LUBIO - Land Use, climate change and BIOdiversity in cultural landscapes (LUBIO):Assessing feedbacks and promoting land‐use strategies towards a viable future
- Boden und Landökosysteme
- Wasser - Atmosphäre - Umwelt
- Lebensraum und Landschaft
- Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und neue Technologien
- Lebensmittel, Ernährung, Gesundheit
- Nanowissenschaften und -technologie
Land-use and climate change are important, pervasive drivers of global environmental change and pose major threats to global biodiversity. Climate change will not only alter the pool of plant and animal species capable of thriving in a specific area, it will also force land owners to re-consider their land use decisions. Such changes in land-use practices may have major additional effects on local and regional species composition and abundance. The LUBIO project focuses on the anticipated systemic feedbacks between (1) climate change, (2) land owner’s decisions on land use, (3) land-use change, and (4) changes in biodiversity patterns during the coming decades in a regional context which integrates a broad range of land use practices and intensity gradients. An integrated socioecological model is designed and implemented, consisting of three principal components: (1) an agent based model (ABM) that simulates decisions of important actors, (2) a spatially explicit GIS model that translates these decisions into changes in land cover and land use patterns, and (3) a species distribution model (SDM) that calculates changes in biodiversity patterns following from both changes in climate and the land-use decisions as simulated in the ABM. This model is used to generate scenarios of future land-use decisions of landowners under climate change and, eventually, the combined effects of climate and land use changes on biodiversity. Model development of the ABM is supported by a participatory process intended to collect regional and expert knowledge through a series of expert interviews, a series of transdisciplinary participatory modelling workshops, and a questionnaire-based survey targeted at regional farmers.
Integrating decisions on land use and climate change to assess biodiversity changes in Austrian cultural landscapes: the LUBIO project
Autoren: Plutzar, C; Egger, C; Mayer, A; Haberl, H; Dullinger, S; Dullinger, I; Essl, F; Bohner, A; Gattringer A; Gaube, V Jahr: 2018
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Farmer’s decision-making and land use intensification: developing an integrated socio-ecological agent-based model of the Enns valley
Autoren: Gaube, V; Plutzar, C; Egger, C; Mayer, A; Haberl, H Jahr: 2018
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Co-creating formalized models: Participatory modelling as method and process in transdisciplinary research and its impact potentials
Autoren: Smetschka, B; Gaube, V Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
Biodiversity policy beyond economic growth
Autoren: Otero, I; Farrell, KN; Pueyo, S; Kallis, G; Kehoe, L; Haberl, H; Plutzar, C; Hobson, P; Garcia-Marquez, J; Rodriguez-Labajos, B; Martin, JL; Erb, KH; Schindler, S; Nielsen, J; Skorin, T; Settele, J; Essl, F; Gomez-Baggethun, E; Brotons, L; Rabitsch, W; Schneider, F; Pe'er, G Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
A socio-ecological model for predicting impacts of land-use and climate change on regional plant diversity in the Austrian Alps
Autoren: Dullinger, I; Gattringer, A; Wessely, J; Moser, D; Plutzar, C; Willner, W; Egger, C; Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Mayer, A; Bohner, A; Gilli, C; Pascher, K; Essl, F; Dullinger, S Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
Biodiversity models need to represent land-use intensity more comprehensively
Autoren: Dullinger, I; Essl, F; Moser, D; Erb, K; Haberl, H; Dullinger, S Jahr: 2021
Journal articles
Using the SECLAND model to project future land-use until 2050 under climate and socioeconomic change in the LTSER region Eisenwurzen (Austria)
Autoren: Egger, C; Plutzar, C; Mayer, A; Dullinger, I; Dullinger, S; Essl, F; Gattringer, A; Bohner, A; Haberl, H; Gaube, V Jahr: 2022
Journal articles
Project staff
Veronika Gaube
Mag.rer.nat. Dr.phil. Veronika Gaube
Tel: +43 1 47654-73721
Project Leader
01.05.2015 - 30.06.2019
Claudine-Caroline Egger
Mag. Mag. Dr. Claudine-Caroline Egger
Tel: +43 1 47654-73737
Project Staff
01.05.2015 - 30.06.2019
Andreas Mayer
Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Andreas Mayer
Tel: +43 1 47654-73727
Project Staff
01.05.2015 - 30.06.2019