Klaus Katzensteiner
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Klaus Katzensteiner
Institut für Waldökologie
Standort Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Email klaus.katzensteiner@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-91213
ORCID: 0000-0003-0534-8391
AAO-3794-2021: ResearcherId
- 2007 - 2012 Leitung Institut für Waldökologie, BOKU
- 2000 Venia docendi für das Fach Waldbodenkunde und Waldernährung
- 1992 Promotion
- 2009 Stiftung 120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur
- 2001 Preis der Prof. Anton Kurir-Stiftung zur Unterstützung wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchskräfte
- 1993 Preis der Josef Umdasch-Stiftung für Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Forst- und Holzwissenschaften
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
(2024) Mapping Multiple Soil Properties Using Artificial Neural Networks: Creating Coherent Soil Datasets
Autoren: Huber, T; Fromm, R; Englisch, M; Gadermaier, J; Katzensteiner, K; Keßler, D; Vacik, H; Klebinder, K
26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
(2024) Assessment of Soil Parameters in Response to Repeated Wheeling
Autoren: Grünberg, J
56th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization (FORMEC)
(2024) Upscaling dendroecological studies at different spatial sampling designs - A case study on sessile oaks along a climatic gradient
Autoren: Garamszegi, B; Grabner, M; Gadermaier, J; Wächter, E; Vospernik, S; Katzensteiner, K
26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
(2024) Exploring the influence of climate and soil properties on tree ring formation: Insights from a multispecies tree ring analysis in Central Europe
Autoren: Gadermaier, J; Vospernik, S; Grabner, M, Wächter, E, Garamszegi, B; Katzensteiner, K
26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
(2023) Carbon and nitrogen stocks influenced by landuse: comparison of a Romanian primary forest with a spruce plantation and a pasture
Autoren: Pree, S; Gerzabek, MH; Katzensteiner, K; Borlea, F
8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
(2023) Dynamic forest site classification for supporting adaptive forest management under climate change
Autoren: Roland Köck 1, Harald Vacik1 , Manfred J. Lexer1, Michael Kessler1, Yasmin Dorfstetter1 , Michael Englisch 3, David Keßler3, Franz Starlinger3, Judith Schaufler3, Klaus Klebinder3 , Ralf Klosterhuber5 , Gerfried Winkler4 , Marcus Wilhelmy2, Michael Grabner1 , Herbert Formayer1, Klaus Katzensteiner1 , Josef Gadermaier1, Heinz Lick
XVI Congreso Mexicano de Recursos Forestales
(2022) Die Rolle des Wasserhaushalts für die forstliche Standortsklassifikation
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K; Gadermaier, J
Fachtagung Wald im Klimawandel 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - neues Instrument für die Baumartenwahl
(2022) Dynamische Waldtypisierung - FORSITE - der rote Faden durch das Projekt
Autoren: Vacik, H; Dorfstetter, Y; Lexer, MJ; Katzensteiner, K; Formayer, H; Grabner, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K; Klosterhuber, R; Winkler, G; Wilhelmy, M; Proske, H; Poltnik, W; Podesser, A
Fachtagung Wald im Klimawandel 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - neues Instrument für die Baumartenwahl
(2021) High resolution soil hydrology maps as a decision tool for forest planning
Autoren: Gadermaier, J; Färber, V; Klebinder, K.; Katzensteiner, K
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
(2021) The use of hydrological models for predictign water availability and species suitability of forest sites
Autoren: Gadermaier, J; Klebinder, K; Färber, V; Huber, T; Nagl, F; Fromm, R; Katzensteiner, K
(2019) Humans as a soil-forming factor in mountain ecosystems – effects of land use legacies on functional properties of mountain soils
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
International Mountain Conference Innsbruck
(2019) FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Yasmin Dorfstetter, Harald Vacik, Michael Englisch, Klaus Klebinder, Ralf Klosterhuber, Gerfried Winkler, Walter Poltnig, Marcus Wilhelmy, Michael Grabner, Alexander Podesser, Herbert Formayer, Klaus Katzensteiner, Herwig Proske
Adapting forests to climate change
(2019) Soil fungal communities and decomposition after forest disturbance by clear cut harvest and tree girdling
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Rosinger, C; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) 111 Jahre standortskundliche Forschung in den Kalkalpen
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
Waldökosystemforschung in den Kalkalpen - Workshop
(2019) Post forest disturbance vegetation and soil dynamics in karst areas
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K; Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schume, H., Pröll, G; Keßler, D; Simon, A
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2018) TerrHum An iOS App for humus forms classification
Autoren: Zanella, A; Katzensteiner, K; Ponge, J-Fc; Jabiol, B, Sartori, G; Kolb, E; Le Bayon, R-C; Aubert, M; Ascher-Jenull, J; Englisch, M; Hager, H
North American Forest Soils Conference - International Symposium on Forest Soils
(2018) Open Wounds in Thin Skin: Soil Processes after Natural Disturbances
Autoren: Katzensteiner K., Darabant A., Mayer M., Matthews B., Pröll G., Schaufler J.
6th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
(2018) Effects of ungulate herbivory on post disturbance forest soil carbon dynamics in the Northern Calcareous Alps
Autoren: Keßler, D; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2018) The Challenge of Sustaining Forest Soils in Mountain Regions
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
2018 Yangling Agri-Science Forum
(2018) Soil of a mountain beech forest harbours a highly diverse, distinct fungal community
Autoren: Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Tallian, C; Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Kobler, J; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Conference 2018
(2018) Temporal and small-scale spatial heterogeneity of soil fungal communities in a montane beech forest
Autoren: Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Tallian, C; Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Kobler, J; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
(2018) Thin skin – forest soil dynamics in Karst environments Klaus Katzensteiner1,
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K; Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Kessler, D
13 th North American Forest Soils Conference – 9 th International Symposium on Forest Soils 2018 Soils - Forests Interactions in Changing Environments
(2018) Forest disturbances and soil organic carbon dynamics in the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Rosinger, C; Schindelbacher, A; Godbold, D; Katzensteiner, K
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2018) Forest disturbance effects on soil fungal guilds and decomposition in a mountain ecosystem
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Kobler, J; Rosinger, C; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Conference 2018
(2018) Soil fungal guilds and decomposition in a disturbed forest ecosystem
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Kobler, J; Rosinger, C; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
(2017) Störungseinflüsse auf die Bodenkohlenstoffdynamik von Bergwaldökosystemen
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Rosinger, C; Schindlbacher, A; Godbold, DL; Katzensteiner, K
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2017
(2017) How much is too much? The application of harvesting guidelines on operational unit level
Autoren: Katzensteiner K.
Guidelines for sustainable forest biomass production ÖAW, KIÖS and IUFRO 2017
(2017) Tree regeneration retards decomposition of soil organic carbon after gap disturbance in a mountain forest
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Rosinger, C; Sandén, H; Godbold, DL; Katzensteiner, K
(2017) Effects of ungulate herbivores on post disturbance forest soil carbon dynamics in the Northern Calcareous Alps
Autoren: Keßler, D; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
2. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2017
(2017) BOKU: Human Capacity Building for Mountain Livelihoods in the Himalaya Region
Autoren: Gerzabek, M.H.; Graf, W.; Katzensteiner, K.; Melcher, A.; Mentler, A.; Gratzer, G.
Mountain resources and livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalayas: Higher education research and regional collaboration for sustainable mountain development; ICIMOD, HUC and Sichuan University
(2017) Carbon offsetting as an opportunity for sustainable rural development in Nepal ‐ a participatory, community based approach
Autoren: Peloschek F., Katzensteiner K., Devkota M., Giri A., Bradley O., Pandey D.
Inception Workshop 'Carbon Offsetting as an Opportunity for Sustainable Rural Development in Nepal'
(2016) Soil carbon dynamics after forest disturbance by wind
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schindlbacher, A; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Godbold, DL; Katzensteiner, K.
1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
(2016) Dynamics of soil carbon processes following forest disturbance by clear cut harvest and stem girdling
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Tallian, C; Sanden, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
(2016) Dynamics of soil carbon processes following forest disturbance by clear cut harvest and stem girdling
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Sanden, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
COST Action FP1305 BioLink 2015
(2016) Effects of ungulate herbivory on post disturbance forest soil carbon dynamics in the Northern Calcareous Alps
Autoren: Keßler, D; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
(2015) Investigating the influence of windthrow on forestatmosphere fluxes in the European Alps
Autoren: Matthews, B; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K; Kobler, J; Dirnböck, T; Godbold, D; Schume, H
Perth III 2015 - Mountains of Our Future Earth
(2015) Post-disturbance dynamics in forest-atmosphere fluxes: Observations from a windthrow site in the European Alps
Autoren: Matthews, B; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K; Schume, H
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
(2015) Temperature-enhanced decomposition contributes to a decline in soil carbon stocks of a mountain forest after windthrow
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schindlbacher, A; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Godbold, D; Katzensteiner, K
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
(2015) Drought response of tree saplings in mountain forests depends on substrates
Autoren: Pröll, G; Hietz, P; Katzensteiner, K
Mountains of our Future Earth 2015
(2015) Following post-windthrow soil carbon dynamics in the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schindlbacher, A; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Godbold, D; Katzensteiner, K
Perth III 2015 - Mountains of Our Future Earth
(2015) From the forester’s tool box: Using forest manipulation to separate the factors driving soil carbon dynamics
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Berger, H; Gorfer, M; Godbold, D
3rd annual meeting COST Action FP1305 BioLink 2015 - Linking belowground biodiversity and ecosystem function in European forests
(2014) Humusdynamik auf Windwurfflächen
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Pröll, G; Schume, H; Göttlein, A; Kohlpaintner, M; Weis, W; Katzensteiner, K
Wälder der Kalkalpen - Strategien für die Zukunft
(2014) Post-windthrow dynamics of soil CO2 efflux in mountainous forests of the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schindlbacher, A; Katzensteiner, K
8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior BIOGEOMON 2014
(2014) Drought as a predisposing factor for bark beetle attack.
Autoren: Netherer, S; Blackwell, E; Henschke, P; Matthews, B; Hietz, P; Katzensteiner, K; Kikuta, S; Pennerstorfer, J; Rosner, S; Schume, H; Schopf, A.
25th USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species 2014
(2014) Untersuchungen zur Verjüngung im Bergwald der Nördlichen Kalkalpen
Autoren: Pröll., G.; Kohlpaintner, M.; Katzensteiner, K.; Göttlein, A.
Wälder der Kalkalpen - Strategien für die Zukunft
(2014) Soil effects upon ecophysiology of tree seedlings under drought
Autoren: Pröll, G.; Hietz, P.; Katzensteiner, K.
20th Austrian Society of Plant Biology (ATSPB) meeting
(2013) The contribution of soil respiration to net ecosystem exchange after forest disturbance – a case study from the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schume, H; Holtermann, C; Katzensteiner, K
Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles 2013
(2013) Can Simulations of Stand Hydrology Improve Modelling of Spruce Bark Beetle Infestation Risk?
Autoren: Matthews, B; Netherer, S; Blackwell, EE; Hietz, P; Henschke, P; Kikuta, S; Rosner, S; Jansson, PE; Schume, H; Katzensteiner, K; Schopf, A;
International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
(2013) Surface-atmosphere exchange at a disturbed forest site in the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Matthews, B; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K; Schume, H;
Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles 2013
(2013) Rosalia Roof Project: A Drought Stress Experiment as Basis for Risk Modelling (Ips typographus)
Autoren: Netherer, S; Blackwell, E; Henschke, P; Matthews, B; Hietz, P; Katzensteiner, K; Kikuta, S; Pennerstorfer, J; Rosner, S; Schume, H; Schopf,A
Forest Insect Disturbanc in a Warming Environment
(2013) Rosalia Roof Project: A drought stress experiment as basis for risk modelling (Ips typographus)
Autoren: Netherer S., Blackwell E., Hietz P., Henschke P., Kikuta S., Rosner S., Matthews B., Schume H., Katzensteiner K., Schopf A.
International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
(2012) Evaluating Humus Erosion on Rendzic Leptosols
Autoren: Hollaus, A; Katzensteiner, K; Mansberger, R.
4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
(2012) The combination of Forest Site Maps, Site specific Growth Models and Nutrient Balance Models as a Basis for Sustainable Management in the Northern Limestone Alps
Autoren: C. Ettmayer, K. Katzensteiner, and O. Eckmüllner
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2012
(2012) A modelling approach to adaptive management of water protection forests under climate change scenarios
Autoren: C.M. Delaney, O. Eckmüllner, K. Katzensteiner, and G. Nachtmann
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2012
(2012) Interactions of understory cover, microsite parameters and tree recruitment along a temporal and spatial disturbance gradient in the Austrian Northern Limestone Alps
Autoren: Pröll, G; Darabant,A.; Katzensteiner, K.
4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
(2012) Effects of Forest Disturbance on the Dynamics of Soil Respiration
Autoren: Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
ÖBG Conference 2012 - Soil Science for the Future
(2012) Changes in soil CO2 efflux of organic calcaric soils due to disturbance by wind
Autoren: Mayer,M; Katzensteiner,K
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2012
(2012) Impact of forest disturbance on soil respiration in organic soils on calcareous bedrock
Autoren: Mayer, M; Holtermann, C; Matthews, B; Katzensteiner K
4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
(2012) Impacts of increased biomass utilization in Austria
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K; Englisch, M; Nemestothy, K.P
4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
(2011) Auswirkungen von Störungen auf die Bodenrespiration von Humuskarbonatböden
Autoren: Mayer M.und Katzensteiner K.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
(2011) Ansätze zur Abschätzung der Erosion von Humuskarbonatböden
Autoren: Hollaus, A.R., Katzensteiner, K., Mansberger, R.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
(2011) Standortssicherung im Kalkalpin - Forest, Disturbance and Climate: The Potential Impacts of Windthrow Events on Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
Autoren: Schume, H., Katzensteiner, K., Matthews, B.
12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2011) Nährstoffbilanzmodelle und forstliche Standortskarten als Basis für eine nachhaltige Biomasseproduktion
Autoren: Katzensteiner K.
2. Präsentationsveranstaltung der Stiftung 120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur 2011
(2011) Hydrological properties of forest soils in the Northern Calcareous Alps
Autoren: Delaney, C. and Katzensteiner, K
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
(2011) Methodische Ansätze der Erosion von Humuskarbonatböden
Autoren: Hollaus, A.R., Katzensteiner, K., Mansberger, R.
SicAlp Projekttreffen 2011
(2011) Auswirkungen von Störungen auf die Bodenrespiration von Humuskarbonatböden
Autoren: Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
(2011) Modelling Leaf Area Carrying Capacity for Site Adapted Sustainable Forest Management in the Northern Limestone Alps
Autoren: Delaney, C.M., Katzensteiner, K.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2011
(2009) Carbon sequestration between the actual and the potential timberline - Cembran pine forests in Obergurgl, Ötztal
Autoren: Jandl, R., Schindlbacher, A., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Van Miegroet, H., Katzensteiner, K., Göttlicher, S.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2009) Opportunities and challenges for forest ecosystem research in a European context
Autoren: Katzensteiner K
Seminar 2009 - 40 years of Institute of Forest Ecology at MUAF in Brno
(2009) Resilience of forest soils in the Limestone Alps
Autoren: Katzensteiner K, Darabant A, Gratzer G, DOrji S
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2008) Methoden zur Untersuchung und Modellierung des Wasserhaushalts von Waldbeständen Minicurso
Autoren: Katzensteiner K.
4. Simposio Latino-Americano sobre Manejo Florestal 2008 - Producao de Bens Materiais e Imateriais
(2008) Desenhos experimentais e métodos de determinação da eficiência dos recursos de ecossistemas florestais.
Autoren: Katzensteiner K.
4. Simposio Latino-Americano sobre Manejo Florestal 2008 - Producao de Bens Materiais e Imateriais
(2008) Überlegungen zur ökologisch nachhaltigen Biomassenutzung
Autoren: Katzensteiner Klaus
Jahreshaupttagung des Forstvereins für Niederösterreich und Wien 2008 - Naturschutz - Bioenergie, Synergie oder Gegensatz
(2008) Ecological Sustainability of Community Forest Management – A Case Study from the Midhills of Nepal
Autoren: Baral S.K. and Katzensteiner K.
Forest Adaptation 2008 - Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies, and Practices
(2007) Nitrogen dynamics in an Austrian alpine forest ecosystem on calcareous soils: A scenario-based risk assessment under changing environmental conditions
Autoren: Herman, F., Smidt, S., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Englisch, M., Gebetsroither, E., Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., Lexer, M., Strebl, F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society ÖBG 2007 - Soil functions - diversity, evaluation and protection
(2007) Sustainable biomass production from forests: lessons from historical experience and challenges for ecological research.
Autoren: Katzensteiner Klaus
Kerge of sustaining soils: lessons from historical experience for a sustainable future'ner von Marilaun Workshop: 'The challen
(2007) The effect of fertilisation on the severity of Sirococcus shoot blight in a mature Norway spruce stand.
Autoren: Halmschlager, E., Anglberger, H., Katzensteiner, K., Sterba, H.
IUFRO Working Party 7.02.02 Meeting 2007 - Foliage, Shoot and Stem Diseases of Forest Trees
(2007) Nitrogen dynamics in an Austrian alpine forest ecosystem on calcareous soils: A scenario-based risk assessment under changing environmental conditions.
Autoren: Herman, F., Smidt, S., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Englisch, M., Gebetsroither, E., Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., Lexer, M., Strebl, F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society ÖBG 2007 - Soil functions - diversity, evaluation and protection
(2006) Experimental assessment of changes in soil organic matter pools in mountain forests - Sampling and processing of environmental data
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Summer school 'Experimental assessment of changes in soil organic matter pools in mountain forests'
(2006) Impact of forest management upon water quantity
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Workshop EFORWOOD WP 2.2 Environmental services
(2006) Influence of forest management practice on water balance of forest in the dinaric karst. In: All about karst & water : decision making in a sensitive environment
Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
(2006) Energetische Nutzung von Biomasse aus dem Wald und Bodenschutz - ein Widerspruch?
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft ÖBG 2006 - Boden als Pflanzenstandort
(2006) Modelling of nitrogen dynamics in an Austrian alpine forest ecosystem on calcareous soils.
Autoren: Herman, F., Smidt, S., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Englisch, M., Gebetsroither, E., Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., Lexer, M.J., Strebl, F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
22nd International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems
(2006) Hydrological models as decision support tools?
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
The role of Forests and Forest Management for the Water Cycle
(2006) Wasser als Waldleistung
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
EFORWOOD 2006 – Tools for Sustainability Impact Assessment
(2006) Influence of forest management practice on water balance of forest in the dinaric karst.
Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
(2005) Ökologische Aspekte der Biomassenutzung im Österreichischen Wald
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Workshop 'Mobilisierbare Biomassen insbesondere zur energetischen Nutzung aus dem Österrreichischen Wald'
(2005) Modelling of nitrogen risk under climatic scenarios for a spruce stand in the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Herman, F., Strebl, F., Lexer, W., Englisch, M., Jandl, R., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Rigler, E., Katzensteiner, K., Smidt. S.
37th Air Pollution Workshop and International Symposium 2005
(2005) The new European Humus Classification System - an aid for the interpretation of spatio-temporal dynamics of alpine humus forms.
Autoren: Katzensteiner K., Englisch M., Hager H.
Soil Indicators - Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society ÖBG 2005
(2005) Quellen als Indikatoren für Prozesse im Einzugsgebiet
Autoren: Katzensteiner K
10 Jahre Quellbeobachtung im Hydrographischen Dienst 2005
(2005) An attempt to create a classification key for BIOSOIL (Part of the UN -ECE Manual on methods and criteria for harmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis of the effects of air pollution on forests, Part IIIa)
Autoren: Englisch M., Katzensteiner K., Jabiol B., Zanella A., De Waal R., Wresowar M., Hager H.
Training course on WRB Soil Profile Description and Classification (Boreal – Temperate) within the EU Forest Focus BioSoil demonstration project
(2004) Towards an European Classification of Terrestrial Humus Forms
Autoren: Jabiol B., Zanella A., Englisch M., Hager H., Katzensteiner K., Waal R.W. de
(2004) Regionalization of organic carbon stores in forest soils - tools and constraints
Autoren: Katzensteiner K., Jandl R., Englisch M.
(2004) Abschätzung von Kohlenstoffvorräten in Waldböden aus Standortseigenschaften
Autoren: Jandl R., Englisch M., Katzensteiner K., Baritzt R.
Jahrestagung der ÖGB 2004 - 50 Jahre Österreichische Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft "Boden und Gesellschaft"
(2002) Nutritional status of mature Norway spruce related to infection by Sirococcus shoot blight.
Autoren: Anglberger, H., Sieghardt, M., Katzensteiner, K., Halmschlager, E.
IUFRO Working Party 7.02.02 2001 - Shoot and Foliage Diseases
(1993) Effects of Organic, Mineral and Magnesite Fertilizers on Soil Microbial Activities in a Spruce Forest (Picea abies L.)
Autoren: Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Girschick, B., Insam, H., Katzensteiner, K.
Beyond the Biomass - Conference on the compositional and functional analysis of soil microbial communities
Wie verkarstet ist der Nationalpark?
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Nutritional Restoration of European Forests. An Austrian Perspective.
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Vacik, H; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Grabner, M; Wilhelmy, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder,K; Proske. H; Poltnig, W;Winkler, G; Klosterhuber, R; Podesser, A
Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushalt ausgewählter Waldstandorte im NAtionalpark Oberösterreichische Kalkalpen.
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Naturrauminventur Nationalpark Oö Kalkalpen - Standortskundliche Aspekte.
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Waldtypisierung Steiermark – FORSITE - Erarbeitung der ökologischen Grundlagen für eine dynamische Waldtypisierung
Autoren: Vacik, H; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K; Klosterhuber, R; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Lexer, MJ; Kessler, M; Dorfstetter, Y; Wilhelmy, M; Winkler G;
Carbon offset, participation and sustainability - a case study from the Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Nepal
Autoren: Peloschek, F; Katzensteiner, K; Bruckman, V; Devkota, M; Gratzer, G; Bhandari, A; Pandey, M; Darabant, A
The Karst Research Programme of the Northern Limestone Alps National Park: Vulnerability Mapping.
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
The BOKU Carbon Offsetting Project
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
The challenge to sustain soils: An integrated perspective
Autoren: Winiwarter, V., M.H. Gerzabek, K. Butterbach-Bahl, C. Feller, E. Frossard, G. Marland, K.B. Showers, W. Winiwarter, F. Krausmann, K. Katzensteiner
Depletion of calcium in forest soils under Norway spruce in Central Europe.
Autoren: Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., E. Hildebrand, E., Berger, T.W.
Forest management strategies to safeguard water supply in karst regions under climate change
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt von Waldökosystemen der Nördlichen Kalkalpen.
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Impact of forest site preparation on soil functions in a temperate alluvial forest
Autoren: Behringer, M; Katzensteiner, K
Soil effects upon ecophysiological performance of tree seedlings under drought
Autoren: Pröll G., Hietz P., Katzensteiner K.
The challenge of sustaining the integrity of forest soils in mountain regions
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
Opening Remarks & Workshop Introduction
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Waldwachstum & Waldökologie.
Autoren: Eckmüllner, O., Katzensteiner, K.
Waldtypisierung Steiermark – FORSITE - Erarbeitung der ökologischen Grundlagen für eine dynamische Waldtypisierung
Autoren: Vacik, H; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K; Klosterhuber, R; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Lexer, MJ; Kessler, M; Dorfstetter, Y; Wilhelmy, M; Winkler, G
On the role of soil water storage capacity and soil nutrients on tree growth of selected tree species in Central Europe.
Autoren: Gadermaier, J., Wächter, E., Grabner, M., Vospernik, S., Katzensteiner, K.
FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Vacik, H; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Grabner. M; Wilhelmy, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K;Proske, H; Poltnig, W; Winkler, G; Klosterhuber, R; Podesser, A
The last survivors – pre-disturbance tree recruitment retards post-disturbance soil decomposition
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Rosinger, C; Sanden, H; Godbold, DL; Katzensteiner, K
Nährstoffhaushalt geschädigter Wälder. Waldsanierung 2000.
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Forest soils at the eastern foothills of the Alps (Austria)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K., Ottner F., Sieghardt M., Hager, H., Wresowar M., Schume H., Wrissnig K., Mistlberger G. and Aust G.
Exploring the drivers of post-disturbance soil CO2 efflux in the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, D
Disturbed sites in the Northern Calcareous Alps - Challenges for forest management
Autoren: Pröll, G; Gratzer, G; Katzensteiner, K.
Eddy covariance measurements along a forest disturbance chronosequence in the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Matthews, B; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, D; Schume, H
Disturbance and extreme weather events impact soil microbial processes and fungal communities in a mountain beech forest
Autoren: Mayer, M; Gorfer, M; Matthews, B; Berger, H; Bittner, A; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL