Patrick Huber
Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Huber
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
- 2012 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Europäisches Forstinstitut Regionalbüro für Zentral-Osteuropa
- 2008 - 2011 Master "DDP - Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung Nachwachsender Rohstoffe (NAWAROS)"
- 2008 - 2012 Forschungsassistent Institut für Waldbau
- 2005 - 2008 Bachelor "Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagement"
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2019 - RESTORE – monitoring forest restoration to enhance the capacity of rural communities in Burkina Faso to adapt to climate change
Autoren: Vacik, H; Huber, P; Steinbach, L; Henneböhle, I; Lindau, A; Ouedraogo, M; Yago, L; Oubida, R; Zerbo, C; Traore, A; Vinceti, B;
Veranstaltung: R20 Austrian World Summit Breakout Session - Forest Responses to Climate Change: Why African Forests Matter
Jahr: 2018 - Indicators for ToSIA BenchValue
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Huber, P.
Veranstaltung: Bench Value Stakeholder Conference
Jahr: 2018 - Entscheidungsgrundlagen Holzverwendung und Klimaschutz
Autoren: Ludvig, A; Weiss, G; Zivojinovic, I; Huber, P; Schmid, BF
Veranstaltung: CAREFORPARIS WorkshopII Stakeholder-panel
Autoren: Huber, P; Wolfslehner, B
Veranstaltung: Professional training in sustainable forest management in Austria, Slovenia and Croatia: Experiences, lessons learnt and looking ahead
Jahr: 2018 - Neue Waldprodukte als innovative Einkommensmöglichkeiten
Autoren: Weiss, G; Huber, P; Vacik, H; Ludvig, A; Zivojinovic, I; Wolfslehner, B.
Veranstaltung: Nichtholzprodukte-Symposium
Jahr: 2017 - Another brick in the Great Green Wall? Criteria and Indicators to monitor Forest and Landscape Restoration in Burkina Faso
Autoren: Huber, P; Vacik, H; Ouedraogo, M; Vinceti, B
Veranstaltung: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Jahr: 2017 - The potential of Wild Forest Products - a Multi Criteria Analysis across six European case studies
Autoren: Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B; Sánchez-González, M; Pasalodos-Tato, M; de Miguel, S; Bonet, J.-A; Marques, M; Borges, J. G; Dinca, L; Enescu, CM; Vacik, H
Veranstaltung: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Jahr: 2017 - Comparing the potential of Non-Wood Forest Products across case studies in Europe
Autoren: Vacik, H; Huber P; Kurttila M; Hujala T; Wolfslehner B; la Sánchez-González M; Pasalodos-Tato M; de Miguel S; Bonet J.A; Marques M; Borges JG; Enescu MC; Dinca L
Veranstaltung: Conference on Non-Timber Forest Products and Bioeconomy
Jahr: 2016 - Analysis of the co ‐ production of NWFPs and ecosystem services in European countries
Autoren: Huber, P; Vacik; H
Veranstaltung: Wild Forest Products in Europe
Jahr: 2016 - A Multi-method Approach to assess the Potential of NWFPs for Small-scale Forest Owners
Autoren: Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H
Veranstaltung: COST FP1203 4th Workshop and 5th Management Committee Meeting
Jahr: 2016 - Accounting for non-wood forest products and services in Austria findings on national and forest holding levels
Autoren: Huber, P; Toscani, P; Vacik, H; Sekot, W
Veranstaltung: International IUFRO Symposium 2016 - Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting
Jahr: 2016 - Managing for NWFPs - an assessent on the forest holding level
Autoren: Huber, P; Kurttila, M; Hujala, T; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H
Veranstaltung: Wild Forest Products in Europe
Jahr: 2016 - Non-timber innovations: An innovation system analysis for side-activities of forestry
Autoren: Weiss, G; Ludvig, A; Zivojinovic, I; Huber P
Veranstaltung: International IUFRO Symposium 2016 - Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting
Veranstaltung: International Symposium - Forest and Sustainable Development
Jahr: 2016 - Non-timber innovations: An innovation system analysis for side-activities of forestry
Autoren: Weiss, G; Ludvig, A; Zivojinovic, I; Huber, P.
Veranstaltung: International IUFRO Symposium 2016 - Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting
Jahr: 2016 - From paradox to paradigm: the non‐conventional innovation in natural resin
Autoren: Ludvig, A; Mutke, S; Corradini, G; Huber, P; Zivojinovic, I
Veranstaltung: Wild Forest Products in Europe (StarTree final conference), Book of Abstracts
Jahr: 2016 - Analysis of the potential of NWFPs for forest owners – a case study comparison
Autoren: Huber, P; Kurttila, M; Hujala, T; Wolfslehner,B; Sánchez-González, M; Pasalodos-Tato, M; de Miguel, S; Bonet, JA; Marques, M; Borges, JG; Vacik, H
Veranstaltung: Wild Forest Products in Europe
Jahr: 2015 - Ecosystem Services in Mountain Forests - comparing stakeholder perceptions in European Case Studies
Autoren: Huber, P; Wolfslehner, B; Pardos, M; Zlatanov, T; Hlasny, T; Wilhelmsson, E; Klopcic, M; Cordonnier, T; Lexer, MJ;
Veranstaltung: Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Trade-offs of future forest ecosystem service supply in Europe under selected land use scenarios
Autoren: Huber, P; Wolfslehner, B; Lindner, M; Verkerk, PJ
Veranstaltung: 14th WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS FAO 2015
Jahr: 2015 - A multi-method approach in assessing the potential of non-wood forest products for small-scale forest owners
Autoren: Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H
Veranstaltung: 14th WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS FAO 2015
Jahr: 2015 - A Bayesian Belief Network approach to assess the potential of non-wood forest products for small-scale forest owners
Autoren: Vacik, H; Huber, P; Hujala, T; Kurttila, M; Wolfslehner, B;
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Jahr: 2014 - Estimation of the value of non-timber forest products and services in Austria.
Autoren: Vacik, H; Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Ruprecht, H
Veranstaltung: Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research. XXIV IUFRO World Congress
Jahr: 2014 - NWFP value chain analysis - Case Studies Austria
Autoren: Vacik, H., Wolfslehner, B., Huber, P. und Weiss, G.
Veranstaltung: COST-Action FP1203 European Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) Network 2nd Workshop and 3rd Management Committee Meeting
Jahr: 2013 - Smart use of small-diameter hardwood - A forestry-wood chain sustainability impact assessment in Austria
Autoren: Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Lexer, MJ
Veranstaltung: COST Conference | COST - FTP Young Researchers´ Forum 2013 at the FTP-c8 Conference
Jahr: 2013 - Smart use of small-diameter hardwood - A forestry-wood chain sustainability impact assessment in Austria
Autoren: Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Lexer, MJ
Veranstaltung: 4th CASEE Conference 2013 - Food and Biomass Production - Basis for a Sustainable Rural Development
Jahr: 2012 - Integrating small non-industrial private forest ownership (sNIPF) in novel logistic concepts
Autoren: Opferkuch M., Becker G., Huber P., Wolfslehner B.
Veranstaltung: IUFRO Conference Division 5 2012 - Forest Products 2012
Jahr: 2009 - Potenziale von Nichtholzprodukten und Dienstleistungen im Rahmen nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Huber P., Vacik H.
Veranstaltung: Vorträge zu Ökosystem-Dienstleistungen am Lebensministerium Wien 2009