Bedload Transport Surveys in Alpine Catchments
The ‘Bedload Transport Surveys’ project aims to intensify research in the field of bedload monitoring and the analysis of sediment transport processes. Therefore, a detailed evaluation of the data obtained as part of contract research projects is carried out. In addition, the project aims to develop innovative methods and optimise existing procedures. The focus here is on the quantitative and qualitative recording and analysis of sedimentological transport processes in rivers and streams. These intensification are intended to provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics and mechanisms of sediment transport, which should ultimately contribute to an improvement in the management of the sediment balance of watercourses and the conservation of river ecosystems.
Project staff
Rolf Rindler
Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Rindler
Tel: +43 1 47654-81926
BOKU Project Leader
01.07.2024 - 31.12.2030