Vera Pfanzagl
Dipl.-Ing. Vera Pfanzagl Ph.D.
Protein Biochemistry
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-77279
ORCID: 0000-0002-9361-8365
57200222267: AuthorId
AAE-9025-2019: ResearcherId
Research Focus
We study the structure-function relationship of human heme peroxidases using a combination of biochemical analysis, X-ray crystallography and molecular biology. Currently we focus on three proteins, Myeloperoxidase (MPO) and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) from the innate immune response and Thyroid peroxidas (TPO), the main enzyme catalyzing thyroid hormone production. We want to unravel the fine differences between MPO and EPO to understand their divergent function and to find exploitable structural traits for design of new selective inhibitors. The membrane bound TPO on the other hand, is not only essential for hormone biosynthesis but also a main auto-antigen in Hasimotos disease. Here we focus on solving the crystal structure and understanding the properties of TPO in detail.
- 2024 Elise-Richter Fellow (Department of Chemistry, BOKU)
- 2019 - 2024 Post-Doc (Department of Chemistry, BOKU)
- 2015 - 2019 Dissertation withing the international PhD programme BioToP at the Department of Chemistry, BOKU
- 2015 Technician at the Department for Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, BOKU
- 2014 FEMtech internship at the Department for Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, BOKU
- 2011 master thesis at the NIBR Novartis, Switzerland
- 2011 - 2014 Master Biotechnology (BOKU)
- 2007 - 2011 Bachelor Food- and Biotechnology (BOKU)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024Â -Â Myeloperoxidase dimerization in solution is mediated by interface glycans
Autoren: Leitgeb, U; Furtmüller, PG; Obinger, C; Pfanzagl, V
Event: 34th European Crystallographic Meeting 2024
Year: 2022Â -Â Biochemistry of Enzymes Involved in the Coproporphyrin-Dependent Heme Biosynthesis Pathway of Gram-Positive Bacteria
Autoren: Hofbauer, S; Gabler, T; Patil, G; Michlits, H; Pfanzagl, V; Obinger, C; Furtmüller, PG
Event: Gordon Research Conference - Chemistry and Biology of Tetrapyrroles
Year: 2022Â -Â Structural and mechanistic insights in dimeric chlorite dismutase - Impact of pH and the dynamics of the catalytic arginine
Autoren: Schmidt, D; Serra, I; Hofbauer, S; Pfanzagl, V; Van Doorslaer, S; Obinger, C; Furtmüller, P.G.
Event: 16th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2022
Year: 2022Â -Â New insights into B-class dye-decolorizing peroxidases: tracing radical sites with electron paramagnetic resonance
Autoren: Van Doorslaer, S; Nys, K; Furtmüller, PG; Obinger, C; Pfanzagl, V;
Event: 12th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phtalocyanines ICPP-12 2022
Year: 2022Â -Â Reactivity of peroxidases and chlorite dismutases with chlorite and hypochlorite: a spectroscopic investigation of short-lived intermediates trapped by fast freeze-quenching
Autoren: Serra, I; Schmidt, D; Hofbauer, S; Pfanzagl, V; GarcÃa-Rubio, I; Furtmüller, PG; Obinger C; and Van Doorslaer, V;
Event: The 55th Annual International Meeting of the ESR Spectroscopy Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry 2022
Year: 2022Â -Â X-ray induced reduction of heme metal centers is protein-independent
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Beale, JH; Michlits, H; Schmidt, D; Gabler, T; Obinger, C; Djinovic-Carugo, K; Hofbauer, S;
Event: 33rd European Crystallographic Meeting
Year: 2021 - Coproporphyrin ferrochelatase – study of relevant residues for substrate and product binding
Autoren: Gabler, T; Pfanzagl, V; Obinger, C; Furtmüller PG; Hofbauer, S
Event: International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines - ICPP11
Year: 2019Â -Â X-ray induced redcution kinetics of heme metal centers is protein-independent
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Beale, J; Schmidt, D; Michlits, H; Gabler, T; Djinovic-Carugo, K; Obinger, C; Hofbauer, S
Event: 11th Human Peroxidase Meeting
Year: 2019Â -Â Posttranslational Modification of Heme in Peroxidases - Impact on Structure and Function
Autoren: Furtmüller, PG; Nicolussi, A; Sevcnikar, B; Paumann-Page, M; Auer, M; Zamocky, M; Pfanzagl, V; Hofbauer, S; Obinger, C
Event: 19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2019
Year: 2019Â -Â An actinobacterial representative sheds a new light on the reaction mechanism of coproheme decarboxylases
Autoren: Michlits, H; Pfanzagl, V; Furtmüller, PG; Djinovic-Carugo, K; Obinger, C; Hofbauer, S
Event: 19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2019
Year: 2019Â -Â YfeX - A new player involved in the redox gated potassium efflux pump KefC
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Schwaiger, L; Michlits, H; Hofbauer, S; Obinger, C
Event: Gordon Research Conference: Mechanisms of Membrane Transport
Year: 2019Â -Â X-ray induced redcution kinetics of heme metal centers is protein-independent - implications for structural studies of redox sensitive proteins
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Beale, J; Schmidt, D; Michlits, H; Gabler, T; Djinovic-Carugo, K; Obinger, C; Hofbauer, S
Event: 19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2019
Year: 2019 - X-ray induced reduction of heme metal centers is protein-independent – implications for structural studies of redox sensitive proteins
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Beale, JH; Schmidt, D; Michlits, H; Gabler, T; Djinovic-Carugo, C; Obinger, C; Hofbauer, S
Event: Hot Topics in Crystallography 4
Year: 2019Â -Â Molecular mechanism of coproheme to heme b conversion
Autoren: Hofbauer, S; Milazzo, L; Gabler, T; Pühringer, D; Pfanzagl, V; Djinovic-Carugo, K; Furtmüller, PG; Obinger, C; Smulevich, G
Event: 19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2019
Year: 2018Â -Â Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of EfeB
Autoren: Michlits, H., Pfanzagl, V., Schwaiger, L., Furtmüller, P. G., Hofbauer, S., Obinger, C.
Event: OxiZymes 2018
Year: 2018 - Posttranslational Modification of Heme in Peroxidases – Impact on Structure and Catalysis
Autoren: Furtmüller, PG; Nicolussi, A; Auer, M; Paumann-Page, M; Sevcnikar, B; Pfanzagl, V; Zámocký, M; Hofbauer, S; Obinger, C;
Event: Tenth International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-10)
Year: 2018Â -Â Pulsed EPR analysis of dye-decolorizing peroxidases and chlorite dismutases
Autoren: Van Doorslaer, S., Nys, K., Pfanzagl, V., Obinger, C., De Schutter, S., González P.J.
Event: EMBO workshop “Challenges for magnetic resonance in life sciences"
Year: 2018Â -Â Mechanistic Studies on Coproheme Decarboxylase
Autoren: Hofbauer, S; Milazzo, L; Mlynek, G; Gabler, T; Howes, BD; Pfanzagl, V; Djinović-Carugo, K; Furtmüller, PG; Smulevich, G; Obinger, C
Event: Tenth International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-10)
Year: 2018Â -Â New insights into the B-class dye-decolorizing peroxidases: An EPR study of the heme and radical sites in a DyP from K. pneumoniae
Autoren: Nys, K., Pfanzagl, V., Mlynek, G., Djinovic-Carugo, K., Obinger, C., Van Doorslaer, S.
Event: 51st meeting of the ESR Spectroscopy Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Year: 2018Â -Â Crystal and Electronic Structure of Compound I in Dye-decolorizing Peroxidases
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Hofbauer, S; Beale, J; Mlynek, G; Michlits, H; Nys, K; Van Doorslaer, S; Djinovic-Carugo, K; Furtmüller, PG; Obinger, C
Event: Tenth International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-10)
Year: 2018Â -Â On Compound I formation in B-type dye decolorizing peroxidases - lessons from structural and kinetic studies.
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V., Nys, K., Mlynek, G., Djinović-Carugo, K., Van Doorslaer, S., Furtmüller, P. G., Hofbauer, S., Obinger, C.
Event: OxiZymes 2018
Year: 2018 - Coproheme decarboxylases – phylogenetic prediction versus biochemical analysis.
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V., Holcik, L., Maresch, D., Michlits, H., Furtmüller, P. G., Obinger, C., Hofbauer, S.
Event: OxiZymes 2018
Year: 2017Â -Â Roles of the distal Asp-Arg pair in Compound I formation of K. pneumoniae dye-decolorizing peroxidase
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Hofbauer, S; Nys, K; Djinovic-Carugo, K; Battistuzzi, G; Van Doorslaer, S; Furtmuller, PG; Obinger, C
Event: International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry ICBIC-18 2017
Year: 2017Â -Â Roles of the distal Asp-Arg pair in compound I formation of K. pneumoniae dye-decolorizing peroxidase
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Hofbauer, S; Nys, K; Djinović-Carugo, K; Battistuzzi, G; Van Doorslaer, S; Furtmüller, P.G; and Obinger, C;
Event: International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry ICBIC-18 2017
Year: 2016Â -Â Dye decolorizing peroxidases - A new heme-peroxidase family with ancient roots
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Schaffner, I; Hofbauer, S; Furtmuller, P; Obinger, C
Event: European Congress on Biotechnology 2016
Year: 2016 - Dye decolorizing peroxidases – a new heme-peroxidase family with ancient roots
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V; Schaffner, I; Hofbauer, S; Furtmüller, P.G; Obinger, C
Event: 17th European Congress on Biotechnology ECB17 2016
Year: 2016 - Dye-decolorizing peroxidases – a new heme-peroxidase family with ancient roots
Autoren: Pfanzagl, V., Furtmüller, P. G., Obinger, C. 2016. Dye-decolorizing peroxidases – a new heme-peroxidase family with ancient roots
Event: 13th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference EuroBIC 2016