Survey of the volume and composition of littered waste and waste collected in public waste bins in Austria ('Littering in Austria 2025')
The core objective of the project is the nationwide survey of the volume and composition of littered waste collected via public waste bins on the basis of the analysis guideline for waste disposed of in public collection systems and littered waste within the meaning of Art. 8 Single-Use Plastics Directive, Directive 2019/904/EU, which enables efficient, transparent and comparable surveys based on the ratio of analysis effort and achievable accuracy and clearly describes the entire investigation process incl. definition of the investigation objective, division of the population, planning and implementation of analyses including sorting and documentation. It also provides a concise and clear description of the entire survey process (including definition of the survey objective, subdivision of the population, planning and implementation of analyses, including sorting and documentation).
Project staff
Peter Beigl
Dipl.-Ing.Mag.rer.soc.oec. Peter Beigl
Tel: +43 1 47654-81314
Project Leader
01.10.2024 - 30.06.2025