Institute of Zoology
Research Focus
The Institute of Zoology focuses on animal ecology and organismic biology in research and teaching. Our research is mainly on ecosystem functions and ecosystem services, global change effects on animals, landscape ecology, urban ecology, agroecology, soil ecology, biodiversity research, and ecotoxicology. We work in terrestrial ecosystems from temperate to tropical areas and from laboratory to regional scales. We cover a wide range of animal groups and develop and employ field, laboratory, citizen science, analytical, and modeling approaches. Our teaching activities cover Zoology, Basic and Applied Ecology, and Analytical Methods. We teach our students with classical lectures and experiential education by using hands-on learning during excursions and practical laboratory classes. Most of our courses are mandatory for students in BSc, MSc, and PhD programs, e.g. Agricultural Sciences, Forestry, Environmental and Bio-Resource Management, and Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning.
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
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Supervised Theses
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