Institute of Silviculture
Institute of Silviculture
Research Focus
The long-term character of forestry and the impacts of global change on forest ecosystems underline the importance of forest stewardship. Furthermore, the ongoing change in paradigm from timber-oriented management to sustainable forest ecosystem management results in a range of new challenges for forest management planning. In a multi-purpose forest resource management the sustainable use of forest ecosystems is secured by goal-oriented planning and science-based implementation of silvicultural measures and strategies. Core task of the Institute of Silviculture and its chair of „Forest Ecosystem Management“ is the integration of ecological, socio-economical and technical knowledge towards the sustainable management of forest resources.
To fulfil these targets we work in the following fields:
Silvicultural techniques
Mountain forest silviculture
Sustainable forest resource management
Forest ecosystem modelling
Multiple-criteria decision support
Forest genetics and biodiversity
The institut‘s primary objective in teaching is to ensure that students acquire the capabilities needed for an ecosystem-based approach to forest management. The Institute of Silviculture integrates fundamental science and silvicultural practice in research and teaching. We take a leading position in research and teaching of the sustainable management of forests at national and international levels.
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