Spatiotemporal models for streamflow - Evolution and enhancement of statistical space-time methods that extend temporal and spatial statistics for river networks
- Wasser - Atmosphäre - Umwelt
Spatiotemporal models are a common approach to a wide range of environmental problems. In this context it can be distinguished between a single spatiotemporal model, temporal functions correlated in space or spatial functions correlated in time. Applications of time series extended to a spatial scale are widely used in modelling air pollution, whereas spatial methods extended to a temporal scale can be found in, e.g., soil moisture modelling or interpolation of meteorological variables. However, the application of spatiotemporal models to streamflow is rare. This can be explained by the nested characteristics of streamflow catchments, the tree-wise structure of river networks and spatial and temporal variability of co-variables, such as physiographic catchment characteristics or meteorological variables. Considering these conditions, it is essential to develop and improve spatiotemporal models for streamflow that take the specific spatial and temporal variability into account. Therefore, the project’s aim is to adapt spatiotemporal methods for streamflow and to extend temporal and spatial models to a space-time framework. The main hypothesis of the doctoral proposal is the following: Spatiotemporal models for streamflow can be developed that yield better predictions than (i) point-wise methods in time or space, (ii) and spatiotemporal methods that do not consider the river network topology. To assess this science question in detail, the project is split up into four work packages and each is completed by the submission of a paper to a peer-reviewed journal.
How standard are standardized drought indices? Uncertainty contributions for the SPI & SPEI case
Autoren: Laimighofer, J; Laaha, G Jahr: 2020
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:Combining statistical learning and geostatistical approaches in a spatiotemporal framework for low flow estimation
Autoren: Laimighofer, J; Melcher, M; Parajka, J; Laaha, G Jahr: 2021
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:Parsimonious statistical learning models for low-flow estimation
Autoren: Johannes Laimighofer; Michael Melcher; Gregor Laaha Jahr: 2022
Journal articles
Effect of merging large datasets on prediction accuracy of low flow estimation by random forest
Autoren: Laimighofer, J; Laaha, G Jahr: 2022
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:
Project staff
Gregor Laaha
Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz.DI. Dr.techn. Gregor Laaha
Tel: +43 1 47654-85101, 85116
Project Leader
01.05.2019 - 30.04.2022
Johannes Laimighofer
Mag.Dr. Johannes Laimighofer M.Sc.
Tel: +43 1 47654-85124
Project Staff
01.05.2019 - 30.04.2022