Jorick Vanbeselaere
Dr. Jorick Vanbeselaere
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2020 - Sulphated and sialylated N-glycans in the echinoderm Holothuria atra reflect its marine habitat and phylogeny
Autoren: Vanbeselaere, J
Event: 31st MassSpec Forum
Year: 2018 - Analysis and recognition of anionic and zwitterionic glycans from invertebrates
Autoren: Wilson, IB; Hykollari, A; Eckmair, B; Yan, S; Vanbeselaere, J; Paschinger, K
Event: Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Glycobiology (SFG)
Year: 2017 - The expanding glycouniverse: diverse glycan modifications in lower eukaryotes
Autoren: Wilson, LBH; Yan, S; Hykollari, A; Eckmair, B; Vanbeselaere, J; Paschinger, K
Event: Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Pharmacology-and-Experimental-Therapeutics (ASPET) at Experimental Biology Meeting
Year: 2017 - The expanding glycouniverse: diverse glycan modifications in lower eukaryotes
Autoren: Wilson, IB; Paschinger, K; Hykollari, A; Vanbeselaere, J; Yan, S; Eckmair, B
Event: Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Glycobiology
Year: 2016 - Structure and biosynthesis of complex N-glycan cores and antennae in nematodes
Autoren: Paschinger, K; Yan, S; Vanbeselaere, J; Wilson, IBH
Event: Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Glycobiology