology Seminars 2005 - Amphiphiles and their aggregates in Basic and applied Science
Jahr: 2005 - GMP-Production of liposomes - a new industrial approach
Autoren: Wagner, A., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: W.Mejbaum-Katzenellebogen´s Molecular Biology Seminars 2005 - Amphiphiles and their aggregates in Basic and applied Science
Jahr: 2005 - A novel HIV vaccine based on virosome incorporating HIV proteins
Autoren: Quendler, H., Wagner, A., Stiegler, G., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Ferko, B., Hinz, A., Weissenhorn, W., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: AIDS Vaccine 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Product quality aspects of glycoproteins in cell screening (Poster)
Autoren: Schriebl, K., Lasagna, A., Lattenmayer, C., Trummer, E., Weik, R., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 7th Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells PEACe 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Liposomale Cu/Zn-Superoxiddismutase (SOD) zur Epithelialisierung von chronischen Hautulzerationen
Autoren: T., Wild, A., Budzanowski, B., Vcelar, K., Vorauer, A., Wagner, H., Katinger
Veranstaltung: 9. Kongress der DGfW
Jahr: 2005 - Liposomal CU/ZN-superoxide dismutase (SOD) for the epithelization of chronic skin ulcers (Poster)
Autoren: Budzanowski,A., Vcelar,B., Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Katinger,H., Wild,T.
Veranstaltung: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dermatopharmazie
Jahr: 2005 - Product quality aspects of glycoproteins in cell screening (Poster)
Autoren: Schriebl, K., Lasagna, A., Lattenmayer, C., Trummer, E., Weik, R., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 7th Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells PEACe 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Product characterization of a recombinant glycoprotein by isoelectric focusing (Poster)
Autoren: Schriebl, K., Trummer, E., Lattenmayer, C., Müller, D., Hesse, F., Kunert, R., Katinger, H., Vorauer-Uhl, K.
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - Efficacy of topically applied liposomal encapsulated superoxide dismutase in experimental scalds - a controlled animal study (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl, K., Wagner, A., Ferko, B., Fürnschlief, E., Weik,R., Vcelar, B., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Transcription profile analysis of different recombinant CHO clones based on cross species microarray analysis (Poster)
Autoren: Trummer, E., Ernst, W., Müller, D, Schriebl, K., Lattenmayer, C., Kunert, R., Vorauer-Uhl, K., Katinger, H., Hesse, F.
Veranstaltung: 19th ESACT Meeting 2005 - Cell Technology for Cell Products
Jahr: 2005 - Development of a new vaccine against HIV: Virosomes incorporating HIV proteins
Autoren: Quendler,H., Wagner,A., Stiegler,G., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Ferko,B., Weissenhorn,W., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: AIDS 2005 Der Deutsch/ Österreichische AIDS-Kongress DÖAK 2005
Jahr: 2004 - A novel HIV vaccine based on Virosomes incorporating HIV proteins (Poster)
Autoren: Quendler,H., Wagner,A., Stiegler,G., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Ferko,B., Weissenhorn,W., Katinger, H.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
Jahr: 2004 - A novel HIV vaccine based on Virosomes incorporating HIV proteins (Poster)
Autoren: Quendler,H., Wagner,A., Stiegler,G., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Ferko,B., Weissenhorn,W., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: AIDS Vaccine 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Effect of class switches of anti-HIV neutralizing mAbs expressed in CHO cells as IgG3, IgG1, IgM and IgA
Autoren: Kunert,R., Wolbank,S., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Stiegler,G., Vcelar,B., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Cell Culture and Upstream Processing
Jahr: 2003 - The cross flow injection technique-a novel, versatile liposome production procedure
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
Jahr: 2003 - Liposome formulations of recombinant proteins
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Asien European Symposium on Biorecognition in Downstream Processing 2003
Jahr: 2002 - Effects of topically applied liposome encapsulated superoxide dismutase on experimental scalds (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 8th Liposome Research Days Conference 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Large scale production of lipid microspheres
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Dechema
Jahr: 2002 - Liposomal therapeutics produced in a pilot scale: production, purification and stability aspects (Poster)
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 8th Liposome Research Days Conference 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Produktions- und Analytikdesign liposomaler Formate
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Forum Analytik 2002
Jahr: 2001 - Enhanced protein loading into liposomes by the multiple cross flow injection technique
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Kreismayr,G., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Fifth International Conference on Liposome Advances - Progress in Drug and Vaccine Delivery. 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Rh-SOD containing liposomes produced in a pilot scale according to european legislation (Annex 13)
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Kreismayr,G., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 16th Scientific Congress of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Society together with the 4th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Long term stability of rh-Cu/Zn-SOD-liposomes prepared by the cross flow injection technique in consideration of the ICH guidelines
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Lhota,G., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 16th Scientific Congress of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Society together with the 4th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology 2001
Jahr: 2001 - Die Entwicklung klinischer Biopharmaka mittels nativer und rekombinanter Eukaryonten
Autoren: Kunert,R., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Borth,N., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Hochschullehrer-Nachwuchstreffen der DECHEMA
Jahr: 2000 - Determination of liposome size distribution by flow cytometry (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Borth,N., Voglauer,R., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: ISAC congress XX
Jahr: 1999 - Topische anti-oxidative Therapie mit Superoxiddismutase (SOD) bei Verbrennungen
Autoren: Fürnschlief,E., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Vcelar,B., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 1.Bregenzer Symposium Freie Radikale
Jahr: 1999 - Continuous perfused fluidised bed technology
Autoren: Müller,D., Unterluggauer,F., Kreismayr,G., Klima,G., Schmatz,C., Wiederkum,S., Preis,S., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Assadian,A., Doblhoff-Dier,O., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: 16th ESACT-Meeting 1999. Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products
Jahr: 1999 - Influence of topical applied human superoxide dismutase on thermal injured tissue (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Wagner,A., Fürnschlief,E., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Liposome Advances: Progress for drug delivery research
Jahr: 1999 - Liposomal recombinant human superoxide dismutase (SOD) for the treatment of Peyronie´s disease (Poster)
Autoren: Wagner,A., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Vcelar,B., Riedl,C.R., Plas,E., Pflüger,H., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Liposome Advances Conference: Progress in Drug and Vaccine delivery
Jahr: 1993 - Interleucin-2 proliferation assay performed in a novel General Cell Screening System (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Steindl,F., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Advanced Pharmaceutical Substance Screening Conference
Jahr: 1993 - Il-2 Proliferationstest durch die direkte Bestimmung im GCSS in Vergleich zu indirekten colorimetrischen Methoden (MTT, MTS)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Steindl,F., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: Robocon workshop
Jahr: 1992 - GCSS-General Cell Screening System: A new system for the determination of cell numbers, cell growth rates and cell growth kinetics in 96 well plates (Poster)
Autoren: Steindl,F., Atzler,J., Livingstone,A., Puchegger,K., Schmatz,C., Steinfellner,W., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Rubenzer,P., Katinger,H.
Veranstaltung: ETCS-GZG-Symposium Biberach
Jahr: 1991 - Flocculation an alternative process in ionexchange chromatography (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Skias,M., Trkola, A., Schönhofer,W., Obermayr,E., Schultz,P., Jungbauer,A.
Veranstaltung: Interlaken Conference on Advances in Purification of recombinant Proteins
Jahr: 1990 - Scale up of hydrophobic interaction chromatography-optimal resolution under overloading conditions (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Obermayr,E., Schönhofer,A., Trkola,A., Steindl,F., Jungbauer,A.,
Veranstaltung: Workshop on Novel Separation Processes at the EBCV
Jahr: 1990 - Displacement effects in preparative and large scale chromatography (Poster)
Autoren: Vorauer-Uhl,K., Tauer,C., Jungbauer,A.
Veranstaltung: Engineering Foundation Conference
Jahr: 1987 - Scale up of monoclonal antiboby purification using Zeta Prep Technique
Autoren: Jungbauer,A., Unterluggauer,F., Vorauer-Uhl,K., Buchacher,A., Steindl,F., Wenisch,E.
Veranstaltung: 1.Symposium Monoclonale Antikörper-Anwendung in der Medizin 1987