Optimising forest operations for sustainable forest management and high-value applications
OptiForValue’s ultimate goal is to develop, test, and demonstrate high-value forest-based value chains based on efficient forest management and wood production and use, while supporting the economic, environmental, and socioeconomic sustainability principles. In addition, the project aims to increase the value, competitiveness, and sustainability of existing forest-based value chains, particularly in those regional forest-based value chains impacted or likely to be severely impacted by climate change in the following decades. The OptiForValue consortium, consisting of 7 companies and 12 R&D Organizations will accelerate the creation of at least four resilient, sustainable, and high-value forest-based regional value chains that will be the basis to transform other forest-based supply chains across Europe. The design and implementation of these high-value forest-based regional value chains will be built on cutting-edge scientific knowledge and participative engagement with relevant stakeholders in each region. These transformed high-value value chains will accelerate the transition to a more sustainable bioeconomy.
Project staff
Christian Kanzian
Assoc. Prof. Priv.Doz.DI Dr.nat.techn. Christian Kanzian
Tel: +43 1 47654-91515
BOKU Project Leader
01.09.2024 - 31.08.2028
Sonja Vospernik
Assoc. Prof. Priv.Doz.DI Dr.nat.techn. Sonja Vospernik
Tel: +43 1 47654-91412
Sub Projectleader
01.09.2024 - 31.08.2028