Pierre Ellssel
Dipl.-Ing. Pierre Ellssel
Institute of Agronomy
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Email pierre.ellssel@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-95008
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Optimising soil health in Africa: A holistic approach to fertiliser management with ex situ organic resources
Autoren: Ellssel, P; Snapp, S; Saussure, S; Nyakanda, F; Place, F; Masso, C; Burke, W; Posthumus, H; Freyer, B
Event: Tropentag 2024. Explore opportunities... for managing natural resources and a better life for all
Year: 2024 - Potential of ex-situ organic resources for soil health in Africa - An exploratory analysis across 12 African countries -
Autoren: Ellssel, P
Event: Tropical Summit 2024
Year: 2023 - Alternative agricultural approaches for the South – all the same or clear distinctions?
Autoren: Schaefer, R; Ellssel, P; Freyer, B
Event: Tropentag - International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development
Year: 2023 - From Waste to Wonder? Scaling the off-farm Production of Organic and Biofertilizers in Africa – A Scoping Study
Autoren: Ellssel, P; Saussure, S; Nyakanda, F; Amizero, N; Abdelrahman, H; von Abubakari, F; Koopmanschap, E; Dimitriou, I; Posthumus, H; Freyer, B
Event: Tropentag - International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development
Year: 2023 - Scaling Agro-ecological practices: Unveiling evidence, exploring opportunities, and prioritizing barriers
Autoren: Ellssel, P
Event: In-Person Training for Professionals in Smart Farming Technologies
Year: 2023 - Drought monitoring / prediction using remotely-sensed data and SSP climate change scenarios in a Tunisian olive orchard
Autoren: Zare, M; Hobart, M; Boussadia, O; Ben-Hamouda, A; Chaieb, N; Ellssel, P; Schirrmann, M
Event: Tropentag - International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development
Year: 2022 - Convergence and Divergence of Smart and Precision Farming Technologies, Agroecological Principles and Smallholder Agriculture in Africa
Autoren: Ellssel, P; Hobart, M; Freyer, B; Schirrmann, M; Saussure, S; Borchard, N
Year: 2022 - The Myth of Agroecology – Examples from Uganda
Autoren: Freyer, B; Jank, R; Klepsch, R; Ekyaligonza, M D; Tibasiima, T K; Kisakye, V; Ellssel, P
Event: Tropentag 2022
Year: 2022 - Integrating agro-ecological practices and smart farming to improve agricultural production and insect pest control
Autoren: Ben Hamouda, A; Boussadia, O; Saussure, S; Ellssel, P; Schirrmann, M; Hobart, M; Young, G H F
Event: 4TH MEDITERRANEAN FORUM for PhD Students and Young Researchers
Year: 2022 - Convergence and divergence of smart and precision farming technologies, agroecological principles and smallholder agriculture in Africa
Autoren: Ellssel, P; Hobart, M; Freyer, B; Schirrmann, M; Saussure, S; Borchard, C
Event: Tropentag 2022
Year: 2021 - Participatory Curriculum Development for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology
Autoren: Dietrich, P; Ellssel, P; Freyer, B
Event: Organic World Congress 2021
Year: 2021 - Food Systems in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: Critical Reflections on Health and Ecological Crises
Autoren: Freyer, B; Amare, Y; Bieling, ; Lopez Cifuentes, M; Ellssel, P; Fiala, V; Kiskaye, V; Sanjuan, L D; Wieck, C; Bingen, J
Event: iV ISA Forum of Sociology
Year: 2020 - Changes in food behaviour during the pandemic: a cross-country study looking for changes in eating motivations, intake, food access and waste management
Autoren: Lamy, E; Viegas, C; Rocha, A; Lucas, MR; Tavares, S; Capela e silva, F; Guedes, D; Laureat, M; Zien, Z; Machado, SA; Ellssel, P; Freyer, B; Gonzalez-Rodrigo, E; Calzadilla, J; Majewski, E; Pazeres, I; Silva, V; Juracak, J; Vorlickova, PL; Kamutali, A; Tscha, RE; Villalobos, K; Zelvyte, R; Elati, J; de Souza Pinto, AM; Anzman-Frasca, S
Event: EUROSENSE 2020: 9th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research
Year: 2018 - A Farming Systems Analysis in Ethiopia's Wheat Belt – Challenges and Perspectives for more Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Autoren: Ellssel, P; Freyer, B; Rahmann, G
Event: Tropentag, International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development 2018
Year: 2017 - Productivity and Profitability Evaluation of Agronomic Interventions in Smallholder Wheat Production in Arsi, Ethiopia
Autoren: Ellssel, P; Rahmann, G; Freyer, B
Event: Tropentag 2017
Year: 2016 - Challenges and Constraints for the Adoption of Organic Farming Methods by Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopia.
Autoren: Ellssel, P; Klappoth, B; Schoeber, M; Porcuna Ferrer, A; Oberländer, S
Event: Tropentag, International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development 2016
Year: 2016 - Potential and Challenges - Goal 15 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Autoren: Ellssel, P; Peureux, A
Event: Wüstentag-Konferenz 2016 (World day to combat desertification)