Stefan Preiner
Mag. Stefan Preiner
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
ORCID: 0000-0003-0823-8219
16417643500: AuthorId
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2019 - Effects of macrophytes on metabolism and nutrient cycling in a groundwater fed lowland river.
Autoren: Preiner, S; Reitsema, R; Schoelynck, J; Meire, P; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: CWE Symposium - Future of rivers and streams: ecology and restoration under global change
Jahr: 2018 - Ecological connectivity – how and what can be regained in our rivers?
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Cyffka, B; Funk, A; Pölz, E.-M; Preiner, S; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Wetlands
Jahr: 2018 - Mechanisms responsible for interactions between macrophytes and bacteria in a river.
Autoren: Dai, Y; Hein, T; Preiner, S; Schoelynck, J
Veranstaltung: International Society of Limnology - XXXIV Congress
Jahr: 2018 - Effects of macrophytes on organic matter and nutrient turnover.
Autoren: Preiner, S; Dai, Y; Reitsema, R; Schoelynck, J; Meire, P; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 15th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants
Jahr: 2018 - Effects of aquatic vegetation on carbon and nutrient cycling in rivers - an integrated model approach
Autoren: Preiner, S; Schoelynck, J; Reitsema, R; Meire, P; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 4th Water resources and wetlands conference
Jahr: 2017 - Reconnection of riverine side-arms and floodplains – how connectivity affects ecosystem properties
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Cyffka, B; Funk, A; Kvarda, M; Pölz, E; Preiner, S; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: SWS 2017 (Society Of Wetland Scientists' Annual Meeting)
Jahr: 2017 - Anwendung von instationären Wasserqualitätsmodellen zur Untersuchung von Nährstoffhaushalt und planktischer Primärproduktion in Fluss-Au-Gebieten
Autoren: Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 7. Auenökologischer Workshop 2017 - Daten und Modelle: Anwendung in der Praxis
Jahr: 2016 - Application of dynamic water quality models to simulate nutrient cycling and aquatic primary production in heterogeneous river-floodplain systems.
Autoren: Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 41st IAD Conference - Tributaries as Key Elements in Sustainable Management of the Danube River Basin
Jahr: 2016 - Potential effects of restoration measures on ecosystem properties in an urban floodplain
Autoren: Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G; Funk, A; Pölz, E-M; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Trauner, D
Veranstaltung: European Conference on Ecological Restoration
Jahr: 2015 - Effects of management options on ecosystem functions in an urban floodplain
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Feldbacher, E; Funk, A; Poelz, EM; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G.
Veranstaltung: 5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology HydroEco 2015 - Advances in Monitoring, Predicting and Managing Hydroecological Processes
Jahr: 2015 - Modeling of nutrient availability and aquatic primary production patterns in the Danube floodplain Lobau.
Autoren: Preiner, S.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology HydroEco 2015 - Advances in Monitoring, Predicting and Managing Hydroecological Processes
Jahr: 2015 - New solutions for an urban national park under use pressure: A stakeholder-driven planning approach (Austria)
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I., Jochem, R.
Veranstaltung: George-Wright Conference 2015
Jahr: 2014 - Modeling of aquatic primary production patterns in the Danube River floodplain Lobau
Autoren: Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: IAD 40th Anniversary Conference The Danube and Black Sea Region: Unique Environment and Human Well-Being Under Conditions of Global Changes
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Reckendorfer, W.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Funk, A.; Preiner, S.; Hein T.
Veranstaltung: Joint Aquatic Science Meeting
Jahr: 2013 - How restoration measures can affect biogeochemical cycles in protected floodplain areas along the Danube Rive
Autoren: Hein, T; Baart, I; Bondar-Kunze, E; Preiner, S; Weigelhofer, G; Schönbrunner, I; Tritthart, M; Pinay, G
Veranstaltung: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Urban sprawl and protected areas: How effective are buffer zones in reducing recreation impacts on an urban national park?
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, E., Taczanowska, K., Deussner,R., Stanzer, G., Hein, T., Preiner, S., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Reiter, K., Wagner, K., Jochem, R.
Veranstaltung: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Understanding hydroecological effects of ecosystem restoration in river floodplains
Autoren: Hein, T; Baart, I; Bondar-Kunze, E; Welti, N; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Weigelhofer, G; Tritthart, M; Pinay, G
Veranstaltung: 4th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology
Jahr: 2013 - Effects of floods on the water quality and productivity of a hydrologically degraded urban floodplain
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G. Bondar-Kunze, E. Preiner, S. Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: SEFS 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Floodplain restoration to improve green infrastructures and address multiple management objectives in an urban context: the case study of the Lobau
Autoren: Hein, T; Baumgartner, C; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Sanon, S; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 5th European River Restoration Conference ERRC 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Perspektive LOBAU 2020+: „Welche Perspektiven gibt es für die Lobau im Jahr 2020?“
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I., Jochem, R.
Veranstaltung: 40 Jahre UNESCO-Forschungsprogramm "Man and the Biosphere MAB" in Österreich 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Development of an integrated modeling tool to assess the nutrient dynamics and trophic status of a decoupled floodplain along the Danube River in Austria
Autoren: Preiner, S. Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Jahr: 2012 - How effective are planned buffer zones in reducing recreation impacts on an urban national park? A combined visual discrete choice and agent-based modeling approach
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I., Jochem, R.
Veranstaltung: 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 2012 - Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges
Jahr: 2012 - Selected potential effects of global change on the management of an urban floodplain along a large river system in Austria
Autoren: Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G; Arnberger, A; Eder, R; Mair, M; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Schabhuettl, S; Striebel, M.
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Effects of ecosystem restoration on nitrogen cycling and nitrous oxide emission
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Welti, N; Preiner, S; Tritthart, M; Weigelhofer, G; Pinay, G.
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie DGL 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Floodplain restoration in large rivers: How does restoration affect nutrient cycling at different scales
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Welti, N; Preiner, S; Funk, A; Striebel, M; Reckendorfer, W.
Veranstaltung: 3. Auenökologischer Workshop 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Effect of hydrological connectivity on nutrient availability and primary production patterns in Danube floodplains.
Autoren: Preiner, S.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 39th IAD Conference 2012 - Living Danube
Jahr: 2011 - Das Projekt "Perpektive Lobau 2020": Welche Perspektiven gibt es für die Lobau im Jahr 2020?
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I.
Veranstaltung: Forschungsbaned im Nationalparkhaus 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Effects of changed hydrological connectivity on nutrient cycling of floodplains
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Welti, N; Preiner, S; Tritthart, M; Weigelhofer, G; Pinay, G.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science ISRS 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Floodplain restoration in regulated rivers: biogeochemical implications
Autoren: Hein, T., Bondar-Kunze, E., Welti, N., Preiner, S., Tritthart, M., Weigelhofer, G., Pinay, G.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Simulating recreation behavior of visitors to an urban biosphere reserve using a visual discrete choice experiment
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I.
Veranstaltung: NERR 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Effect of flood and flow pulses on primary production patterns in an urban riverine floodplain of the River Danube, Austria.
Autoren: Preiner, S. Schönbrunner, I. Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Final conference of COST Action 869 2011 - Mitigation Options for Nutrient Reduction in Surface Water and Groundwater
Jahr: 2011 - Effect of flood pulses on primary production patterns in River Danube floodplains
Autoren: Preiner, S. Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Promoting physical activities through attractive green spaces: A comparison of trail use intentions of urban green space users for the physical activities of Nordic walking, dog walking, jogging and bicycling.
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R.1, Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I.
Veranstaltung: 14th Annual European Forum on Urban Forestry EFUF 2011
Jahr: 2010 - Impact of drying and re-flooding of sediments on the phosphorus dynamics of river-floodplain systems
Autoren: Schönbrunner, I.M; Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Young Aquatic Science Meeting 2010 - Fresh Blood for Fresh Water
Jahr: 2010 - Urban sprawl impacts on protected forests: Simulating recreation behaviour using a visual discrete choice experiment
Autoren: Arnberger, A; Eder, R; Taczanowska, K; Hein, T; Deussner, R; Kempter, I; Stanzer, G; Preiner, S; Reiter, K; Wagner, I
Veranstaltung: 13th European Forum on Urban Forestry 2010 - Urban People Meet Urban Forests
Jahr: 2010 - Effects of flood and flow pulses on primary production patterns in an urban riverine wetland of the River Danube, Austria
Autoren: Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 5th Annual Meeting of the European Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS)
Jahr: 2009 - Effect of enhanced water exchange on phosphorus dynamics and biological activity in an urban backwater system in Vienna (Austria)
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E; Preiner, S; Schiemer, F; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: COST 869 WG2 meeting 2009
Jahr: 2008 - Modelling the spatial distribution of water plants for a potential future development of an urban floodplain
Autoren: Baart I., Blaschke A.P., Habereder C., Hohensinner S., Janauer G., Preiner S., Reckendorfer W., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: International Statistical Ecology Conference 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Effect of changing hydrology on nutrient availability and primary production in riverine landscapes
Autoren: Hein T., Baart I., Bondar-Kunze E., Felkl M., Leichtfried C., Mair M., Preiner S., Weigelhofer G., Welti N.
Veranstaltung: COST Action 869 workshop 2008
Jahr: 2008 - OPTIMA LOBAU: The effect of changing connectivity on aquatic primary producers
Autoren: Preiner S., Baart I., Blaschke A. P., Habereder C., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Optima Lobau: Future scenarios for a sustainable management perspective of an urban floodplain
Autoren: Hein T., Baart I., Blaschke A. P., Habereder C., Haidvogl G., Hohensinner S., Preiner S., Reckendorfer W., Reiter K., Schuh B., Stanzer G., Weigelhofer G.
Veranstaltung: 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008
Jahr: 2007 - What are potential options for a sustainable management perspective for an international protected floodplain area, the Lobau
Autoren: Hein T., Baart I., Blaschke A.P., Haidvogl G., Hohensinner S., Preiner S., Reiter K., Schuh B., Weigelhofer G.
Veranstaltung: 2nd international conference on protected areas.
Jahr: 2007 - Phytobenthos development and productivity and the effect of short term desiccation along shorelines of a large river
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E., Preiner S., Schiemer, F., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: AquaFluo
Jahr: 2006 - Restoring hydrologic connectivity in complex river landscapes: effects on ecosystem functions
Autoren: T. Hein, S. Hohensinner, P. Peduzzi, S. Preiner, W. Reckendorfer, G. Weigelhofer, F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: Annual meeting of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ASLO 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Hydromorphology controlling phytobenthos development and productivity along shorelines of a large river: an experimental approach
Autoren: Bondar E., Pinay G., Preiner S., Schiemer F., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Urban floodplains - Optimised management strategies in the face of conflicting ecological and socio-economic demands
Autoren: Hein T.; Blaschke, A.P.; Haidvogl, G., Hohensinner, S.; Muhar, S.; Preiner, S.; Reiter, K.; Schuh, B.; Weigelhofer, G., Zsuffa, I.
Veranstaltung: 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Impact of hydrological connectivity on primary production patterns of large river floodplains
Autoren: Preiner S., Baart I., Blaschke A.P., Bondar E., Habereder C., Zsuffa I. & Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Macrophytes and aquatic neophytes in the floodplain Lobau during the last 160 years: temporal distribution
Autoren: Baart I., Haidvogl G., Hohensinner S., Janauer G., Preiner S., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Urban floodplains - Optimised management strategies in the face of conflicting ecological and socio-economic demands
Autoren: Hein T.; Blaschke, A.P.; Haidvogl, G., Hohensinner, S.; Muhar, S.; Preiner, S.; Reiter, K.; Schuh, B.; Weigelhofer, G., Zsuffa, I.
Veranstaltung: 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management 2006
Jahr: 2006 - The significance of hydrological connectivity on primary production patterns of large rivers
Autoren: Preiner S., F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: Annual meeting of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ASLO 2006
Jahr: 2005 - The significance of side-arm connectivity for carbon cycling of large rivers
Autoren: Preiner S., I. Drozdowski, M. Schagerl, F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2005
Jahr: 2004 - The importance of a re-connected side-arm for the biogeochemical cycling of the River Danube in Austria
Autoren: Preiner S., I. Drozdowski, F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: INTECOL 2004