GreenLane – fast tracking value and resilience in industrial wood supply
Forest industries depend on a stable year-round supply of even log quality. GreenLane focuses on assortment-specific value-tracking in order to develop managerial responses giving improved mill customer value in the face of challenging climate scenarios. GreenLane builds on Era-Net MultiStrat (Multimodal Strategies 2016-2018) which quantified regional seasonality for harvesting production and transport, with the corresponding variation in lead times which drive roundwood value development. The development of multimodal strategies (combined use of road, rail and sea) provides the foundation for more efficient and resilient supply chains, which because of climate impacts on forest operations, are of growing importance. Even for natural disturbances such as windthrow with subsequent risk for bark beetle outbreaks, multimodal solutions provide the structural flexibility for efficient supply chain responses to such events. These solutions demand tighter management of lead time threshholds during critical seasons. GreenLane continues this work to further develop the competitiveness of European wood supply. Goal - The overall goal of the project is to develop a virtual supply chain laboratory environment enabling value-tracking and interactive testing of harvesting and transport responses to challenging climate scenarios. The focus is on implementing weather-driven models for wood quality and availability. The study compares three European case study areas in continental, sub-arctic and oceanic conditions. Output – The main output is to identify and quantify the combined potential of value-tracking and managerial responses for log quality, supply security and delivery costs under varying climate scenarios. The final output consists of best-practice guidelines for managerial response that improve the resilience of wood supply systems to climate change impacts including natural disturbances.
- wood quality
- supply security
- logistics
GreenLane - Holzqualität und Resilienz in der Holzbereitstellung -1.Zwischenbericht
Autoren: Rauch, P; Kogler, C; Kanzian, C; et al. Jahr: 2020
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Technical note 1 - Architecture extension. D1 for T1 fulfilling MS1 - Common framework for architecture extension
Autoren: Kogler, C; Rauch, P; Holzfeind, T; Kanzian, Ch; Westlund, K; Eliasson, L; Gobakken, LR; Fjeld, D; Jahr: 2019
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Technical note 2.2 - Draft model development sub-model. D2.2 for T2.2 in fulfilment of MS3 - Draft sub-models for value tracking and managerial response routines both available to whole project team
Autoren: Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Gobakken, LR; Baier, P; Kirisits, T; Westlund, K; Eliasson, L; Kogler, C; Rauch, P; Fjeld, D; Jahr: 2020
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Technical note 3.2 - Draft management response sub-models. D3.2 for T3.2 in fulfilment of MS3 - Draft sub-models for value tracking and managerial response routines both available to whole project team
Autoren: Westlund, K; Eliasson, L; Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Gobakken, LR; Baier, P; Kirisits, T; Kogler, C; Rauch, P; Fjeld, D; Jahr: 2020
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
GreenLane IBM - integrating Insect, Blue stain and Moisture content prediction models for value tracking in supply chain simulation
Autoren: Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Baier, P; Kirisits, T; Gobakken, L R; Westlund, K; Rauch, P; Fjeld, D Jahr: 2020
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Autoren: Kogler, C; Rauch, P Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
Decision support by discrete event simulation for the wood supply chain
Autoren: Kogler, C Jahr: 2020
Doctoral Thesis
Technical note 3.3 - Managerial response sub-models. D3.3 for T3.3 in fulfilment of MS4 - Value tracking function and managerial response sub-models both ready to implement in regional case models
Autoren: Westlund, K; Eliasson, L; Kogler, C; Rauch, P; Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Gobakken, LR; Fjeld, D Jahr: 2021
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Technical note 2.3 - Validated value development sub-models. D2.3 for T2.3 in fulfilment of MS4 - Value tracking function and managerial response sub-models both ready to implement in regional case models
Autoren: Holzfeind, T; Kanzian, C; Böhm, S; Gobakken, LR; Baier, P; Kirisits, T; Westlund, K; Eliasson, L; Kogler, C; Rauch, P; Fjeld, D Jahr: 2021
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
GreenLane IBM - Insect, Blue stain and Moisture content prediction for enhanced value tracking in supply chain simulations
Autoren: Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Baier, P; Kirisits, T; Gobakken, L R; Fjeld, D Jahr: 2021
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
GreenLane: Validated value development sub-models
Autoren: Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Böhm, S; Gobakken, L R; Baier, P; Kirisits, T; Westlund, K; Eliasson, L; Kogler, C; Rauch, P; Fjeld D Jahr: 2021
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
GreenLane Holzqualität und Resilienz in der Holzbereitstellung - 2. Zwischenbericht
Autoren: Rauch, P; Kogler, C; Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Kirisits, T; Baier, P Jahr: 2021
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
GreenLane Holzqualität und Resilienz in der Holzbereitstellung - Endbericht
Autoren: Rauch, P; Kogler, C; Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Kirisits, T; Baier, P; Eliasson, L; Fjeld, D. Jahr: 2022
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Qualitätsentwicklung von Fichtenrundholz nach der Ernte - Prognose und Simulation
Autoren: Kanzian, C; Böhm, S; Holzfeind, T; Baier, P; Kirisits, T; Rauch, P Jahr: 2022
Chapter in collected volumes
GreenLane: Regional model documentation
Autoren: Fjeld, D; Kogler, C; Rauch, P; Eliasson, L Jahr: 2022
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
GreenLane: Test results and synthesis of best practice guidelines
Autoren: Fjeld, D; Kogler, C; Rauch, P; Eliasson, L Jahr: 2022
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Simulating log quality driven transport strategies
Autoren: Rauch, P; Kogler, C Jahr: 2022
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Quality driven Transport Strategies for the Wood Supply Chain
Autoren: Kogler, C; Rauch, P Jahr: 2022
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Verborgener Wertverlust: Gefällt und geliefert - so viel verliert die Forstwirtschaft
Autoren: Rauch, P; Kogler, C; Kanzian, C; Holzfeind, T; Kirisits, T; Baier, P Jahr: 2022
Journal articles
Blue-stain development on Norway spruce logs under alpine conditions
Autoren: Böhm, S; Baier, P; Kirisits, T; Kanzian, C Jahr: 2023
Journal articles
Project staff
Peter Rauch
Hon.-Prof. Priv.- Doz. DI Dr. Peter Rauch
Tel: +43 1 47654-73414
Project Leader
01.03.2019 - 28.02.2022
Thomas Kirisits
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Thomas Kirisits
Tel: +43 1 47654-91601, 91611
Project Staff
01.06.2021 - 31.08.2021
Christoph Kogler
Dr.rer.soc.oec. Christoph Kogler BSc.MSc.
Tel: +43 1 47654-73421
Project Staff
01.03.2019 - 04.10.2020