WLS Report 43-1: Debris potential evaluation of the 'Schwarzbach', installation of a monitoring system and derivation of counter measures, on behalf of the BMLF
The sediment regime of the Schwarzbach is simulated by a hydrological model, which was developed by the 'BOKU-Zentrum für Geoinformationswesen', for a recurrent design event with a return period of 100 years. Import data are the Geology and the recent geomorphologic processes to get detailed and comprehensible debris potentials and sediment discharges. Therefore geological and a geomorphologic maps are produced. The channel is to be divided in homogeneous segments, the relevant parameter have to be mapped and saved in a database. The different segments of the channel are classified by a kind of expert system according to their sediment contribution. At the fan sediment analyses are made for qualification and quantification of former events. The sediment-simulation will be applied up to an inclination of 15 percent. To this simulation model measurements will be added to estimate their effect.
- sediment regime simulation
- flood retention
Erfassung geschieberelevanter Parameter und Simulation des Geschiebehaushaltes des Leoganger Schwarzbaches, IAN Report 43/Bd. 1
Autoren: Hübl, J; Leber, D; Brauner, M; Steinwendtner, H; Scherz, W; Holzinger, G Jahr: 2002
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Project staff
Johannes Hübl
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Johannes Hübl
Tel: +43 1 47654-87111
Project Leader
28.10.1998 - 30.06.2002
Michael Brauner
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Brauner
Tel: +43 1 47654-87100
Project Staff
28.10.1998 - 30.06.2002
BOKU partners
External partners
Fa. Sommer