Institute of Analytical Chemistry
Research Focus
The Institute of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences has a primary focus on mass spectrometry and separation science for both education and research.
The teaching focus lies in the chemistry curriculum of the Food Science and Biotechnology Bachelor program including the lectures and practical laboratory courses. In addition to the organization of selected master’s courses, advanced courses covering theory and practice of instrumental analytical chemistry are offered. A strong emphasis is placed on the training of master's and doctoral students with the use of state-of-the-art instrumentation.
The scientific competencies include elemental, isotope ratio, speciation and molecular analysis. Analytical methods and procedures are developed and refined for various research areas with a focus on inorganic and organic mass spectrometry.
We offer analytical services in terms of method development and application utilizing the equipment of the BOKU CFMS as well the equipment of our institute.
Elemental ultra-trace analysis: Multi-elemental trace- and ultra-trace analysis with ICP-MS in environmental, biological/medical and food samples.
Elemental speciation analysis: With the help of chromatographic methods (HPLC, IC, µ-HPLC, CE, GC) it is possible to assess elemental speciation using ICP-MS for selective and sensitive detection. We develop methods for assessment of metal-biomolecule interactions as well as for speciation of elements as e.g. As, Cr, Se, etc.
Isotope ratio analysis: We offer (multi-collector) ICP-MS based methods for isotope ratio analysis in the context of food authentication. Multi-collector ICP-MS work is performed in cooperation with the BOKU CFMS.
Molecular mass spectrometry: Method development and application is performed in cooperation with the BOKU CFMS.
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