Tobias Michael Höhn
Tobias Michael Höhn M.A.
Institute of Social Ecology (SEC)
Location Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien
Research Focus
Once 'Ende der Fläche' and back again? This explains, albeit pointedly, my fundamental enthusiasm for thinking along the lines of social metabolism. As a historian, I try to incorporate both quantitative (e.g. using MEFA) and qualitative (concepts such as cultural evolution) elements, depending on the subject matter.
In my research at BOKU as a PhD student of the HR21 Industrialized River Landscapes I will focus on the transformation of the urban metabolism of the Danube in Vienna.
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- 2024 Institute for Social Ecology
- 2020 - 2023 M.A. History (University of Regensburg)
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