Improved assessment of nutrient supply for organic farms using phosphorus as an example
Phosphorus (P) is an essential and limited plant nutrient. It must be used as efficiently as possible. In organic farming, biological nitrogen (N) fixation by legumes is the most important source of nitrogen. P deficiency reduces biological N fixation, N availability, and crop rotation yield levels and threatens production sustainability on organic farms. P balance balances are usually negative on organic market crop farms, and plant available P (PCAL) levels are often suboptimal on longer organic farms. Does a negative P impact balance or a supply level A or B mean that P is in shortage and crop stands are undersupplied? In practice, it is difficult for farmers to assess this information and take the right measures. Using the example of the nutrient phosphorus, on-farm and external possibilities to increase nutrient availability will be investigated and developed. On-farm, plant species with high P mobilization capacity can increase P availability and P efficiency. Recycled P fertilizers provide an off-farm P source, close material cycles regionally, and conserve reservoir supplies. Awareness of the need to use P more efficiently in agriculture and to close P loops regionally is still underdeveloped in some cases. Project objectives and expected benefits: - Improved practitioner assessment of P supply to cropland sites, considering P mobilization potential from stable P pools. - Development of management strategies to improve on-farm P availability: mobilization of P from stable pools on sites with low P availability through catch crops and mixtures. - Improved estimation of P fertilizer effectiveness of different organic fertilizers and P and K mobilization from stable pools based on a long-term experiment. - Information for farmers on the nutrient phosphorus and its management: better assessment of the current phosphorus supply status of the fields; knowledge of which measures on the farm contribute to P mobilization; decision-making basis for management measures to improve one's own phosphorus supply on a field-specific basis. Farmers learn to make targeted use of their own P reserves available in the soil.
2. Zwischenbericht (November 2022-April 2023) EIP-Projekt PHOSVER
Autoren: Gollner, G., Surböck, A. Jahr: 2023
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
1. Zwischenbericht EIP-Projekt PHOSVER (Mai 2022-Oktober 2022)
Autoren: Gollner, G., Surböck, A. Jahr: 2022
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Project staff
Gabriele Gollner
Mag.rer.nat. Dr.nat.techn. Gabriele Gollner
Tel: +43 1 47654-93324
Project Leader
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Lili Adele Josefine Bauer
Lili Adele Josefine Bauer B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Jürgen Kurt Friedel
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Jürgen Kurt Friedel
Tel: +43 1 47654-93317
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Hannah Pauline Fäßle
Hannah Pauline Fäßle B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Armin Kapaurer
Armin Kapaurer B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Selma Kreuzer
Selma Kreuzer B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Julien David Peters
Julien David Peters B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Josef Platzgummer
Josef Platzgummer B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Christoph Roscher
Christoph Roscher B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Andreas Surböck
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Surböck
Tel: +43 1 47654-93322
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Alexandra Tiefenbacher
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Alexandra Tiefenbacher
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Marie-Luise Wohlmuth
Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Marie-Luise Wohlmuth MSc
Tel: +43 1 47654-93316
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Veronica Wrana
Veronica Wrana B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025
Leopold Fritz Karl Zehl
Leopold Fritz Karl Zehl B.Sc.
Project Staff
01.05.2022 - 30.04.2025