Research project REGRASS 3
The REGRASS 3 project builds on the findings of the previous REGRASS 1 and 2 projects. It serves to maintain 10 m wide meadows established in 2016 in the years 2024-26. This is essential in order to carry out the comparative survey of plants and animals in the meadows newly established in 2016 and ÖPUL-funded biodiversity areas in 2026. These surveys are necessary to see how the contribution to the promotion of insect biodiversity of the established meadows is developing 10 years after sowing. The continuous intensive observation of a biodiversity-promoting landscape element over 10 years is unique and allows conclusions to be drawn about its long-term success. REGRASS 3 serves to provide management and action recommendations in order to test the flowering mixtures developed in REGRASS for ÖPUL suitability. Ultimately, the added value of maintaining a biodiversity-promoting landscape element over 10 years is to be demonstrated. Translated with (free version)
Project staff
Thomas Frank
Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr. Thomas Frank
Tel: +43 1 47654-83311
Project Leader
01.04.2024 - 31.07.2027