Model system mimicking the cell envelope of archaea
- Nanowissenschaften und -technologie
Archaea are one of the oldest life-forms existing on Earth. These unicellular organisms are often adapted to extreme habitats. Since the cell envelope of many archaea consists only of a very thin layer of fat (lipid membrane), into which an outermost crystalline protein layer is anchored, the question arises how Nature can accomplish this high resistance to extreme environmental conditions. The present project will study the reassembly of cell envelopes of archaea using previously isolated biological components, i.e., lipids and proteins. It aims to clarify the question how the self-organization of etherlipids and surface layer proteins proceeds in detail and which anchoring strategies are available for the formation of an artificial cell membrane. In addition, the question is addressed which properties of the biomolecules themselves and their assembly into macroscopic cell envelopes cause this amazing resistance to the extreme habitat conditions. Hence, selected archaea strains will be bred in the bioreactor and subsequently the basic building blocks will be isolated from the biomass. In addition, the surface layer proteins can also be genetically produced by host cells. This is a new approach, which has previously not attempted by another research group. By the application of Nature’s construction principle, the cell envelope structure of archaea will be reconstructed layer by layer. Each step will be tracked and analyzed using modern microscopial and surfaces-sensitive techniques. The results of this project will provide valuable insights into the isolation and in particular the self-assembly of cell envelope components. This knowledge can be applied to produce surface coatings with very specific properties. Further application are biomimetic membrane systems for studying the cell walls of archaea. The latter may also serve as model systems into which membrane-active peptides and membrane proteins can be incorporated and systematically investigated.
Generation and characterization of artificial archaeal cell envelope structures and their relevance as model membrane platforms
Autoren: Schuster, B Jahr: 2016
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
external links and characteristics of the publication:Generation and characterization of artificial archaeal cell envelope structures and their relevance as model membrane platforms
Autoren: Schuster, B Jahr: 2017
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
external links and characteristics of the publication:S-layer protein lattice as a key component in biosensor development
Autoren: Schuster, B Jahr: 2018
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:S-layer protein-based biosensors
Autoren: Schuster, B Jahr: 2018
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:Physiology and methane productivity of Methanobacterium thermaggregans
Autoren: Mauerhofer, LM; Reischl, B; Schmider, T; Schupp, B; Nagy, K; Pappenreiter, P; Zwirtmayr, S; Schuster, B; Bernacchi, S; Seifert, AH; Paulik, C; Rittmann, SKMR Jahr: 2018
Journal articles
Exploiting Natural Nanomaterials in Biosensor Technology
Autoren: Damiati, S; Haslam, C; Kodzius, R; Awan, SA; Schuster, B Jahr: 2018
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:Generation and characterization of artificial archaeal cell envelope structures and their relevance as model membrane platforms
Autoren: Schuster, B. Jahr: 2018
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
external links and characteristics of the publication:Nitrosocaldus cavascurensis, an Ammonia Oxidizing, Extremely Thermophilic Archaeon with a Highly Mobile Genome.
Autoren: Abby, SS; Melcher, M; Kerou, M; Krupovic, M; Stieglmeier, M; Rossel, C; Pfeifer, K; Schleper, C; Jahr: 2018
Journal articles
Environmental factors influence the Haloferax volcanii S-layer protein structure.
Autoren: Rodrigues-Oliveira, T; Souza, AA; Kruger, R; Schuster, B; Maria de Freitas, S; Kyaw, CM; Jahr: 2019
Journal articles
CRISPR-mediated gene silencing reveals involvement of the archaeal S-layer in cell division and virus infection
Autoren: Zink, IA; Pfeifer, K; Wimmer, E; Sleytr, UB; Schuster, B; Schleper, C Jahr: 2019
Journal articles
CRISPR-mediated silencing of slaB reveals vital roles of the S-layer in cell division and virus infection in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus
Autoren: Pfeifer, K., Zink, I.A., Wimmer, E., Schuster, B., Schleper, C. Jahr: 2019
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:Electrochemical Biosensors Based on S-Layer Proteins
Autoren: Damiati, S; Schuster, B Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
Archaea Biotechnology.
Autoren: Pfeifer, K; Ergal, İ; Koller, M; Basen, M; Schuster, B; Rittmann, SKR; Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
Generation and characterization of artificial archaeal cell envelope structures and their relevance as model membrane platforms
Autoren: Schuster, B. Jahr: 2019
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
external links and characteristics of the publication:Generation and characterization of artificial archaeal cell envelope structures and their relevance as model membrane platforms
Autoren: Schuster, B. Jahr: 2020
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
external links and characteristics of the publication:Archaea in der Biotechnologie
Autoren: Rittmann, SK-M; Pfeifer, K; Palabikyan, H; Ergal, I; Schuster, B Jahr: 2021
Journal articles
Generation and characterization of artificial archaeal cell envelope structures and their relevance as model membrane platforms
Autoren: Schuster, B. Jahr: 2021
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
external links and characteristics of the publication:Functionalization of Graphene Oxide for Label-free Electrochemical Detection of Hepatic Cancer Cells
Autoren: Damiati, S; Awan, SA; Peacock, M; Schuster, B Jahr: 2023
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:
Project staff
Bernhard Schuster
ao.Univ.Prof. Bernhard Schuster
Tel: +43 1 47654-80436
Project Leader
01.10.2016 - 30.09.2021
BOKU partners
External partners
University of Vienna