Martin Mergili
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Mergili
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
- 2009 Universitäts-Assistent am Institut für Angewandte Geologie der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Geomorphologie und Naturgefahren in Hochgebirgsräumen, Geographische Informationswissenschaften (GIS) und Fernerkundung, Modellierung von Massenbewegungen. Lehre: Gesteinskunde, Geologische Geländepraktika, GIS/Fernerkundung.
- 2008 - 2009 Leiter des Forschungsprojektes "Debris Flows as Natural Hazards Along the Trans-Andean Corridor Mendoza - Valparaíso" an der Universität Innsbruck, gefördert durch den Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds (TWF)
- 2006 - 2007 Projektmitarbeiter am Institut für Internationale Gebirgsforschung (IGF) der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Innsbruck
- 2005 - 2008 Doktoratsstudium Naturwissenschaften an der Univ. Innsbruck, Dissertation: "Integrated modelling of debris flows with Open Source GIS: Numerical simulations of triggering, mobilization, and runout of debris flows for selected study areas along the Trans-Andean road corridor Mendoza-Valparaiso"
- 2005 - 2006 Projektmitarbeiter am alpS Zentrum für Naturgefahrenmanagement, Innsbruck
- 2002 - 2003 Studium an der University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finnland: Arctic Studies Program
- 2000 - 2005 Diplomstudium Geographie an der Univ. Innsbruck, Dipolmarbeit: "The Vegetation of Grootbos Nature Reserve (Western Cape, South Africa): GIS-based Mapping and Numerical Analysis"
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2018 - Analysing lateral sediment connectivity and its connection to the frequency-magnitude reality in the Fiume Fella system, Northern Italy.
Autoren: Schopper, N; Pöppl, R; Mergili, M; Cavalli, M; Frigerio, S
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - ExtremA: a review of extreme natural hazard events in Austria.
Autoren: Sattler, K; Mergili, M; Glade, T; Mehlhorn, S; Rudolf-Miklau, F
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Modelling climate induced geomorphic changes in two small Austrian alpine catchments using CAESAR-Lisflood.
Autoren: Meller, M; Pöppl, R; Mergili, M; Sass, O; Rascher, E
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Computer simulations of complex cascading landslide processes: what can we do and what can we learn?
Autoren: Mergili, M; Emmer, A; Fischer, J-T; Huggel, C; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Integrated statistical landslide susceptibility modelling: combining release and propagation.
Autoren: Mergili, M; Schwarz, L; Kociu, A
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Reconstruction and back-calculation of the Banjarnegara landslide, Indonesia
Autoren: Wijaya, IPK; Mergili, M; Zangerl, C; Straka, W; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - GIS-based statistical landslide susceptibility analysis a case study from the Bostanlik District, Uzbekistan
Autoren: Juliev, M; Mergili, M; Czaran, L; Nurtaev, B; Hübl, H
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Revisiting the catastrophic 1941 outburst flood of Lake Palcacocha (Cordillera Blanca, Peru).
Autoren: Mergili, M; Frey, H; Emmer, A; Fischer, J.-T; Cochachin, A; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2017 - Bayesian inference in mass flow simulations - from back calculation to prediction
Autoren: Kofler, A.; Fischer, J-T; Hellweger, V; Huber, A; Mergili, M; Pudasaini, SP; Fellin, W; Oberguggenberger, M
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Mechanical coupling between two innovative theories on erosion, transportation and phase-separation: Solving some long-standing problems in mass flows
Autoren: Pudasaini SP; Fischer J-T; Mergili M
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Computational slope stability experiments implementing root system morphology in a generic hillslope environment
Autoren: Schmaltz E; Mergili M; Steger S; Glade T
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Dynamic interaction of two-phase debris flow with pyramidal defense structures: An optimal strategy to efficiently protecting the desired area
Autoren: Kattel, P; Kafle, J; Fischer, J-T; Mergili, M; Tuladhar, BM; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Simulation of Geomorphic Process Chains in Mountain Areas: Progress and Challenges
Autoren: Mergili, M; Huggel, C; Emmer, A; Frank, B; Fischer, JT; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: 9th International Conference on Geomorphology 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Energy dissipation by submarine obstacles during landslide impact on reservoir - potentially avoiding catastrophic dam collapse
Autoren: Kafle, J; Kattel, P; Mergili, M; Fischer, JT; Tuladhar, BM; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Application and optimization of input parameter spaces in mass flow modelling: a case study with r.randomwalk and r.ranger
Autoren: Krenn, J; Zangerl, C; Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Process chain modelling with r.avaflow: lessons learned for multi-hazard analysis
Autoren: Mergili, M; Fischer, J-T; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: 4th World Landslide Forum WLF4 2017
Jahr: 2017 - A mechanical erosion model for two-phase mass flows: Tackling a long standing dilemma of mass mobility
Autoren: Fischer, JT; Pudasaini, SP; Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - A large landslide in volcanic rock: failure processes, geometry and propagation
Autoren: Wijaya IPK, Zangerl C, Straka W, Mergili M, Pudasaini SP, Arifianti Y
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Integrated simulation of high-mountain process chains
Autoren: Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: SGmG Annual Meeting
Jahr: 2017 - Temporal patterns of glacial lake evolution in high-mountain environments
Autoren: Mergili, M; Emmer, A; Viani, C; Huggel, C
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Integrated simulation of high-mountain process chains with open source GIS
Autoren: Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting
Jahr: 2017 - Physically based landslide warning at regional scale
Autoren: Canli, E; Mergili, M; Glade, T
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Geomorphological Forcing of Proglacial Lake Dynamics in Mountain Areas
Autoren: Mergili M; Viani C; Schug M-C; Huggel C; Emmer A
Veranstaltung: 9th International Conference on Geomorphology 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Glacial lakes in South Tyrol: distribution, evolution and potential for GLOFs
Autoren: Schug M-C; Mergili M
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Geomorphologic evolution of the eruptive vent of September 2016 at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion)
Autoren: Mergili M; Villeneuve N; Peltier A
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2016 - Insights from analyzing and modelling cascading multi-lake outburst flood events in the Santa Cruz Valley (Cordillera Blanca, Perú)
Autoren: Emmer, A; Mergili, M; Juricová, A; Cochachin, A; Huggel, C
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Maps of pluvial floods and their consequences: a case study
Autoren: Mergili, M; Tader, A; Glade, T; Jäger, S; Neuhold, C; Stiefelmeyer, H
Veranstaltung: 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Combined statistical analysis of landslide release and propagation
Autoren: Mergili, M; Rohmaneo, M; Chu, H-J
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Optimizing the parameterization of mass flow models
Autoren: Krenn, J; Mergili, M; Fischer, J-T; Frattini, P; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: 12th International Symposium of Landslides
Jahr: 2016 - Klima - Gebirge - Gesellschaft
Autoren: Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: Lehrerfortbildung des Projekts k.i.d.Z.-21 Austria - Preparing Austria´s Youth for Climate Change Challenges of the 21st Century
Jahr: 2016 - r.avaflow & r.randomwalk: two complementary and comprehensive open source GIS simulation tools for the propagation of rapid geophysical mass flows
Autoren: Mergili, M; Benedikt, M; Krenn, J; Fischer, J-T; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium OGRS 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Gletscherseen und Klimawandel - Entstehung und Gefahrenpotential von Seen in Österreich seit der Kleinen Eiszeit
Autoren: Buckel J; Mergili, M; Prasicek G; Otto, J-C
Veranstaltung: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Forschungsgruppe für Geomorphologie und Umweltwandel und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie: Geomorphologische Prozesse und Auswirkungen des globalen Umweltwandels in Gebirgsräumen
Jahr: 2016 - Landslides impact in mountain water reservoir: Dynamic flow-structure interaction
Autoren: Kafle, J; Kattel, P; Fischer, J-T; Mergili, M; Tuladhar, BM; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: Scientific learning exchange on landslide management and bio-engineering in Nepal: from data to landslide mitigation - new venues for collaboration
Jahr: 2016 - An integrated multi-scale risk analysis procedure for pluvial flooding
Autoren: Tader, A; Mergili, M; Jäger, S; Glade, T; Neuhold, C; Stiefelmeyer, H
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Simulating the interaction of two-phase landslide and debris flows with defense structures in mountain slopes
Autoren: Kattel, P; Kafle, J; Fischer, J-T; Mergili, M; Tuladhar, BM; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: Scientific learning exchange on landslide management and bio-engineering in Nepal: from data to landslide mitigation - new venues for collaboration
Jahr: 2016 - r.avaflow, the GIS simulation model for avalanche and debris flows: new developments and challenges
Autoren: Mergili, M; Queiroz de Oliveira, G; Fischer, J-T; Krenn, J; Kulisch, H; Malcherek, A; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2016 - The mass movement routing tool r.randomwalk and its functionalities for parameter sensitivity analysis and optimization
Autoren: Krenn, J; Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Generating web scraped high-quality weather databases for near-real-time landslide hazard indication mapping
Autoren: Canli, E; Loigge, B; Mergili, M; Glade, T
Veranstaltung: 12th International Symposium on Landslides (ISL)
Jahr: 2016 - Physically-based slope stability modelling and parameter sensitivity: a case study in the Quitite and Papagaio catchments, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Autoren: de Lima Neves Seefelder, C; Mergili, M.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2015 - An advanced open source computational framework for the GIS-based simulation of two-phase mass flows and process chains
Autoren: Mergili, M; Fischer, J-T; Fellin, W; Ostermann, A; Pudasaini, SP
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Pushing the frontiers of GIS-based modelling of mountain hazards
Autoren: Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2015 - Considering parameter uncertainty in a GIS-based sliding surface model for large areas
Autoren: Mergili, M; Marchesini, I; Rossi, M; Alvioli, M; Schneider-Muntau, B; Cardinali, M; Ardizzone, F; Fiorucci, F; Valigi, D; Santangelo, M; Bucci, F; Guzzetti, F
Veranstaltung: 5th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR2015)
Jahr: 2015 - Physically-based landslide susceptibility modelling: geotechnical testing and model evaluation issues
Autoren: Mergili, M; Schneider-Muntau, B; Alvioli, M; Rossi, M; Guzzetti, F
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Spatial distribution and temporal development of high-mountain lakes in western Austria
Autoren: Merkl, S; Emmer A; Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Jahr: 2014 - A GRASS GIS approach for deep-seated slope stability analysis in complex geology
Autoren: Marchesini, I; Mergili, M; Rossi, M; Santangelo, M; Cardinali, M; Ardizzone, F; Fiorucci, F; Schneider-Muntau, B; Fellin, W; Guzzetti, F
Veranstaltung: Third World Landslide Forum
Jahr: 2014 - GIS-based modelling of deep-seated slope stability in complex geology
Autoren: Mergili, M; Marchesini, I; Schneider-Muntau, B; Cardinali, M; Fiorucci, F; Valigi, D; Santangelo, M; Bucci, F; Guzzetti, F
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2014
Jahr: 2014 - GIS-based deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting
Autoren: Mergili, M; Marchesini, I; Alvioli, M; Rossi, M; Santangelo, M; Cardinali, M; Ardizzone, F; Fiorucci, F; Schneider-Muntau, B; Fellin, W; Guzzetti, F
Veranstaltung: IAEG XII Congress 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Suscettibilità da frana nell’area di Collazzone (Umbria, Italia centrale): applicazione di un modello distribuito fisicamente basato per scivolamenti profondi
Autoren: Baccarini, L; Alvioli, M; Cardinali, M; Fiorucci, F; Marchesini, I; Mergili, M; Rossi, M; Valigi, D
Veranstaltung: GIT – Geology and Information Technology 9o Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo di Geologia Informatica, Sezione della Società Geologica Italiana
Jahr: 2014 - GIS-based topographic reconstruction and geotechnical modelling of the Köfels Rockslide (Austria)
Autoren: Körfgen, A; Mergili, M; Zangerl, C
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2014
Jahr: 2014 - GIS-based deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting
Autoren: Mergili, M; Marchesini, I; Alvioli, M; Rossi, M; Santangelo, M; Cardinali, M; Ardizzone, F; Fiorucci, F; Schneider-Muntau, B; Fellin, W; Guzzetti, F
Veranstaltung: IAEG XII Congress 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Parallel processing for efficient 3D slope stability modelling
Autoren: Marchesini, I; Mergili, M; Alvioli, M; Metz, M; Schneider-Muntau, B; Rossi, M; Guzzetti, F
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Towards a better understanding of a large rotational soil slide (Ludoialm Landslide, Austria)
Autoren: Krenn, J; Mergili, M; Ottner, F; Wriessnig, K; Schneider-Muntau, B; Zangerl, C
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2014
Jahr: 2013 - A GRASS GIS model for high-mountain multihazard assessment at the regional scale
Autoren: Mergili, M; Gruber, FE; Schneider, JF
Veranstaltung: 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Application of the GRASS GIS model r.rotstab for the deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting
Autoren: Marchesini, I; Mergili, M; Rossi, M; Santangelo, M; Cardinali, M; Fellin, W; Guzzetti, F
Veranstaltung: 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology 2013
Jahr: 2013 - A GRASS GIS-based deterministic model for shallow and deep-seated landslide susceptibility analysis over large areas
Autoren: Mergili, M; Marchesini, I; Rossi, M; Guzzetti, F; Fellin, W.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2013
Jahr: 2013 - High-mountain multihazard assessment in the Pamir (Tajikistan) with GRASS GIS
Autoren: Gruber, FE; Schneider, JF; Mergili, M
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2013
Jahr: 2012 - Glacial lakes in the headwaters of the Amu Darya river, Central Asia: spatial distribution and temporal development.
Autoren: Mergili, M.; Müller, J.P.; Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: International Geological Congress 2012
Jahr: 2012 - A three-dimensional slope stability model based on GRASS GIS and its application to the Collazzone area, Central Italy.
Autoren: Mergili, M.; Marchesini, I.; Fellin, W.; Rossi, M.; Raia, S.; Guzzetti, F.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Analysis of high-mountain environmental dynamics and emerging glacial hazards in the Pamir (Tajikistan).
Autoren: Mergili, M.; Gruber, F.E.; Müller, J.P.; Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: PANGEO AUSTRIA 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Development and characteristics of alpine lakes in the upper catchment of the Amu Darya river, Central Asia.
Autoren: Müller, J.P.; Mergili, M.; Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2012
Jahr: 2012 - High-mountain geohazards in the Pamir (Tajikistan) induced by climate change.
Autoren: Mergili, M.; Gruber, F.E.; Müller, J.P.; Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: 27th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop 2012
Jahr: 2012 - r.rotstab: a GRASS-based deterministic model for deep-seated landslide susceptibility analysis over large areas.
Autoren: Mergili, M., Marchesini, I., Rossi, M., Guzzetti, F., Fellin, W.
Veranstaltung: Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Modelling of debris flows starting from shallow landslides in the Kathmandu area, central Nepal.
Autoren: Thapa, P.B.; Mergili, M.
Veranstaltung: International Geological Congress 2012
Jahr: 2011 - Recent fluctuations in the glacial and periglacial environment of Tajikistan.
Autoren: Mergili, M., Kopf, C., Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Changes in the glacial and periglacial environment of the European Alps and the Central Asian mountains and their socio-economic implications: a comparison
Autoren: Mergili, M., Müllebner, B., Kopf, C., Schneider J.F.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Managing Alpine Future 2011 - Inspire and drive sustainable mountain regions
Jahr: 2011 - Aktuelle und prognostizierte Veränderungen von Gletschern und Permafrost in den Hochgebirgen Tajikistans
Autoren: Mergili, M., Kopf, C., Schneider J.F.
Veranstaltung: 30. Jahrestagung des AK Klima 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Changes of the cryosphere and related hazards in the high-mountain areas of Tajikistan (Central Asia)
Autoren: Mergili, M., Müllebner, B., Kopf, C., Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: Annual meeting of the Austrian Research Association on Geomorphology and Environmental Change of the Austrian Geographical Society 2011
Jahr: 2011 - A procedure for analyzing lake outburst hazard and its application to the South-Western Pamir, Tajikistan.
Autoren: Schneider, J.F., Mergili, M.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs): challenges in prediction and modeling.
Autoren: Mergili, M., Schneider, D., Worni, R., Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: 5th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2011 - Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment
Jahr: 2009 - Integration of complex models for slope stability and landslide runout with GIS
Autoren: Mergili, M., Schratz, K., Ostermann, A., Fellin, W.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Further steps of the Hazard Assessment
Autoren: Mergili, M., Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: 1st Workshop Remote Geohazards Assessment in Tajikistan 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Assessment of remote geohazards in high mountain areas of Tajikistan, with special emphasis on GLOFs and the breach of natural dams.
Autoren: Schneider, J.F., Mergili, M.
Veranstaltung: Glacier Hazard Workshop 2009 Vienna
Jahr: 2009 - Von den Quellen des Nils ins Reich der Riesenlobelien. Landschaften und Lebensräume des östlichen Afrika.
Autoren: Mergili, M.
Veranstaltung: Geographie Innsbruck 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Capacity-building and risk mitigation strategies for remote geohazards in Tajikistan
Autoren: Mergili, M., Schneider, J.F.
Veranstaltung: Glacier Hazard Workshop 2009 Vienna
Jahr: 2009 - Slope stability and geographic information systems: an advanced model versus the infinite slope stability approach
Autoren: Mergili, M., Fellin, W.
Veranstaltung: GEORISK 2009 - Problems of Decrease in Natural Hazards and Risks
Jahr: 2009 - Introduction to Geohazards and outline of the TajHaz Project.
Autoren: Schneider, J.F., Mergili, M.
Veranstaltung: 1st Workshop Remote Geohazards Assessment in Tajikistan 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Preliminary Results of the Zarafshan Assessment
Autoren: Schneider, J.F., Mergili, M., Straka, W.
Veranstaltung: 1st Workshop Remote Geohazards Assessment in Tajikistan 2009
Jahr: 2008 - An Open Source Model for the simulation of granular flows: First results with Grass GIS and Needs for further Research.
Autoren: Mergili, M.
Veranstaltung: Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference FOSS4G 2008 and GISSA 2008 Conference
Jahr: 2007 - Preliminary Results of Slope Stability Simulations for the Prediction of Debris Flows in the Central Andes (Mendoza, Argentina).
Autoren: Mergili, M., Moreiras, S.M., Fellin, W., Stötter, J.
Veranstaltung: Geomorphology for the future 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Stereo Matching of Terrestrial Digital Photographs - An Alternative for the Generation of High-Resolution DEMs in Situations of Poor Data Availability?
Autoren: Mergili, M.
Veranstaltung: Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg GI_Forum 2007