Review of guideline values for suspended sediment concentration and duration for native fish in Austria
- Landschaft, Wasser, Lebensraum und Infrastrukturen
The aim of the basic research project is to test different guideline values with regard to suspended sediment concentration and duration of concentration on native fish. The experimental animal test, which is carried out with brown trout, grayling and bullhead, is intended to provide new insights into fine sediment management in hydropower plants and river engineering in general. The experiments will be carried out in the hydraulic engineering laboratory at BOKU in the so-called “Sediment Impact Assessment Flumes”. In addition, the habitat conditions for the fish are varied in the experiment. On the one hand, optimal habitat characteristics are simulated, which reflect the characteristics of a natural watercourse. On the other hand, increased flow velocities are also experimentally simulated in order to simulate the influence of river obstructions in the marginal areas (trapezoidal profiles). The results of the project will be published as part of a guideline for fine sediment management.
- hydropower
- sediment management
- reservoir flushing
- hydrobiology
- suspended sediments
Project staff
Christoph Hauer
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Christoph Hauer
Tel: +43 1 47654-81912
Project Leader
01.10.2024 - 31.12.2025