Veronika Gaube
Mag.rer.nat. Dr.phil. Veronika Gaube
Institut für Soziale Ökologie (SEC)
Standort Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73721
- 2022 Koordinatorin des Themenfeldes "Landnutzung und Kolonisierung"
- 2018 Transfer des Instituts für Soziale Ökologie an die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
- 2009 Dr. in Sozialer Ökologie, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- 2003 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Institut für Soziale Ökologie
- 2002 Mag. in Ökologie, Universität Wien
- 2001 - 2003 Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
- Jahr: 2012 Auszeichnung: Elise Richter Grand (FWF)
- Jahr: 2008 Auszeichnung: Prämie für besondere Leistungen aus Forschung und Lehre (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2024 - Biosphere Reserves in risk governance for encouraging the implementation of Nature based Solutions
Autoren: Thaler, T; Gaube, V; Egger, C C; Fichtinger, P; Pfefferkorn, W
Veranstaltung: INTERPRAEVENT Natural hazards in a changing climate - How to manage risks under global warming? 2024
Jahr: 2024 - The role of biosphere reserve in natural hazards risk management
Autoren: Thaler, T; Gaube, V; Egger, C-C, Fichtinger, P; Pfefferkorn, W
Veranstaltung: 24. Österreichischer Klimatag 2024
Jahr: 2023 - Agroforestry trade-offs beween biomass provision and aboveground carbon sequestration in the alpine Eisenwurzen region, Austria
Autoren: Bertsch-Hörmann, B; Egger, C; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S
Veranstaltung: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag: Ressourcen im Wandel
Jahr: 2023 - Integrating farmer decisions in dynamic land use change modelling to simulate future nitrate losses to water bodies
Autoren: Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Edberto Lima, Claudine Egger, Veronika Gaube
Veranstaltung: The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference
Jahr: 2023 - Der Beitrag der Forschungsinfrastruktur Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) zur Klimforschung in Österreich und in Europa
Autoren: Gaube, V; Dirnböck, T, Mirtl, M
Veranstaltung: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag: Ressourcen im Wandel
Jahr: 2023 - Linking an ABM to SWAT to determine the impacts of future changes to surface water quality
Autoren: B. Mehdi-Schulz, E. Lima, C. Egger, V. Gaube
Veranstaltung: Annual International SWAT Conference
Jahr: 2023 - Integrating Farmer Decision-Making with Land Use Trajectories for Understanding Hydrological Responses: Case Study of the Enns Watershed
Autoren: Edberto Moura-Lima, Claudine Egger, Veronika Gaube, Bano Mehdi-Schulz
Veranstaltung: Annual International SWAT Conference
Jahr: 2023 - Auswirkungen von Klima und Landnutzung auf Habitate für Bestäuberinsekten
Autoren: Egger, C; Weidinger, F; Matej, S; Gaube, V; Mayer, A
Veranstaltung: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag: Ressourcen im Wandel
Jahr: 2023 - Integrating farmer decisions in dynamic land use change modelling to simulate future nitrate losses to water bodies
Autoren: Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Edberto Moura Lima, Claudine Egger, Veronika Gaube
Veranstaltung: The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference
Jahr: 2022 - Connecting farmers’ decision making with water quality in an alpine region
Autoren: Egger, C; Mehdi-Schulz, B; Gaube, V; Mayer, A; Moura, E
Veranstaltung: International Mountain Conference IMC 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Understanding linkages between stocks, flows, services and practices using agent-based and system-dynamic models
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: IIASA Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Understanding linkages between stocks, flows, services and practices using agent-based and ecohydrological models
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Mehdi-Schulz, B; Tappeiner, U
Veranstaltung: International Mountain Conference 2022
Jahr: 2022 - eLTER in a nutshell
Autoren: Peterseil, J; Mirtl, M; Dirnböck, T; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: GI_Salzburg22 Forum 2022 - Potential and Challenges for GI Sciences in the context of Long Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research eLTER
Jahr: 2022 - Status Quo eLTER Research Infrastructure in Austria
Autoren: Mayer, P; Obinger, C; Gaube, V; Dirnböck, T
Veranstaltung: LTER-Austria Conference 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Agroforestry trade offs between biomass provision and carbon sequestration in the alpine LTSER region Eisenwurzen, Austria
Autoren: Bertsch-Hörmann, B; Egger, C; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S
Veranstaltung: International Mountain Conference IMC 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Mountain pastures increase the resilience of livestock farming to extreme events in the Ariège department, France
Autoren: Mayer, A; Egger, C; Loyau, A; Plutzar, C; Schmeller, D; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: International Mountain Conference IMC 2022
Jahr: 2022 - The need for socio-ecological data in eLTER: Developing agent-based land-use models in the LTSER platform Eisenwurzen
Autoren: Bertsch-Hörmann, B; Egger, C; Mayer, A; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: GI_Salzburg22 Forum 2022 - Potential and Challenges for GI Sciences in the context of Long Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research eLTER
Jahr: 2022 - Potential and Challenges for GI Sciences in the context of Long Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research (eLTER): "The need for socio-ecological data in eLTER: developing agent-based land-use models in the LTSER Platform Eisenwurzen"
Autoren: Bertsch-Hörmann, B; Egger C; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: GI Salzburg
Jahr: 2022 - Co-production of innovation in forest-wood value chains in Upper Austria
Autoren: Klingler, M; Politor, H; Kister, J; Schleyer, C; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: International Mountain Conference IMC 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Habitat Erde. Biodiversität Landwirtschaft Landnutzung
Autoren: Gaube, V; Gingrich, S
Veranstaltung: S4F Akademie
Jahr: 2022 - The Role of Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research in LTER-Experiences from the LTSER Platform Eisenwurzen, Austria
Autoren: Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: LTER-Austria Conference 2022
Jahr: 2021 - Auswirkungen von Klimawandel und sozio-ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen auf Landnutzung und Ökosystemleistungen in zwei österreichischen Regionen (CHESS)
Autoren: Egger, C; Mayer, A; Gaube, V; Bertsch-Hörmann, B; Eckerstorfer, M; Götzl, M; Loishandl Weisz, H; Moser, D; Plutzar, C; Schindler, S; Schwaiger, E; Tramberend, P
Veranstaltung: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021 - Clash of Cultures? Klimaforschung trifft Industrie
Jahr: 2021 - Limited Time. Or how quality of life relates to sustainable urban transformation
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Gaube, V; Egger, C; Wiedenhofer, D
Veranstaltung: INUAS Konferenz 2021 - Urbane Transformationen: Ressourcen
Jahr: 2021 - Amplifying Signals and avoiding surprises: Potential synergies between ICOS and eLTER at the Water-Climate-Greenhouse Gas nexus
Autoren: Futter, M; Alam, SA; Baatz, R; Bäck, J; Diaz-Pines, E; Dick, J; Forsius, M; Gaube, V; Jones, M; Nikolaidis, N; Poppe, C; Rankinen, K; Rowe, E; Schaub, M; Skiba, U; Vereecken, H; Dirnböck, T
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Monitoring agroecological transformation processes induced by climate and agricultural innovations over time and space
Autoren: Spiegel, H; Miloczki, J; Freyer, B; Surböck, A; Friedel, J K; Kaul, H-P; Wagentristl, H; Schaumberger, A; Mayer, R; Bohner, A; Gaube, V; Sandén, T
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Zeit zwischen Klimakrise, Alltagsstress und Lebensqualität
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Wiedenhofer, D; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: Zeit und Nachhaltigkeit
Jahr: 2021 - SECLAND – farmers’ decision-making from a socio-ecological perspective
Autoren: Claudine Egger; Bano Mehdi-Schulz; Veronika Gaube; Andreas Mayer
Veranstaltung: Landscape Conference; Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture
Jahr: 2021 - Zeitnutzung in der Langzeit Ökosystem Forschung – wie kann die Brücke gelingen?
Autoren: Gaube, V; Smetschka, B
Veranstaltung: Zeit und Nachhaltigkeit
Jahr: 2020 - Sustainability transition and everyday activities – a question of time
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Gaube, V; Egger, C; Wiedenhofer, D
Veranstaltung: 11th International Sustainability Transition IST Conference 2020 - Governance in an Era of Change – Making Sustainability Transitions Happen
Jahr: 2020 - How can participatory modelling support considering and tackling complexity?
Autoren: Gaube, V; Smetschka, B
Veranstaltung: 11th International Sustainability Transition IST Conference 2020 - Governance in an Era of Change – Making Sustainability Transitions Happen
Jahr: 2019 - Modeling Farmers´s Decision Making to integrate climate, agricultural production and biodiversity
Autoren: Mayer, A; Egger, C; Freudenberg, A; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Plutzar, C; Dullinger, I; Dullinger, S; Essl, F; Gattringer, A; Bohner, A
Veranstaltung: International Symposium Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediatized World 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Sheep, frogs and cows: Modelling spatially-explicit land use and ecosystem inpacts under climate change in the French Pyrenees
Autoren: Mayer, A; Egger, C; Gaube, V; Plutzar, C; Schmeller, D; Loyau, A
Veranstaltung: 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme 2019 - Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature
Jahr: 2019 - Landnutzungsszenarien unter Klimawandel für ausgewählte Bergregionen der Pyrenäen: von Schafen, Kühen und Fröschen
Autoren: Plutzar, C; Egger, C; Mayer, A; Schmeller, D; Loyau, A; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: 20. Österreichischer Klimatag 2019 - Facetten der Österreichischen Klimaforschung
Jahr: 2019 - Defining Agricultural Landscape Typologies using Natural and Social Factors in Northern Mid-Latitude Catchments
Autoren: Mehdi, B., Gaube, V.
Veranstaltung: 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme 2019 - Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature
Jahr: 2018 - People and pixels – Assessing feedbacks and promoting land-use strategies towards a viable future for mountainous regions in the Austrian Alps and the French Pyrenees
Autoren: Plutzar, C; Egger, C; Mayer, A; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanökologie 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Land Use, climate change and BIOdiversity in cultural landscapes (Lubio): Die Rolle von intrinsischen und sozio-ökonomischen Faktoren in der Landnutzung am Beispiel der Eisenwurzen
Autoren: Mayer, A; Plutzar, C; Egger, C; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Dullinger, S; Dullinger, I; Essl, F; Bohner, A
Veranstaltung: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Jahr: 2018 - LUBIO (Land Use, climate change and BIO-diversity in cultural landscapes)
Autoren: Egger, C; Mayer, A; Plutzar, C; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Dullinger, S; Dullinger, I; Essl, F; Bohner, A; Gattringer A
Veranstaltung: Research Network on Economic Experiments for the CAP REECAP 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Integrating decisions on land use and climate change to assess biodiversity changes in Austrian cultural landscapes: the LUBIO project
Autoren: Plutzar, C; Egger, C; Mayer, A; Haberl, H; Dullinger, S; Dullinger, I; Essl, F; Bohner, A; Gattringer A; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Jahr: 2018 - From farmers, livestock and mountains – Developing an agent-based model for integrating land use, climate, and socio-economic data for the Departement Ariége, France
Autoren: Mayer, A; Egger, C; Gaube, V; Plutzar, C; Schmeller, D
Veranstaltung: 1st European Symposium on Livestock Farming in Mountain Areas
Jahr: 2018 - Farmer’s decision-making and land use intensification: developing an integrated socio-ecological agent-based model of the Enns valley
Autoren: Gaube, V; Plutzar, C; Egger, C; Mayer, A; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Jahr: 2017 - Time Use & Sustainable Urban Development: Exploring Conceptual Links
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Gaube, V; Haselsteiner, E; Wiedenhofer, D
Veranstaltung: 39th IATUR Conference on Time Use Research
Jahr: 2016 - Land Use, climate change and BIOdiversity in cultural landscapes (LUBIO): Assessing feedbacks and promoting land-use strategies towards a viable future
Autoren: Dullinger, I; Bohner, A; Dullinger, S; Essl, F; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Mayer, A; Plutzar, C; Remesch, A
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2015 - Peasants as socio-ecological agents? Distribution of land and biomass flows in 19th century rural Austria
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Neundlinger, M; Gaube, V; Remesch, A
Veranstaltung: International Conference European Rural History Organization EURHO 2015
Jahr: 2014 - Urban Patterns: Time-use as an indicator for sustainable cities?
Autoren: Haselsteiner, E; Gaube, V; Remesch, A; Smetschka, B; Fischer-Kowalski, M
Veranstaltung: ERSCP 2014: 17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production
Jahr: 2013 - URBAN PATTERNS - Sustainable cities, Time use structures and urban form
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Haselsteiner, E; Smetschka, B; Remesch, A; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: International Conference ENHR 2013, 18 - 22 June 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Zeit für Klimawandel? Zeitverwendung, Energieverbrauch und Emissionen in Städten
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Haselsteiner, E; Remesch, A; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Jahr: 2013 - ABM in transdisciplinary research: How to use computer games to discuss sustainable agriculture with farmers?
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: International conference on "Potential of transdisciplinary approaches and medling for supporting transitions towards sustainability"
Jahr: 2013 - An integrated land-use indicator: the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production
Autoren: Tamara Fetzel; Gingrich, S; Haberl, H; Kroisleitner; C; Gaube, V; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Plutzar, C
Veranstaltung: Invited talk at the Joint Research Centre
Jahr: 2013 - Equal time - equal space? Time use patterns and urban form from two European capital cities - Vienna and Dublin
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Haselsteiner, E; Gaube, V; Remesch, A
Veranstaltung: International conference REAL CORP 2013, 20-23 May 2013
Jahr: 2012 - Urban Time-Use and Energy consumption: How to develop a socioecological participative model for Vienna
Autoren: Haselsteiner, E; Smetschka, B; Remesch, A; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change 2012 - Evidence for Sustainable Development
Jahr: 2012 - Urban Time and Energy: An Agent-Based Model simulating the Effects of Time Structures on Energy Consumption in Vienna
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Gaube, V; Remesch, A; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Haselsteiner, E
Veranstaltung: 8th Conference of the European Social Simulation Associoation ESSA 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Urban Time and Energy (UTE): Time-space-energy Scenarios in Urban Areas
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Gaube, V; Remesch, A; Haselsteiner, E
Veranstaltung: 17th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia REAL CORP 2012 - Re-Mixing the City. Towards sustainability and Resilience?
Jahr: 2012 - Urban Time and Energy (UTE). A socioecological model for assessing time-use and energy metabolism
Autoren: Remesch, A; Haselsteiner, E; Gaube, V; Smetschka, B
Veranstaltung: Oral presentation at the EURA 2012
Jahr: 2011 - Participatory modelling and sustainability research: concepts, means and aims of knowledge integration
Autoren: Gaube, V; Smetschka, B
Veranstaltung: 10th IAS-STS Annual Conference 2011 - Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
Jahr: 2011 - Time-use and energy consumption: A socioecological model for the city of Vienna
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Remesch, A; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: International scientific conference Sustainable Consumption 2011 - Towards Action and Impact
Jahr: 2010 - Landnutzung aus sozialökologischer Perspektive
Autoren: Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: Tag der Nachhaltigkeit 2010
Jahr: 2010 - Socioeconomic drivers of biodiversity: The HANPP approach
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Plutzar, C; Erb, KH; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: ALTER-Net Conference 2010 - Ecosystem services and biodiversity: what is the link between the two?
Jahr: 2010 - Linkages between socioeconomic processes, land use and nitrogen flows: An integrated socioecological model for the municipality Reichraming, Austria
Autoren: Wildenberg, M; Haberl, H; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: GLP 2010 - Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Project: Land Systems, Global Change and Sustainability
Jahr: 2009 - Determinants of global HANPP patterns: Where do we stand?
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S; Plutzar, C; Steinberger, JK; Wiesinger, M
Veranstaltung: 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, IHDP OPen Meeting, 2009 - The Social Challenges of Global Change
Jahr: 2009 - Modelling scenarios for sustainable agricultural development. A case study from the Eisenwurzen, Austria
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Wildenberg, M
Veranstaltung: 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, IHDP OPen Meeting, 2009 - The Social Challenges of Global Change
Jahr: 2009 - climate response measures in the alps in terms of their sustainability
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Abegg, B; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Pfefferkorn, W; Rebetez, M
Veranstaltung: 8th International conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics
Jahr: 2009 - Implications of global biomass trade on the human appropriation of net primary production
Autoren: Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S; Wiesinger, M
Veranstaltung: 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, IHDP OPen Meeting, 2009 - The Social Challenges of Global Change
Jahr: 2009 - Analyzing and modeling socioeconomic drivers of biodiversity: The utility of resource use indicators
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Plutzar, C; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: 2nd Open Science Conference DIVERSITAS 2009 - Biodiversity and Society, Understanding Connections, Adapting to Change
Jahr: 2008 - Integrating gender in a transdisciplinary process of modelling socio-ecological change
Autoren: Lutz, J; Smetschka, B; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: Berlin Conference on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change 2008 - Long-Term Policies: Governing Social-Ecological Change
Jahr: 2008 - Reichramings Zukunft gestalten: Was integrierte Modellierung leisten kann
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: proVISION-Gala 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Biomass use, trade and HANPP: The global perspective
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Gingrich, S; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: MEFA Seminar, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Jahr: 2008 - Integrated socio-ecological models in land systems research: combining agent-based with stock-flow approaches in a participatory process on the municipal level
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: Global Land Project Workshop 2008 - The design of integrative models of natural and social systems in land change science
Jahr: 2008 - Reichramings Zukunft gestalten: Was integrierte Modellierung leisten kann
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: Projektschlussveranstaltung zum proVISION-Projekt "LTSER Eisenwurzen"
Jahr: 2008 - Reichramings Zukunft gestalten: Was integrierte Modellierung leisten kann
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: Workshop der Multifunktionalen Forschungsplattform MFRP Eisenwurzen 2008
Jahr: 2008 - DPSIR approach in LTSER sites: concepts and models
Autoren: Gaube, V; Wildenberg, M
Veranstaltung: IDR Meeting Alternet Project 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Integrating gender in a transdisciplinary process of modelling socio-ecological change
Autoren: Gaube, V; Lutz, J; Smetschka, B
Veranstaltung: Berlin Conference on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change 2008 - Long-Term Policies: Governing Social-Ecological Change
Jahr: 2008 - Combining agent-based and stock/flow modelling approaches in a participative local-level analysis of the integrated land system in Reichraming, Austria
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Adensam, H; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Wildenberg, M
Veranstaltung: 4th IGBP Congress 2008 - Sustainable Livelihoods in a Changing Earth System
Jahr: 2008 - Integrating gender into transdisciplinary land-use research via participative modelling
Autoren: Gaube, V; Smetschka, B; Lutz, J
Veranstaltung: Transdiciplinary Conference 2008 - Inter- and transdisciplinary problem framing
Jahr: 2008 - Modelle nachhaltiger Entwicklung - transdisziplinär erarbeitet
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: Tagung Erwachsenenbildung und Sozialkapital 2008 - Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Jahr: 2008 - Modellierung von Szenarien für die Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft in NÖ: Genderaspekte und transdisziplinäre Forschung
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Lutz, J; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: 18. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2008 - Neue Impulse in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft?!
Jahr: 2008 - Integrated modelling of socio-ecological systems: farm households, agrarian subsidies and land-use change
Autoren: Gaube, V; Wildenberg, M; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: International Conference Studying, Modelling and Sense Making of Planet Earth 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Global human appropriation of net primary production in the year 2000: patterns and magnitude
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Gaube, V; Bondeau, A; Plutzar, C; Lucht, W; Fischer-Kowalski, M
Veranstaltung: 4th IGBP Congress 2008 - Sustainable Livelihoods in a Changing Earth System
Jahr: 2008 - Modelling scenarios for sustainabale agricultural development in an Austrian region
Autoren: Gaube, V; Lutz, J; Haberl, H; Smetschka, B
Veranstaltung: Berlin Conference on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change 2008 - Long-Term Policies: Governing Social-Ecological Change
Jahr: 2007 - Farm households, agrarian subsidies and land-use change: An integrated analysis of local socio-ecological systems
Autoren: Adensam, H; Gaube, V; Lutz, J; Haberl, H; Wildenberg, M
Veranstaltung: 15. International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology
Jahr: 2007 - Global human appropriation of net primary production: Population, affluence, technology, trade - and biodiversity
Autoren: Wiesinger, M; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F; Erb, KH; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: Presentation at the 3rd LaSyS Workshop "Land System Science: Handling complex series of natural and socio-economic processes", Danish Network for Land System Science
Jahr: 2007 - Austria´s carbon metabolism 1830-2000: Implications of the agrarian-industrial transition
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Veranstaltung: 4th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Modelling farmer´s decision-making on land use: An integrated view on socio-ecological systems
Autoren: Adensam, H; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Wildenberg, M; Lutz, J
Veranstaltung: 7th International Conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics ESEE 2007 - Integrating Natural and Social Sciences for Sustainability
Jahr: 2007 - Analyzing impacts of the global socio-economic biomass metabolism on terrestrial ecosystems
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S
Veranstaltung: Biannual Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)
Jahr: 2007 - Integrated modelling of social, economic and ecological substance, material and energy flows
Autoren: Haberl, H; Adensam, H; Wildenberg, M; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: ALTER-Net All Parties Conference 2007
Jahr: 2006 - Linking agent-based models with stock and flow models: Impacts of subsidy policy on farmer households, land use and nutrient flow at regional level
Autoren: Adensam, H; Smetschka, B; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Lutz, J
Veranstaltung: ConAccount-Conference 2006 - Dematerialisation across scales: Measuremant, empirical evidence, future options
Jahr: 2006 - Linking agent-based models with stock and flow models: Impacts of subsidy policy on farmer households, land use and nutrient flow at regional level
Autoren: Gaube, V; Adensam, H; Smetschka, B; Lutz, J; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: IHDP Open Science Conference 2006
Jahr: 2006 - The role of formalisation, participation and context factors for the succsess of puplic involvement mechanisms in resource management
Autoren: Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: PartizipA Abschlusskonferenz 2006
Jahr: 2006 - A Global Comprehensive 5min Land Use Dataset for the Year 2000
Autoren: Erb, KH; Gaube, V; Krausmann, F; Plutzar, C; Bondeau, A; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: Earth System Science Partnership Conference ESSP 2006 - Global Environemental Change: Regional Challenges
Jahr: 2006 - Linking agent-based models with stock and flow models: Impacts of subsidy policy on farmer households, land use and nutrient flow at regional level
Autoren: Gaube, V; Smetschka, B; Lutz, J; Haberl, H; Adensam, H
Veranstaltung: Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Impacts of subsidy policy on farmer households, land use and nutrient flow at regional level
Autoren: Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: Alternet Summer School
Jahr: 2006 - Global human appropriation of net primary production. Spatial patterns, trends during the 20th century, and implications for biodiversity
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Gaube V; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F; Bondeau, A; Plutzar, C
Veranstaltung: Earth System Science Partnership Conference ESSP 2006 - Global Environemental Change: Regional Challenges
Jahr: 2005 - Modelling the impacts of CAP 2006 on sustainable regional development considering land use change, social structure and economic performance. An Austrian case study
Autoren: Gaube, V; Adensam, H; Erb, KH; Haberl, H
Veranstaltung: 45th Congress of the Regional Science Association
Jahr: 2005 - The Danube River Basin as socio-natural site. Directions and considerations of putting LTSER into practice
Autoren: Gaube, V; Winiwarter, V
Veranstaltung: Paper presented at the 6th LTER Europe conference
Jahr: 2004 - Sozialökologische Aspekte des Ernährungssystems
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F
Veranstaltung: ESSKULTUR Symposium
Jahr: 2003 - New challenges in regional development - the role of regional institutions
Autoren: Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: 43rd Congress of the European Regional Association (ERSA)
Jahr: 2002 - Promotion of new technologies by European regional development agencies - The case of Austria
Autoren: Sedlacek, S; Gaube, V
Veranstaltung: 42nd Congress of the European Regional Science Association