StartClim2011.D: Survey and utilisation of the potential capacity of Austrian native tree species to perform under actual and future climatic stress
- Boden und Landökosysteme
- Wasser - Atmosphäre - Umwelt
- Lebensraum und Landschaft
Instead of immediate and unreflecting utilisation of foreign (non-European) tree species for silviculture in Austria the potential capacity of native trees to scope with the challanges of future climate (longer periods of drought or very high or low temperatures). In this project we want to analyse the bioclimatic amplitudes of native tree species valuable from the economic as well as the ecological point of view. Any available measurement of water balance of forest sites will be utilized as well as indirect estimates of environmental resources by calculation of averages and ranges of indicator values on the base of vegetation surveys. By this means we want to identify populations of trees that are highly resistant against relatively longer drought periods and more intense periods of high or low temperature. Consequently, such populations can be used predominantly for the propagation of trees in nurseries as well as for direct seeding. Threads of native biodiversity by such cultivation material can be supposed to be lower than in case of planting foreign species. Additionally, this projekt is linked to a collaborative project of German and Russian scientist on the analysis of bioclimatic envelopes of conspecific Russian trees and the options for their cultivation in Middle Europe.
Österreichische Forstwirtschaft im Klimawandel: Suche nach trockenheitsangepasstem forstlichen Vermehrungsgut
Autoren: Bassler, G., Karrer, G., Willner, W. Jahr: 2013
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Project staff
Gerhard Karrer
Ao.Univ.Prof.i.R. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat. Gerhard Karrer
Tel: +43 1 47654-83119
BOKU Project Leader
15.11.2011 - 11.12.2013
Helmut Schume
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Helmut Schume
Tel: +43 1 47654-91201, 91214
Project Staff
15.11.2011 - 11.12.2013
BOKU partners
External partners
Vienna Institute for Nature Conservation and Analyses
PD Dr. Wolfgang Willner