Effects of particle size, conservation method, and cutting time (AM/PM) on forage efficiency in grassland-based dairying
Based on the observations made during the previous research project no. 101210 “forage efficiency” and the results of a comprehensive literature research, three different approaches have been chosen in the current research project to modify hay particle size, forage conservation method, and time of day at mowing of forages. The aim of this project is to test the effects of these modifications on the feed intake behavior, nutrient and energy supply and performance of dairy cows as well as the nutrient digestibility. 1) Harvest of wilted forage from grassland at a dry matter (DM) content of 60 – 65%, subsequently barn dried; Substantial reduction of particle size of hay in a diet consisting of >80% hay and <20% concentrate on a DM basis; A comparison of chopped and non-chopped hay. 2) Use of wilted forages from grassland harvested at a DM content of 35 – 40% and preserved either as hay after an indoor dehydration process, or as silage. Each of these two preserved forages is included in one of the two rations at a proportion of >80% (DM basis). A comparison of two rations either based on hay or silage and supplemented with <20% of concentrate (DM basis). 3) Sun-down or sun-up cut of grassland forage, harvested at a DM content of 60 – 65% and subsequently barn dried. Inclusion of these two types of hay in the daily ration at a proportion of >80% (DM basis); Addition of concentrates at a proportion of <20% (DM basis).
- particle size
- forage
- grass silage
- hay
- milk yield
Effects of particle size reduction of meadow hay on feed intake, apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients and performance of organic dairy cows
Autoren: Bauer, K; Eghbali, M; Hartinger, T; Haselmann, A; Zollitsch, W; Fürst-Waltl, B; Knaus, W; Zebeli, Q Jahr: 2023
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Differently Conserved (Ensiled vs. Barn-Dried) Grass Forage: Effects on Organic Dairy Cows’ Feed Intake and Performance and on the Digestibility of Nutrients
Autoren: Bauer, K; Eghbali, M; Hartinger, T; Fürst-Waltl, B; Zollitsch, W; Zebeli, Q; Knaus, W Jahr: 2023
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Project staff
Wilhelm Friedrich Knaus
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Wilhelm Friedrich Knaus
Tel: +43 1 47654-93235
Project Leader
01.12.2021 - 30.11.2024
Katrin Bauer
Katrin Bauer M.Sc.
Tel: +43 1 47654-93212
Project Staff
01.12.2021 - 30.11.2024
Werner Zollitsch
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Werner Zollitsch
Tel: +43 1 47654-93211, 99101, 99111
Project Staff
01.12.2021 - 30.11.2024
BOKU partners
External partners
Institute of Animal Nutrition and Functional Plant Compounds,_x000D_ University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna