Nicola Rampazzo
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Nicola Rampazzo
Institut für Bodenforschung
Standort Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
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Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2020 - Evaluation of the use of zeolite amendments on radiocaesium selectivity in Japanese and European soils
Autoren: Dengra i Grau, FX; Eguchi, T; Smolders, E; Gruber, R; Toloza, A; Heiling, M; Jabbarimalayeri, H; Tarjan, S; Mauring, A; Mentler, A; Hobel, A; Rampazzo, N; Keiblinger, K; Lee Zhi Yi, A; Shinano, T; Bruun Hansen, HC; Gerzabek, MH; Dercon, G
Veranstaltung: Master- and PhD seminar, Institute of Soil Research, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Jahr: 2019 - The influence of time and altitude on texture and water holding capacity of undisturbed soils on the Galápagos Islands
Autoren: Schmidt, G.; Zehetner, F.; Strobel, B.; Wriessnig, K.; Rampazzo, N.; Gerzabek, M.H.
Veranstaltung: 4th Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences 2019
Jahr: 2019 - The effect of soil age and climate on physical properties of agricultural soils on the Galápagos Islands
Autoren: Strahlhofer, M.; Zehetner, F.; Gerzabek, M.H.; Mentler, A.; Rampazzo, N.
Veranstaltung: 4th Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Böden der Nördlichen Kalkalpen in mittleren Höhenlagen der Steiermark
Autoren: Gerzabek, MH; Mentler, A; Rampazzo, N; Pamperl, S; Rasran, L
Veranstaltung: Exkursion der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2018 - The effect of soil age and climate on physical properties of agricultural soils on the Galapagos Islands
Autoren: Strahlhofer, M., Zehetner, F., Gerzabek, M.H., Mentler, A., Rampazzo, N.
Veranstaltung: 3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
Jahr: 2010 - Dispersion of glyphosate in soil through erosion
Autoren: Gorana Rampazzo Todorovic, Axel Mentler, Nicola Rampazzo, Winfried EH Blum, Alexander Eder, Peter Strauss
Veranstaltung: International Congress of Air, water and soil pollution in Imola 2010
Jahr: 2006 - Volcanic Ashes and landuse in the South of Costa Rica
Autoren: Fiebig, M., Gerzabek, M., Hrachowitz, M., Kugler, H., Maringer, F., Mentler, A., Ottner, F., Rampazzo, N., Schneider, J., Sieghardt, M.
Veranstaltung: 19th Latin America Congress
Jahr: 2005 - Agricultural decision support system to minimize ecological and economical damages caused by soil and nutrient translocation
Autoren: Klik, A., W. Jester, A. Muhar, A. Peinsitt, N. Rampazzo, A. Mentler, B. Staudinger, M. Eder and R. Dalmolin
Veranstaltung: COST 634 Conference - On- and Off-Site Environmental Impacts of Runoff and Erosion 2005
Jahr: 2003 - Spatial distribution of soil erosion and phosphorus transport within an agricultural used watershed.
Autoren: Klik A., Jester W., Rampazzo N., Mentler A., Staudinger B., Muhar A., Peinsitt A.
Veranstaltung: 25 Years of Assessment of Erosion - International Symposium
Jahr: 2003 - Spatial Distribution of Erosion Relevant Parameters within an agricultural used watershed
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W., Mentler, A., Rampazzo, N., Staudinger, B., Muhar, A., Peinsitt, A.
Veranstaltung: COST 623 "Soil Erosion and Global change"
Jahr: 2003 - Spatial Distribution of Erosion Relevant Parameters within an agrucultural used Watershed.
Autoren: Klik A., Jester W., Mentler A., Rampazzo N., Staudinger B., Muhar A., Peinsitt A.,
Veranstaltung: Conference on Water and Society 2003 - Needs, Challenges, and Restriction
Jahr: 2003 - Investigation of Soil erosion and phosphorus transport within an agricultural used watershed.
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W., Muhar, A., Peinsitt, A., Pampazzo, N., Mentler, A., Staudinger, B., Eder, M.
Veranstaltung: 28th European Geophysical Society EGS General Assembly EGS 2003 together with the European Geosciences Union EGU 2003
Jahr: 2002 - Spatial Distribution of Soil Erosion and Phosphorus Transport Within an Agricultural Used Watershed
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W., Muhar, A., Magana, B., Rampazzo, N., Mentler, A., Eder, M.
Veranstaltung: Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America ASA CSSA SSSA 2002 - Uniting Sciences: Solutions for the Global Community
Jahr: 1991 - Decrease of Layer Charge in 2:1 Clay Minerals throug Soil Acidification.
Autoren: Rampazzo N., Blum W.E.H.
Veranstaltung: 7th Euroclay Conference Dresden