Institute of Green Civil Engineering
Institute of Green Civil Engineering
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82
Research Focus
The Institute of Green Civil Engineering (IHB) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna is led by Professor Dr. Benjamin Kromoser. After four years leading the Research Group for Resource-efficient Structural Engineering at the Institute of Structural Engineering (IKI) Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kromoser founded the Institute of Green Civil Engineering in 2022. The main focus and highest goal in research and teaching are a best possible use of the natural resources in the construction sector, especially in building construction. Developing new construction methods, digital design and production methods, ecologic optimization of concrete and wood structures, working with innovative construction materials and optimisation of the material and energy demand in buildings count to the most important research areas. The Institute of Green Civil Engineering aims to train environmentally conscious engineers who will represent the mentality of the University of Natural Sciences and Life Sciences in the construction industry and thus ensure a better future for the generations to come. Teaching and research revolve around the following five subject areas:
- Building construction/Structural Engineering
- Timber construction
- Automated construction
- Sustainable design and construction
- Recycling-oriented construction
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Supervised Theses
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