WLS Report 50: Developing of technical bases for designing open constructions for sediment management in torrents, on behalf of the BMLF
Since the 70's open checkdams are used for sediment management in torrents. This development had its origin in Austria and was taken over in many other countries. With these constructions the function of dosing and sorting bedload should be achieved. AULITZKY in this connection spoke of model experiments on a scale 1:1. A systematic proof that with these checkdams the sediment regime can actually be influenced in the desired way, was so far not furnished. Only personal experiences with these constructions exist. Comprehensible sizing bases are missing, so that projecting engineers can only fall back to their experience. On the base of now approximately 30 years of experience with these constructions in the forest-technical service of the WLV and the model experiments in the past in the context of this project inquiries and model tests will be done. They lead to developing design recommendations for open constructions in sediment management. Aim of the project is an evaluation of the function of the open checkdams used in the forest-technical service of the WLV and a derivative of quantitative designing rules, in order to offer the projecting engineers a tool, which allows to design counter measures at the state of the art.
Project staff
Johannes Hübl
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Johannes Hübl
Tel: +43 1 47654-87111
Project Leader
30.03.1999 - 30.09.2002