Joint efforts to increase water management adaptation to climate changes in Central Europe. TEACHER-CE
TEACHER-CE is integrating and harmonizing results of previously funded projects recognizing their links to topic V-Climate change (CC) adaptation and risk prevention. The main territorial challenge to be addressed concern development of effective CC adaptation processes and prevention of water-related risks in CE, where the effects can be already clearly observed and, in future years, could have strong impact at territorial level. The main objective is to develop an integrated TEACHER-CE Toolbox focusing on management of water resources, including CC, floods/heavy rain/drought risk prevention, small water retention measures and protection of water resources through sustainable land-use management, based on the integration of tools of selected projects: RAINMAN, FRAMWAT, PROLINE-CE, SUSTREE, LUMAT (all CE); H2020 FAiRWAY; LifeLocalAdapt; DRIDANUBE and DAREFFORT (DTP), C3SDisaster Risk Reduction Sectoral Information System and C3S Soil Erosion Demo Case. The project focuses on downstreaming of project outputs/tools to municipalities/regions; TEACHER-CE project will build on tools for integrated water management including CC adaptation and risk prevention of previously funded projects. Experiences gained on local level within TEACHER-CE will be applied for maximizing Toolbox use to effectively and robustly upstream CC adaptation in sectoral plans. The innovation of TEACHER is the controlled and documented integration process of outputs and multiple tools of previously funded projects from different funding programs in a single toolbox with testing and verification in 9 pilot actions in 8 countries. The project will demonstrate how a transnational, level-spanning and cross-sectoral designed partnership creates innovation by focusing on one central topic by fostering a critical exchange of knowledge and experiences of persons and institutions involved aiming on rapid and thorough CC adaptation process of different sectors, having land-use management in specific focus.
- drinking source water protection
- flood protection
- heavy rainfall strategies
- climate adaptation
- land-use
Project staff
Eduard Hochbichler
Ao.Univ.Prof.i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Eduard Hochbichler
Tel: +43 1 47654-91321
Project Leader
01.03.2020 - 30.04.2022
Elisabeth Gerhardt
Dipl.-Ing. Elisabeth Gerhardt
Tel: +43 1 47654-99500
Project Staff
01.03.2020 - 30.04.2022
Roland Köck
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Roland Köck
Tel: +43 1 47654-91322
Project Staff
01.03.2020 - 30.04.2022