Optimisation of the composting of digestate with regard to compost quality and low-emission operation
The previous practice of open windrow composting of digestate from the biogas plant in Lana, South Tyrol, faced significant challenges, including odor nuisances that led to complaints from local residents. Due to these issues, on-site composting was discontinued, and the digestate was instead transported to other regions or exported. The aim of this project is to develop a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for utilizing digestate that avoids the problems of the past. Optimized, low-emission on-site composting offers an opportunity to strengthen the regional circular economy, protect the environment, and reduce costs (e.g., by avoiding long transport distances). In light of the proposed Renewable Gas Act and the associated promotion of biogas production, efficient utilization of digestate is expected to become increasingly important in Austria as well. The project aims to develop an optimized process for windrow composting of digestate and residues from the food industry that minimizes odor and greenhouse gas emissions while enabling efficient utilization of this valuable resource. By combining targeted process control with comprehensive monitoring, the project seeks to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for the on-site use of digestate.
Project staff
Marlies Hrad
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Marlies Hrad
Tel: +43 1 47654-81316
Project Leader
01.12.2024 - 30.06.2026