Syn[En]ergy: Development of Potential Synergy Effects between Urban Planning Goals and Photovoltaic Usage in Urban Open Spaces
- Lebensraum und Landschaft
- Ressourcen und gesellschaftliche Dynamik
Open spaces are an underutilised potenzial for photovoltaics implementation in urban regions. Syn[En]ergy investigates in an inter- and transdisciplinary approach synergy and conflict potenzials with other use demands, develops a typology and practical solutions for selected areas with regard to requirements from economy, urban planning and design, legal as well social aspects, to be evaluated by stakeholders from enterprises, administration and the general public.
Syn[En]ergy - Konzepte, Technologien und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Photovoltaik-Integration
Autoren: Schneider, A; Bautz, G; Dallinger, A; Muhar, A; Salak, B; Schauppenlehner, T; Kugler, K; Grimm-Pretner, D; Tusch, R; Schnepper, M; Zamini, S; Matzinger, K; Gebetsroither-Geringer, E; Stollnberger, R; Sehnal, E Jahr: 2018
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:Designing Photovoltaics in Urban Open Space: A Landscape Architectural Approach
Autoren: Tusch, R; Grimm-Pretner, D; Bautz, G Jahr: 2019
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:
Project staff
Dagmar Grimm-Pretner
Assistenzprofessor Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Dagmar Grimm-Pretner
Tel: +43 1 47654-85217
BOKU Project Leader
25.02.2016 - 31.01.2018
Sub Projectleader
01.02.2016 - 24.02.2016
Georg Bautz
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Bautz
Project Staff
02.03.2016 - 01.06.2017
Project Staff
14.09.2017 - 31.01.2018
Roland Tusch
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Roland Tusch
Tel: +43 1 47654-85201, 85219
Project Staff
01.02.2016 - 31.01.2018
BOKU partners
External partners
NIKKO Photovoltaik GmbH
AIT, Austrian Institute of Technology